2021-5- 14 1~90 题
2021-5-27 91~ 122 题
1.Which two statements are true about space-saving features in an Oracle Database? 节省空间特性
A.An index created with the UNUSABLE attribute has no segment. 不可用索引自动删除索引段
B.Private Temporary Tables(PTTs)store metadata in memory only. 私有临时表元数据存在内存中
C.Private Temporary Tables(PTTs) when used, are always dropped at the next commit statement.
D.An index that is altered to be UNUSABLE will retain its segment
E.A table that is truncated will always have all of its extents removed
C、私有临时表和全局临时表都有ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS和ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS的两种分类(delete rows用于事务相关,也就在事务结束后truncate data in the temporary table,preserve rows表示在会话结束后清除临时表的数据)
D、不可用的索引会被删除段,已使用alter index unusable测试
2. Which two statements are true about views? 视图
A.A view must only refer to tables in its defining query.
B.The WITH CHECK clause prevents certain rows from being displayed when queryingthe view .
C.Views can be updated without the need to re-grant privileges on the view. 视图无需重新授权可以更新
D.The WITH CHECK clause prevents certain rows from being updated or inserted in the underlying table through the view. WITH CHECK通过视图阻止修改原表
E.Views can be indexed
3.Examine the description of the products table 产品表,聚合函数
A.SELECT prod_id, AVG(MAX (cost)) FROM products GROUP BY prod_id.
B.SELECT prod_id, MAX (AVG (cost)) FROM products GROUP BY prod_id:
C.Select prod_id, release_date, SUM(cost) FROM products GROUP BY prod_id
D.SELECT prod_id, release_date, SUM(cost) FROM products GROUP BY prod_id, release_date group by 字段必须在select 中
4.You currently have an active transaction in your session and have been granted select access to V$TRANSACTION 事务
In which three situations will re-executing this query still return a row but with a different XID indicating a new transaction has started? 重新换了新的事务
A.after successfully executing a TRUNCATE statement followed by a DML statement 清空和DML后
B.after successfully executing a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement followed by a SELECT FOR UPDATE statement 在成功执行CREATE TABLE AS Select语句之后,执行Select FOR UPDATE语句
C.after successfully executing a CREATE TABLE statement followed by a CREATE INDEX statement
D.after successfully executing a commit or ROLLBACK followed by a DML statement在成功执行commit或ROLLBACK和DML语句之后
E.after successfully executing a DML statement following a failed DML statement
F.after successfully executing a commit or ROLLBACK followed by a Select statement
5. Which two statements are true about the PMON background process? PMON 进程,监控和管理进程
A.It rolls back transactions when a process fails 进程失败,回滚事务
B.It registers database services with all local and remote listeners known to the database instance
C.It frees unused temporary segments
D.It frees resources held by abnormally terminated processes 释放异常终止进程占的资源
E.It records checkpoint information in the control file
6.Examine the description of the BOOKS_TRANSACTIONS table: 事务表
Which two WHERE conditions give the same result? 哪两个where条件结果相同
A.WHERE borrowed_date= SYSDATE AND (transaction_type ='RM' AND (member_id 'A101' OR member id ='A102' ))
B.WHERE borrowed_date= SYSDATE AND (transaction_type ='RM' OR member_id IN ('A101', 'A102'))
C.WHERE borrowed_date= SYSDATE AND (transaction_type ='RM' AND member_id 'A101' OR member id ='A102')
D.WHERE borrowed_date= SYSDATE AND transaction_type ='RM' OR member_id IN ('A101', 'A102') OR的理解(and连接的两个条件和or并列)
E.WHERE (borrowed_date= SYSDATE AND transaction_type ='RM') OR member_id IN A101','A1021) OR的理解 (and连接的两个条件和or并列)
7.Which three statements are true?
A.The second ROLLBACK command restores the row that was inserted
B.The first ROLLBACK command leaves the inserted row locked
C.The second ROLLBACK command restores the 100 rows that were in the table originally第二个回滚命令恢复原来表中的100行
D.The second ROLLBACK command rolls back the ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT a command
E.The first ROLLBACK command leaves the table's 100 original rows locked第一个回滚命令将表的100行原始记录锁定
F.The first ROLLBACK command restores the 100 rows that were in the table originally第一个回滚命令恢复原来表中的100行
8.Which is the default column or columns for sorting output from compound queries using SET operators such as INTERSECT in a SQL statement? 默认排序列
A.the first NUMBER or VARCHAR2 column in the last select of the compound query
B.the first NUMBER column in the first select of the compound query
C.the first vARCHAR2 column in the first select of the compound query
D.the first column in the first select of the compound query
E.the first column in the last selects of the compound query 最终select的第一列
9. Examine the description of the MEMBERS table:
You want to display all cities that contain the string AN. The cities must be returned in ascending 城市(city)正序排名
order with the last_names further sorted in descending order. last_name倒序排名
Which two clauses must you add to the query?
A.ORDER BY 1, LNAME DESC 等同于 order by city asc,lname desc
C.WHERE city IN ('%AN%')
D.WHERE city= '%AN%'
E.WHERE city LIKE '%AN%' 包含AN
F. ORDER BY last_name DESC, city ASC
10.You want to apply the principle of Least Privilege in all your live databases.最小权限原则
One of your requirements is to revoke unnecessary privileges from all users who have them using Privilege Analysis. 撤销不必要的权限
Which two are types of analyses that can be done using the DBMS PRIVILEGE CAPTURE package?
A.analysis of privileges that a user has on other schema's objects 分析用户对其他对象的权限
B.analysis of privileges that a user has on their own schema objects
C.analysis of privileges granted indirectly to a role that are then used by a user who has been ranted that role 分析间接角色权限
D.analysis of privileges granted directly to a role that are then used by a user who has been granted that role
E.analysis of all privileges used by the sys user
11.which two statements are true about undo segments and the use of undo by transactions in an Oracle database instance 撤销段和撤销事务的理解
A.A single transaction may use multiple undo segments simultaneously.
B.Undo segments can be stored in the SYSAUX tablespace(SYSAUX是SYSTEM表空间的辅助表空间)
C.Undo segments can extend when a transaction fills the last extent of the undo segment
D.Undo segments can wrap around to the first extent when a transaction fills the last extend of the undo segment
E.Undo segments can be stored in the SYSTEM tablespace.Undo段可以存储在SYSTEM表空间中
12.In the PROMOTIONs table, the PROMO_BEGIN_DATE column is of data type DATE and the default date format is DD-MON-RR
Which two statements are true about expressions using PROMO_BEGIN_DATE contained in a query?
A.PROMO_BEGIN_DATE- SYSDATE will return a number 算时间天数
B.TO_DATE(PROMO_BEGIN_DATE * 5) will return a date
C.TO NUMBER(PROMO_BEGIN_DATE.- 5 will return a number
D.PROMO_BEGIN_DATE- SYSDATE will return an error
E.PROMO_BEGIN_DATE- 5 will return a date 日期-5天
13.Which three statements are true about the naming methods and their features supported by Oracle database used to resolve connection information? 解析连接信息的命名方法和特点
A.Directory Naming can be used if Connect-Time Failover is required 连接时间故障转移-目录命名
B.Local Naming requires setting the TNS ADMIN environment variable on the client side
C.Local naming can be used if Connect-Time Failover is required连接时间故障转移-本地命名
D.Directory Naming requires setting the TNS ADMIN environment variable on the client side
E.A client can connect to an Oracle database instance even if no client side network admin has been configure 没有客户端网络管理员,客户端也可以连接到Oracle数据库实例
F. Easy Connect supports TCP/IP and SSL
14.Examine the description of the SALES1 table 销售表
SALES2 is a table with the same description as SATES1 表2和表1结构相同
Some sales_data is contained erroneously in both tables 两个表都有错误数据
You must display rows from SATES1 and SALES2 and wish to see the duplicates too Which set operator generates the required output? 展示两个表的所有数据,包括重复数据
15.Which two statements are true about Oracle synonyms? 别名
A.A synonym can be created on an object in a package
B.A synonym can have a synonym 同义词可以有同义词
C.Any user can create a PUBLIC synonym
D.A synonym has an object number 同义词有对象号
E.All private synonym names must be unique in the database
16. Examine the description of the PRODUCT_DETAILs table: 产品明细表
Which two statements are true?
A.PRODUCT_NAME cannot contain duplicate values
B.EXPIRY_DATE contains the SYSDATE by default if no date is assigned to it
C.EXPIRY_DATE cannot be used in arithmetic expressions
D.PRODUCT_PRICE can be used in an arithmetic expression even if it has no value stored in it. product_price即使为空也可以用算术表达式
E.PRODUCT_PRICE contains the value zero by default if no value is assigned to it
F.PRODUCT_ID can be assigned the PRIMARY KEY constraint. product_id可以作为主键
17.Which three statements are true about connection strings and service names used to connect to an Oracle database instance? 连接串和服务名
A.A connection string must include the SID of a database instance.
B.A single connection string can refer to multiple database instances单个连接字符串可以引用多个数据库实例
C.A connection string including a service name must be defined in the tnsnames.ora file
D.A service name is created by a listener
E.Different connection strings in the same tnsnames.ora file can contain the same service name host and port parameters 同一个tnsnames.ora文件里的不同连接字符串可以有相同服务名
F. A single database instance can support connections for multiple service names 单个实例支持多个服务名连接
18.Which compression method is recommended for Direct-Path Insert operations? 压缩方式
19.Which three statements are true about Deferred Segment Creation in Oracle databases?延迟段创建
A.It is the default behavior for tables and indexes. 表和索引的默认行为
B.It is supported for sys-owned tables contained in locally managed tablespaces
C.Sessions may dynamically switch back and forth from DEFERRED to IMMEDIATE segment creation. 会话可以动态切换,在延迟段创建和立即段创建之间
D.Indexes inherit the DEFERRED or IMMEDIATE segment creation attribute from their parent table索引从父表继承延迟段创建或立即段创建属性
E.It is supported for Index Organized Tables(IOTs) contained in locally managed tablespaces.
20.Which two Oracle database space management features require the use of locally managed Table spaces?什么空间管理特性,需用到本地管理表空间
A.Oracle Managed Files(OMF.
B.Server-generated tablespace space alerts 服务器生成的表空间警报
C.Online segment shrink
D.Free space management with bitmaps bitmaps的自由空间管理
E.Automatic data file extension (AUTOEXTEND
21.Which three statements are true about data block storage in an Oracle Database? 数据块存储
A.An index block can contain row data 索引块可以包含行数据
B.A data block header is of a fixed length
C.A table block must always contain row data
D.A block header contains a row directory pointing to all rows in the block.块头包含一个行目录,指向块中的所有行。
E.Row data is stored starting at the end of the block 从块的末尾开始存储行数据
22.Which two are true about a SQL statement using SET operators such as UNION?
A.The data type of each column returned by the second query must exactly match the data type of the corresponding column returned by the first query
B.The number, but not names, of columns must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query. UNION的列数必须相同
C.The names and number of columns must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query
D.The data type of each column returned by the second query is automatically converted to the data type of the corresponding column returned by the first query
E.The data type group of each column returned by the second query must match the data type group of the corresponding column returned by the first query. UNION返回的数据类型必须相同
23.Which two are benefits of external tables? 外部表的好处
A.They support UPDATES which transparently updates records in the file system as if they were table
B.They can be queried while the database is in the MOUNT state like dynamic performance views
C.They support DELETEs which transparently deletes records in the file system as if they were table rows
D.The results of a complex join or aggregating function or both can be unloaded to a file for transportation to another database可以将复杂连接或聚合函数的结果卸载到文件中,以便传输到另一个数据库
E.They can be queried, transformed, and joined with other tables without having to load the data first.它们可以被查询、转换和与其他表连接,而无需首先加载数据
24.Which three statements are true regarding the UNION and UNION ALL operators? UNION和UNION ALL
A.The number of columns selected by the first SELECT statement can be greater than the number selected in subsequent SELECT statements
B.Duplicates are eliminated automatically by the UNION ALL operator
C.The number of columns selected in each SELECT statement must be identical .列数必须相同。
D.NULLS are not ignored during duplicate checking.在重复检查期间,null不会被忽略
E.The names of columns selected in each SELECT statement must be identical
F.The names of columns selected in each SELECT statement can be identical.列名可以相同,也可以不同
G.Duplicates can optionally be eliminated by the UNION operator
25.The SALES table has columns PROD_ID and QUANTITY_SOLD of data type NUMBER. Which two queries execute successfully? 销售表
A.SELECT prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold >55000 AND COUNT(*)> 10 GROUP BY prod_id HAVING COUNT(*)>10:
B.SELECT COUNT (prod_id) FROM sales GROUP BY prod_id WHERE quantity_sold >55000
C.SELECT prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity sold >55000 AND COUNT(*)>10 GROUP BY COUNT(*)>10:
D.SELECT prod_id FROM sales WHERE quantity sold >55000 GROUP BY prod id HAVING COUNT (*)>10;
E.SELECT COUNT (prod_id) FROM sales WHERE quantity_sold >55000 GROUP BY prod id; 答案:DE
26.Which two statements are true about INTERVAL data types? INTERVAL
A.INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH columns support yearly intervals.支持每年的间隔
B.The YEAR field in an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH column must be a positive value
C.The value in an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND column can be copied into an INTERVAL YEAR TOMONTH column
D.INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH columns only support monthly intervals within a single year
E.INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND columns support fractions of seconds 支持几分之一秒
F. INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH columns only support monthly intervals within a range of years
27.Which two statements are true concerning logical and physical database structures?关于逻辑和物理数据库结构
A.A segment's' blocks can be of different sizes.
B.A segment might have only one extent一个段可能只有一个区段
C.All tablespaces may have one or more data files
D.Segments can span multiple tablespaces
E.A segment can span multiple data files in some tablespaces在某些表空间中,一个段可以跨越多个数据文件
28.Which two statements are true about the Oracle join and ANSI join syntax ?
A.The Oracle join syntax performs better than the SQL: 1999 compliant ANSI join syntax.
B.The Oracle join syntax lacks the ability to do outer joins
C.The SQL:1999 compliant ANSI join syntax supports creation of a Cartesian product of two tables 支持两个表的笛卡尔积
D.The Oracle join syntax supports creation of a Cartesian product of two tables 支持两个表的笛卡尔积
E.The Oracle join syntax performs less well than the SQL: 1999 compliant ANSI join syntax 答案:CD
29.Examine this command
Which two statements are true?
A.Queries and DML statements are allowed on ORDERs while the SHRINK is executing.收缩执行时,可以select 和dmlB.Dependent indexes become UNUSABLE
C.The SHRINK operation causes rows to be moved to empty space starting toward the end of the ORDERs segment
D.The SHRINK operation causes rows to be moved to the empty space starting from the beginning of the ORDERs segment.收缩操作导致数据被移动到空闲空间,从表段的头部开始
E.Only queries are allowed on ORDERs while the SHRINK is executing
F.The high-water mark(HWM)of ORDERs is adjusted
30. Which three are types of segments in an Oracle Database?
A.clusters 集群段
C.stored procedures
E.undo 撤销段
F. tables 表段
31.Which two statements are true about the SET VERIFY ON command? 验证命令
A.It displays values for variables prefixed with &&
B.It displays values for variables created by the DEFINE command.显示变量的值,
C.It can be used in SQL Developer and SQL*Plus .在sql-developer和sql*plus中使用
D.It can be used only in SQL*Plus
E.It displays values for variables used only in the WHERE clause of a query
32.Which are two of the account management capabilities that can be configured using Oracle profiles ? 账户管理功能使用配置文件配置
A.the number of days for which an account may be logged in to one or more sessions before it is locked
B.the number of days for which an account may be inactive before it is locked账号被锁前非活动的天数
C.the maximum number of sessions permitted for a user before the password must be changed
D.the ability to prevent a password from ever being reused 防止密码重复使用的能力
E.the maximum amount of cpu time allowed for a users sessions before their account is locked 答案:BD
33.Which three statements are true regarding single row subqueries ? 关于单行子查询
A.They must be placed on the left side of the comparison operator or condition
B.They must return a row to prevent errors in the SQL statement
C.They can be used in the HAVING clause. 可用于having从句中
D.A SQL statement may have multiple single row subquery blocks一个SQL语句可以有多个单行子查询块
E.They can be used in the WHERE clause 可以被用于where从句
F.They must be placed on the right side of the comparison operator or condition答案:CDE
34.You execute this command: 导出数据文件
During the export operation, you detach from the job by using crtl+c and then execute this command 退出job
Export> STOP JOB -immediate
Are you sure you wish to stop the job ( [yes] /no): yes
Which two statements are true about the job?
A.You can reattach to it and monitor it可以重连它并监视它
B.You can reattach to it but not monitor it
C.It terminates
D.It continues to run in the backaround
E.It is paused and can be resumed 它被暂停并且可以被恢复
35.Which three statements are true about the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)?自动诊断存储库
A.It is a file-based repository held outside any database 独立的基于文件的存储库
B.The ADR base is specified in the DIAGNOSTIC DEST database paramete (ADR base)在数据库参数(DIAGNOSTIC DEST)中指定
C.It is only used for Oracle Database diagnostic information
D.It is held inside an Oracle database schema
E.It can be used for problem diagnosis of a database when that database's' instance is down 用于问题诊断,当数据库实例关闭时
36.Examine this command 销售表
Which two statements are true?
A.DML,may be performed on tables with one or more extents in this data file during the execution of this command DML可以在具有一个或多个区段的表上执行
B.It overwrites any existing file with the name SALES02.DBF in /u02 by default.
C.Tables with one or more extents in this data file may be queried during the execution of this command SELECT查询可以在具有一个或多个区段的表上执行
D.Compressed objects in sales01.DBF will be uncompressed in SALES02.DBF after the move
E.The "To" clause containing the new file name must be specified even if Oracle Managed Files (OMF.is used
37.Which two statements are true about substitution variables?替换变量
A.A substitution variable used to prompt for a column name must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
B.A substitution variable prefixed with s always prompts only once for a value in a session
C.A substitution variable used to prompt for a column name must be enclosed in single quotation marks
D.A substitution variable prefixed with && prompts only once for a value in a session unless it is set to undefined in the session前缀为&&的替换变量只提示一次值
E.A substitution variable can be used only in a SELECT statement
F.A substitution variable can be used with any clause in a select statement替换变量可用户select 的任何子句
答案: DF
38. Examine this description of the TRANSACTIONS table 事务表
Which two SQL statements execute successfully?
A.SELECT customer_id CUSTID, transaction_date TRANS_DATE, amount+ 100 DUES FROM transactions
B.SELECT customer_id AS "CUSTOMER-ID", transaction_date AS DATE, amount + 100 "DUES" FROM transactions 关键字别名加双引号
C.SELECT customer_id AS 'CUSTOMER-ID', transaction_date As DATE, amount + 100 'DUES' FROM transactions 关键字别名加双引号
D.SELECT customer_id AS "CUSTOMER-ID", transaction _date As "DATE", amount + 100 DUES FROM transactions
E.SELECT customer_id AS CUSTOMER-ID, transaction date As TRANS DATE, amount+
100 "DUES AMOUNT" FROM transactions 关键字别名加双引号
答案: AD
39.Which two statements are true about the configuration and use of UNDO RETENTION
with no GUARANTEED RETENTION? 撤销空间(不保证保留)
A.Unexpired(未到期) UNDO is always retained 可能保留空间(不保证保留)
B.UNDO RETENTION specifies for how long Oracle attempts to keep unexpired UNDO给撤销的空间指定保留时长(去保留未到期的撤销空间)
C.UNDO_RETENTION specifies for how long Oracle attempts to keep expired and unexpired UNDO. (未到期,不能是到期的撤销空间)
D.UNDO RETENTION specifies how long all types of UNDO are retained(未到期,不能是到期的撤销空间)
E.Active UNDO is always retained 活跃的撤销空间总是保留
答案: BE
40.The ORDERS table has a column ORDER_DATE of data type DATE. 订单表,日期转换
The default display format for a date is DD-MON-RR
Which two WHERE conditions demonstrate the correct usage of conversion functions? 正确的转换函数
B.WHERE TO_CHAR(order_date, 'MON DD YYYY')= 'JAN 20 2019'
C.WHERE order_date > TO_DATE(JUL 10 2018','NON DD YYYY')
D.WHERE order_date= TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,6),'MON DD YYYY') 报错 E.WHERE order date IN (To_DATE('oct 21 2018','mon DD YYYY '), to_CHAR('Nov 21 2018', 'Mon DD YYYY')) 报错
答案: BC
41.Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table 员工表,数据类型转换
Which query requires explicit data type conversion(显示数据类型转换)?
A.SELECT join_date FROM employees WHERE join_date >'10-02-2018'; 需要显示转换
B.SELECT join date || ' '|| salary FROM employees
C.SELECT salary + '120.50' FROM employees
D.SELECT SUBSTR( join_date, 1, 2)- 10 FROM employees
E.SELECTjoin date + '20' FROM employees
答案: A
42.Your database instance is started with an SPFILE(二进制文件)
A PFILE(文本文件) is also available
You execute this command
Where is the value changed?
A.in the SPFILE and PFTIE
B.in the SPFILE, PFILE, and memory
C.only in the SPFILE
D.in the SPFILE and in memory 二进制文件和内存的值都会改变
E.only in memory
答案: D
43.The ORCL database has RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT =7200 可恢复时间配置and DEFERRED SEGMENTCREATION -FALSE 延迟段创建失败配置
User U1 has a 1 MB quota (配额)in tablespace DATA. 表空间配额1M
U1 executes this command
Ul complains that the command is taking too long to execute 执行时间太久
In the alert log, the database administrator (DBA ) finds this
2017-03-06912:15:17. 183438+05:30
statement in resumable session 'User U1(136), session 1, Instance 1 ' was suspended due to ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'DATA' 会话挂起
Which are three actions any one of which the DBA could take take to resume the session?恢复会话
A.Set AUTOEXTEND ON for data files in DATA 表空间不足,扩展数据文件没用
C.Increase U1's quota sufficiently in DATA 增加U1的配额
D.Grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to U1 授权无限制表空间给U1
E.Drop other U1 objects in DATA2 删除其他U1
F. Add a data file to DATA
答案: CDE
44.While one of your databases was in mount state, 挂在状态
the datafiles were renamed because they had been moved to a new file system 数据文件改名
The database was then opened.
Which two statements are true?
A.DBA DATA FILES displays both the new name and the old name for the data files
B.DBA DATA FILES displays the original name for the data files
C.V$DATAEILE displays the new names for the data files.视图展示新名称
D.DBA DATA FILES must be resynchronized manually with the control file in order to have it display the new file names
E.DBA DATA FILES displays the new name for the data files 展示新名
答案: CE
45.Which two statements are true about Database Instances and Real Application Clusters(RAC) 数据库实例和应用集群
A.A RAC database can have instances on separate servers 在不同服务器上拥有实例
B.A RAC database can have one instance
C.A RAC database must have two or more instances 集群有两个或以上的实例
D.Two RAC databases can share their instances
E.A RAC database must have three or more instances
答案: AC
46. The SALES_Q1 and USERS tablespaces exist in one of your databases两个表空间
And TEMP is a temporary tablespace. 临时表空间
Segment creation is not deferred. 段创建没有延迟
You execute this command 销售表
Which three statements must be true so that the sales user can create tables in
SALES_Q1? 销售表
A.The sales user must have been granted the CREATE TABLE privilege 授权建表
B.The sales user must have been granted the CREATE SESSION privilege授权建会话
C.The sales user must have a quota on the TEMP tablespace
D.The sales user must have a quota on the SALES_Q1 tablespace to hold the initial extents of all tables they plan to create in their schema 表空间有配额
E.The sales user must have a quota on the SALES_Q1 tablespace to hold all the rows to be inserted into any table in their schema
F. The sales user must have their quota on the users tablespace removed
答案: ABD
47. Which two statements are true about the DUAL table? dual表
A.It can display multiple rows and columns 可以展示多行和多列
B.It can be accessed only by the sys user. 任何有select权限用户都可以使用
C.It can display multiple rows but only a single column 多列
D.It can be used to display only constants(常数) or pseudo columns(伪列)
E.It can be accessed by any user who has the SELECT privilege in any schema.任何有select权限用户都可以使用
F. It consists of a single row and single column of VARCHAR2 data type 不限制数据类型
答案: A E
48. Which three statements are true about the DESCRIBE command?
A.It can be used from SQL Developer. 可以在sql-developer中使用
B.It displays all constraints that are defined for each column 不能显示所有约束
C. It can be used only from SQL*Plus 仅适用于sqsl*plus错误
D. It displays the PRIMARY KEY constraint for any column or columns that have that constraint.不显示主键约束
E. It displays the NOT NULL constraint for any columns that have that constraint.显示不为null约束
F. It can be used to display the structure of an existing view 显示视图结构
答案: AEF
49. Which two queries execute successfully? 哪两个sql查询能成功
答案: AD
Which three statements are true about inner and outer joins? 内关联,外关联
A.Outer joins can be used when there are multiple join conditions on two tables 多关联条件可以用外关联
B.Outer joins can only be used between two tables per query 可以多表关联
C.A left or right outer join returns only unmatched rows 返回主表的行
D.A full outer join returns matched and unmatched rows 全外关联返回所有
E.An inner join returns matched rows 内关联返回交集行
F. A full outer join must use Oracle syntax 多种语法
答案: ADE
51. View the Exhibit and examine the description of the tables
You execute this SQL statement 销售表
Which three statements are true?
A.The sales table has five foreign keys
B.The statement will execute successfully and a new row will be inserted into the SALES table C.A product can have a different unit price at different times
D.A customer can exist in many countries.
E.The statement will fail if a row already exists in the SALES table for product 23
F.The statement will fail because a subquery may not be contained in a VALUES clause
答案: ABD
52.View the Exhibits and examine the structure of the costs and PROMOTIONS tables
You want to display PROD IDS whose promotion cost is less than the highest cost PROD ID in a promotion time interval
Examine this SQL statement
What will be the result?
A.It executes successfully and gives the required result.
B.It gives an error because the GROUP BY clause is not valid
C.It executes successfully but does not give the required result
D.It gives an error because the ALL keyword is not valid
答案: C
53. You must create a tablespace of non- standard block size in a new file system and plan to use this command (创建表空间,非标准模式)
The standard block size is 8k but other non-standard block sizes will also be used. Which two are requirements for this command to succeed?
A.DB 32K CACHE SIZE must be set to a value that can be accommodated in the SGA
B.DB 32K CACHE SIZE should be set to a value greater than DB CACHE SIZE
C.DB 32K CACHE SIZE must be less than DB CACHE SIZE
D.The operating system must use a 32k block size
E.DB CACHE SIZE must be set to a size that is smaller than DB 32K CACHE SIZE
F. The/uo2 file system must have at least 100g space for the datafile
答案: AF
54.Which two statements are true about single row functions? 单行函数
A.FLOOR: retums the smallest integer greater than or equal to a specified number.应该向下取整
B.CEIL: can be used for positive and negative numbers 向上取整,正数负数都可以
C.CONCAT: can be used to combine any number of values 只支持两个字符串拼接
D.TRUNC: can be used only with NUMBER data types.可以截取日期和数值
E.MOD: returns the remainder of a division operation division 获取余数
答案: BE
55. Examine the description of the PRODUCT_STATUS table 产品状态表
The STATUS column contains the values 'in stock' or 'OUT OF STOCK' for each row Which two queries will execute successfully?
A.SELECT prod_id || q ' ('s not availablE.' FROM product_status WHERE status = 'OUT
B.SELECT prod_id || q ' ('s not availablE.' "CURRENT AVAILABILITY"FROM product_status WHERE status = 'OUT OF STOCK '
C.SELECT prod_id "CURRENT AVAILABILITY" || q ' ('s not availablE.' FROM
product_status WHERE status = 'OUT OF STOCK'
D.SELECT prod id || q('s not availablE.' CURRENT AVAILABILITY ' FROM
product_status WHERE status = 'OUT OF STOCK'
E.SELECT prod id q 's not available" FROM product_status WHERE status ="OUT OF
F.SELECT prod id || q" 's not available" FROM product_status WHERE status = 'OUT OF STOCK'
答案: AB
56. Which two statements are true about Enterprise Manager(EM)Express?
A.By default, EM Express is available for a database after database creation using DBCA
B.You can shut down a database instance using EM Express.
C.EM Express uses a separate repository database to store target database metadata
D. You cannot start up a database instance using EM Express
E.You can use a single instance of EM Express to manage multiple databases running on the same
答案: AD
57. In the spfile of a single instance database, (SPFILE 二进制文件 ) LOCAL LISTENER is set to LISTENER 1. The TNSNAMES ORA file in SORACLE HOME/network/admin in the database home contains: LISTENER 1 =
(HOST =host 1 abc. com)
(PORT= 1521)
Which statement is true?
A.There are two listeners named LISTENER and LISTENER 1 running simultaneously using port 1521on the same host as the database instances
B.The definition for LISTENER 1 requires a CONNECT DATA section to enable dynamic service registration
C. LISTENER 1 must also be defined in the LISTENER. ORA file to enable dynamic service registration
D.The LREG process registers services dynamically with the LISTENER_ 1 listener
E.Dynamic service registration cannot be used for this database instance
答案: A
58. Which two statements are true about UNDO and REDO?
A.The generation of UNDO generates REDO.
B.DML, modifies Oracle database objects and generates UNDO and REDO
C.DML modifies Oracle database objects and only generates UNDO.
D.The generation of REDO generates UNDO.
E.DML modifies Oracle database objects and only generates REDO
答案: AB
59 Examine the description of the CUSTOMERS table:
You need to display last names and credit limits of all customers whose last name starts with A o
r B in lower or upper case, and whose credit limit is below 1000
Examine this partial query
SELECT cust_last_name, cust_credit_limit FROM customers
Which two WHERE conditions give the required result?
A.WHERE(INITCAP(cust_last_namE.LIKE 'A%' OR INITCAP(cust_last_namE.LIKE 'B%') AND cust credit limit < 1000
B.WHERE UPPER(cust_ 1ast_namE.IN ('A%', 'B%' )
AND cust credit limit < 1000
C.WHERE (UPPER(cust_last_namE.LIKE INITCAP('A') OR UPPER(cust -Last-namE.LIKE INITCAP('B'))
AND ROUND(cust credit limit)< ROUND(1000);
D.WHERE( UPPER(cust_ 1ast_namE.LIKE 'A% OR UPPER(Cust_ 1ast_namE.LINK ‘B%’ AND ROUND(cust credit limit)< 1000
E.WHERE UPPER(cust_last_namE.BETWEEN UPPER ('A%' AND 'B%' )
AND ROUND(cust credit limit)< 1000
答案: AD
60. Which two statements are true about the tools used to configure Oracle Net Services?
A.The lsnrctrl utility requires a listener. ora file to exist before it is started
B.The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant is only used when running the Oracle installer.
C.Enterprise Manager Cloud Control can be used to centrally configure net service names for any database server target.
D.Oracle Net Manager can be used to centrally configure listeners on any database server target
E.Oracle Net Manager can be used to locally configure naming methods on a database server.答案: CE
61. Which statement is true about database links?
A.A database link created in a database allows a connection from that database's instance to the target database's instance, but not vice versa
B.Private database link creation requires the same user to exist in both the local and the remote databases
C.A public database link can be used by a user connected to the local database instance to connect to any schema in the remote database instance
D.A public database link can be created only by sys
E.A database link can be created only between two Oracle databases
答案: C
62. Which two statements are true about the Oracle Data Dictionary?
A.Data dictionary base tables can be queried directly.
B.All data dictionary view join base tables to dynamic performance views
C.It is owned by the SYSTEM user.
D.Data dictionary views are always created with queries that join two or more base tables
E.It is owned by the sys user.
64. In one of your databases, you create a user, HR, and then execute this command GRANT CREATE SESSION TO hr WITH ADMIN OPTION:
Which three actions can HR perform?
A.Grant the CREATE SESSION privilege with ADMTN OPTION to other users
B.Log in to the database instance.
C. Revoke the CREATE session privilege from other users
D.Execute DDL statements in the HR schema
E. Execute DML statements in the HR schema
F. Revoke the CREATE SESSION privilege from user HR
65. Which four statements are true regarding primary and foreign key constraints and the effect they can have on table data?
A.It is possible for child rows that have a foreign key to remain in the child table at the time the parent row is deleted
B.Primary key and foreign key constraints can be defined at both the column and table level
C.A table can have only one primary key and one foreign key.
D.A table can have only one primary key but multiple foreign keys
E.Only the primary key can be defined at the column and table level
F.The foreign key columns and parent table primary key columns must have the same names.
G.It is possible for child rows that have a foreign key to be deleted automatically from the child table at the time the parent row is deleted
66. Which two statements are true regarding Oracle database space management within blocks managed by Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM)?
A.Update operations always relocate rows into blocks with free space appropriate to the length of the row being updated
B.PCTFREE defaults to 10% for all blocks in all segments for all compression methods.
C.The first block with enough free space to accommodate a row being inserted will always be used for that row
D.ASSM assigns blocks to one of four fullness categories based on what percentage of the block is allocated for rows assign
E.Insert operations always insert new rows into blocks with free space appropriate to the length of the row being inserted
67. Which two statements are true about UNDO and UNDO tablespaces? (撤销表空间)
A.An UNDO tablespace may be owned by only one instance
B.UNDO segments are owned by SYSBACKUP
C.UNDO segments are owned by SYSTEM.
D.There can be only one UNDO tablespace created in a database
E.An instance will crash if the active undo tablespace is lost.
68. Which two statements are true regarding indexes?
A.An update to a table can result in updates to any or all of the table's indexes
B.An update to a table can result in no updates to any of the table's indexes
C.A non-unique index can be altered to be unique.
D.A table belonging to one user cannot have an index that belongs to a different user
E.The RECYCLE BIN never contains indexes
69.In your data center, Oracle Managed Files(OMF)is used for all databases
All tablespaces are smallfile tablespaces (所有表空间都是小文件表空间)
SALE_Q1 is a permanent user-defined tablespace in the sales database (永久的用户定义表空间)(销售表)
Examine this command which is about to be issued by a DBA logged in to the sales database ALTER TABLESPACE sales_q1 ADD DATAFILE;
Which are two actions, either one of which you could take to ensure that the command executes successfully?
A.Ensure that DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and DB CREATE_FILE_DEST each specify locations with at least 50 Mb of available space
B.Add the AUROEXREND ow clause with NEXT set to 100M.
C.Specify a path in the DAMAPILE clause of the command specifying a location with at least 100M of available space
D.Ensure that DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST specifies a location with at least 100 Mb of available space
E.Ensure that DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST each specify locations with at least
50 Mb of available space
70.The CUSTOMERS table has a CUST_LAST_NAME column of data type VARCHAR2
The table has two rows whose CUST_LAST_NAME values are Anderson and Ausson
Which query produces output for CUST_LAST_NAME containing Oder for the first row and Aus for the second?
A.SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTR(cust_last_name, -3),'AN', "O')FROM customers;
C.SELECT REPLACE(TRIM(TRAILING "SON' FROM cust_last_namE.,'AN, 'O') FROM customers
D.SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(cust_last_name, ' son', ' '),'AN', 'O')FROM customers;
71. Examine these commands
Which two statements are true about the sqlldr execution?
A.It overwrites the data for Alan and adds data for Curl and Bob
B.It generates a sql script that it uses to load data from EMP. DAT to EMP
C.It overwrites all data in EMP with data from EMP. DAT.
D.It generates a log that contains control file entries, which can be used with normal SQL*Loader operations
E.It appends data from EMP. DAT to EMP.
72. Which two tasks can you perform using DBCA for databases?
A.Configure a nonstandard block size for a new database
B.Configure incremental backups for a new database
C.Change the standard block size of an existing database
D.Register a new database with an available Enterprise Manager Management server.
E.Enable flashback database for an existing database
73. You need to calculate the number of days from 1st January 2019 until today.
Dates are stored in the default format of DD-MON-RR
Which two queries give the required output?
74.What is true about non-equi join statement performance?
A.The join syntax used makes no difference to performance.
B.The BETWEEN condition used with an non-equijoin sometimes performs better than using the >=and<= conditions
C.The BETWEEN condition used with an non-equijoin always performs better than when using the>=and <= conditions
D.The Oracle join syntax performs better than the sol: 1999 compliant ANSI join syntax
E.The Oracle join syntax performs less well than the sol: 1999 compliant ANSI join syntax
75. You start your database instance in NOMOUNT state.
Which two actions are performed?
A.sys can access the database.
B.All required background processes are started
C.Memory is allocated for the SGA
D.The consistency of the database is checked
E.The control files are opened
答案: BC
76.Which three statements are true about sequences in a single instance Oracle database?
A.A sequence number that was allocated can be rolled back if a transaction fails
B.A sequence can only be dropped by a DBA
C.Sequences can always have gaps
D.A sequence can issue duplicate values.
E.A sequence's' unallocated cached values are lost if the instance shuts down
F. Two or more tables cannot have keys generated from the same sequence
答案: CDE
77.Which three activities are recorded in the database alert log?
A.block corruption errors
B.Data Definition Language(DDL)statements
C.Non-default database parameters
D.deadlock errors
E.session logins and logouts
答案: ACD
78. Examine the description of the SALES table 销售表
A.SALES1 has NOT NULL constraints on any selected columns which had those constraints in the SAIES table
B.SALES1 is created with 55,000 rows
C.SALES1 has PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints on any selected columns which had those constraints in the sales table
答案: AB
79.Which two statements are true about User Authentication in an Oracle Database?
A.Password File authentication is supported for any type of database user
B.Operating System authentication may be used for system-privileged administrative users
C.Password authentication must be used for system-privileged administrative users
D.Password File authentication must be used for system-privileged administrative users
E.REMOTE LOGIN PASSWORDPILE must be set to exclusive to permit password changes for system privileged administrative users
80.Which two statements are true about segment types in an Oracle Database?
A.Table segments always have two or more extents.
B.Index segments always have two or more extents
C.Cluster segments may contain data from multiple tables.
D.Temporary segments are only stored in a temporary tablespace
E.Undo segments are only stored in an undo tablespace
81.Which three tasks are performed by background processes in an Oracle database instance?
A.registering services with Oracle Net listeners
B.writing dirty database block images from the buffer cache
C.writing redo to log files
D.reading database blocks into the buffer cache
E.creating dedicated server connections
答案: ABC
82.Examine these SOL statements which execute successfully
Which two statements are true after execution?
A.The primary key constraint will be enabled and IMMEDIATE
B.The foreign key constraint will be enabled and DEFERRED
C.The foreign key constraint will be disabled
D.The foreign key constraint will be enabled and IMMEDIATE
E.The primary key constraint will be enabled and DEFERRED
答案: AC
83.Which three statements are true about Private Temporary Tables (PTTs)in an Oracle Database?
A.Concurrent sessions may have PTTs with the same name but different column definitions
B.Concurrent sessions may have PTTs with the same name and the same column definitions
C.Creating a PTT is DDL and commits any active transaction for the session
D.It is possible to preserve the private table definition but remove the rows when a session with a PTT issues a COMMIT
E.Concurrent sessions may have PTTs with different names but same column definitions
答案: ABE
84.Table ORDER ITEMS contains columns ORDER_ID, UNIT_PRICE and QUANTITY, of data type NUMBER.
Examine these SQL statements
Which two statements are true?
A.Statement 1 returns only one row of output. 语句一返回一行
B.Statement 2 may return multiple rows of output.语句二返回多行
C.Statement 2 returns only one row of output.
D.Both the statements give the same output.
E.Both statements will return NULL if either UNIT PRICE or QUANTITY contains NULL
85.Which two statements are true about the results of using the INTERSECT operator in compound queries?
A.Reversing the order of the intersected tables can sometimes affect the output
B.INTERSECT returns rows common to both sides of the compound query 返回两个sql查询结果的交集
C.Column names in each SELECT in the compound query can be different.两个sql中的列名可以不同
D.The number of columns in each SELECT in the compound query can be different
答案: BC
86. Which three statements are true about using SQL*Plus?
A.It can run scripts passed to it by a shell script.
B.It can run scripts entered at the SQL prompt. SQL*Plus可以执行sql脚本
C.It has both command-line and graphical user interfaces(Gun) 既可以命令行操作,也可以图形用户界面操作
D.It has its own commands that are separate from any SQL statements 有自己的命令
E.It can run Recovery Manager(RMAN)commands
F. It must be downloaded from the Oracle Technology Network(OTN)
答案: BCD
87. Which three statements are true about a self join? 自连接
A.It can be an outer join 可以是外连接
B.The ON clause can be used 可以使用on子句
C.The query must use two different aliases for the table 自连接两个表的别名必须不同
D.It must be an equijoin
E.It must be an inner join
F. The ON clause must be used
88. Which two statements are true about a full outer join? 全外连接
A.It returns matched and unmatched rows from both tables being joined 关联上或者关联不上的数据都输出
B.It returns only unmatched rows from both tables being joined
C.It includes rows that are returned by a Cartesian product.
D.The Oracle join operator (+)must be used on both sides of the join condition in the WHERE clause
E.It includes rows that are returned by an inner join 包括内连接返回的结果
89. Which two statements are true about the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege and space quotas? 系统权限:无限配额表空间
A.It allows a role to have unlimited space in any tablespace in the database
B.It is overridden by a space quota specified for the user
C.It allows a user to have unlimited space only in their default permanent tablespace.
D.By default, users have no quota on their default permanent tablespace.用户的默认永久表空间,默认没有配额
E.It allows a user to have unlimited space in any tablespace in the database用户可以在任何表空间拥有无限配额空间
答案: DE
90. Which two statements are true about time zones, date data types,and timestamp
data types in an Oracle database? 时区、日期数据类型、时间戳数据类型
A.The DBTIMEZONE function can return an offset from Universal Coordinated Time(UTC.
B.A TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE data type column is stored in the database using the time zone of the session that inserted the row 时区使用会话的时区
C.The CURRENT TIMESTAMP function returns data without time zone information
D.The SESSIONTIMEZONE function can return an offset from Universal Coordinated Time(UTC). 返回时区偏移量
E.The DATE datatype returns data with time zone information
答案: BD
91.Which two actions can you perform using DBCA for an existing database? 现有数据库的DBCA操作
A.Change the character set.
B.Change the server mode from dedicated to shared, and vice versa 服务器模式(专用、共享)可以相互切换
C.Create a template that can be used to clone the database可以创建一个克隆模板
D. Create an additional listener.
E.Create nonstandard block size tablespaces
答案: BC
92.Which three statements are true about GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES? 全局临时表
A.A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can have only one index
B.A trigger can be created on a GLOBAL TEMPORRY TABLE. 全局临时表上可以创建触发器
C.Data Manipulation Language(DML)on GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES generates no REDO
E.A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can be referenced in the defining query of a view. 视图的查询可以引用全局临时表
F.A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can have multiple indexes. 单个全局临时表可以有多个索引
答案: B E F
93.orcl.dmp contains a full export of the ORCI database. 导入
This command Is executed to load data from orcl.dmp into the TESTDB database
Which two statements are true?
A.It skips only tables that exist In both ORCL: SH and TESTDB: HR
B.It drops and re-creates tables that exist in both ORCL: SH and TESTDB: HR. 删除重建表
C.It skips all indexes of ORCL: SH and ORCI: OE 跳过所有索引
D.It drops and re-creates indexes that exist In both ORCI: SH and TESTDB: HR
E.It skips only indexes that exist in both ORCL: SH and TESTDB: HR
答案: B C
94.DATADIR1 and DATADTR2 are database directory objects 导出
Examine this command
Which two statements are true about the expdp operation?
A)It creates dump filles for the entire database. 给整个数据库创建转储文件
B)It fails if the total size of the dump file is more than 2GB.
C) It creates dump files only for objects in the SYSTEM schema
D)It starts only when four worker processes are available.
E)It creates a master table to store details of the export operation创建主表保存导出信息
答案: A E
95.Which three statements are true about indexes and their administration in an Oracle database? 索引及其管理
A、A unique and non-unique index can be created on the same table column 可以在同一列上创建唯一索引和非唯一索引
B、A descending index is a type of function-based index 降序索引是基于函数的索引
C、An INVISIBLE Index is not maintained when Data Manipulation
Language(DML)is performed on its underlying table
D、An index can be created as part of a CREATE TABLE statement 建表时可以直接建索引
E、If a query filters on an indexed column then it will always be used during
execution of the query.
F、A DROP INDEX statement always prevents updates to the table during
the drop operation
答案: A B D
96.Examine the description of the PRODUCT INEORMATTON table 产品信息表
Which query retrieves the number of products with a null LIST_PRICE?
A、SELECT COUNT(list_price) FROM product information WHERE list_price NULL
B、SELECT COUNT(list_price) FROM product information WHERE list_price is NULL,
C、SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT list_price) PROM product information WHERE list_price is NULL:
D、SELECT COUNT(NVL(list_price, 0)) FROM product information WHERE list_price is NULL
97.Which three statements are true about the PESCRIBE command?
A、It can be used only from SQL*Plus.
B、It displays the Not NULL constraint for any columns that have that constraint.显示NOT NULL 约束
C、It can be used to display the structure of an existing view 显示现有视图结构
D、It can be used from SQL Developer. 可以在sql developer中使用
E、It displays the PRIMARY KEY constraint for any column or columns that
have that constraint
F、It displays all constraints that are defined for each column.答案: BCD
98.Which two statements are true about the results of using the INTERSECT operator in compound queries? INTERSECT类似union指令,取交集
A、INTERSECT returns rows common to both sides of the compound query 返回共有的行,即返回交集
B、The number of columns in each select in the compound query can be different.
C、Column names in each SELECT in the compound query can be different. 对应的列名可以不同
D、Reversing the order of the intersected tables can sometimes affect the output
99.You execute this command
Sufficient storage is available in filesystem /u01
Which two statements are true about the big_tbs tablespace? 表空间相关
A、AUTOEXTEND is possible for the datafile 数据文件可以自动扩展
B、It must be bigger than the largest SMALLFILE tablespace
C、Additional data files may not be added 不能添加其他数据文件
D、It will be a dictionary-managed tablespace by default
E、It will always have a 32K blocksize
答案: AC
100. Which statement is true about the INTERSECT operator used in compound queries?INTERSECT类似union指令,取交集
A. Multiple INTERSECT operators are not possible in the same SQL statement
B. It processes NULLS in the selected columns 会处理NULL值
C. INTERSECT is of lower precedence than UNION or UNION ALL
D. It ignores NULLS
答案: B
101. Which three statements are true about advanced connection options supported by Oracle Net for connection to Oracle Database instances? 高级连接数据库实例
A. Connect Time Failover requires the use of Transparent Application Failover(TAF)
B. Source Routing requires the use of a name server
C. Source Routing enables the use of Connection Manager(CMAN )which enables network traffic to berouted through a firewall 源路由允许通过防火墙使用连接管理器
D. Load Balancing can balance the number of connections to dispatchers when using a Shared Server configuration 使用共享服务器配置时,可以平衡连接数
E. Load Balancing requires the use of a name server
F. Connect Time Failover requires the connect string to have two or more listener addresses configured 连接时间故障转移,需要配置两个或更多监听地址
答案: CDF
102.Which two statements are true about date/time functions in a session where
NLS DATE FORMAT is set to DD-MON-YYYY HH24: MI: S$? 会话中的时间
(Choose two)
A. CURRENT TIMESTAMP returns the same date and time as SYSDATE with additional details of fractional seconds
B. SYSDATE can be queried only from the DUAL table
C. CURRENT DATE retums the current date and time as per the session time Zone返回当前会话时区的时间
D. SYSDATE can be used in expressions only if the default date format IS DD-MON-RR
E. SYSDATE and CURRENT DATE retum the current date and time set for the operating system of the database server
F. CURRENT TIMESTAMP retums the same date as CURRENT DATE 当前时间戳等于当前日期
答案: CF
103. A database is configured to use automatic undo management with temporary undo enabled An UPDATE is executed on a temporary table 数据库设置为自动撤销, 临时撤销,对临时表执行update
Where is the UNDO stored?
A.in the undo tablespace
B.in the SYSAUX tablespace
C.in the SGA
D.in the PGA
E.in the temporary tablespace. UNDO保存再临时表空间
答案: E
104. You have been tasked to create a table for a banking application
One of the columns must meet three requirements:
Be stored in a format supporting date arithmetic without using conversion function支持日期算术格式存储,非转换函数
Store a loan period of up to 10 years 存储的贷款长达10年
Be used for calculating interest for the number of days the loan remains unpaid
Which data type should you use?
答案: B
In the spfile of a single instance database,LOCAL LISTENER is set to LISTENER_1,The TNSNAMES_ORA file in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin in the database home contains
Which statement is true?
A. Dynamic service registration cannot be used for this database instance
B. The LREG process registers services dynamically with the LISTENER 1 listener
C. LISTENER_ 1 must also be defined in the LISTENER_ORA file to enable dynamic service registration
D. There are two listeners named LISTENER and LISTENER_1 running simultaneously using port 1521 on the same host as the database instances 两个监听同时在一个数据库实例上运行
E. The definition for LISTENER_1 requires a CONNECT DATA section to enable dynamic service
答案: D
106. Which two statements are true regarding a SAVEPOINT?(Choose two). 保存点相关
A. Rolling back to a SAVEPOINT can undo a CREATE INDEX statement
B. Rolling back to a SAVEPOINT can undo a TRUNCATE statement
C. Only one SAVEPOINT may be issued in a transaction
D. A SAVEPOINT does not issue a COMMIT 保存点不会提交
E. Rolling back to a SAVEPOINT can undo a DELETE statement 回滚到SAVEPOINT可以撤销DELETE语句
107. which three functions are performed by dispatchers in a shared server configuration? (Choose three) 共享服务器配置,调度程序执行函数
A. writing inbound request to the common request queue from all shared server connections写入公共请求队列
B.checking for outbound shared server responses on the common outbound response queue
C. receiving inbound requests from processes using shared server connections接收入站请求
D. sending each connection input request to the appropriate shared server input queue
E. broadcasting shared server session responses back to requesters on all connections
F. sending shared server session responses back to requesters on the appropriate connection发送共享服务器会话响应
答案: ACF
108. You want to write a query that prompts for two column names and the WHERE condition each time it Is
executed in a session but only prompts for the table name the first time it is executed
The variables used in your query are never undefined in your session
Which query can be used?
A. SELECT &&col_1 &&col_2 FROM &table WHERE &&condition=&&cond
B. SELECT &col_1 &coI_2 FROM &&table WHERE &condition 列名和where条件每次提示,用&,table_name 只提示一次,用&&
C. SELECT &col_1 &col_2 FROM &table WHERE &condition
D. SELECT &&col_1 &&col_2 FROM &table WHERE&&condition=&cond
E. SELECT &&col_1 &&col_2 FROM &table WHERE &&condition
答案: B
109. Examine the description of the CUSTOMERS table
You want to display details of all customers who reside in cities starting with the letter D
followed by at least two characters. Which query can be used? CITY字段以D开头
A. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city LIKE 'D%'
B. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE
C. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city LIKE '%D%'
D. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city ='D'
110.Which three statements are true about dropping and unused columns in an Oracle
database? (Choose three) 删除未使用的列
A. A primary key column referenced by another column as a foreign key can be dropped if using the CASCADE option. CASCADE可以删除外键
B. An UNUSED columns space is reclaimed automatically when the block containing that column is next queried.
C. An UNUSED columns space is reclaimed automatically when the row containing that column is next queried.
D. Partition key columns cannot be dropped. 分区键的列不能被删除
E. A DROP COLUMN command can be rolled back.
F. A column that is set to UNUSED still counts towards the limit of 1000 columns per table不管列是否使用,每个表限制1000列。
111.Evaluate these commands which execute successfully:
Which two statements are true about the ORD_ITEMS table and the ORD_SEQ sequence?
(Choose two.)
A. If sequence ORD_SEQ is dropped then the default value for column ORD_NO will be NULL for rows inserted into ORD ITEMS
B.Any user inserting rows into table ORD_ITEMS must have been granted access to sequence ORD_SEQ 对表ord_items插入数据,必须有ord_seq的访问权限
C. Column ORD_NO gets the next number from sequence ORD_SEQ whenever a row is inserted into ORD_ITEMS and no explicit value is given for ORD_NO. ord_no从ord_seq序列获取值。
D. Sequence ORD_SEQ cycles back to 1 after every 5000 numbers and can cycle 20 times
E. Sequence ORD_SEQ is guaranteed not to generate duplicate numbers
112.Which three instance situations are possible with the Oracle Database server without multi-tenant? 非多租户数据库服务器
(Choose three.)
A. two or more instances on separate servers all associated with one database 独立服务器上的多个实例都与一个数据库关联
B. one instance on one server associated with one database 一台服务器上的一个实例与一个数据库相关联
C. one instance on one server associated with two or more databases on the same server
D. one instance on one server not associated with any database一台服务器上的一个实例不与任何数据库关联
E. one instance on one server associated with two or more databases on separate servers
113.Which two statements are true about the ORDER BY clause when used with a SQL statement containing a SET operator such as UNION? (Choose two.) 排序
A. Column positions must be used in the ORDER BY clause
B. Only column names from the first SELECT statement in the compound query are recognized只识别第一层select 的字段
C. The first column in the first SELECT of the compound query with the UNION operator is used by default to sort output in the absence of an ORDER BY clause. 没有order by 默认对最外层select的第一个字段进行排序
D. Each SELECT statement in the compound query must have its own ORDER BY clause
E. Each SELECT statement in the compound query can have its own ORDER BY clause
114.Which four account management capabilities can be configured using Oracle profiles? 配置文件配置账户管理功能
A. the number of hours for which an account is locked after the configured number of login attempts has been reached
B. the number of days for which an account may be inactive before it is locked账号被锁前,非活动状态的天数
C. the maximum amount of CPU time allowed for a user’s sessions before their account is locked
D. the ability to prevent a password from ever being reused防止密码被重复使用
E.the number of password changes required within a period of time before a passwordcan be reused 重复使用密码前的一段时间内修改密码的次数
F. the number of days for which an account is locked after the configured number of login attempts has been reached达到配置的登录次数后,帐号被锁定的天数
G. the maximum number of sessions permitted for a user before the account is locked
115.Which three statements are true about single-row functions? (Choose three.) 单行函数
A. They can be used only in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement
B. The argument can be a column name, variable, literal or an expression参数可以是列名、变量、字面量或表达式
C. The data type returned can be different from the data type of the argument返回的数据类型可以与参数的数据类型不同
D. They can be nested to any level它们可以嵌套到任何级别
E. They can accept only one argument
F. They return a single result row per table
116.You want to use table compression suitable for OLTP that will:适合OLTP(联机事务处理)的表压缩
1. Compress rows for all DML statements on that table压缩该表上所有DML语句的行
2. Minimize the overheads associated with compression最小化与压缩相关的开销 Which compression option is best suited for this? 哪种压缩最合适
117.Your database instance is started with a PFILE.
Examine these parameters:
You want to increase the size of the buffer cache.增加缓冲缓存的大小
Free memory is available to increase the size of the buffer cache.可用空闲内存来增加缓冲区缓存的大小
You execute the command: SQL>
What is the outcome? 结果如何
A. The value is changed only in the PFILE and takes effect at the next instance startup
B. The value is changed for the current instance and in the PFILE
C. It fails because the SCOPE clause is missing
D. Change is applied to the current instance, but does not persist after instance restart当前实例生效,实例重启后不会持续
118.Which three Oracle database space management features will work with both
Dictionary and Locally managed tablespaces? (Choose three.)空间管理特性适用于字典和本地管理表空间
A. Oracle Managed Files (OMF) oracle管理文件
B. Online table segment shrink
C. Online index segment shrink
D. Automatic data file extension (AUTOEXTEND) 自动扩展数据文件
E. Capacity planning growth reports based on historical data in the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) 自动负载信息库
119.Which two statements are true about the WHERE and HAVING clauses in a SELECT statement? where 和 having 子句
(Choose two.)
A. Aggregating functions and columns used in HAVING clauses must be specified in the SELECT list of a query
B. WHERE and HAVING clauses can be used in the same statement only if applied to different table columns
C. The HAVING clause can be used with aggregating functions in subqueriesHAVING子句可以与子查询的聚合函数一起使用
D. The WHERE clause can be used to exclude rows before dividing them into groups
E. The WHERE clause can be used to exclude rows after dividing them into groupsWHERE子句可用于将行分组后排除它们
120.Which three statements are true about the DESCRIBE command? (Choose three.)
A. It displays the PRIMARY KEY constraint for any column or columns that have that constraint
B. It can be used from SQL Developer 可以在 SQL DEVELOPER中使用
C. It displays the NOT NULL constraint for any columns that have that constraint 显示NOT NULL 约束
D. It can be used to display the structure of an existing view 显示现有视图的结构
E. It displays all constraints that are defined for each column
F. It can be used only from SQL*Plus
121.Examine the description of the CUSTOMERS table:
For customers whose income level has a value, you want to display the first name and due amount as 5% of their credit limit.
Customers whose due amount is null should not be displayed. Which query should be used? 为null不展示,
A. SELECT cust_first_name, cust_credit_limit * .05 AS DUE_AMOUNT FROM customers WHERE cust incoms level IS NOT NULL AND due amount IS NOT
B. SELECT cust_first_name, cust_credit_limit * .05 AS DUE_AMOUNT FROM customers WHERE cust_income_level != NULL AND cust_credit_level !=NULL;
C. SELECT cust_first_name, cust_credit_limit * .05 AS DUE_AMOUNT FROM customers WHERE cust_income_level <> NULL AND due_amount <> NULL;
D. SELECT cust_first_name, cust_credit_limit * .05 AS DUE_AMOUNT FROM customers WHERE cust_income_level != NULL AND due_amount !=NULL;
E. SELECT cust_first_name, cust_credit_limit * .05 AS DUE_AMOUNT FROM customers WHERE cust_income_level IS NOT NULL AND cust_credit_limit IS NOT NULL;
122.The INVOICE table has a QTY_SOLD column of data type NUMBER and an
INVOICE _DATE column of data type DATE.
Which two are true about data type conversions involving these columnsin query expressions? (Choose two.)数据类型类型转换
A. CONCAT (qty_sold, invoice_date) : requires explicit conversion
B. invoice_date = ’15-march-2019’ : uses implicit conversion
C. invoie_date > ’01-02-2019’ : uses implicit conversion
D. qty_sold BETWEEN ‘101’ AND ’110’ : uses implicit conversion 隐式转换
E. qty_sold = ‘0554982’ uses implicit conversion 隐式转换
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