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引擎开发_ 碰撞检测_GJK 算法详细介绍_sat gjk

sat gjk


SAT(分离轴定理)算法一样,GJK算法也只对凸体有效。 GJK算法的优势是:通过support函数(后面会详细讲述),从而支持任何凸体形状之间的碰撞检测;相比SAT算法,你不需要一些额外的操作,比如增加特殊的代码和算法处理曲面形状。




明可夫斯基和(Minkowski Sum)


A + B = {a + b|a∈A, b∈B}



A – B = A + (-B) = {a + (– b)|a∈A, b∈B} = {a – b)|a∈A, b∈B}



我们看一个例子,图1中两个物体进行明可夫斯基差操作,将得到图2的形状。可以看到,该形状包含 原点 ,这是因为这两个物体是相交的。

执行这些操作需要物体1的顶点数*物体2的顶点数*2(原作者用的二维向量,如果在三维空间,当然就是*3了,如果是向量减法数量就什么都不用乘了) 个减法操作。物体包含无穷多个点,但由于是凸体,我们可以只对它们的顶点执行明可夫斯基差操作。在执行GJK算法过程中,实际上我们并不需要显式计算物体之间明可夫斯基差,这也是GJK算法的优势所在。







  1. public Point support(Shape shape1, Shape shape2, Vector d) {
  2. // d is a vector direction (doesn't have to be normalized)
  3. // get points on the edge of the shapes in opposite directions
  4. Point p1 = shape1.getFarthestPointInDirection(d);
  5. Point p2 = shape2.getFarthestPointInDirection(d.negative());
  6. // perform the Minkowski Difference
  7. Point p3 = p1.subtract(p2);
  8. // p3 is now a point in Minkowski space on the edge of the Minkowski Difference
  9. return p3;
  10. }

开始操作,使用d = (1, 0)

  1. p1 = (9, 9);
  2. p2 = (5, 7);
  3. p3 = p1 - p2 = (4, 2);

第二步,使用d = (-1, 0)

  1. p1 = (4, 5);
  2. p2 = (12, 7);
  3. p3 = p1 - p2 = (-8, -2);

注意p1可能是 (4, 5) 或者 (4, 11)这两个都将在明可夫斯差形状的边上产生一个点。

下一步 假定 d = (0, 1)

  1. p1 = (4, 11);
  2. p2 = (10, 2);
  3. p3 = p1 - p2 = (-6, 9);



 前面我们说过,两个物体的明可夫斯基差中的单纯形包含原点时候,这个两个物体相交。在图3中,单纯形没有包含原点,但实际上,这两个物体是相交的。问题在于我们选择的方向,在第三步中,如果我们选择d = (0, -1) 作为方向,那么

  1. p1 = (4, 5);
  2. p2 = (5, 7);
  3. p3 = p1 - p2 = (-1, -2);




  1. d = ...
  2. a = support(..., d)
  3. d = ...
  4. b = support(..., d)
  5. AB = a - b
  6. AO = a - ORIGIN
  7. d = AB x AO x AB
  8. c = support(..., d)
c 中使用的方向 d 依赖于 a b 形成的直线,通过用相反的方向,我们可以选择离 a 最远的 b 点。

  1. d = ...
  2. a = support(..., d)
  3. b = support(..., -d)
  4. AB = a - b
  5. AO = a - ORIGIN
  6. d = AB x AO x AB
  7. c = support(..., d)



即使我们使用上面的方法,也仍有可能在三步内不能得到包含原点的单纯形,所以我们必须用迭代的方法创建单纯形,每次生成的单纯形比上次更接近包含原点。我们也需要检查两个条件:1)现在的单纯形包含原点吗? 2)我们能够包含原点吗?


  1. Vector d = // choose a search direction
  2. // get the first Minkowski Difference point
  3. Simplex.add(support(A, B, d));
  4. //下面开始循环: 第一次迭代
  5. // negate d for the next point
  6. d.negate();
  7. // start looping
  8. while (true) {
  9. // add a new point to the simplex because we haven't terminated yet
  10. Simplex.add(support(A, B, d));
  11. // make sure that the last point we added actually passed the origin
  12. if (Simplex.getLast().dot(d) <= 0) {
  13. // if the point added last was not past the origin in the direction of d
  14. // then the Minkowski Sum cannot possibly contain the origin since
  15. // the last point added is on the edge of the Minkowski Difference
  16. return false;
  17. } else {
  18. // otherwise we need to determine if the origin is in
  19. // the current simplex
  20. if (Simplex.contains(ORIGIN)) {
  21. // if it does then we know there is a collision
  22. return true;
  23. } else {
  24. // otherwise we cannot be certain so find the edge who is
  25. // closest to the origin and use its normal (in the direction
  26. // of the origin) as the new d and continue the loop
  27. d = getDirection(Simplex);
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }


  1. d = c2 - c1 = (9, 5) - (7.5, 6) = (1.5, -1);
  2. p1 = support(A, B, d) = (9, 9) - (5, 7) = (4, 2);
  3. Simplex.add(p1);
  4. d.negate() = (-1.5, 1);


  1. last = support(A, B, d) = (4, 11) - (10, 2) = (-6, 9);
  2. //we past the origin so check if we contain the origin
  3. // we dont because we are line // get the new direction by (AB x AO) x AB = B(A.dot(C)) - A(B.dot(C))
  4. AB = (-6, 9) - (4, 2) = (-10, 7);
  5. AO = (0, 0) - (-6, 9) = (6, -9);
  6. ABxAOxAB = AO(149) - AB(-123)
  7. = (894, -1341) - (1230, -861)
  8. = (-336, -480)
  9. = (-0.573, -0.819)



  1. last = support(A, B, d) = (4, 5) - (12, 7) = (-8, -2)
  2. proj = (-8, -2).dot(-336, -480) = 2688 + 960 = 3648
  3. //we past the origin so check if we contain the origin
  4. //we dont (see Figure 6a)
  5. // the new direction will be the perp of (4, 2) and (-8, -2)
  6. // and the point (-6, 9) can be removed[把离原点较远的点移去]
  7. AB = (-8, -2) - (4, 2) = (-12, -4);
  8. AO = (0, 0) - (-8, -2) = (8, 2);
  9. ABxAOxAB = AO(160) - AB(-104)
  10. = (1280, 320) - (1248, 416)
  11. = (32, -96)
  12. = (0.316, -0.948)

第二次迭代后,单纯形仍没有包含原点,所以我们不能推断出两个物体是否相交。在第二次迭代中,我们移去了   (-6, 9) 点,因为我们任何时刻只需要 3 个点,我们在迭代开始后,会增加一个新的点。


  1. last = support(A, B, d) = (4, 5) - (5, 7) = (-1, -2)
  2. proj = (-1, -2).dot(32, -96) = -32 + 192 = 160
  3. // we past the origin so check if we contain the origin
  4. // we do (Figure 7)!



   通过一系列基于点积操作的面测试(在二维是线测试),我们能够判定原点位于单纯形的什么位置。首先我们必须处理线段测试,看前面第一次迭代的例子,增加第二个点后(代码第9),单纯形现在是一条线段(AB)。我们能够通过Voronoi 区域判定单纯形是否包含原点(看图8).


  1. // the perp of AB in the direction of O can be found by
  2. AB = B - A;
  3. AO = O - A;
  4. perp = AB x AO x AB;

图中白色的区域不会被测试,因为通过了11行代码的测试[否则会返回false],显然原点不会位于该区域。R2区域也不可能包含原点,因为上一个方向是在相反的方向,所以我们需要测试的是R3,R4,R5区域,我们能够执行AC x AB x AB 得到一个垂直于AB的向量,接着执行 ABPerp.dot(AO) 去判定是否原点在R4区域(小于0的话不在R4

  1. AB = (-6, 9) - (-8, -2) = (2, 11)
  2. AC = (4, 2) - (-8, -2) = (12, 4)
  3. // AC x AB x AB = AB(AC.dot(AB)) - AC(AB.dot(AB))
  4. ABPerp = AB(68) - AC(125)
  5. = (136, 748) - (1500, 500)
  6. = (-1364, 248)
  7. = (-11, 2)
  8. // compute AO
  9. AO = (0, 0) - (-8, -2) = (8, 2)
  10. ABPerp.dot(AO) = -11 * 8 + 2 * 2 = -84
  11. // its negative so the origin does not lie in R4
  1. AB = (-6, 9) - (-8, -2) = (2, 11)
  2. AC = (4, 2) - (-8, -2) = (12, 4)
  3. // AB x AC x AC = AC(AB.dot(AC)) - AB(AC.dot(AC))
  4. ACPerp = AC(68) - AB(160)
  5. = (816, 272) - (320, 1760)
  6. = (496, -1488)
  7. = (1, -3)
  8. // compute AO
  9. AO = (0, 0) - (-8, -2) = (8, 2)
  10. ACPerp.dot(AO) = 1 * 8 + -3 * 2 = 2
  11. // its positive so that means the origin lies in R3正值表示在R3,负的表示在R5
AC x AO x AC
  1. Vector d = // choose a search direction
  2. // get the first Minkowski Difference point
  3. Simplex.add(support(A, B, d));
  4. // negate d for the next point
  5. d.negate();
  6. // start looping
  7. while (true) {
  8. // add a new point to the simplex because we haven't terminated yet
  9. Simplex.add(support(A, B, d));
  10. // make sure that the last point we added actually passed the origin
  11. if (Simplex.getLast().dot(d) <= 0) {
  12. // if the point added last was not past the origin in the direction of d
  13. // then the Minkowski Sum cannot possibly contain the origin since
  14. // the last point added is on the edge of the Minkowski Difference
  15. return false;
  16. } else {
  17. // otherwise we need to determine if the origin is in
  18. // the current simplex
  19. if (containsOrigin(Simplex, d) {
  20. // if it does then we know there is a collision
  21. return true;
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }
  25. public boolean containsOrigin(Simplex s, Vector d) {
  26. // get the last point added to the simplex
  27. a = Simplex.getLast();
  28. // compute AO (same thing as -A)
  29. ao = a.negate();
  30. if (Simplex.points.size() == 3) {
  31. // then its the triangle case
  32. // get b and c
  33. b = Simplex.getB();
  34. c = Simplex.getC();
  35. // compute the edges
  36. ab = b - a;
  37. ac = c - a;
  38. // compute the normals
  39. abPerp = tripleProduct(ac, ab, ab);
  40. acPerp = tripleProduct(ab, ac, ac);
  41. // is the origin in R4
  42. if (abPerp.dot(ao) > 0) {
  43. // remove point c
  44. Simplex.remove(c);
  45. // set the new direction to abPerp
  46. d.set(abPerp);
  47. } else {
  48. // is the origin in R3
  49. if (acPerp.dot(ao) > 0) {
  50. // remove point b
  51. Simplex.remove(b);
  52. // set the new direction to acPerp
  53. d.set(acPerp);
  54. } else{
  55. // otherwise we know its in R5 so we can return true
  56. return true;
  57. }
  58. }
  59. } else {
  60. // then its the line segment case
  61. b = Simplex.getB();
  62. // compute AB
  63. ab = b - a;
  64. // get the perp to AB in the direction of the origin
  65. abPerp = tripleProduct(ab, ao, ab);
  66. // set the direction to abPerp
  67. d.set(abPerp);
  68. }
  69. return false;
  70. }


