河马优化算法(Hippopotamus optimization algorithm,HO)是2024年提出的一种新型启发式算法,目前还是一种很新的算法,很少有人引用,所以有很大的改进空间,使用一些改进策略再结合其他研究领域,比如故障诊断、时序预测等方向,也是一个不错的创新点。
- def main():
- Fun_name = 'F1' # 目标函数
- SearchAgents = 30 # 种群数量
- Max_iterations = 500 # 迭代次数
- lowerbound, upperbound, dimension, fitness = fun_info(Fun_name)
- # 调用HO
- Best_score, Best_pos, HO_curve = HO(SearchAgents, Max_iterations, lowerbound, upperbound, dimension, fitness)
- print(f'The best solution obtained by HO for {Fun_name} is : {Best_pos}')
- print(f'The best optimal value of the objective function found by HO for {Fun_name} is : {Best_score}')
- plt.figure()
- plt.plot(HO_curve, color='red', linewidth=2)
- plt.xlabel('Iteration')
- plt.ylabel('Fitness')
- plt.box(True)
- plt.legend(['HO'])
- plt.show()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
Matlab (点击蓝色字体即可跳转链接)
- clc
- clear
- close all
- Fun_name='F1'; % number of test functions: 'F1' to 'F23'
- SearchAgents=30; % number of Hippopotamus (population members)
- Max_iterations=500; % maximum number of iteration
- [lowerbound,upperbound,dimension,fitness]=fun_info(Fun_name); % Object function
- [Best_score,Best_pos,HO_curve]=HO(SearchAgents,Max_iterations,lowerbound,upperbound,dimension,fitness);
- display(['The best solution obtained by HO for ' [num2str(Fun_name)],' is : ', num2str(Best_pos)]);
- display(['The best optimal value of the objective funciton found by HO for ' [num2str(Fun_name)],' is : ', num2str(Best_score)]);
- figure=gcf;
- semilogy(HO_curve,'Color','#b28d90','LineWidth',2)
- xlabel('Iteration');
- ylabel('Best score obtained so far');
- box on
- set(findall(figure,'-property','FontName'),'FontName','Times New Roman')
- legend('HO')
Amiri, M.H., Mehrabi Hashjin, N., Montazeri, M. et al. Hippopotamus optimization algorithm: a novel nature-inspired optimization algorithm. Sci Rep 14, 5032 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-54910-3
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