防止外部输入的SQL语句包含注入式攻击代码,主要作法就是对字符串进行关键字检查,禁止不应该出现在SQL语句中的关键字如 union
等等,同时还要允许这些字符串作为常量字符串中的内容出现在SQL 语句中。
对于 where 1=1
或where 'hello'="hello"
这种用法,虽然不能算是注入攻击,但在有的情况下属于危险用法 比如在DELETE
语句中 delete * from table where 1=1
import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * SQL WHERE 语句安全检查(防止注入攻击)实现 * @author guyadong * */ public class CheckWhere { // WHERE 安全检查标志定义,每一位对应一个检查类型, / /** 禁用危险关键字(disable SQL dangerous key) */ public static final int CWF_DISABLE_SQLKEY = 0x01; /** 禁用常量表达式(disable constant expression) */ public static final int CWF_DISABLE_CONST_EXP = 0x02; /** 禁用常量等价表达式(disable constant equation expression) */ public static final int CWF_DISABLE_EQUATION_EXP = 0x04; /** 禁用常量IN表达式(disable constant IN expression) */ public static final int CWF_DISABLE_IN_EXP = 0x08; /** 安全检查标志, {@link #checkWhere(String)} 会根据此标志确定是否执行指定的检查 */ private static int whereCheckFlag = CWF_DISABLE_SQLKEY; private static Matcher regexMatcher(String regex,int flags,String input){ return Pattern.compile( regex,flags).matcher(input); } /** * 检查输入的字符串是否指定指定的正则表达,如果找到匹配则抛出{@link IllegalArgumentException}异常 * @param checkFlags 是否执行正则表达匹配的检查标志,参见 CWF_DISABLE_xxx 系列定义 * @param regex 正则表达式 * @param flags 正则表达式匹配标志参见 {@link Pattern#compile(String, int)} * @param input SQL 字符串 * @param errmsg 抛出异常时输出的字符串 */ private static void checkMatchFind(int checkFlags,String regex,int flags,String input,String errmsg){ if(isEnable(checkFlags)){ Matcher matcher = regexMatcher(regex, flags, input); if(matcher.find()){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(errmsg + " '%s'", matcher.group())); } } } private static boolean isEnable(int checkflag){ return (whereCheckFlag & checkflag) == checkflag; } /** * 对 where SQL 语句安全性(防注入攻击)检查 * @param where * @return always where * @throws IllegalArgumentException where 语句有安全问题 */ static String checkWhere(String where){ where = null == where ? "" : where.trim(); if(!where.isEmpty()){ if(!where.toUpperCase().startsWith("WHERE")){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("WHERE expression must start with 'WHERE'(case insensitive)"); } /** 禁止字符串常量比较 * 如 'owner_id'='owner' "_id" * 禁止左右完全相等的比较 * 如 hello=hello * 禁止数字常量比较 * 如 7.0=7 * 如 .12='12' * 如 ".1"=.1 * */ checkMatchFind(CWF_DISABLE_EQUATION_EXP,"((\'[^\']*\'\\s*|\"[^\"]*\\\"\\s*)+\\s*=\\s*(\'[^\']*\'\\s*|\"[^\"]*\"\\s*)+|([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+)\\s*=\\s*[+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+|([^\'\"\\s]+)\\s*=\\s*\\5\\b|([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+)\\s*=\\s*(\'|\")[+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+\\s*\\7|(\'|\")([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+)\\s*\\8\\s*=\\s*[+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+)", 0, where, "INVALID WHERE equation expression"); if(isEnable(CWF_DISABLE_CONST_EXP)){ /** * 禁止恒为true的判断条件 * -- 禁止 非0数字常量为判断条件 * -- 禁止 not false,not true * 如: where "-055.55asdfsdfds0" or true or not false */ Matcher m1 = regexMatcher("((?:where|or)\\s+)(not\\s+)?(false|true|(\'|\")([+-]?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?).*\\4)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, where); while(m1.find()){ boolean not = null != m1.group(2); String g3 = m1.group(3); Boolean isTrue; if(g3.equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ isTrue = true; }else if(g3.equalsIgnoreCase("false")){ isTrue = false; }else{ String g5 = m1.group(5); isTrue = 0 != Double.valueOf(g5); } if(not){ isTrue = ! isTrue; } if(isTrue){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("INVALID WHERE const true expression '%s'",m1.group())); } } } /** * 禁止字符串常量或数字常量开头的 IN语句 * 如 7.0 IN ( 15, 7) * 如 'hello' IN ( 'hello', 'world') * */ checkMatchFind(CWF_DISABLE_IN_EXP,"(((\'|\")[^\']*\\3\\s*)|[\\d\\.+-]+\\s*)\\s+IN\\s+\\(.*\\)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, where, "INVALID IN expression"); /** 删除where中所有字符串常量,再进行关键字检查,避免字符串中的包含的关键引起误判 */ String nonestr=where.replaceAll("(\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\")", ""); checkMatchFind(CWF_DISABLE_SQLKEY,"\\b(exec|insert|delete|update|join|union|master|truncate)\\b", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, nonestr,"ILLEGAL SQL key"); } return where; } /** * 设置安全检查标志,默认{@value #CWF_DISABLE_SQLKEY} * @param whereCheckFlag */ public static void setWhereCheckFlag(int whereCheckFlag) { CheckWhere.whereCheckFlag = whereCheckFlag; } /** * 调用 {@link #checkWhere(String)}检查输入的SQL字符串是否合法, * @param input WHERE SQL 字符串 * @param assertLegal 字符串合法性预定义值 * @throws IllegalArgumentException SQL字符串不合法 * @throws AssertionError 如果{@code assertLegal}为true,checkWhere 没有检查出异常则抛出此异常 * 如果{@code assertLegal}为false,checkWhere 检查出异常则抛出此异常 */ private static void testCheckWhere(String input,boolean assertLegal){ try { checkWhere(input); if(!assertLegal){ throw new AssertionError(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.printf("%s\n", e.getMessage()); if(assertLegal){ throw new AssertionError(); } } } /** * WHERE语句全要素检测测试 */ public static void main(String[] args) { setWhereCheckFlag(0xffffffff); testCheckWhere("WHERE ",true); testCheckWhere("WHERE name='1342342' or age=15",true); testCheckWhere("WHERE name like '1342342%' and age>15 and birthdate='1990-01-01'",true); testCheckWhere("WHERE name='1342342%' and age>15 and birthdate='1990-01-01'",true); testCheckWhere("WHERE 1=1",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE 1=1.0",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE 1=1.0",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE .12=\'12\' or \".1\"=.10 1=1 \"hello\"=\'world\' hello=hello",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE true",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE false",true); testCheckWhere("WHERE not false",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE '12345'='1342342' or age=15",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE age=15 or 1=2",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE age in ()",true); testCheckWhere("WHERE age in (1,2,3,45)",true); testCheckWhere("WHERE 1 in ()",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE 1 in (1,2,3,45)",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE 'hello' in ('hello')",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE 'hello' in ('hello')",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE a=1 union select * from systemtable",false); testCheckWhere("WHERE a in ( select a from systemtable)",true); /** 允许字符串中有危险关键字 */ testCheckWhere("WHERE name='union' or age=15",true); } }
INVALID WHERE equation expression '1=1'
INVALID WHERE equation expression '1=1.0'
INVALID WHERE equation expression '1=1.0'
INVALID WHERE equation expression '.12='12''
INVALID WHERE const true expression 'WHERE true'
INVALID WHERE const true expression 'WHERE not false'
INVALID WHERE equation expression ''12345'='1342342' '
INVALID WHERE equation expression '1=2'
INVALID IN expression '1 in ()'
INVALID IN expression '1 in (1,2,3,45)'
INVALID IN expression ''hello' in ('hello')'
INVALID IN expression ''hello' in ('hello')'
ILLEGAL SQL key 'union'
该方法的实际项目应用参见 gu.sql2java.BaseTableManager
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