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FPGA 以太网数据发送(无需PHY和变压器)_fpga 间传输 不需要 phy芯片

fpga 间传输 不需要 phy芯片


ipconfig /all
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module TENBASET_TxD(clk20, Ethernet_TDp, Ethernet_TDm);

// a 20MHz clock (this code won't work with a different frequency)
input clk20;

// the two differential 10BASE-T outputs
output Ethernet_TDp, Ethernet_TDm;

// "IP source" - put an unused IP - if unsure, see comment below after the source code
parameter IPsource_1 = 192;
parameter IPsource_2 = 168;
parameter IPsource_3 = 0;
parameter IPsource_4 = 44;

// "IP destination" - put the IP of the PC you want to send to
parameter IPdestination_1 = 192;
parameter IPdestination_2 = 168;
parameter IPdestination_3 = 0;
parameter IPdestination_4 = 2;

// "Physical Address" - put the address of the PC you want to send to
parameter PhysicalAddress_1 = 8'h00;
parameter PhysicalAddress_2 = 8'h07;
parameter PhysicalAddress_3 = 8'h95;
parameter PhysicalAddress_4 = 8'h0B;
parameter PhysicalAddress_5 = 8'hFB;
parameter PhysicalAddress_6 = 8'hAF;

// sends a packet roughly every second
reg [23:0] counter; always @(posedge clk20) counter<=counter+1;
reg StartSending; always @(posedge clk20) StartSending<=&counter;

// we send a UDP packet, 18 bytes payload

// calculate the IP checksum, big-endian style
parameter IPchecksum1 = 32'h0000C53F + (IPsource_1<<8)+IPsource_2+(IPsource_3<<8)+IPsource_4+
parameter IPchecksum2 =  ((IPchecksum1&32'h0000FFFF)+(IPchecksum1>>16));
parameter IPchecksum3 = ~((IPchecksum2&32'h0000FFFF)+(IPchecksum2>>16));

reg [6:0] rdaddress;
reg [7:0] pkt_data;

always @(posedge clk20) 
// Ethernet preamble
  7'h00: pkt_data <= 8'h55;
  7'h01: pkt_data <= 8'h55;
  7'h02: pkt_data <= 8'h55;
  7'h03: pkt_data <= 8'h55;
  7'h04: pkt_data <= 8'h55;
  7'h05: pkt_data <= 8'h55;
  7'h06: pkt_data <= 8'h55;
  7'h07: pkt_data <= 8'hD5;
// Ethernet header
  7'h08: pkt_data <= PhysicalAddress_1;
  7'h09: pkt_data <= PhysicalAddress_2;
  7'h0A: pkt_data <= PhysicalAddress_3;
  7'h0B: pkt_data <= PhysicalAddress_4;
  7'h0C: pkt_data <= PhysicalAddress_5;
  7'h0D: pkt_data <= PhysicalAddress_6;
  7'h0E: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h0F: pkt_data <= 8'h12;
  7'h10: pkt_data <= 8'h34;
  7'h11: pkt_data <= 8'h56;
  7'h12: pkt_data <= 8'h78;
  7'h13: pkt_data <= 8'h90;
// IP header
  7'h14: pkt_data <= 8'h08;
  7'h15: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h16: pkt_data <= 8'h45;
  7'h17: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h18: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h19: pkt_data <= 8'h2E;
  7'h1A: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h1B: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h1C: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h1D: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h1E: pkt_data <= 8'h80;
  7'h1F: pkt_data <= 8'h11;
  7'h20: pkt_data <= IPchecksum3[15:8];
  7'h21: pkt_data <= IPchecksum3[ 7:0];
  7'h22: pkt_data <= IPsource_1;
  7'h23: pkt_data <= IPsource_2;
  7'h24: pkt_data <= IPsource_3;
  7'h25: pkt_data <= IPsource_4;
  7'h26: pkt_data <= IPdestination_1;
  7'h27: pkt_data <= IPdestination_2;
  7'h28: pkt_data <= IPdestination_3;
  7'h29: pkt_data <= IPdestination_4;
// UDP header
  7'h2A: pkt_data <= 8'h04;
  7'h2B: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h2C: pkt_data <= 8'h04;
  7'h2D: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h2E: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h2F: pkt_data <= 8'h1A;
  7'h30: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
  7'h31: pkt_data <= 8'h00;
// payload
  7'h32: pkt_data <= 8'h00;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h33: pkt_data <= 8'h01;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h34: pkt_data <= 8'h02;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h35: pkt_data <= 8'h03;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h36: pkt_data <= 8'h04;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h37: pkt_data <= 8'h05;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h38: pkt_data <= 8'h06;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h39: pkt_data <= 8'h07;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h3A: pkt_data <= 8'h08;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h3B: pkt_data <= 8'h09;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h3C: pkt_data <= 8'h0A;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h3D: pkt_data <= 8'h0B;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h3E: pkt_data <= 8'h0C;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h3F: pkt_data <= 8'h0D;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h40: pkt_data <= 8'h0E;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h41: pkt_data <= 8'h0F;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h42: pkt_data <= 8'h10;	// put here the data that you want to send
  7'h43: pkt_data <= 8'h11;	// put here the data that you want to send
  default: pkt_data <= 8'h00;

// and finally the 10BASE-T's magic
reg [3:0] ShiftCount;
reg SendingPacket;
always @(posedge clk20) if(StartSending) SendingPacket<=1; else if(ShiftCount==14 && rdaddress==7'h48) SendingPacket<=0;
always @(posedge clk20) ShiftCount <= SendingPacket ? ShiftCount+1 : 15;
wire readram = (ShiftCount==15);
always @(posedge clk20) if(ShiftCount==15) rdaddress <= SendingPacket ? rdaddress+1 : 0;
reg [7:0] ShiftData; always @(posedge clk20) if(ShiftCount[0]) ShiftData <= readram ? pkt_data : {1'b0, ShiftData[7:1]};

// generate the CRC32
reg [31:0] CRC;
reg CRCflush; always @(posedge clk20) if(CRCflush) CRCflush <= SendingPacket; else if(readram) CRCflush <= (rdaddress==7'h44);
reg CRCinit; always @(posedge clk20) if(readram) CRCinit <= (rdaddress==7);
wire CRCinput = CRCflush ? 0 : (ShiftData[0] ^ CRC[31]);
always @(posedge clk20) if(ShiftCount[0]) CRC <= CRCinit ? ~0 : ({CRC[30:0],1'b0} ^ ({32{CRCinput}} & 32'h04C11DB7));

// generate the NLP
reg [17:0] LinkPulseCount; always @(posedge clk20) LinkPulseCount <= SendingPacket ? 0 : LinkPulseCount+1;
reg LinkPulse; always @(posedge clk20) LinkPulse <= &LinkPulseCount[17:1];

// TP_IDL, shift-register and manchester encoder
reg SendingPacketData; always @(posedge clk20) SendingPacketData <= SendingPacket;
reg [2:0] idlecount; always @(posedge clk20) if(SendingPacketData) idlecount<=0; else if(~&idlecount) idlecount<=idlecount+1;
wire dataout = CRCflush ? ~CRC[31] : ShiftData[0];
reg qo; always @(posedge clk20) qo <= SendingPacketData ? ~dataout^ShiftCount[0] : 1;
reg qoe; always @(posedge clk20) qoe <= SendingPacketData | LinkPulse | (idlecount<6);
reg Ethernet_TDp; always @(posedge clk20) Ethernet_TDp <= (qoe ? qo : 1'b0);
reg Ethernet_TDm; always @(posedge clk20) Ethernet_TDm <= (qoe ? ~qo : 1'b0);

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