http {
include mime.types;
... ...
lua_package_path "/apps/nginx/conf/lualib/?.lua;;";
include upstream/*.conf;
include hosts/*/upstream.conf;
include hosts/*/pre-server.conf;
include hosts/*/server.conf;
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name galaxy.shangwenhe.com;
index index.html index.htm;
# 注入环境变量区分当前进行环境
include common/subfilter/environment.conf;
include error.conf;
include hosts/galaxy.shangwenhe.com/locations/*.path;
location / {
default_type application/json;
return 200 '{"domain": "galaxy.shangwenhe.com"}';
location ^~ /adam/ {
default_type application/json;
content_by_lua_file /apps/nginx/conf/lualib/adam.lua; # 使用Lua脚本接管/adam/接口
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name mgt.shangwenhe.com;
index index.html index.htm;
# 注入环境变量区分当前进行环境
include common/subfilter/environment.conf;
include error.conf;
include hosts/mgt.shangwenhe.com/locations/*.path;
location / {
default_type application/json;
return 200 '{"domain": "mgt.shangwenhe.com"}';
location ^~ /adam/ { client_body_buffer_size 5m; client_max_body_size 5m; if ($request_method = DELETE) { return 403; } default_type application/json; # 默认读取 body lua_need_request_body on; access_by_lua_file /apps/nginx/conf/lualib/adam.mgt.lua; # 使用Lua脚本接管/adam/接口 # 需要以 / 结束 proxy_pass http://galaxy_adam_es/; # 对接入ES proxy_connect_timeout 600; proxy_read_timeout 600; proxy_send_timeout 600; proxy_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffers 16 256k; proxy_set_header Host 'mgt.shangwenhe.com'; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection ""; }
local params = { sentinels = { { host = "", port = 26379 }, { host = "", port = 26379 }, }, master_name = "galaxy-adam-redis", role = "master", connect_timeout = 300 } -- 链接redis local rc = require("redis.connector").new() local redis, err = rc:connect_via_sentinel(params) if not redis then ngx.say(string.format('{"status": "failed to connect", "error":"%s"}', err)) return end -- get redis key local document_uri = ngx.var.document_uri local key = string.gsub(string.sub(string.lower(document_uri), string.len('/adam/') + 1 ), '/', ':') -- 外理PUT,POST请求 if "PUT" == ngx.var.request_method or "POST" == ngx.var.request_method then local body = ngx.req.get_body_data() if nil == body then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, 'body:', body) end local setOk, setErr = redis:set(key, body) if not setOk then ngx.say(string.format('{"key": "%s", "status": "none", "error":"%s"}', key, setErr)) return end -- 设置过期时间为3个月 60*60*24*30*3 redis:expire(key, 7776000) end -- 删除请求 同时清除redis中的内容 if "DELETE" == ngx.var.request_method then local res = redis:get(key) if res then -- 设置过期时间为3个月 60*60*24*30*3 redis:expire(key, 0) return end end
-- 非 get 请求拒绝外理 if "GET" ~= ngx.var.request_method then -- ngx.status = 403 ngx.say('{"status": "403", "msg":"403 Forbidden"}') return end local rc = require("redis.connector").new() -- 飞书通知 local notice = require("notice.feishu") local params = { sentinels = { { host = "", port = 26379 }, { host = "", port = 26379 }, }, master_name = "galaxy-adam-redis", -- 为了可以设置过期时间,这里选择了使用master role = "master", connect_timeout = 300 } local redis, err = rc:connect_via_sentinel(params) if not redis then ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err) return end local document_uri = ngx.var.document_uri local key = string.gsub(string.sub(string.lower(document_uri), string.len('/galaxy/adam/') + 1 ), '/', ':') local res, err = redis:get(key) if not res then ngx.say(string.format('{"key": "%s", "status": "none"}', key)) return end if res == ngx.null then local errMsg = string.format('{"key": "%s", "uri":"%s","status": "404"}', key, document_uri) ngx.say(errMsg) -- 飞书通知 notice.send(errMsg) return end -- 设置过期时间为3个月 60*60*24*30*3 redis:expire(key, 7776000) ngx.say(res)
sentinel.lua 咨询哨兵,并请求流量转发目标
local ipairs, type = ipairs, type local ngx_null = ngx.null local tbl_insert = table.insert local ok, tbl_new = pcall(require, "table.new") if not ok then tbl_new = function (narr, nrec) return {} end -- luacheck: ignore 212 end local _M = { _VERSION = '0.09' } function _M.get_master(sentinel, master_name) local res, err = sentinel:sentinel( "get-master-addr-by-name", master_name ) if res and res ~= ngx_null and res[1] and res[2] then return { host = res[1], port = res[2] } else return nil, err end end function _M.get_slaves(sentinel, master_name) local res, err = sentinel:sentinel("slaves", master_name) if res and type(res) == "table" then local hosts = tbl_new(#res, 0) for _,slave in ipairs(res) do local num_recs = #slave local host = tbl_new(0, num_recs + 1) for i = 1, num_recs, 2 do host[slave[i]] = slave[i + 1] end local master_link_status_ok = host["master-link-status"] == "ok" local is_down = host["flags"] and (string.find(host["flags"],"s_down") or string.find(host["flags"],"disconnected")) if master_link_status_ok and not is_down then host.host = host.ip -- for parity with other functions tbl_insert(hosts, host) end end if hosts[1] ~= nil then return hosts else return nil, "no slaves available" end else return nil, err end end return _M
local ipairs, pcall, error, tostring, type, next, setmetatable, getmetatable = ipairs, pcall, error, tostring, type, next, setmetatable, getmetatable local ngx_log = ngx.log local ngx_ERR = ngx.ERR local ngx_re_match = ngx.re.match local str_find = string.find local tbl_remove = table.remove local tbl_sort = table.sort local ok, tbl_new = pcall(require, "table.new") if not ok then tbl_new = function (narr, nrec) return {} end -- luacheck: ignore 212 end local redis = require("resty.redis") redis.add_commands("sentinel") local get_master = require("redis.sentinel").get_master local get_slaves = require("redis.sentinel").get_slaves -- A metatable which prevents undefined fields from being created / accessed local fixed_field_metatable = { __index = function(t, k) -- luacheck: ignore 212 error("field " .. tostring(k) .. " does not exist", 3) end, __newindex = function(t, k, v) -- luacheck: ignore 212 error("attempt to create new field " .. tostring(k), 3) end, } -- Returns a new table, recursively copied from the one given, retaining -- metatable assignment. -- -- @param table table to be copied -- @return table local function tbl_copy(orig) local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == "table" then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do copy[tbl_copy(orig_key)] = tbl_copy(orig_value) end setmetatable(copy, tbl_copy(getmetatable(orig))) else -- number, string, boolean, etc copy = orig end return copy end -- Returns a new table, recursively copied from the combination of the given -- table `t1`, with any missing fields copied from `defaults`. -- -- If `defaults` is of type "fixed field" and `t1` contains a field name not -- present in the defults, an error will be thrown. -- -- @param table t1 -- @param table defaults -- @return table a new table, recursively copied and merged local function tbl_copy_merge_defaults(t1, defaults) if t1 == nil then t1 = {} end if defaults == nil then defaults = {} end if type(t1) == "table" and type(defaults) == "table" then local copy = {} for t1_key, t1_value in next, t1, nil do copy[tbl_copy(t1_key)] = tbl_copy_merge_defaults( t1_value, tbl_copy(defaults[t1_key]) ) end for defaults_key, defaults_value in next, defaults, nil do if t1[defaults_key] == nil then copy[tbl_copy(defaults_key)] = tbl_copy(defaults_value) end end return copy else return t1 -- not a table end end local DEFAULTS = setmetatable({ connect_timeout = 100, read_timeout = 1000, connection_options = {}, -- pool, etc keepalive_timeout = 60000, keepalive_poolsize = 30, host = "", port = 6379, path = "", -- /tmp/redis.sock password = "", sentinel_password = "", db = 0, url = "", -- DSN url master_name = "mymaster", role = "master", -- master | slave sentinels = {}, -- Redis proxies typically don't support full Redis capabilities connection_is_proxied = false, disabled_commands = {}, }, fixed_field_metatable) -- This is the set of commands unsupported by Twemproxy local default_disabled_commands = { "migrate", "move", "object", "randomkey", "rename", "renamenx", "scan", "bitop", "msetnx", "blpop", "brpop", "brpoplpush", "psubscribe", "publish", "punsubscribe", "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "discard", "exec", "multi", "unwatch", "watch", "script", "auth", "echo", "select", "bgrewriteaof", "bgsave", "client", "config", "dbsize", "debug", "flushall", "flushdb", "info", "lastsave", "monitor", "save", "shutdown", "slaveof", "slowlog", "sync", "time" } local _M = { _VERSION = '0.09', } local mt = { __index = _M } local function parse_dsn(params) local url = params.url if url and url ~= "" then local url_pattern = [[^(?:(redis|sentinel)://)(?:([^@]*)@)?([^:/]+)(?::(\d+|[msa]+))/?(.*)$]] local m, err = ngx_re_match(url, url_pattern, "oj") if not m then return nil, "could not parse DSN: " .. tostring(err) end -- TODO: Support a 'protocol' for proxied Redis? local fields if m[1] == "redis" then fields = { "password", "host", "port", "db" } elseif m[1] == "sentinel" then fields = { "password", "master_name", "role", "db" } end -- password may not be present if #m < 5 then tbl_remove(fields, 1) end local roles = { m = "master", s = "slave" } local parsed_params = {} for i,v in ipairs(fields) do if v == "db" or v == "port" then parsed_params[v] = tonumber(m[i + 1]) else parsed_params[v] = m[i + 1] end if v == "role" then parsed_params[v] = roles[parsed_params[v]] end end return tbl_copy_merge_defaults(params, parsed_params) end return params end _M.parse_dsn = parse_dsn function _M.new(config) -- Fill out gaps in config with any dsn params if config and config.url then local err config, err = parse_dsn(config) if err then ngx_log(ngx_ERR, err) end end local ok, config = pcall(tbl_copy_merge_defaults, config, DEFAULTS) if not ok then return nil, config -- err else -- In proxied Redis mode disable default commands if config.connection_is_proxied == true and not next(config.disabled_commands) then config.disabled_commands = default_disabled_commands end return setmetatable({ config = setmetatable(config, fixed_field_metatable) }, mt) end end function _M.connect(self, params) if params and params.url then local err params, err = parse_dsn(params) if err then ngx_log(ngx_ERR, err) end end params = tbl_copy_merge_defaults(params, self.config) if #params.sentinels > 0 then return self:connect_via_sentinel(params) else return self:connect_to_host(params) end end local function sort_by_localhost(a, b) if a.host == "" and b.host ~= "" then return true else return false end end function _M.connect_via_sentinel(self, params) local sentinels = params.sentinels local master_name = params.master_name local role = params.role local db = params.db local password = params.password local sentinel_password = params.sentinel_password if sentinel_password then for _,host in ipairs(sentinels) do host.password = sentinel_password end end local sentnl, err, previous_errors = self:try_hosts(sentinels) if not sentnl then return nil, err, previous_errors end if role == "master" then local master, err = get_master(sentnl, master_name) if not master then return nil, err end sentnl:set_keepalive() master.db = db master.password = password local redis, err = self:connect_to_host(master) if not redis then return nil, err end return redis else -- We want a slave local slaves, err = get_slaves(sentnl, master_name) if not slaves then return nil, err end sentnl:set_keepalive() -- Put any slaves on at the front tbl_sort(slaves, sort_by_localhost) if db or password then for _, slave in ipairs(slaves) do slave.db = db slave.password = password end end local slave, err, previous_errors = self:try_hosts(slaves) if not slave then return nil, err, previous_errors end return slave end end -- In case of errors, returns "nil, err, previous_errors" where err is -- the last error received, and previous_errors is a table of the previous errors. function _M.try_hosts(self, hosts) local errors = tbl_new(#hosts, 0) for i, host in ipairs(hosts) do local r, err = self:connect_to_host(host) if r and not err then return r, nil, errors else errors[i] = err end end return nil, "no hosts available", errors end function _M.connect_to_host(self, host) local r = redis.new() -- config options in 'host' should override the global defaults -- host contains keys that aren't in config -- this can break tbl_copy_merge_defaults, hence the mannual loop here local config = tbl_copy(self.config) for k, _ in pairs(config) do if host[k] then config[k] = host[k] end end r:set_timeout(config.connect_timeout) -- Stub out methods for disabled commands if next(config.disabled_commands) then for _, cmd in ipairs(config.disabled_commands) do r[cmd] = function() return nil, ("Command "..cmd.." is disabled") end end end local ok, err local path = host.path local opts = config.connection_options if path and path ~= "" then if opts then ok, err = r:connect(path, config.connection_options) else ok, err = r:connect(path) end else if opts then ok, err = r:connect(host.host, host.port, config.connection_options) else ok, err = r:connect(host.host, host.port) end end if not ok then return nil, err else r:set_timeout(config.read_timeout) local password = host.password if password and password ~= "" then local res, err = r:auth(password) if err then return res, err end end -- No support for DBs in proxied Redis. if config.connection_is_proxied ~= true and host.db ~= nil then local res, err = r:select(host.db) -- SELECT will fail if we are connected to sentinel: -- detect it and ignore error message it that's the case if err and str_find(err, "ERR unknown command") then local role = r:role() if role and role[1] == "sentinel" then err = nil end end if err then return res, err end end return r, nil end end function _M.set_keepalive(self, redis) -- Restore connection to "NORMAL" before putting into keepalive pool, -- ignoring any errors. -- Proxied Redis does not support transactions. if self.config.connection_is_proxied ~= true then redis:discard() end local config = self.config return redis:set_keepalive( config.keepalive_timeout, config.keepalive_poolsize ) end -- Deprecated: use config table in new() or connect() instead. function _M.set_connect_timeout(self, timeout) self.config.connect_timeout = timeout end -- Deprecated: use config table in new() or connect() instead. function _M.set_read_timeout(self, timeout) self.config.read_timeout = timeout end -- Deprecated: use config table in new() or connect() instead. function _M.set_connection_options(self, options) self.config.connection_options = options end return setmetatable(_M, fixed_field_metatable)
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