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1. 你首先尝试使用 pip install moviepy指令是否可以正常安装moviepy库(我在python2.7上和python3.7上都尝试了这中安装方式都安装不了,所以不得不采用下面这个方式)

2.采用source文件安装.参照 https://blog.csdn.net/ucsheep/article/details/81000982 下载这个库的source文件,然后按照目录下的 README.rst 的指示安装,


  1. $ (sudo) pip install ez_setup
  2. $ (sudo) python setup.py install



ERROR: moviepy 1.0.3 has requirement imageio<2.5,>=2.0, but you'll have imageio 2.8.0 which is incompatible.


pip install imageio









  1. # -*-coding:utf-8-*-
  2. # this python script is to concatenate a sequence of videos into one
  3. # import cv2
  4. from moviepy.editor import *
  5. import os
  6. import linecache
  7. import shutil
  8. #inputVideoPath = "/media/yunlei/Seagate/collection_device_data/20200603/大仟里L2主干道大圈-1591150453197/"
  9. # outputVideoPath = "/media/yunlei/Seagate/collection_device_data/20200603/concatenated/大仟里L2主干道大圈-1591150453197/"
  10. inputVideoPath = "/media/yunlei/Seagate/collection_device_data/20200603/大仟里L2主干道-1591155992285/"
  11. outputVideoPath = "/media/yunlei/Seagate/collection_device_data/20200603/concatenated/大仟里L2主干道-1591155992285/"
  12. def videoconcatenate(left_right_depth):
  13. print("this function is to implement concatenation")
  14. dirs = os.listdir(inputVideoPath)
  15. videoList = []
  16. videoCount = 0
  17. for videoDir in dirs:
  18. videoName = inputVideoPath + str(videoCount) + "/" + left_right_depth + ".mp4"
  19. if os.path.exists(videoName):
  20. videoElement = VideoFileClip(videoName)
  21. videoList.append(videoElement)
  22. videoCount = videoCount + 1
  23. concatenateProcessLeft = concatenate_videoclips(videoList)
  24. concatenateProcessLeft.to_videofile(outputVideoPath + "/" + left_right_depth + ".mp4", fps = 20, remove_temp = False)
  25. def combinefiles(fileName):
  26. print("start to comebine files")
  27. #This list is used to store all file data
  28. filePathList = []
  29. fileDataList = []
  30. fileCount = 0
  31. filePathes = os.listdir(inputVideoPath)
  32. for filePath in filePathes:
  33. fileType = inputVideoPath + str(fileCount) + "/" + fileName + ".txt"
  34. if os.path.exists(fileType):
  35. filePathList.append(fileType)
  36. # print(fileType)
  37. fileCount = fileCount + 1
  38. totalline = 0
  39. for fileElement in filePathList:
  40. lineNumber = 1
  41. fileLength = len(open(fileElement, encoding='utf-8').readlines())
  42. totalline = totalline + fileLength
  43. #print(fileLength)
  44. while lineNumber <= fileLength:
  45. line = linecache.getline(fileElement, lineNumber)
  46. #print(line)
  47. line = line.strip()
  48. fileDataList.append(line)
  49. lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
  50. print(totalline)
  51. fileAll = open(outputVideoPath + "/" + fileName + ".txt", 'w+', encoding='utf-8')
  52. for i, p in enumerate(fileDataList):
  53. print(i,p)
  54. fileAll.write(p+'\n')
  55. fileAll.close()
  56. def combineFolders(folderName):
  57. folderList = []
  58. folderCount = 0
  59. outputFolderPath = outputVideoPath + "/" + folderName + "/"
  60. folderPathes = os.listdir(inputVideoPath)
  61. print(folderPathes)
  62. for folderPath in folderPathes:
  63. folerType = inputVideoPath + "/" + str(folderCount) + "/" + folderName
  64. print("folderType")
  65. print(folerType)
  66. print("start to copy file")
  67. if os.path.exists(folerType):
  68. filesInFolder = os.listdir(folerType)
  69. print("filesInFolder")
  70. print(filesInFolder)
  71. for fileInFolder in filesInFolder:
  72. totalPath = folerType + "/" + fileInFolder
  73. print("print totalPath")
  74. print(totalPath)
  75. if not os.path.exists(outputFolderPath):
  76. os.mkdir(outputFolderPath)
  77. outputFileName = outputFolderPath + "/" + fileInFolder
  78. shutil.copyfile(totalPath, outputFileName)
  79. folderCount = folderCount + 1
  80. #define the main function,from this function your users functions are called
  81. def main():
  82. # combine Bluetooth folder
  83. combineFolders("Bluetooth")
  84. # combine wifi folder
  85. combineFolders("wifi")
  86. # concatenate video left
  87. videoconcatenate("left")
  88. # # # concatenate video right
  89. videoconcatenate("right")
  90. # # #concatenate video depth
  91. videoconcatenate("depth")
  92. # combinefiles("video_time")
  93. combinefiles("Camera_time")
  94. # combinefiles("Bluetooth_times")
  95. combinefiles("wifi_times")
  96. #the entrance of this projrct
  97. if __name__ == "__main__":
  98. main()



for videoDir in dirs:

这种,会将dirs路径下的所有文件都获取到,如果比如说我这里的路径下就包括了文件加和文件,而我希望对文件夹做处理,所以我就要先将文件夹挑拣出来.下面就是我只检索那些是文件夹,并且文件夹上有.mp4格式视频的文件目录我才把他们count in.

  1. videoLeft = inputVideoPath + str(videoCount) + "/" + "left.mp4"
  2. videoRight = inputVideoPath + str(videoCount) + "/" + "right.mp4"
  3. videoDepth = inputVideoPath + str(videoCount) + "/" + "depth.mp4"
  4. if os.path.exists(videoLeft):

第二种,这种os.walk(path)的方式可以返回root就是根目录path,dirs就是root目录下所有的文件夹,以及文件夹下的文件夹,files就是root path下所有的文件.所以你需要根据你的需求来选择使用哪种遍历方式.

  1. for root, dirs, files in os.walk(inputVideoPath):
  2. for name in files:
  3. print(os.path.join(root, name))
  4. for name in dirs:
  5. print(os.path.join(root, name))
  6. print(len(videoLeftAll))


