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CV计算机视觉每日开源代码Paper with code速览-2023.11.7_paperwithcode







1.【基础网络架构】Understanding Deep Representation Learning via Layerwise Feature Compression and Discrimination

2.【图像分类】(ICLR2023)Cross-Level Distillation and Feature Denoising for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification

3.【开放世界目标检测】Proposal-Level Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Open World Unbiased Detector

4.【异常检测】Towards Generic Anomaly Detection and Understanding: Large-scale Visual-linguistic Model (GPT-4V) Takes the Lead

5.【异常检测】Exploring Grounding Potential of VQA-oriented GPT-4V for Zero-shot Anomaly Detection

6.【图像分割】Rethinking Evaluation Metrics of Open-Vocabulary Segmentaion

7.【实例分割】ISAR: A Benchmark for Single- and Few-Shot Object Instance Segmentation and Re-Identification

8.【人脸识别】(NeurIPS2023)UniTSFace: Unified Threshold Integrated Sample-to-Sample Loss for Face Recognition

9.【人脸识别】Towards Machine Unlearning Benchmarks: Forgetting the Personal Identities in Facial Recognition Systems

10.【医学图像分割】(NeurIPS2023)Uncertainty Estimation for Safety-critical Scene Segmentation via Fine-grained Reward Maximization

11.【医学图像分割】SSL-DG: Rethinking and Fusing Semi-supervised Learning and Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation

12.【图像增强】Zero-Shot Enhancement of Low-Light Image Based on Retinex Decomposition

13.【动作识别】(ACM MM 2023)Unified Multi-modal Unsupervised Representation Learning for Skeleton-based Action Understanding

14.【领域泛化】Robust Fine-Tuning of Vision-Language Models for Domain Generalization

15.【多模态】GLaMM: Pixel Grounding Large Multimodal Model

16.【多模态】SegGen: Supercharging Segmentation Models with Text2Mask and Mask2Img Synthesis

17.【多模态】CogVLM: Visual Expert for Pretrained Language Models

18.【多模态】AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation And Editing

19.【多模态】ChEF: A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework for Standardized Assessment of Multimodal Large Language Models

20.【多模态】(WACV2024)Augment the Pairs: Semantics-Preserving Image-Caption Pair Augmentation for Grounding-Based Vision and Language Models

21.【多模态】PILL: Plug Into LLM with Adapter Expert and Attention Gate

22.【深度估计】(WACV2024)Continual Learning of Unsupervised Monocular Depth from Videos

23.【自动驾驶】MapSeg: Segmentation guided structured model for online HD map construction

24.【轨迹预测】JRDB-Traj: A Dataset and Benchmark for Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds

25.【人体姿态估计】(NeurIPS2023)A Single 2D Pose with Context is Worth Hundreds for 3D Human Pose Estimation

26.【人体姿态估计】(ICCV Workshop 2023)Efficient, Self-Supervised Human Pose Estimation with Inductive Prior Tuning

27.【NeRF】Consistent4D: Consistent 360° Dynamic Object Generation from Monocular Video

28.【NeRF】VR-NeRF: High-Fidelity Virtualized Walkable Spaces

29.【人体重建】Human as Points: Explicit Point-based 3D Human Reconstruction from Single-view RGB Images






CV计算机视觉每日开源代码Paper with code速览-2023.11.6

CV计算机视觉每日开源代码Paper with code速览-2023.11.3

CV计算机视觉每日开源代码Paper with code速览-2023.11.2

CV计算机视觉每日开源代码Paper with code速览-2023.11.1

CV计算机视觉每日开源代码Paper with code速览-2023.10.31

