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scala-MLlib官方文档---spark.ml package--Classification and regression_import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.linearsv

import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.linearsvc

Classification and regression


1)Logistic regression(逻辑回归)

Multinomial logistic regression can be used for binary classification by setting the family param to “multinomial”. It will produce two sets of coefficients and two intercepts.
When fitting LogisticRegressionModel without intercept on dataset with constant nonzero column, Spark MLlib outputs zero coefficients for constant nonzero columns. This behavior is the same as R glmnet but different from LIBSVM.
当对具有恒定非零列的数据集进行LogisticRegressionModel拟合而没有截距时,Spark MLlib为恒定非零列输出零系数。此行为与R glmnet相同,但与LIBSVM不同。
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(1)Binomial Logistic regression(二项逻辑回归)
以下示例显示了如何使用弹性网正则化训练二项式和多项式逻辑回归模型进行二分类。 elasticNetParam对应于α,regParam对应于λ。

import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.LogisticRegression

// Load training data
val training = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

val lr = new LogisticRegression()

// Fit the model
val lrModel = lr.fit(training)

// Print the coefficients and intercept for logistic regression
println(s"Coefficients: ${lrModel.coefficients} Intercept: ${lrModel.intercept}")

// We can also use the multinomial family for binary classification
val mlr = new LogisticRegression()

val mlrModel = mlr.fit(training)

// Print the coefficients and intercepts for logistic regression with multinomial family
println(s"Multinomial coefficients: ${mlrModel.coefficientMatrix}")
println(s"Multinomial intercepts: ${mlrModel.interceptVector}")
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import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.LogisticRegression

// Extract the summary from the returned LogisticRegressionModel instance trained in the earlier
// example
val trainingSummary = lrModel.binarySummary

// Obtain the objective per iteration.
val objectiveHistory = trainingSummary.objectiveHistory
objectiveHistory.foreach(loss => println(loss))

// Obtain the receiver-operating characteristic as a dataframe and areaUnderROC.
val roc = trainingSummary.roc
println(s"areaUnderROC: ${trainingSummary.areaUnderROC}")

// Set the model threshold to maximize F-Measure
val fMeasure = trainingSummary.fMeasureByThreshold
val maxFMeasure = fMeasure.select(max("F-Measure")).head().getDouble(0)
val bestThreshold = fMeasure.where($"F-Measure" === maxFMeasure)
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(2)Multinomial logistic regression(多项逻辑回归)

Multinomial coefficients are available as coefficientMatrix and intercepts are available as interceptVector.、
coefficients and intercept methods on a logistic regression model trained with multinomial family are not supported. Use coefficientMatrix and interceptVector instead.
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import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.LogisticRegression

// Load training data
val training = spark

val lr = new LogisticRegression()

// Fit the model
val lrModel = lr.fit(training)

// Print the coefficients and intercept for multinomial logistic regression
println(s"Coefficients: \n${lrModel.coefficientMatrix}")
println(s"Intercepts: \n${lrModel.interceptVector}")

val trainingSummary = lrModel.summary

// Obtain the objective per iteration
val objectiveHistory = trainingSummary.objectiveHistory

// for multiclass, we can inspect metrics on a per-label basis
println("False positive rate by label:")
trainingSummary.falsePositiveRateByLabel.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (rate, label) =>
  println(s"label $label: $rate")

println("True positive rate by label:")
trainingSummary.truePositiveRateByLabel.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (rate, label) =>
  println(s"label $label: $rate")

println("Precision by label:")
trainingSummary.precisionByLabel.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (prec, label) =>
  println(s"label $label: $prec")

println("Recall by label:")
trainingSummary.recallByLabel.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (rec, label) =>
  println(s"label $label: $rec")

println("F-measure by label:")
trainingSummary.fMeasureByLabel.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (f, label) =>
  println(s"label $label: $f")

val accuracy = trainingSummary.accuracy
val falsePositiveRate = trainingSummary.weightedFalsePositiveRate
val truePositiveRate = trainingSummary.weightedTruePositiveRate
val fMeasure = trainingSummary.weightedFMeasure
val precision = trainingSummary.weightedPrecision
val recall = trainingSummary.weightedRecall
println(s"Accuracy: $accuracy\nFPR: $falsePositiveRate\nTPR: $truePositiveRate\n" +
  s"F-measure: $fMeasure\nPrecision: $precision\nRecall: $recall")
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2)Deicision tree classifier(决策树分类器)

import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.DecisionTreeClassificationModel
import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.DecisionTreeClassifier
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.{IndexToString, StringIndexer, VectorIndexer}

// Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
val data = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

// Index labels, adding metadata to the label column.
// Fit on whole dataset to include all labels in index.
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
// Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
val featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()
  .setMaxCategories(4) // features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.

// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))

// Train a DecisionTree model.
val dt = new DecisionTreeClassifier()

// Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
val labelConverter = new IndexToString()

// Chain indexers and tree in a Pipeline.
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
  .setStages(Array(labelIndexer, featureIndexer, dt, labelConverter))

// Train model. This also runs the indexers.
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)

// Make predictions.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)

// Select example rows to display.
predictions.select("predictedLabel", "label", "features").show(5)

// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Test Error = ${(1.0 - accuracy)}")

val treeModel = model.stages(2).asInstanceOf[DecisionTreeClassificationModel]
println(s"Learned classification tree model:\n ${treeModel.toDebugString}")
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3)Random forest classifier(随机森林分类器)

import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.{RandomForestClassificationModel, RandomForestClassifier}
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.{IndexToString, StringIndexer, VectorIndexer}

// Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
val data = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

// Index labels, adding metadata to the label column.
// Fit on whole dataset to include all labels in index.
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
// Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
// Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
val featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))

// Train a RandomForest model.
val rf = new RandomForestClassifier()

// Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
val labelConverter = new IndexToString()

// Chain indexers and forest in a Pipeline.
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
  .setStages(Array(labelIndexer, featureIndexer, rf, labelConverter))

// Train model. This also runs the indexers.
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)

// Make predictions.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)

// Select example rows to display.
predictions.select("predictedLabel", "label", "features").show(5)

// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Test Error = ${(1.0 - accuracy)}")

val rfModel = model.stages(2).asInstanceOf[RandomForestClassificationModel]
println(s"Learned classification forest model:\n ${rfModel.toDebugString}")
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4)Gradient-boosted tree classifier(梯度提升树分类器)
code example

import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.{GBTClassificationModel, GBTClassifier}
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.{IndexToString, StringIndexer, VectorIndexer}

// Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
val data = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

// Index labels, adding metadata to the label column.
// Fit on whole dataset to include all labels in index.
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer()
// Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
// Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
val featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))

// Train a GBT model.
val gbt = new GBTClassifier()

// Convert indexed labels back to original labels.
val labelConverter = new IndexToString()

// Chain indexers and GBT in a Pipeline.
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
  .setStages(Array(labelIndexer, featureIndexer, gbt, labelConverter))

// Train model. This also runs the indexers.
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)

// Make predictions.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)

// Select example rows to display.
predictions.select("predictedLabel", "label", "features").show(5)

// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Test Error = ${1.0 - accuracy}")

val gbtModel = model.stages(2).asInstanceOf[GBTClassificationModel]
println(s"Learned classification GBT model:\n ${gbtModel.toDebugString}")
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5)Multilayer perceptron classifier(多层感知器分类器)
多层感知器分类器(MLPC)是基于前馈人工神经网络的分类器。 MLPC由多层节点组成。每一层都完全连接到网络中的下一层。输入层中的节点代表输入数据。所有其他节点通过输入与节点权重w和偏差b的线性组合并应用激活函数,将输入映射到输出。对于具有K + 1层的MLPC,可以将其写成矩阵形式,如下所示:

import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.MultilayerPerceptronClassifier
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator

// Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
val data = spark.read.format("libsvm")

// Split the data into train and test
val splits = data.randomSplit(Array(0.6, 0.4), seed = 1234L)
val train = splits(0)
val test = splits(1)

// specify layers for the neural network:
// input layer of size 4 (features), two intermediate of size 5 and 4
// and output of size 3 (classes)
val layers = Array[Int](4, 5, 4, 3)

// create the trainer and set its parameters
val trainer = new MultilayerPerceptronClassifier()

// train the model
val model = trainer.fit(train)

// compute accuracy on the test set
val result = model.transform(test)
val predictionAndLabels = result.select("prediction", "label")
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()

println(s"Test set accuracy = ${evaluator.evaluate(predictionAndLabels)}")
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6)Linear Support Vector Machine(线性支持向量机)
支持向量机在高维或无限维空间中构建一个超平面或一组超平面,可用于分类,回归或其他任务。直观地,通过超平面可以实现良好的分离,该超平面与任何类别的最近训练数据点之间的距离最大(所谓的功能边界),因为通常边界越大,分类器的泛化误差越低。 Spark ML中的LinearSVC支持使用线性SVM进行二进制分类。在内部,它使用OWLQN优化器优化铰链损耗。

import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.LinearSVC

// Load training data
val training = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

val lsvc = new LinearSVC()

// Fit the model
val lsvcModel = lsvc.fit(training)

// Print the coefficients and intercept for linear svc
println(s"Coefficients: ${lsvcModel.coefficients} Intercept: ${lsvcModel.intercept}")
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7)One-vs-Rest Classifier(一对多分类器)

import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.{LogisticRegression, OneVsRest}
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator

// load data file.
val inputData = spark.read.format("libsvm")

// generate the train/test split.
val Array(train, test) = inputData.randomSplit(Array(0.8, 0.2))

// instantiate the base classifier
val classifier = new LogisticRegression()

// instantiate the One Vs Rest Classifier.
val ovr = new OneVsRest().setClassifier(classifier)

// train the multiclass model.
val ovrModel = ovr.fit(train)

// score the model on test data.
val predictions = ovrModel.transform(test)

// obtain evaluator.
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()

// compute the classification error on test data.
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Test Error = ${1 - accuracy}")
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8)Naive Bayer(朴素贝叶斯)
输入数据:这些模型通常用于文档分类。在这种情况下,每个观察结果都是一个文档,每个功能都代表一个术语。要素的值是术语的频率(在多项式朴素贝叶斯中),或者为零或一,表示是否在文档中找到了该术语(在Bernoulli Naive Bayes中)。特征值必须为非负数。使用可选参数“ multinomial”或“ bernoulli”(默认值为“ multinomial”)选择模型类型。对于文档分类,输入特征向量通常应为稀疏向量。由于训练数据仅使用一次,因此无需将其缓存。

import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.NaiveBayes
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator

// Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
val data = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing)
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3), seed = 1234L)

// Train a NaiveBayes model.
val model = new NaiveBayes()

// Select example rows to display.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)

// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error
val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Test set accuracy = $accuracy")
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1)Linear Regresison(线性回归)

When fitting LinearRegressionModel without intercept on dataset with constant nonzero column by “l-bfgs” solver, Spark MLlib outputs zero coefficients for constant nonzero columns. This behavior is the same as R glmnet but different from LIBSVM.
通过“ l-bfgs”求解器将LinearRegressionModel拟合为不具有恒定非零列的数据集时,Spark MLlib为恒定非零列输出零系数。此行为与R glmnet相同,但与LIBSVM不同。
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import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.LinearRegression

// Load training data
val training = spark.read.format("libsvm")

val lr = new LinearRegression()

// Fit the model
val lrModel = lr.fit(training)

// Print the coefficients and intercept for linear regression
println(s"Coefficients: ${lrModel.coefficients} Intercept: ${lrModel.intercept}")

// Summarize the model over the training set and print out some metrics
val trainingSummary = lrModel.summary
println(s"numIterations: ${trainingSummary.totalIterations}")
println(s"objectiveHistory: [${trainingSummary.objectiveHistory.mkString(",")}]")
println(s"RMSE: ${trainingSummary.rootMeanSquaredError}")
println(s"r2: ${trainingSummary.r2}")
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2)Generalized Linear Regression(广义线性回归)
(2)Available families(可用分布)

import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.GeneralizedLinearRegression

// Load training data
val dataset = spark.read.format("libsvm")

val glr = new GeneralizedLinearRegression()

// Fit the model
val model = glr.fit(dataset)

// Print the coefficients and intercept for generalized linear regression model
println(s"Coefficients: ${model.coefficients}")
println(s"Intercept: ${model.intercept}")

// Summarize the model over the training set and print out some metrics
val summary = model.summary
println(s"Coefficient Standard Errors: ${summary.coefficientStandardErrors.mkString(",")}")
println(s"T Values: ${summary.tValues.mkString(",")}")
println(s"P Values: ${summary.pValues.mkString(",")}")
println(s"Dispersion: ${summary.dispersion}")
println(s"Null Deviance: ${summary.nullDeviance}")
println(s"Residual Degree Of Freedom Null: ${summary.residualDegreeOfFreedomNull}")
println(s"Deviance: ${summary.deviance}")
println(s"Residual Degree Of Freedom: ${summary.residualDegreeOfFreedom}")
println(s"AIC: ${summary.aic}")
println("Deviance Residuals: ")
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3)Decision tree regression(决策树回归)

import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.RegressionEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.VectorIndexer
import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.DecisionTreeRegressionModel
import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.DecisionTreeRegressor

// Load the data stored in LIBSVM format as a DataFrame.
val data = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

// Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
// Here, we treat features with > 4 distinct values as continuous.
val featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))

// Train a DecisionTree model.
val dt = new DecisionTreeRegressor()

// Chain indexer and tree in a Pipeline.
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
  .setStages(Array(featureIndexer, dt))

// Train model. This also runs the indexer.
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)

// Make predictions.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)

// Select example rows to display.
predictions.select("prediction", "label", "features").show(5)

// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
val evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
val rmse = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = $rmse")

val treeModel = model.stages(1).asInstanceOf[DecisionTreeRegressionModel]
println(s"Learned regression tree model:\n ${treeModel.toDebugString}")
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4)Random forest regresion

import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.RegressionEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.VectorIndexer
import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.{RandomForestRegressionModel, RandomForestRegressor}

// Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
val data = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

// Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
// Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
val featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))

// Train a RandomForest model.
val rf = new RandomForestRegressor()

// Chain indexer and forest in a Pipeline.
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
  .setStages(Array(featureIndexer, rf))

// Train model. This also runs the indexer.
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)

// Make predictions.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)

// Select example rows to display.
predictions.select("prediction", "label", "features").show(5)

// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
val evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
val rmse = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = $rmse")

val rfModel = model.stages(1).asInstanceOf[RandomForestRegressionModel]
println(s"Learned regression forest model:\n ${rfModel.toDebugString}")
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5)Gradient- Boosted tree regression(梯度提升树回归)

import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.RegressionEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.VectorIndexer
import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.{GBTRegressionModel, GBTRegressor}

// Load and parse the data file, converting it to a DataFrame.
val data = spark.read.format("libsvm").load("data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")

// Automatically identify categorical features, and index them.
// Set maxCategories so features with > 4 distinct values are treated as continuous.
val featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()

// Split the data into training and test sets (30% held out for testing).
val Array(trainingData, testData) = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))

// Train a GBT model.
val gbt = new GBTRegressor()

// Chain indexer and GBT in a Pipeline.
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
  .setStages(Array(featureIndexer, gbt))

// Train model. This also runs the indexer.
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)

// Make predictions.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)

// Select example rows to display.
predictions.select("prediction", "label", "features").show(5)

// Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
val evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
val rmse = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) on test data = $rmse")

val gbtModel = model.stages(1).asInstanceOf[GBTRegressionModel]
println(s"Learned regression GBT model:\n ${gbtModel.toDebugString}")
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6)survival regression(生存回归)
给定协变量x’的值,对于受试者i = 1,…,n的随机寿命ti,并可能进行右删失,AFT模型下的似然函数为:

When fitting AFTSurvivalRegressionModel without intercept on dataset with constant nonzero column, Spark MLlib outputs zero coefficients for constant nonzero columns. This behavior is different from R survival::survreg.
在具有非零常量列的数据集上拟合AFTSurvivalRegressionModel且不进行截取时,Spark MLlib为非零常量列输出零系数。此行为不同于R Survival :: survreg。
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import org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.AFTSurvivalRegression

val training = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
  (1.218, 1.0, Vectors.dense(1.560, -0.605)),
  (2.949, 0.0, Vectors.dense(0.346, 2.158)),
  (3.627, 0.0, Vectors.dense(1.380, 0.231)),
  (0.273, 1.0, Vectors.dense(0.520, 1.151)),
  (4.199, 0.0, Vectors.dense(0.795, -0.226))
)).toDF("label", "censor", "features")
val quantileProbabilities = Array(0.3, 0.6)
val aft = new AFTSurvivalRegression()

val model = aft.fit(training)

// Print the coefficients, intercept and scale parameter for AFT survival regression
println(s"Coefficients: ${model.coefficients}")
println(s"Intercept: ${model.intercept}")
println(s"Scale: ${model.scale}")
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7)Isotonic regression(等渗回归)

  • 如果预测输入与训练功能完全匹配,则返回相关的预测。如果有多个具有相同特征的预测,则返回其中之一。哪一个未定义(与java.util.Arrays.binarySearch相同)。
  • 如果预测输入低于或高于所有训练特征,则分别返回具有最低或最高特征的预测。如果存在多个具有相同特征的预测,则分别返回最低或最高。
  • 如果预测输入介于两个训练特征之间,则将预测视为分段线性函数,并根据两个最接近特征的预测来计算内插值。如果有多个具有相同特征的值,则使用与上一点相同的规则。


import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.IsotonicRegression

// Loads data.
val dataset = spark.read.format("libsvm")

// Trains an isotonic regression model.
val ir = new IsotonicRegression()
val model = ir.fit(dataset)

println(s"Boundaries in increasing order: ${model.boundaries}\n")
println(s"Predictions associated with the boundaries: ${model.predictions}\n")

// Makes predictions.
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Linear methods(线性方法)


Decision trees(决策树)

用户可以在《 MLlib决策树》指南中找到有关决策树算法的更多信息。此API与原始MLlib决策树API之间的主要区别是:

  • 支持ML管道
  • 分类与回归的决策树分离
  • 使用DataFrame元数据来区分连续特征和分类特征

Ensembles of trees(随机森林和渐变树)在下面的“Tree ensembles section”部分中进行介绍。

Tree Ensemble

DataFrame API支持两种主要的树集成算法:随机森林和梯度增强树(GBT)。两者都使用spark.ml决策树作为其基础模型。
用户可以在MLlib Ensemble指南中找到有关集成算法的更多信息。
在本节中,我们演示用于集成的DataFrame API。

  • 支持DataFrames和ML Pipelines
  • 分类与回归分离
  • 使用DataFrame元数据来区分连续特征和分类特征
  • 随机森林的更多功能:特征重要性的估计以及分类的每个类别的预测概率(也称为类别条件概率)。

1)Random Forests(随机森林)
随机森林是决策树的集合。随机森林结合了许多决策树,以减少过度拟合的风险。 spark.ml实现使用连续和分类功能支持随机森林进行二进制和多类分类以及回归。
(1)Inputs and Outputs(输入和输出)
2)Gradient-Boosted Trees(GBTs)
梯度增强树(GBT)是决策树的集合。 GBT迭代地训练决策树,以最小化损失函数。 spark.ml实现使用连续和分类功能支持GBT用于二进制分类和回归。
(1)Inputs and Outputs(输入和输出)

