* Returns an array of {@link AudioDeviceInfo} objects corresponding to the audio devices
* currently connected to the system and meeting the criteria specified in the
* <code>flags</code> parameter.
* @param flags A set of bitflags specifying the criteria to test.
* @return A (possibly zero-length) array of AudioDeviceInfo objects.
public AudioDeviceInfo[] getDevices(int flags) {
return getDevicesStatic(flags);
<devicePort tagName="bus0_media_out" role="sink" type="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BUS"
<profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT"
samplingRates="48000" channelMasks="AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO"/>
<gain name="" mode="AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_JOINT"
minValueMB="-3200" maxValueMB="600" defaultValueMB="0" stepValueMB="100"/>
public static AudioDeviceInfo[] getDevicesStatic(int flags) {
ArrayList<AudioDevicePort> ports = new ArrayList<AudioDevicePort>();
int status = AudioManager.listAudioDevicePorts(ports);
if (status != AudioManager.SUCCESS) {
// fail and bail!
return new AudioDeviceInfo[0]; // Always return an array.
return infoListFromPortList(ports, flags);
这里分了两步,为了方便梳理时序,我们假设是 1 和2。第1步是通过AudioManager.listAudioDevicePorts(ports)去拿设备节点,第2步infoListFromPortList(ports, flags)去构造我们需要的AudioDeviceInfo[]我们先来看listAudioDevicePorts
public static int listAudioDevicePorts(ArrayList<AudioDevicePort> devices) {
if (devices == null) {
ArrayList<AudioPort> ports = new ArrayList<AudioPort>();
int status = updateAudioPortCache(ports, null, null);
if (status == SUCCESS) {
filterDevicePorts(ports, devices);
return status;
也是分了两步,假设1.1和1.2,我们还是一点一点分析,先看1.1 updateAudioPortCache
static int updateAudioPortCache(ArrayList<AudioPort> ports, ArrayList<AudioPatch> patches, ArrayList<AudioPort> previousPorts) { sAudioPortEventHandler.init(); synchronized (sAudioPortGeneration) { if (sAudioPortGeneration == AUDIOPORT_GENERATION_INIT) { // 可能最近年纪大了,也可能是java学的比较烂,这块竟然纠结了好久,为什么要new int[1]而不是直接用int, // 后来才明白原来是为了处理参数的传递。如果有不明白的自己百度吧关于java参数的传递 int[] patchGeneration = new int[1]; int[] portGeneration = new int[1]; int status; // 又分了两步,拿ports和patches。port和patch又是啥呢,我个人理解port更像是device的描述,而patch是把source 和sink连起来了,把输入输出端串上。 ArrayList<AudioPort> newPorts = new ArrayList<AudioPort>(); ArrayList<AudioPatch> newPatches = new ArrayList<AudioPatch>(); do { newPorts.clear(); // 1.1.1 status = AudioSystem.listAudioPorts(newPorts, portGeneration); if (status != SUCCESS) { Log.w(TAG, "updateAudioPortCache: listAudioPorts failed"); return status; } newPatches.clear(); // 1.1.2 status = AudioSystem.listAudioPatches(newPatches, patchGeneration); if (status != SUCCESS) { Log.w(TAG, "updateAudioPortCache: listAudioPatches failed"); return status; } // Loop until patch generation is the same as port generation unless audio ports // and audio patches are not null. } while (patchGeneration[0] != portGeneration[0] && (ports == null || patches == null)); // If the patch generation doesn't equal port generation, return ERROR here in case // of mismatch between audio ports and audio patches. if (patchGeneration[0] != portGeneration[0]) { return ERROR; } // 1.1.3 for (int i = 0; i < newPatches.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < newPatches.get(i).sources().length; j++) { AudioPortConfig portCfg = updatePortConfig(newPatches.get(i).sources()[j], newPorts); newPatches.get(i).sources()[j] = portCfg; } for (int j = 0; j < newPatches.get(i).sinks().length; j++) { AudioPortConfig portCfg = updatePortConfig(newPatches.get(i).sinks()[j], newPorts); newPatches.get(i).sinks()[j] = portCfg; } } for (Iterator<AudioPatch> i = newPatches.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AudioPatch newPatch = i.next(); boolean hasInvalidPort = false; for (AudioPortConfig portCfg : newPatch.sources()) { if (portCfg == null) { hasInvalidPort = true; break; } } for (AudioPortConfig portCfg : newPatch.sinks()) { if (portCfg == null) { hasInvalidPort = true; break; } } if (hasInvalidPort) { // Temporarily remove patches with invalid ports. One who created the patch // is responsible for dealing with the port change. i.remove(); } } sPreviousAudioPortsCached = sAudioPortsCached; sAudioPortsCached = newPorts; sAudioPatchesCached = newPatches; sAudioPortGeneration = portGeneration[0]; } if (ports != null) { ports.clear(); ports.addAll(sAudioPortsCached); } if (patches != null) { patches.clear(); patches.addAll(sAudioPatchesCached); } if (previousPorts != null) { previousPorts.clear(); previousPorts.addAll(sPreviousAudioPortsCached); } } return SUCCESS; }
先看下 1.1.1AudioSystem.listAudioPorts(newPorts, portGeneration)通过AudioSystem直接调到了jni
android_media_AudioSystem_listAudioPorts(JNIEnv *env, jobject clazz, jobject jPorts, jintArray jGeneration) { ALOGV("listAudioPorts"); if (jPorts == NULL) { ALOGE("listAudioPorts NULL AudioPort ArrayList"); return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE; } if (!env->IsInstanceOf(jPorts, gArrayListClass)) { ALOGE("listAudioPorts not an arraylist"); return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE; } if (jGeneration == NULL || env->GetArrayLength(jGeneration) != 1) { return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE; } status_t status; unsigned int generation1; unsigned int generation; unsigned int numPorts; jint *nGeneration; struct audio_port *nPorts = NULL; int attempts = MAX_PORT_GENERATION_SYNC_ATTEMPTS; jint jStatus; // get the port count and all the ports until they both return the same generation do { if (attempts-- < 0) { status = TIMED_OUT; break; } numPorts = 0; // 其实调用的是AudioPolicyManager的listAudioPorts,这次调用主要是遍历numPorts的数量 status = AudioSystem::listAudioPorts(AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_NONE, AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_NONE, &numPorts, NULL, &generation1); if (status != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE_IF(status != NO_ERROR, "AudioSystem::listAudioPorts error %d", status); break; } if (numPorts == 0) { jStatus = (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_SUCCESS; goto exit; } // 拿到numPorts数量后重新分配内存大小 nPorts = (struct audio_port *)realloc(nPorts, numPorts * sizeof(struct audio_port)); // // 真正遍历audioport status = AudioSystem::listAudioPorts(AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_NONE, AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_NONE, &numPorts, nPorts, &generation); ALOGV("listAudioPorts AudioSystem::listAudioPorts numPorts %d generation %d generation1 %d", numPorts, generation, generation1); } while (generation1 != generation && status == NO_ERROR); jStatus = nativeToJavaStatus(status); if (jStatus != AUDIO_JAVA_SUCCESS) { goto exit; } for (size_t i = 0; i < numPorts; i++) { jobject jAudioPort = NULL; jStatus = convertAudioPortFromNative(env, &jAudioPort, &nPorts[i]); if (jStatus != AUDIO_JAVA_SUCCESS) { goto exit; } env->CallBooleanMethod(jPorts, gArrayListMethods.add, jAudioPort); if (jAudioPort != NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jAudioPort); } } exit: nGeneration = env->GetIntArrayElements(jGeneration, NULL); if (nGeneration == NULL) { jStatus = (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR; } else { nGeneration[0] = generation1; env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jGeneration, nGeneration, 0); } free(nPorts); return jStatus; }
通过jni我们看到调用了两次 AudioSystem::listAudioPorts,其实只有第二次才是真正的调用,第一次只是为了遍历audioport的数量以便重新分配内存。我们来具体看下AudioPolicyManager的listAudioPorts过程
status_t AudioPolicyManager::listAudioPorts(audio_port_role_t role, audio_port_type_t type, unsigned int *num_ports, struct audio_port *ports, unsigned int *generation) { if (num_ports == NULL || (*num_ports != 0 && ports == NULL) || generation == NULL) { return BAD_VALUE; } ALOGV("listAudioPorts() role %d type %d num_ports %d ports %p", role, type, *num_ports, ports); if (ports == NULL) { *num_ports = 0; } size_t portsWritten = 0; size_t portsMax = *num_ports; *num_ports = 0; if (type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_NONE || type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE) { // do not report devices with type AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_STUB or AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_STUB // as they are used by stub HALs by convention if (role == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK || role == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_NONE) { for (const auto& dev : mAvailableOutputDevices) { if (dev->type() == AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_STUB) { continue; } //第一次传入的portsMax为0.因此不会走dev->toAudioPort只会 (*num_ports)++ if (portsWritten < portsMax) { dev->toAudioPort(&ports[portsWritten++]); } (*num_ports)++; } } if (role == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE || role == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_NONE) { for (const auto& dev : mAvailableInputDevices) { if (dev->type() == AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_STUB) { continue; } // //第一次传入的portsMax为0.因此不会走dev->toAudioPort只会 (*num_ports)++ if (portsWritten < portsMax) { dev->toAudioPort(&ports[portsWritten++]); } (*num_ports)++; } } } if (type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_NONE || type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX) { if (role == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK || role == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_NONE) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mInputs.size() && portsWritten < portsMax; i++) { mInputs[i]->toAudioPort(&ports[portsWritten++]); } *num_ports += mInputs.size(); } if (role == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE || role == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_NONE) { size_t numOutputs = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputs.size(); i++) { if (!mOutputs[i]->isDuplicated()) { numOutputs++; if (portsWritten < portsMax) { mOutputs[i]->toAudioPort(&ports[portsWritten++]); } } } *num_ports += numOutputs; } } *generation = curAudioPortGeneration(); ALOGV("listAudioPorts() got %zu ports needed %d", portsWritten, *num_ports); return NO_ERROR; }
我们看到,因为第一次传入的*num_ports为0,即portsMax为0.因此不会走dev->toAudioPort只会 (*num_ports)++,所以只有第二次才会真正的toAudioPort,那么都加载了哪些设备?有mAvailableInputDevices和mOutputs以及mAvailableInputDevices和mInputs,其实最终也就是取了我们在audiopolicyManager初始化的时候解析xml的那些attachedDevices 对应的audioport和mixPort对应的audioport取出来了。
android_media_AudioSystem_listAudioPatches(JNIEnv *env, jobject clazz, jobject jPatches, jintArray jGeneration) { ALOGV("listAudioPatches"); if (jPatches == NULL) { ALOGE("listAudioPatches NULL AudioPatch ArrayList"); return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE; } if (!env->IsInstanceOf(jPatches, gArrayListClass)) { ALOGE("listAudioPatches not an arraylist"); return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE; } if (jGeneration == NULL || env->GetArrayLength(jGeneration) != 1) { return (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_BAD_VALUE; } status_t status; unsigned int generation1; unsigned int generation; unsigned int numPatches; jint *nGeneration; struct audio_patch *nPatches = NULL; jobjectArray jSources = NULL; jobject jSource = NULL; jobjectArray jSinks = NULL; jobject jSink = NULL; jobject jPatch = NULL; int attempts = MAX_PORT_GENERATION_SYNC_ATTEMPTS; jint jStatus; // get the patch count and all the patches until they both return the same generation do { if (attempts-- < 0) { status = TIMED_OUT; break; } numPatches = 0; status = AudioSystem::listAudioPatches(&numPatches, NULL, &generation1); if (status != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE_IF(status != NO_ERROR, "listAudioPatches AudioSystem::listAudioPatches error %d", status); break; } if (numPatches == 0) { jStatus = (jint)AUDIO_JAVA_SUCCESS; goto exit; } nPatches = (struct audio_patch *)realloc(nPatches, numPatches * sizeof(struct audio_patch)); status = AudioSystem::listAudioPatches(&numPatches, nPatches, &generation); ALOGV("listAudioPatches AudioSystem::listAudioPatches numPatches %d generation %d generation1 %d", numPatches, generation, generation1); } while (generation1 != generation && status == NO_ERROR); jStatus = nativeToJavaStatus(status); if (jStatus != AUDIO_JAVA_SUCCESS) { goto exit; } for (size_t i = 0; i < numPatches; i++) { jobject patchHandle = env->NewObject(gAudioHandleClass, gAudioHandleCstor, nPatches[i].id); if (patchHandle == NULL) { jStatus = AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR; goto exit; } ALOGV("listAudioPatches patch %zu num_sources %d num_sinks %d", i, nPatches[i].num_sources, nPatches[i].num_sinks); env->SetIntField(patchHandle, gAudioHandleFields.mId, nPatches[i].id); // load sources jSources = env->NewObjectArray(nPatches[i].num_sources, gAudioPortConfigClass, NULL); if (jSources == NULL) { jStatus = AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR; goto exit; } for (size_t j = 0; j < nPatches[i].num_sources; j++) { jStatus = convertAudioPortConfigFromNative(env, NULL, &jSource, &nPatches[i].sources[j]); if (jStatus != AUDIO_JAVA_SUCCESS) { goto exit; } env->SetObjectArrayElement(jSources, j, jSource); env->DeleteLocalRef(jSource); jSource = NULL; ALOGV("listAudioPatches patch %zu source %zu is a %s handle %d", i, j, nPatches[i].sources[j].type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE ? "device" : "mix", nPatches[i].sources[j].id); } // load sinks jSinks = env->NewObjectArray(nPatches[i].num_sinks, gAudioPortConfigClass, NULL); if (jSinks == NULL) { jStatus = AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR; goto exit; } for (size_t j = 0; j < nPatches[i].num_sinks; j++) { jStatus = convertAudioPortConfigFromNative(env, NULL, &jSink, &nPatches[i].sinks[j]); if (jStatus != AUDIO_JAVA_SUCCESS) { goto exit; } env->SetObjectArrayElement(jSinks, j, jSink); env->DeleteLocalRef(jSink); jSink = NULL; ALOGV("listAudioPatches patch %zu sink %zu is a %s handle %d", i, j, nPatches[i].sinks[j].type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE ? "device" : "mix", nPatches[i].sinks[j].id); } jPatch = env->NewObject(gAudioPatchClass, gAudioPatchCstor, patchHandle, jSources, jSinks); env->DeleteLocalRef(jSources); jSources = NULL; env->DeleteLocalRef(jSinks); jSinks = NULL; if (jPatch == NULL) { jStatus = AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR; goto exit; } env->CallBooleanMethod(jPatches, gArrayListMethods.add, jPatch); env->DeleteLocalRef(jPatch); jPatch = NULL; } exit: nGeneration = env->GetIntArrayElements(jGeneration, NULL); if (nGeneration == NULL) { jStatus = AUDIO_JAVA_ERROR; } else { nGeneration[0] = generation1; env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jGeneration, nGeneration, 0); } if (jSources != NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jSources); } if (jSource != NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jSource); } if (jSinks != NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jSinks); } if (jSink != NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jSink); } if (jPatch != NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jPatch); } free(nPatches); return jStatus; }
status_t AudioPolicyManager::listAudioPatches(unsigned int *num_patches,
struct audio_patch *patches,
unsigned int *generation)
if (generation == NULL) {
return BAD_VALUE;
*generation = curAudioPortGeneration();
return mAudioPatches.listAudioPatches(num_patches, patches);
status_t AudioPatchCollection::listAudioPatches(unsigned int *num_patches, struct audio_patch *patches) const { if (num_patches == NULL || (*num_patches != 0 && patches == NULL)) { return BAD_VALUE; } ALOGV("listAudioPatches() num_patches %d patches %p available patches %zu", *num_patches, patches, size()); if (patches == NULL) { *num_patches = 0; } size_t patchesWritten = 0; size_t patchesMax = *num_patches; *num_patches = 0; for (size_t patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < size(); patchIndex++) { // do not report patches with AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_STUB as source or // AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_STUB as sink as those devices are used by stub HALs by convention const sp<AudioPatch> patch = valueAt(patchIndex); bool skip = false; for (size_t srcIndex = 0; srcIndex < patch->mPatch.num_sources && !skip; srcIndex++) { if (patch->mPatch.sources[srcIndex].type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE && patch->mPatch.sources[srcIndex].ext.device.type == AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_STUB) { skip = true; } } for (size_t sinkIndex = 0; sinkIndex < patch->mPatch.num_sinks && !skip; sinkIndex++) { if (patch->mPatch.sinks[sinkIndex].type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE && patch->mPatch.sinks[sinkIndex].ext.device.type == AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_STUB) { skip = true; } } if (skip) { continue; // to next audio patch } if (patchesWritten < patchesMax) { patches[patchesWritten] = patch->mPatch; patches[patchesWritten++].id = patch->mHandle; } (*num_patches)++; ALOGV("listAudioPatches() patch %zu num_sources %d num_sinks %d", patchIndex, patch->mPatch.num_sources, patch->mPatch.num_sinks); } ALOGV("listAudioPatches() got %zu patches needed %d", patchesWritten, *num_patches); return NO_ERROR; }
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