如果你需要这些资料,可以添加V获取:vip1024b (备注软件测试)
if months > 0:
time_str += str(months) + “m”
if weeks > 0:
time_str += str(weeks) + “w”
if days > 0:
time_str += str(days) + “d”
return time_str
def explain_code(function_to_test, unit_test_package=“pytest”):
prompt = f"“”"# How to write great unit tests with {unit_test_package}
In this advanced tutorial for experts, we’ll use Python 3.8 and {unit_test_package}
to write a suite of unit tests to verify the behavior of the following function.
Before writing any unit tests, let’s review what each element of the function is doing exactly and what the author’s intentions may have been.
code_explaination, prompt_to_explain_code = explain_code(code)
the function takes an integer value representing days as its sole argument.
function is used to calculate the number of years and days, the number of months and days, and the number of weeks and days.def generate_a_test_plan(full_code_explaination, unit_test_package=“pytest”):
prompt_to_explain_a_plan = f"“”
A good unit test suite should aim to:
to make the tests easy to write and maintain{unit_test_package}
has many convenient features that make it easy to write and maintain unit tests. We’ll use them to write unit tests for the function above.
For this particular function, we’ll want our unit tests to handle the following diverse scenarios (and under each scenario, we include a few examples as sub-bullets):
prompt = full_code_explaination+prompt_to_explain_a_plan
response = gpt35(prompt)
return response, prompt
test_plan, prompt_to_get_test_plan = generate_a_test_plan(prompt_to_explain_code+code_explaination)
Normal inputs:
is a positive integerdays
is 0days
is a negative integerdays
is a floatdays
is a stringdays
is None
is a listdef generate_test_cases(function_to_test, unit_test_package=“pytest”):
starter_comment = “Below, each test case is represented by a tuple passed to the @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator”
prompt_to_generate_the_unit_test = f"“”
Before going into the individual tests, let’s first look at the complete suite of unit tests as a cohesive whole. We’ve added helpful comments to explain what each line does.
import {unit_test_package} # used for our unit tests
full_unit_test_prompt = prompt_to_explain_code + code_explaination + test_plan + prompt_to_generate_the_unit_test
unit_test_response, prompt_to_generate_the_unit_test = generate_test_cases(code)
@pytest.mark.parametrize(“days, expected”, [
(1, “1d”), # normal input
(7, “1w”), # normal input
(30, “1m”), # normal input
(365, “1y”), # normal input
(731, “2y”), # normal input
(-1, pytest.raises(ValueError)), # abnormal input
(0, pytest.raises(ValueError)), # abnormal input
(1.5, pytest.raises(TypeError)), # abnormal input
(“1”, pytest.raises(TypeError)), # abnormal input
def test_format_time(days, expected):
Test the format_time() function.
if isinstance(expected, type):
with pytest.raises(expected):
assert format_time(days) == expected
import ast
code_output = prompt_to_generate_the_unit_test[code_start_index:] + unit_test_response
except SyntaxError as e:
print(f"Syntax error in generated code: {e}")
import pytest # used for our unit tests
def format_time(days):
years, days = divmod(days, 365)
months, days = divmod(days, 30)
weeks, days = divmod(days, 7)
time_str = “”
if years > 0:
time_str += str(years) + “y”
if months > 0:
time_str += str(months) + “m”
if weeks > 0:
time_str += str(weeks) + “w”
if days > 0:
time_str += str(days) + “d”
return time_str
#Below, each test case is represented by a tuple passed to the @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator.
#The first element of the tuple is the name of the test case, and the second element is a list of arguments to pass to the function.
#The @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator allows us to write a single test function that can be used to test multiple input values.
@pytest.mark.parametrize(“test_input,expected”, [
(“Valid Inputs”, [
(0, “0d”), # test for 0 days
(1, “1d”), # test for 1 day
(7, “7d”), # test for 7 days
(30, “1m”), # test for 30 days
(365, “1y”), # test for 365 days
(400, “1y35d”), # test for 400 days
(800, “2y160d”), # test for 800 days
(3650, “10y”), # test for 3650 days
(3651, “10y1d”), # test for 3651 days
(“Invalid Inputs”, [
(“string”, None), # test for string input
([], None), # test for list input
((), None), # test for tuple input
({}, None), # test for set input
({1: 1}, None), # test for dictionary input
(1.5, None), # test for float input
(None, None), # test for None input
(“Edge Cases”, [
(10000000000, “274247y5m2w6d”), # test for large positive integer
(1, “1d”), # test for small positive integer
(-10000000000, “-274247y5m2w6d”), # test for large negative integer
(-1, “-1d”) # test for small negative integer
def test_format_time(test_input, expected):
for days, expected_result in expected:
assert format_time(days) == expected_result
@pytest.mark.parametrize(“test_input,expected”, [
(“Valid Inputs”, [
(7, “7d” -> “1w”), # test for 7 days
(30, “1m”), # test for 30 days
(365, “1y”), # test for 365 days
(400, “1y35d” -> “1y1m5d”), # test for 400 days
(800, “2y160d” -> “2y5m1w3d”), # test for 800 days
(3650, “10y”), # test for 3650 days
(3651, “10y1d”), # test for 3651 days
OpenAI 的大语言模型,只是提供了简简单单的 Completion 和 Embedding 这样两个核心接口,通过合理使用这两个接口,我们完成了各种各样复杂的任务。
llama-index 专注于为大语言模型的应用构建索引,虽然 Langchain 也有类似的功能,但这一点并不是 Langchain 的主要卖点。Langchain 的第一个卖点其实就在它的名字里,也就是链式调用。
from langchain import PromptTemplate, OpenAI, LLMChain
from langchain.chains import SequentialChain
import ast
def write_unit_test(function_to_test, unit_test_package=“pytest”):
explain_code = “”“”# How to write great unit tests with {unit_test_package}
In this advanced tutorial for experts, we’ll use Python 3.8 and {unit_test_package}
to write a suite of unit tests to verify the behavior of the following function.
Before writing any unit tests, let’s review what each element of the function is doing exactly and what the author’s intentions may have been.
explain_code_template = PromptTemplate(
input_variables=[“unit_test_package”, “function_to_test”],
explain_code_llm = OpenAI(model_name=“text-davinci-002”, temperature=0.4, max_tokens=1000,
top_p=1, stop=[“\n\n”, “\n\t\n”, “\n \n”])
explain_code_step = LLMChain(llm=explain_code_llm, prompt=explain_code_template, output_key=“code_explaination”)
test_plan = “”"
A good unit test suite should aim to:
to make the tests easy to write and maintain{unit_test_package}
has many convenient features that make it easy to write and maintain unit tests. We’ll use them to write unit tests for the function above.
For this particular function, we’ll want our unit tests to handle the following diverse scenarios (and under each scenario, we include a few examples as sub-bullets):
test_plan_template = PromptTemplate(
input_variables=[“unit_test_package”, “function_to_test”, “code_explaination”],
test_plan_llm = OpenAI(model_name=“text-davinci-002”, temperature=0.4, max_tokens=1000,
top_p=1, stop=[“\n\n”, “\n\t\n”, “\n \n”])
test_plan_step = LLMChain(llm=test_plan_llm, prompt=test_plan_template, output_key=“test_plan”)
starter_comment = “Below, each test case is represented by a tuple passed to the @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator”
prompt_to_generate_the_unit_test = “”"
Before going into the individual tests, let’s first look at the complete suite of unit tests as a cohesive whole. We’ve added helpful comments to explain what each line does.
import {unit_test_package} # used for our unit tests
unit_test_template = PromptTemplate(
input_variables=[“unit_test_package”, “function_to_test”, “code_explaination”, “test_plan”, “starter_comment”],
需要这份系统化的资料的朋友,可以添加V获取:vip1024b (备注软件测试)
input_variables=[“unit_test_package”, “function_to_test”, “code_explaination”, “test_plan”, “starter_comment”],
需要这份系统化的资料的朋友,可以添加V获取:vip1024b (备注软件测试)
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