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乔布斯 匮乏即是富足,自律产生喜悦 英文


Back in the bad old days. September 1996 to be exact. I discovered the internet, obviously it had been discovered before then, but not by me. It was all new.
I also discovered, almost by accident, that one could build a webpage. The whole new world that was version 2 browsers lay before me. I loved it, bored and pregnant I spent night after night poring over the source of my favourite sites, memorising html tags as I went along, just me, notepad and an endless stream of other people’s code.

回到过去的糟糕日子。 确切地说是1996年9月。 我发现了互联网,显然它是在此之前发现的,但不是我发现的。 这是全新的。
我还偶然发现,一个人可以建立一个网页。 版本2浏览器的整个新世界摆在我面前。 我喜欢它,无聊又怀孕,我整夜熬夜浏览着我最喜欢的网站的源代码,在我走过的时候记住了html标签,包括我自己,记事本和无穷无尽的其他人的代码。

Somewhere along the line I got quite good at it, somewhere along the line I learned JavaScript, a bit of perl, how to use Photoshop proficiently, and later Dreamweaver replaced my text editors and then my hobby, my late night solace became my job…


… and I forgot how much I loved it, I forgot the sheer thrill of figuring something out for the first time, learning new techniques became a neccessity instead of fun and in the midst of clients and invoices, web teams to look after and projects to run from the outside I forgot the enjoyment of late night sessions staring at two lines of code accompanied by a few tired souls on icq and the hum of my computers.


A few weeks ago, I announced my decision to rebuild this site to new standards. To work towards code that validated, to dump tables for layout in favour of css positioning and quit worrying in my personal space about v.4 browsers.

几周前,我宣布了将网站重建为新标准的决定。 为了处理经过验证的代码,转储表以进行布局以支持css定位,而在我的个人空间中不再担心v.4浏览器。

My resolution has created lots of work, each time I think I am getting near I figure out something new, read another article, hit view source one more time and have to rebuild. I think I’m getting there though.
My first tentative steps were to try using css positioning instead of tables and recreate some of the existing pages of this site. I have since dumped that approach and am rebuilding from scratch, keeping the same feel but enjoying my new positioning powers! Hopefully I will be able to show you this soon.

我的决心创造了很多工作,每当我想接近时,我都会发现一些新东西,阅读另一篇文章,再点击查看源一次,并且必须进行重建。 我想我到达那里了。
我的第一个初步步骤是尝试使用css定位而不是表格,并重新创建该站点的某些现有页面。 从那以后,我放弃了这种方法,并且从头开始重建,保持不变的感觉,但是享受着我新的定位能力! 希望我能尽快向您展示。

Just for these few hours – grabbed inbetween work, taking care of the small person, various freelance projects and life in general – its been like the old days, frustrating and fun, just for a while I can remember why I got into this business at all.


翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2001/04/21/the-joy-of-html/


