二. 实验内容
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Complex { //复数类定义
public: //外部接口
Complex(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0) : real(r), imag(i) { } //构造函数
Complex operator + (const Complex &c2) const; //运算符+重载成员函数
Complex operator - (const Complex &c2) const; //运算符-重载成员函数
void display() const; //输出复数
private: //私有数据成员
double real; //复数实部
double imag; //复数虚部
Complex Complex::operator + (const Complex &c2) const { //重载运算符函数实现
return Complex(real + c2.real, imag + c2.imag); //创建一个临时无名对象作为返回值
Complex Complex::operator - (const Complex &c2) const { //重载运算符函数实现
return Complex(real - c2.real, imag - c2.imag); //创建一个临时无名对象作为返回值
void Complex::display() const {
cout << "(" << real << ", " << imag << ")" << endl;
int main() { //主函数
Complex c1(5, 4), c2(2, 10), c3; //定义复数类的对象
cout << "c1 = "; c1.display();
cout << "c2 = "; c2.display();
c3 = c1 - c2; //使用重载运算符完成复数减法
cout << "c3 = c1 - c2 = "; c3.display();
c3 = c1 + c2; //使用重载运算符完成复数加法
cout << "c3 = c1 + c2 = "; c3.display();
return 0;
完成以下内容:仿照上述的复数加减法运算程序,增加复数的乘法运算( (a+bi)*(c+di)=(ac-bd)+(ad+bc)i)重载,并在主函数中进行测试(c3=c1*c2)。给出程序的完整源代码,并粘贴运行结果截图。
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Complex { //复数类定义
- public: //外部接口
- Complex(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0) : real(r), imag(i) { } //构造函数
- Complex operator + (const Complex &c2) const; //运算符+重载成员函数
- Complex operator - (const Complex &c2) const; //运算符-重载成员函数
- Complex operator * (const Complex &c2) const;
- void display() const; //输出复数
- private: //私有数据成员
- double real; //复数实部
- double imag; //复数虚部
- };
- Complex Complex::operator + (const Complex &c2) const { //重载运算符函数实现
- return Complex(real + c2.real, imag + c2.imag); //创建一个临时无名对象作为返回值
- }
- Complex Complex::operator - (const Complex &c2) const { //重载运算符函数实现
- return Complex(real - c2.real, imag - c2.imag); //创建一个临时无名对象作为返回值
- }
- Complex Complex::operator * (const Complex &c2) const { //重载运算符函数实现
- return Complex(real*c2.real-imag*c2.imag, real*c2.imag+imag*c2.real); //创建一个临时无名对象作为返回值
- }
- void Complex::display() const {
- cout << "(" << real << ", " << imag << ")" << endl;
- }
- int main() { //主函数
- Complex c1(5, 4), c2(2, 10), c3; //定义复数类的对象
- cout << "c1 = "; c1.display();
- cout << "c2 = "; c2.display();
- c3 = c1 - c2; //使用重载运算符完成复数减法
- cout << "c3 = c1 - c2 = "; c3.display();
- c3 = c1 + c2; //使用重载运算符完成复数加法
- cout << "c3 = c1 + c2 = "; c3.display();
- c3 = c1 * c2; //使用重载运算符完成复数乘法
- cout << "c3 = c1 * c2 = "; c3.display();
- return 0;
- }
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Complex;
- Complex operator + (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2); //运算符+重载非成员函数
- Complex operator - (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2); //运算符-重载非成员函数
- Complex operator * (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2); //运算符*重载非成员函数
- class Complex { //复数类定义
- public: //外部接口
- Complex(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0) : real(r), imag(i) { } //构造函数
- friend Complex operator + (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2); //运算符+重载成员函数
- friend Complex operator - (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2); //运算符-重载成员函数
- friend Complex operator * (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2);
- void display() const; //输出复数
- private: //私有数据成员
- double real; //复数实部
- double imag; //复数虚部
- };
- Complex operator + (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){ //重载运算符函数实现
- return Complex(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imag + c2.imag); //创建一个临时无名对象作为返回值
- }
- Complex operator - (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){ //重载运算符函数实现
- return Complex(c1.real - c2.real, c1.imag - c2.imag); //创建一个临时无名对象作为返回值
- }
- Complex operator * (const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){ //重载运算符函数实现
- return Complex(c1.real*c2.real-c1.imag*c2.imag, c1.real*c2.imag+c1.imag*c2.real); //创建一个临时无名对象作为返回值
- }
- void Complex::display() const {
- cout << "(" << real << ", " << imag << ")" << endl;
- }
- int main() { //主函数
- Complex c1(5, 4), c2(2, 10), c3; //定义复数类的对象
- cout << "c1 = "; c1.display();
- cout << "c2 = "; c2.display();
- c3 = c1 - c2; //使用重载运算符完成复数减法
- cout << "c3 = c1 - c2 = "; c3.display();
- c3 = c1 + c2; //使用重载运算符完成复数加法
- cout << "c3 = c1 + c2 = "; c3.display();
- c3 = c1 * c2; //使用重载运算符完成复数乘法
- cout << "c3 = c1 * c2 = "; c3.display();
- return 0;
- }
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Point
Point& operator++();
Point operator++(int);
Point& operator--();
Point operator--(int);
Point() { _x = _y = 0; }
int x() { return _x; }
int y() { return _y; }
int _x, _y;
Point& Point::operator++()
Point Point::operator++(int)
Point& Point::operator--()
Point Point::operator--(int)
int main()
Point a;
cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Point
- {
- public:
- Point& operator++();
- Point operator++(int);
- Point& operator--();
- Point operator--(int);
- Point() { _x = _y = 0; }
- int x() { return _x; }
- int y() { return _y; }
- private:
- int _x, _y;
- };
- //给出前置++:perator++()的实现
- Point& Point::operator++()
- {
- _x++;_y++;
- return *this;
- }
- //给出后置++:operator++(int)的实现
- Point Point::operator++(int)
- {
- Point old = *this;
- _x++;_y++;
- return old;
- }
- //给出前置--:perator--()的实现
- Point& Point::operator--()
- {
- _x--;_y--;
- return *this;
- }
- //给出后置--:perator--(int)的实现
- Point Point::operator--(int)
- {
- Point old = *this;
- _x--;_y--;
- return old;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Point a;
- cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
- a++;
- cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
- ++a;
- cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
- a--;
- cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
- --a;
- cout << "a的值为:" << a.x() << " , " << a.y() << endl;
- }
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Shape
//完善Circle 的定义
class Circle : public Shape
Circle(float radius):itsRadius(radius){}
float itsRadius;
class Rectangle : public Shape
Rectangle(float len, float width): itsLength(len), itsWidth(width){};
float itsWidth;
float itsLength;
int main()
Shape * sp;
sp = new Circle(5);
cout << "The area of the Circle is " << sp->getArea () << endl;
cout << "The perimeter of the Circle is " << sp->getPerim () << endl;
delete sp;
sp = new Rectangle(4,6);
cout << "The area of the Rectangle is " << sp->getArea() << endl;
cout << "The perimeter of the Rectangle is " << sp->getPerim () << endl;
delete sp;
return 0;
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- const float PI = 3.14;
- //完善类Shape的定义
- class Shape
- {
- public:
- Shape(){}
- ~Shape(){}
- virtual float getArea()=0;//此处需要定义为纯虚函数,不然不实现函数体会报错
- virtual float getPerim()=0;//此处需要定义为纯虚函数,不然不实现函数体会报错
- };
- //完善Circle 的定义
- class Circle : public Shape
- {
- public:
- Circle(float radius):itsRadius(radius){}
- ~Circle(){}
- virtual float getArea();
- virtual float getPerim();
- private:
- float itsRadius;
- };
- //完善Rectangle的定义
- class Rectangle : public Shape
- {
- public:
- Rectangle(float len, float width): itsLength(len), itsWidth(width){};
- ~Rectangle(){};
- virtual float getArea();
- virtual float getPerim();
- private:
- float itsWidth;
- float itsLength;
- };
- float Circle::getArea(){
- return itsRadius*itsRadius*PI;
- }
- float Circle::getPerim(){
- return itsRadius*PI*2;
- }
- float Rectangle::getArea(){
- return itsWidth*itsLength;
- }
- float Rectangle::getPerim(){
- return (itsLength+itsWidth)*2;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Shape * sp;
- sp = new Circle(5);
- cout << "The area of the Circle is " << sp->getArea () << endl;
- cout << "The perimeter of the Circle is " << sp->getPerim () << endl;
- delete sp;
- sp = new Rectangle(4,6);
- cout << "The area of the Rectangle is " << sp->getArea() << endl;
- cout << "The perimeter of the Rectangle is " << sp->getPerim () << endl;
- delete sp;
- return 0;
- }
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