- function MyCoordinateComputeDrawing
- %工具:Matrix Compute
- %时间:2019/2/12
- %更新:easy_R
- %核算:compare with RobotToolBox
- %%
- %parameters of coordinate
- clear all;
- clc;
- d1=0.25; d4=0.25; %base and toolpoint transplante
- a2=0.21; a3=0.165; a4=0.21;
- alpha2=pi/2; alpha6=pi/2;
- %%
- %MDH Table of RobotToolBox
- %********************************************************
- % θ d a α offset
- % L(1)=Link([0 0 0 0 0 ],'modified');
- % L(2)=Link([0 0 0 alpha2 0 ],'modified');
- % L(3)=Link([0 0 a2 0 0 ],'modified');
- % L(4)=Link([0 0 a3 0 0 ],'modified');
- % L(5)=Link([0 0 a4 0 0 ],'modified');
- % L(6)=Link([0 0 0 alpha6 0 ],'modified');
- %%********************************************************
- %%
- %compute the TransformMatrix
- % syms theta1 theta2 theta3 theta4 theta5 theta6 real
- % q={theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6};
- theta1=0; theta2=pi/3; theta3=-pi/3; theta4=-pi/3; theta5=pi/3; theta6=0;
- T10=[ cos(theta1), -sin(theta1), 0, 0;
- sin(theta1)*cos(0),cos(theta1)*cos(0),-sin(0),-sin(0)*0;
- sin(theta1)*sin(0),cos(theta1)*sin(0), cos(0), cos(0)*0;
- 0, 0, 0, 1
- ];
- T21=[ cos(theta2), -sin(theta2), 0, 0;
- sin(theta2)*cos(pi/2),cos(theta2)*cos(pi/2),-sin(pi/2),-sin(pi/2)*0;
- sin(theta2)*sin(pi/2),cos(theta2)*sin(pi/2), cos(pi/2), cos(pi/2)*0;
- 0, 0, 0, 1
- ];
- T32=[ cos(theta3), -sin(theta3), 0, a2;
- sin(theta3)*cos(0),cos(theta3)*cos(0),-sin(0),-sin(0)*0;
- sin(theta3)*sin(0),cos(theta3)*sin(0), cos(0), cos(0)*0;
- 0, 0, 0, 1
- ];
- T43=[ cos(theta4), -sin(theta4), 0, a3;
- sin(theta4)*cos(0),cos(theta4)*cos(0),-sin(0),-sin(0)*0;
- sin(theta4)*sin(0),cos(theta4)*sin(0), cos(0), cos(0)*0;
- 0, 0, 0, 1
- ];
- T54=[ cos(theta5), -sin(theta5), 0, a4;
- sin(theta5)*cos(0),cos(theta5)*cos(0),-sin(0),-sin(0)*0;
- sin(theta5)*sin(0),cos(theta5)*sin(0), cos(0), cos(0)*0;
- 0, 0, 0, 1
- ];
- T65=[ cos(theta6), -sin(theta6), 0, 0;
- sin(theta6)*cos(pi/2),cos(theta6)*cos(pi/2),-sin(pi/2),-sin(pi/2)*0;
- sin(theta6)*sin(pi/2),cos(theta6)*sin(pi/2), cos(pi/2), cos(pi/2)*0;
- 0, 0, 0, 1
- ];
- %%
- %Matrix compute
- % Tb=[1,0,0,0;0,1,0,0;0,0,1,d1;0,0,0,1]; %respect to basement transform matrix
- % T10=Tb*T10;
- T20=T10*T21;T30=T20*T32;T40=T30*T43;T50=T40*T54;
- T10;
- T20;
- T30;
- T40;
- T50;
- T60=T50*T65;
- %%
- %number compute
- % qz={0,0,0,0,0,0}; %ready state
- % T6=vpa(subs(T60,q,qz),3) %compute simplify
- disp('output transform matrix of the endpoint respect to basement T6:')
- T60
- % qu={0 pi/3 -pi/3 -pi/3 pi/3 0};%standup state
- % T6=vpa(subs(T60,q,qz),3)
- %%
- %draw the posture of robot
- x = [T10(1,4) T20(1,4) T30(1,4) T40(1,4) T50(1,4) T60(1,4)];
- y = [T10(2,4) T20(2,4) T30(2,4) T40(2,4) T50(2,4) T60(2,4)];
- z = [T10(3,4) T20(3,4) T30(3,4) T40(3,4) T50(3,4) T60(3,4)];
- %draw the toolpoint coordinate
- px=T60*[0.05;0;0;1]; py=T60*[0;0.05;0;1]; pz=T60*[0;0;0.05;1]; %'50'is properties of coordinate
- px1=[T60(1,4),px(1,1)];py1=[T60(2,4),px(2,1)];pz1=[T60(3,4),px(3,1)];
- px2=[T60(1,4),py(1,1)];py2=[T60(2,4),py(2,1)];pz2=[T60(3,4),py(3,1)];
- px3=[T60(1,4),pz(1,1)];py3=[T60(2,4),pz(2,1)];pz3=[T60(3,4),pz(3,1)];
- %%
- %drawing figures
- plot3(x,y,z,'o','linewidth',8);
- hold on
- %set coordinate
- plot3(px1,py1,pz1,'r','LineWidth',3)
- hold on
- plot3(px2,py2,pz2,'g','LineWidth',3)
- hold on
- plot3(px3,py3,pz3,'b','LineWidth',3)
- title("Forward Kinematics")
- xlabel("x(m)")
- ylabel("y(m)")
- zlabel("z(m)")
- plot3(x,y,z, 'y','Linewidth',5);
- grid on;
- %%
- end

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