# 作用: 随机打乱Batch中点云及其label的顺序 def shuffle_data(data, labels): """ Shuffle data and labels. Input: data: B,N,... numpy array label: B,... numpy array Return: shuffled data, label and shuffle indices """ idx = np.arange(len(labels)) np.random.shuffle(idx) return data[idx, ...], labels[idx], idx # 作用: 随机打乱一个点云中点的顺序 def shuffle_points(batch_data): """ Shuffle orders of points in each point cloud -- changes FPS behavior. Use the same shuffling idx for the entire batch. Input: BxNxC array Output: BxNxC array """ idx = np.arange(batch_data.shape[1]) # 根据索引随机点顺序 np.random.shuffle(idx) return batch_data[:,idx,:]
# 作用: 对每个点云与法向量均进行沿xyz三个轴随机(小幅度)旋转 def rotate_perturbation_point_cloud_with_normal(batch_data, angle_sigma=0.06, angle_clip=0.18): """ Randomly perturb the point clouds by small rotations Input: BxNx6 array, original batch of point clouds and point normals angle_sigma: 权重系数, 控制随机角度的大小 angle_clip: 确定随机角度的上下限(-0.18~0.18) Return: BxNx3 array, rotated batch of point clouds """ rotated_data = np.zeros(batch_data.shape, dtype=np.float32) for k in range(batch_data.shape[0]): # 对xyz三个轴方向随机生成一个旋转角度 angles = np.clip(angle_sigma*np.random.randn(3), -angle_clip, angle_clip) # 根据公式构建三个轴方向的旋转矩阵 Rx = np.array([[1,0,0], [0,np.cos(angles[0]),-np.sin(angles[0])], [0,np.sin(angles[0]),np.cos(angles[0])]]) Ry = np.array([[np.cos(angles[1]),0,np.sin(angles[1])], [0,1,0], [-np.sin(angles[1]),0,np.cos(angles[1])]]) Rz = np.array([[np.cos(angles[2]),-np.sin(angles[2]),0], [np.sin(angles[2]),np.cos(angles[2]),0], [0,0,1]]) # 按照内旋方式:Z-Y-X旋转顺序获得整体的旋转矩阵 R = np.dot(Rz, np.dot(Ry,Rx)) shape_pc = batch_data[k,:,0:3] shape_normal = batch_data[k,:,3:6] # 分别对坐标与法向量进行旋转,整体公式应该为: Pt = (Rz * Ry * Rx) * P rotated_data[k,:,0:3] = np.dot(shape_pc.reshape((-1, 3)), R) rotated_data[k,:,3:6] = np.dot(shape_normal.reshape((-1, 3)), R) return rotated_data
# 作用: 对点云数据添加噪声, 进行小范围扰动
def jitter_point_cloud(batch_data, sigma=0.01, clip=0.05):
""" Randomly jitter points. jittering is per point.
BxNx3 array, original batch of point clouds
angle_sigma: 权重系数, 控制随机噪声幅度
angle_clip: 确定随机噪声的上下限(-0.05~0.05)
BxNx3 array, jittered batch of point clouds
B, N, C = batch_data.shape
assert(clip > 0)
jittered_data = np.clip(sigma * np.random.randn(B, N, C), -1*clip, clip)
jittered_data += batch_data # 添加噪声
return jittered_data
# 作用: 对每个点云进行随机平移, 对点云中的每个点添加一个随机的移动距离
def shift_point_cloud(batch_data, shift_range=0.1):
""" Randomly shift point cloud. Shift is per point cloud.
BxNx3 array, original batch of point clouds
BxNx3 array, shifted batch of point clouds
B, N, C = batch_data.shape
shifts = np.random.uniform(-shift_range, shift_range, (B,3)) # 对每个batch的点云设置一个随机的移动偏差
for batch_index in range(B):
batch_data[batch_index,:,:] += shifts[batch_index,:] # 每个点都进行移动
return batch_data
# 作用: 对每个点云进行随机缩放, 实现方法是乘积因子直接与点云数据相乘即可
def random_scale_point_cloud(batch_data, scale_low=0.8, scale_high=1.25):
""" Randomly scale the point cloud. Scale is per point cloud.
BxNx3 array, original batch of point clouds
BxNx3 array, scaled batch of point clouds
B, N, C = batch_data.shape
scales = np.random.uniform(scale_low, scale_high, B) # 0.8~1.25间的随机缩放
for batch_index in range(B):
batch_data[batch_index,:,:] *= scales[batch_index] # 每个点都进行缩放
return batch_data
# 作用: 随机丢弃点云中的点, 操作是将丢弃点全部赋予first point的值, 也就是是一个伪丢弃(shape是没有改变的)
def random_point_dropout(batch_pc, max_dropout_ratio=0.875):
''' batch_pc: BxNx3 '''
for b in range(batch_pc.shape[0]):
dropout_ratio = np.random.random()*max_dropout_ratio # 设置随机丢弃的概率,区间是0~0.875
drop_idx = np.where(np.random.random((batch_pc.shape[1])) <= dropout_ratio)[0] # 找到那些比概率低的索引值来丢弃
if len(drop_idx) > 0:
batch_pc[b,drop_idx,:] = batch_pc[b,0,:] # 这里所谓的丢弃就是将值设置与第一个点相同
return batch_pc
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