- #! /usr/bin/env python3
- import cv2
- import torch # 这一句
- torch.set_grad_enabled(False) # 这一句
- from models.matching import Matching # 这一句
- from models.utils import (frame2tensor) # 这一句
- import numpy as np
- config = {
- 'superpoint': {
- 'nms_radius': 4,
- 'keypoint_threshold': 0.005,
- 'max_keypoints': -1
- },
- 'superglue': {
- 'weights': 'outdoor',
- 'sinkhorn_iterations': 20,
- 'match_threshold': 0.2,
- }
- }
- #
- # device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
- device = 'cuda'
- matching = Matching(config).eval().to(device) # 这一句
- keys = ['keypoints', 'scores', 'descriptors']
- ######################################################################################################
- def match_frames_with_super_glue(frame0,frame1):
- print("正在调用基于 superGlue 匹配的函数进行特征点匹配...") # 添加了print语句
- # 将参考帧和当前帧转换为PyTorch张量格式
- frame_tensor0 = frame2tensor(frame0, device)
- frame_tensor1 = frame2tensor(frame1, device)
- # 使用SuperPoint网络提取参考帧的特征点
- last_data = matching.superpoint({'image': frame_tensor0})
- # 将提取到的参考帧特征点数据转换为字典格式
- last_data = {k + '0': last_data[k] for k in keys}
- last_data['image0'] = frame_tensor0
- # 获取参考帧的特征点坐标
- kpts0 = last_data['keypoints0'][0].cpu().numpy()
- # 使用SuperGlue网络在参考帧和当前帧之间进行特征点匹配
- pred = matching({**last_data, 'image1': frame_tensor1})
- # 获取当前帧的特征点坐标
- kpts1 = pred['keypoints1'][0].cpu().numpy()
- # 获取特征点匹配结果和匹配置信度
- matches = pred['matches0'][0].cpu().numpy()
- confidence = pred['matching_scores0'][0].cpu().numpy()
- # 筛选出有效的匹配对
- valid = matches > -1
- mkpts0 = kpts0[valid]
- mkpts1 = kpts1[matches[valid]]
- # 打印匹配结果
- #
- # print(f"----已经完成帧间的关键点匹配----")
- for i, (kp0, kp1) in enumerate(zip(mkpts0, mkpts1)):
- print(f"Match {i}: ({kp0[0]:.2f}, {kp0[1]:.2f}) -> ({kp1[0]:.2f}, {kp1[1]:.2f})")
- # 确保两个图像都是三通道
- if len(frame0.shape) == 2:
- vis_frame0 = cv2.cvtColor(frame0, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
- else:
- vis_frame0 = frame0.copy()
- if len(frame1.shape) == 2:
- vis_frame1 = cv2.cvtColor(frame1, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
- else:
- vis_frame1 = frame1.copy()
- # 绘制第一个输入图像及其特征点
- vis_frame0_with_kpts = vis_frame0.copy()
- for kp in kpts0:
- cv2.circle(vis_frame0_with_kpts, (int(kp[0]), int(kp[1])), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)
- cv2.imshow("Input Frame 0 with Keypoints", vis_frame0_with_kpts)
- # 绘制第二个输入图像及其特征点
- vis_frame1_with_kpts = vis_frame1.copy()
- for kp in kpts1:
- cv2.circle(vis_frame1_with_kpts, (int(kp[0]), int(kp[1])), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)
- cv2.imshow("Input Frame 1 with Keypoints", vis_frame1_with_kpts)
- # 绘制特征点
- for kp in mkpts0:
- cv2.circle(vis_frame0, (int(kp[0]), int(kp[1])), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)
- for kp in mkpts1:
- cv2.circle(vis_frame1, (int(kp[0]), int(kp[1])), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)
- # 调整高度一致,通过在较短的图像上下填充黑色背景
- max_height = max(vis_frame0.shape[0], vis_frame1.shape[0])
- if vis_frame0.shape[0] < max_height:
- diff = max_height - vis_frame0.shape[0]
- pad_top = np.zeros((diff // 2, vis_frame0.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
- pad_bottom = np.zeros((diff - diff // 2, vis_frame0.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
- vis_frame0 = np.vstack((pad_top, vis_frame0, pad_bottom))
- if vis_frame1.shape[0] < max_height:
- diff = max_height - vis_frame1.shape[0]
- pad_top = np.zeros((diff // 2, vis_frame1.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
- pad_bottom = np.zeros((diff - diff // 2, vis_frame1.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
- vis_frame1 = np.vstack((pad_top, vis_frame1, pad_bottom))
- # 计算右侧图像的垂直偏移量
- right_pad_top = pad_top.shape[0]
- # 绘制匹配线段
- concat_frame = np.hstack((vis_frame0, vis_frame1))
- for kp0, kp1 in zip(mkpts0, mkpts1):
- pt0 = (int(kp0[0]), int(kp0[1]))
- pt1 = (int(kp1[0]) + vis_frame0.shape[1], int(kp1[1]) + right_pad_top)
- cv2.line(concat_frame, pt0, pt1, (0, 255, 0), 1)
- # 缩小可视化窗口大小
- scale_factor = 1
- resized_frame = cv2.resize(concat_frame, None, fx=scale_factor, fy=scale_factor)
- # 显示可视化结果
- cv2.imshow("Matched Features", resized_frame)
- cv2.waitKey(0)
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()
- return mkpts0, mkpts1, confidence[valid]
- def build_pyramid(image, scale=1.2, min_size=(30, 30)):
- pyramid = [image]
- while True:
- last_image = pyramid[-1]
- width = int(last_image.shape[1] / scale)
- height = int(last_image.shape[0] / scale)
- if width < min_size[0] or height < min_size[1]:
- break
- next_image = cv2.resize(last_image, (width, height))
- pyramid.append(next_image)
- return pyramid
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # 读取两帧图像
- frame0 = cv2.imread("/home/fairlee/786D6A341753F4B4/KITTI/sequences_kitti_00_21/01/image_0/000630.png", 0)
- frame1 = cv2.imread("/home/fairlee/786D6A341753F4B4/KITTI/sequences_kitti_00_21/01/image_0/000631.png", 0)
- # 构建 frame1 的金字塔
- pyramid1 = build_pyramid(frame1, scale=1.2)
- # # # 显示金字塔层
- # for i, layer in enumerate(pyramid1):
- # cv2.imshow(f"Layer {i}", layer)
- # cv2.waitKey(500) # 显示500毫秒
- # cv2.destroyAllWindows()
- # 选择合适的金字塔层作为 frame1 的替代
- frame1_substitute = pyramid1[2] # 例如,选择第二层
- # 调用match_frames_with_super_glue函数进行特征点匹配
- mkpts0, mkpts1, confidence = match_frames_with_super_glue(frame0, frame1_substitute)
- # 打印匹配结果
- print(f"第一帧的特征点匹配到的特征点数量: {len(mkpts0)}")
- print(f"第二帧的特征点匹配到的特征点数量: {len(mkpts1)}")
- print(f"匹配置信度的长度为: {len(confidence)}")
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