arXiv上刚刚挂的一篇文章Fair Resource Allocation in Federated Learning,作者是CMU的AP Virginia Smith组的,搜了一下主页,居然是一个超级年轻的小姐姐~
之前横向联邦学习一般都是follow google的FedAvg算法,将所有用户(或者随机一部分)更新的梯度取个平均作为中心模型的更新参数。显然,这种做法虽然对于所有用户来说,全局模型最后会收敛到一个最优值,但是对于单个用户,这个模型并不一定能达到局部最优。作者将之视为一个resource allocation fairness的问题,希望在全局最优的情况下,让所有用户个体都尽可能地达到最优值。
Definition 1 (Fairness of performance distribution): For trained models w w w and w ′ w' w′, we say that model w w w provides a more fair solution to the federated learning objective (1) than model w ′ w' w′ if the variance of the performance of model w w w on the m devices, a 1 , . . . , a m {a_1, ..., a_m} a1,...,am, is smaller than the variance of the performance of model w ′ w' w′ on the m devices, i.e., V a r ( a 1 , . . . , a m ) ≤ V a r ( a 1 ′ , . . . , a m ′ ) Var(a_1, ... , a_m) ≤ Var(a'_1, ... , a'_m) Var(a1,...,
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