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一、 LSTM网络原理

  1. 要点介绍
    (1)输入节点input node:接受上一时刻隐层单元的输出及当前时刻是样本输入;
    (2)输入门input gate:可以看到输入门会和输入节点的值相乘,组成LSTM中internal state单元值的一部分,当门的输出为1时,输入节点的激活值全部流向internal state,当门的输出为0时,输入节点的值对internal state没有影响。
    (3)内部状态internal state。
    (4)遗忘门forget gate:用于刷新internal state的状态,控制internal state的上一状态对当前状态的影响。


时间过得很快,今天已是第二赛季的最后一天了,我从5.18开始接触赛题,到6.14上午10点第一赛季截止,这一期间,由于是线下赛,可以用到各种模型,而自已又是做深度学习(deep learning)方向的研究,所以选择了基于LSTM的循环神经网络模型,结果也很幸运,进入到了第二赛季。开始接触深度学习也有大半年了,能够将自已所学用到这次真正的实际生活应用中,结果也还可以,自已感觉很欣慰。突然意识到,自已学习生涯这么多年,我想“学有所成,学有所用”该是我今后努力的方向和动力了吧。


语言:python 2.7,以及Keras深度学习库。


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 01 16:34:45 2016

@author: Richer
#2.歌手播放曲线以歌曲量均值化(被第 4 点替换掉了)
#3.加入均值滤波 和 均值特征

#%% 时间序列及字典
from __future__ import division
import pandas as pd
import pdb
#import time

_DEBUG = False
_ISTEST = False

tempList = pd.date_range(start = '20150301',end = '20150830')
i = 0
dateList = [] #给出的数据集所在的时间序列
while i < len(tempList):
    strTemp = str(tempList[i])[:10]
    strTemp = strTemp.replace('-','')
    i = i + 1
recDict = {}.fromkeys(dateList,0)   # 给出的数据集所在的时间序列字典
del tempList,i,strTemp             

tempList = pd.date_range(start = '20150831', end = '20151030')
i = 0
objDateL = []  #要预测的目标时间序列
while i < len(tempList):
    strTemp = str(tempList[i])[:10]
    strTemp = strTemp.replace('-','')
    i += 1
del strTemp, i

## 异常数据信息
newSongExcep = 0                         # 用户表中出现的新歌曲
userDsExcep = 0                          # 用户表行为不在20150301-20150830

#%% 表处理---歌曲艺人数据

from copy import deepcopy
fileSong = open("p2_mars_tianchi_songs.csv")
songData = fileSong.readlines()

bigSongDict = {}  # 以歌曲为中心的大表
for songInfo in songData:
    songInfo = songInfo.replace('\n','')
    arrayInfo = songInfo.split(',')

    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]] = {} # 注:此处需要初始化,否则会出错
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['artist_id'] = arrayInfo[1]
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['publish_time'] = arrayInfo[2]
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['song_init_plays'] = arrayInfo[3]
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['Language'] = arrayInfo[4]
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['Gender'] = arrayInfo[5]
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['nUser'] = 0                               #用户数目
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['playRec'] = deepcopy(recDict)             #播放记录
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['downloadRec'] = deepcopy(recDict)         #下载记录
    bigSongDict[arrayInfo[0]]['colloctRec'] = deepcopy(recDict)          #收藏记录

del songData,arrayInfo,songInfo

# 用户行为数据

fileUser = open("p2_mars_tianchi_user_actions.csv")
userData = fileUser.readlines()

for userInfo in userData:
    userInfo = userInfo.replace('\n','')
    arrUser = userInfo.split(',')

    if (arrUser[1] in bigSongDict):
        bigSongDict[arrUser[1]]['nUser'] += 1
        if arrUser[3] == '1':
            bigSongDict[arrUser[1]]['playRec'][arrUser[4]] += 1
        if arrUser[3] == '2':
            bigSongDict[arrUser[1]]['downloadRec'][arrUser[4]] += 1
        if arrUser[3] == '3':
            bigSongDict[arrUser[1]]['colloctRec'][arrUser[4]] += 1
        newSongExcep = newSongExcep + 1

del userData,userInfo,arrUser


from collections import Counter
singerDict = {}   #歌手信息统计 
for songKey in bigSongDict.keys():
    theArtist = bigSongDict[songKey]['artist_id']
    if (theArtist in singerDict):
# dict(Counter())会把 0 值去掉        
        # 对应的 key 相加
        singerDict[theArtist]['playRec'] = dict(Counter(singerDict[theArtist]['playRec']) + Counter(bigSongDict[songKey]['playRec'])) 
        singerDict[theArtist]['downloadRec'] = dict(Counter(singerDict[theArtist]['downloadRec']) + Counter(bigSongDict[songKey]['downloadRec']))
        singerDict[theArtist]['colloctRec'] = dict(Counter(singerDict[theArtist]['colloctRec']) + Counter(bigSongDict[songKey]['colloctRec']))
        singerDict[theArtist]['nSongs'] += 1
        singerDict[theArtist] = {}
        singerDict[theArtist]['playRec'] = deepcopy(bigSongDict[songKey]['playRec'])
        singerDict[theArtist]['downloadRec'] = deepcopy(bigSongDict[songKey]['downloadRec'])
        singerDict[theArtist]['colloctRec'] = deepcopy(bigSongDict[songKey]['colloctRec'])
        singerDict[theArtist]['nSongs'] = 1


import numpy as np
singerInfoList = {}
tpPlayList = []     # 播放列表
tpDownList = []     # 下载列表
tpCollectList = []  # 收藏列表
artList = []        # 歌手列表

i = 0

for singer in singerDict.keys():
    singerInfoList[singer] = {}
    #numSongs = singerDict[singer]['nSongs']  #对应歌手的歌曲数量
    while i < len(dateList):
        if (dateList[i] in singerDict[singer]['playRec'].keys()):
        if (dateList[i] in singerDict[singer]['downloadRec'].keys()):
        if(dateList[i] in singerDict[singer]['colloctRec'].keys()):
        i += 1
    i = 0

    meanPlays = np.mean(tpPlayList)
    stdPlays = np.std(tpPlayList)
    singerInfoList[singer]['meanPlay'] = meanPlays
    singerInfoList[singer]['stdPlay'] = stdPlays
    singerInfoList[singer]['maxPlay'] = (abs((np.array(tpPlayList) - meanPlays) / stdPlays)).max()

    singerInfoList[singer]['playRec'] = deepcopy(tpPlayList)
    singerInfoList[singer]['downloadRec'] = deepcopy(tpDownList)
    singerInfoList[singer]['colloctRec'] = deepcopy(tpCollectList)

    del tpPlayList, tpDownList, tpCollectList
    tpPlayList = []
    tpDownList = []
    tpCollectList = []

del tpPlayList, tpDownList, tpCollectList, singer,meanPlays,stdPlays

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

#i = 0
#if _ISTEST == True:
#    while i < len(singerInfoList):
#        flagY = i % 9
#        if flagY ==0:
#            plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
#            plt.suptitle('FFT process')
#        plt.subplot(3,3,flagY + 1)
#        fAmp = np.fft.fft(singerInfoList[artList[i]]['playRec']) / len(dateList)
#        plt.stem(abs(fAmp[1:(len(fAmp)/2)]))
#        i += 1
#        del fAmp

#predictTestFFT = {} #使用FFT回归预测结果
#playLth = 0 #选取播放序列的长度做FFT
#chsNum = np.ones(len(singerInfoList),dtype=np.int) * 1  #选择前10个峰值做趋势预测
##chsNum[0] = 10
##chsNum[5] = 10
##chsNum[7] = 10
##chsNum[8] = 10
##chsNum[10] = 10
##chsNum[17] = 10
##chsNum[21] = 10
##chsNum[22] = 10
#if _ISTEST == True:
#    playLth = len(dateList) - len(objDateL)
#    playLth = len(dateList)
#j = 0 #歌手索引
#i = 0 #FFT索引
#while j < len(singerInfoList):
#    i = 0
#    ampFFT = np.fft.fft(singerInfoList[artList[j]]['playRec'][:playLth]) / playLth
#    sortInd = sorted(xrange(len(ampFFT)),key = (abs(ampFFT)).__getitem__,reverse = True) #降序排列
#    chsAmp = np.zeros(chsNum[j])
#    while i < chsNum[j]:
#        chsAmp[i] = ampFFT[sortInd[i]]
#        i += 1
#    dateRcon = np.zeros((playLth + len(objDateL)))
#    ind = np.arange(0,len(dateRcon),1.0) / len(ampFFT) * (2 * np.pi)
#    for k, p in enumerate(chsAmp):
#        if k != 0:
#            p *= 2
#        dateRcon += np.real(p) * np.cos(k * ind)
#        dateRcon -= np.imag(p) * np.sin(k * ind)
#    predictTestFFT[artList[j]] = {}
#    predictTestFFT[artList[j]]['playRec'] = deepcopy((list(dateRcon))[playLth:(playLth + len(objDateL))])
#    if _ISTEST == True:
#        flagY = j % 9
#        if flagY == 0:
#            plt.figure(figsize = (10,8),dpi = 150)
#            plt.suptitle('predict test play - use fft')
#        plt.subplot(3,3,flagY + 1)
#        plt.plot(singerInfoList[artList[j]]['playRec'][playLth:(playLth + len(objDateL))],'b')
#        plt.plot(predictTestFFT[artList[j]]['playRec'],'g')
#    j += 1
#    del ampFFT,sortInd,chsAmp,dateRcon,ind

#%% 绘制歌手播放,下载,收藏曲线

xVal = range(len(dateList)) #x坐标值
i = 0

while i < len(singerInfoList):  # 每个歌手播放曲线
    flagY = i % 9
    if flagY == 0:
        plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
        plt.suptitle('every singer average playK-downloadB-colloctR line')
    plt.subplot(3,3,flagY + 1)

    i += 1

del flagY


#nCls = 1  #分类数
#clsTh = 0 #第几类
#nSgrToCls = [] #每类的歌手数量列表
#stdPlayList = [] #所有歌手标准差列表
#indStdList = []  #排序后的数据在原始序列中的索引
#i = 0
#while i < len(artList):
#    stdPlayList.append(singerInfoList[artList[i]]['stdPlay'])
#    i += 1
#indStdList = sorted(xrange(len(stdPlayList)),key = stdPlayList.__getitem__) #默认降序排列
#i = 0 
#while i < (nCls - 1):
#    nSgrToCls.append(int(len(singerInfoList) / nCls))
#    i += 1
#if nCls == 1:
#    nSgrToCls.append(int(len(singerInfoList)))
#    nSgrToCls.append(int(len(singerInfoList) - (nCls - 1) * nSgrToCls[0]))
#nObjSgr = nSgrToCls[clsTh]  #目标歌手数量
#objInd = []                 #初始化-对应的索引
#if clsTh == (nCls -1):
#    objInd = indStdList[( (nCls - 1) * nSgrToCls[0] ):]
#    objInd = indStdList[(clsTh * nSgrToCls[0]):((clsTh + 1) * nSgrToCls[0])]

nObjSgr = len(singerInfoList)
objInd = range(nObjSgr)

#%% 将singerDict 的 playRec downloadRec colloctRec按时间顺序转换为list
# 且分别对每个歌手数据进行归一化

playList = []   #大播放列表
downList = []   # 大下载列表
collectList = [] #大收藏列表
avePlayList = [] # 播放曲线的均值滤波后曲线
varPlayList = [] #实际上是标准差曲线

i = 0
while i < nObjSgr:
    artSg = artList[objInd[i]] 
    meanPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['meanPlay']
    stdPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['stdPlay']
    maxPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['maxPlay']

    playList = playList + list( (np.array(singerInfoList[artSg]['playRec']) - meanPlays) / (stdPlays * maxPlays) )
    downList = downList + singerInfoList[artSg]['downloadRec']
    collectList = collectList + singerInfoList[artSg]['colloctRec']

    i += 1
del meanPlays,stdPlays,maxPlays,artSg

plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
plt.title('overall playK-downB-colloctR')

seqLength = 10                                  #序列长度
testSetRate = 0                                 #测试集比例
if _ISTEST == True:
    testSetRate = len(objDateL) / len(dateList)
    testSetRate = 0
lenDate = len(dateList)                         #给定的数据集时间长度
nSinger = nObjSgr    #len(singerInfoList)                   #艺人数量
batchSize = 50                                   
validRate = 0.2
aveFilter = 4                                   # 均值滤波长度

in_out_neurons = 3  #输入输出神经元个数
firLSTM = 35       #第一层神经元个数
secLSTM = 10       #第二层神经元个数 
epochD = 600        #迭代次数

#%%对播放曲线列表 playList 进行均值滤波 及 求取标准差曲线

i = 0
while i < nSinger:
    j = i * lenDate
    fj = i * lenDate          #起点
    ej = (i + 1) * lenDate   #终点
    while j < ej:
        if j < (i * lenDate + aveFilter -1):
        j +=1
    i +=1

i = 0
while i < nSinger:
    flagY = i % 9
    if flagY == 0:
        plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi =150)
        plt.suptitle('average filter-play-originalK filterB')
    plt.subplot(3,3,flagY + 1)
    stPt = i * lenDate
    endPt = (i + 1) * lenDate
    i += 1

dateSet = pd.DataFrame({"avePlay":avePlayList,"play":playList,"varPlay":varPlayList}) #全体数据集
dateSetOrigin = deepcopy(dateSet)    # 原始数据集保存一份

# 数据预处理 去均值 方差归一 缩放到[-1 1]
#if _DEBUG == True:
#    pdb.set_trace()

#avePlayMean = dateSet['avePlay'].mean()
##downMean = dateSet['down'].mean()
#playMean = dateSet['play'].mean()
#dateSet['avePlay'] = dateSet['avePlay'] - avePlayMean
##dateSet['down'] = dateSet['down'] - downMean
#dateSet['play'] = dateSet['play'] - playMean
#avePlayStd = dateSet['avePlay'].std()
##downStd = dateSet['down'].std()
#playStd = dateSet['play'].std()
#dateSet['avePlay'] = dateSet['avePlay'] / avePlayStd
##dateSet['down'] = dateSet['down'] / downStd
#dateSet['play'] = dateSet['play'] / playStd
#factorMax = abs(dateSet).max().max() + 0.05
#dateSet = dateSet / factorMax

plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
plt.title('overall playK-avePlayB-varPlayG - preprocessed')

def load_data(data, n_prev = 14):  

    docX, docY = [], []
    for i in range(len(data)-n_prev):
#        pdb.set_trace()
#    alsX = np.array(docX)
#    alsY = np.array(docY)

    return docX, docY

def train_test_split(df, test_size = 1 / 3, seqL = 14):  

    ntrn = int(round(len(df) * (1 - test_size)))

    X_train, y_train = load_data(df.iloc[0:ntrn],seqL)
    X_test, y_test = load_data(df.iloc[ntrn:],seqL)

    return (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test)

# 训练集 测试集 划分
if _DEBUG == True:
(xTrain,yTrain), (xTest,yTest) = train_test_split(dateSet[0:lenDate],testSetRate,seqLength)

needPredict = [] # 需要被预测的后续序列的真实值
tempIndex = int(round(lenDate * (1 - testSetRate)))
if _ISTEST == True:
    needPredict.append(dateSet[0:lenDate].iloc[tempIndex:].as_matrix()) # 三维数组,每组是一个歌手需要预测的序列

i = 1

while i < nSinger:
    startPt = i * lenDate
    endPt = (i + 1) * lenDate
    tempData = dateSet[startPt:endPt]
    (xTrainTp,yTrainTp), (xTestTp,yTestTp) = train_test_split(tempData,testSetRate,seqLength)
    xTrain = np.vstack((xTrain,xTrainTp))
    yTrain = np.vstack((yTrain,yTrainTp))
    xTest = np.vstack((xTest,xTestTp))
    yTest = np.vstack((yTest,yTestTp))

    tempIndex = int(round(len(tempData) * (1 - testSetRate)))
    if _ISTEST == True:

    i += 1

X_Train = np.array(xTrain)
Y_Train = np.array(yTrain)
X_Test = np.array(xTest)
Y_Test = np.array(yTest)

del xTrain, yTrain, xTest, yTest

if _ISTEST == True:
    i = 0
    plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
    while i < nSinger:
        orgValue = pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i])
        i += 1
        del orgValue
    plt.suptitle('need predict test data - preprocess data')

#%% 训练算法模型
if _DEBUG == True:

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping

model = Sequential()
# LSTM作为第一层---输入层维度:input_dim,输出层维度:hidden_neurons
model.add(LSTM(firLSTM, input_dim=in_out_neurons, input_length=seqLength,return_sequences=True))
# 标准的一维全连接层---输出:in_out_neurons,输入:input_dim
model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer="rmsprop") # mse  mean_squared_error
earlyStopping = EarlyStopping(monitor = 'val_loss', patience = 10)
# X_Train三维数组,每组是一个序列
hist = model.fit(X_Train, Y_Train, batch_size=batchSize, nb_epoch=epochD, verbose=0, shuffle = False,validation_split=validRate,callbacks = [earlyStopping])

predictTrain = model.predict(X_Train)  # 二维数组,每一行是一组预测值
predictDF = pd.DataFrame(predictTrain)
Y_TrainDF = pd.DataFrame(Y_Train)

plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
plt.title('train set predict check')

if _DEBUG == True:

i = 0
j = 0
predictTest = {} # 所有歌手最终预测结果
while j < nSinger:
    artSg = artList[objInd[j]]
    predictTest[artSg] = {}
    predictTest[artSg]['playRec'] = []   
    predictTest[artSg]['avePlay'] = [] 
    predictTest[artSg]['varPlay'] = []

    j += 1
del artSg

if _DEBUG == True:
i = 0
j = 0
lastIndex = len(X_Train) / nSinger
while j < nSinger:
    lastData = np.array([X_Train[int(lastIndex * (j+1) -1)]])
    while i < len(objDateL):                  #预测天数
        predictTp = model.predict(lastData)
        artSg = artList[objInd[j]]

        lastData = np.array([np.vstack((lastData[0][1:],predictTp))])
        i += 1
    j += 1
    i = 0
    del lastData, predictTp
del artSg

# 预测结果分析---数据还原之前
i = 0
xIndex = range(len(objDateL))
if _ISTEST == True:
    while i < nSinger:                                 # 播放预测曲线
        flagY = i % 9
        if flagY == 0:
            plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
            plt.suptitle('test set: predict play')
        plt.subplot(3,3,flagY + 1)
        orgValue = pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i])  # needPredict三维数组,每组是一个歌手需要预测的序列值
        artSg = artList[objInd[i]]

        i += 1
        del orgValue
    del artSg

i = 0
if _ISTEST == True:
    while i < nSinger:                                 # 平均值预测曲线
        flagY = i % 9
        if flagY == 0:
            plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
            plt.suptitle('test-predict avePlay')
        plt.subplot(3,3,flagY + 1)
        orgValue = pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i])
        artSg = artList[objInd[i]]

        i += 1
        del orgValue
    del artSg

#i = 0
#while i <nSinger:                                 # 收藏预测曲线
#    flagY = i % 9
#    if flagY == 0:
#        plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi = 150)
#    plt.subplot(3,3,flagY +1)
#    orgValue = pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i])
#    plt.plot(xIndex,predictTest[artList[i]]['colloctRec'],'g')
#    plt.plot(xIndex,orgValue[0],'b')
#    i += 1
#    del orgValue
#plt.suptitle('test-predict colloct')

if _ISTEST == True:
    i = 0
    while i < nSinger:
        flagY = i % 9
        if flagY == 0:
            plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi =150)
            plt.suptitle('test-predict play- back to original')
        plt.subplot(3,3,flagY + 1)

        artSg = artList[objInd[i]]
        meanPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['meanPlay']
        stdPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['stdPlay']
        maxPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['maxPlay']

        orgValue = ((pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i]))[1]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays
        aftValue = ((pd.DataFrame(predictTest[artSg]['playRec']))[0]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays


        i +=1

        del orgValue, aftValue
    del artSg

#使用 aveplay 预测真实 play
if _ISTEST == True:
    i = 0
    while i < nSinger:
        flagY = i % 9
        if flagY == 0:
            plt.figure(figsize = (10,8), dpi =150)
            plt.suptitle('use avePlay to predict real play line')
        plt.subplot(3,3,flagY + 1)

        artSg = artList[objInd[i]]
        meanPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['meanPlay']
        stdPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['stdPlay']
        maxPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['maxPlay']

        orgValue = ((pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i]))[1]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays
        aftValue = ((pd.DataFrame(predictTest[artSg]['avePlay']))[0]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays


        i +=1

        del orgValue, aftValue
    del artSg

svrResult = {}
fileSVR = open("svr.csv")
svrData = fileSVR.readlines()

for svrInfo in svrData:
    svrInfo = svrInfo.replace('\n','')
    arrInfo = svrInfo.split(',')

    svrResult[arrInfo[0]] = int(arrInfo[1])

del svrData,svrInfo,arrInfo

#%% 评价指标

if _ISTEST == True:
    singerF = [] # 每个歌手的评价指标值 F
    sumF = 0
    i = 0
    while i < nSinger:
        artSg = artList[objInd[i]]
        meanPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['meanPlay']
        stdPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['stdPlay']
        maxPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['maxPlay']

        orgValue = ((pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i]))[1]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays
        aftValue = ((pd.DataFrame(predictTest[artSg]['playRec']))[0]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays

        tempArr = (np.array(aftValue) - np.array(orgValue)) / (np.array(orgValue))
        tempS = ((tempArr * tempArr).sum()) / len(objDateL)
        theta = math.sqrt(tempS)

        tempFi = math.sqrt((np.array(orgValue)).sum())
        sumF = sumF + (1-theta) * tempFi

        singerF.append((1-theta) * tempFi)

        i += 1
        del orgValue,aftValue,tempArr
    del artSg

if _ISTEST == True:
    singerFA = [] # 每个歌手的评价指标值 F
    sumF = 0
    i = 0
    while i < nSinger:
        artSg = artList[objInd[i]]
        meanPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['meanPlay']
        stdPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['stdPlay']
        maxPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['maxPlay']

        orgValue = ((pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i]))[1]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays
        aftValue = (((pd.DataFrame(predictTest[artSg]['playRec']))[0]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays) * 0.5 + svrResult[artSg] * 0.5

        tempArr = (np.array(aftValue) - np.array(orgValue)) / (np.array(orgValue))
        tempS = ((tempArr * tempArr).sum()) / len(objDateL)
        theta = math.sqrt(tempS)

        tempFi = math.sqrt((np.array(orgValue)).sum())
        sumF = sumF + (1-theta) * tempFi

        singerFA.append((1-theta) * tempFi)

        i += 1
        del orgValue,aftValue,tempArr
    del artSg
#    resF = pd.DataFrame({"singerf":singerF})
#    resF.to_csv("singerF.csv")

#singerF_AVG = [] # 每个歌手的评价指标值 F
#sumF = 0
#i = 0
#while i < nSinger:
#    meanPlays = singerInfoList[artList[i]]['meanPlay']
#    stdPlays = singerInfoList[artList[i]]['stdPlay']
#    maxPlays = singerInfoList[artList[i]]['maxPlay']
#    orgValue = ((pd.DataFrame(needPredict[i]))[1]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays
#    aftValue = ((pd.DataFrame(predictTest[artList[i]]['avePlay']))[0]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays
#    tempArr = (np.array(aftValue) - np.array(orgValue)) / (np.array(orgValue))
#    tempS = ((tempArr * tempArr).sum()) / len(objDateL)
#    theta = math.sqrt(tempS)
#    tempFi = math.sqrt((np.array(orgValue)).sum())
#    sumF = sumF + (1-theta) * tempFi
#    singerF_AVG.append((1-theta) * tempFi)
#    i += 1
#    del orgValue,aftValue,tempArr
#sum(singerF_AVG[:36]) + sum(singerF_AVG[37:56]) + sum(singerF_AVG[57:])

if _ISTEST == False:
    import csv
    resFile = open("mars_tianchi_artist_plays_predict.csv","wb")
    writerRes = csv.writer(resFile)

    i = 0
    j = 1
    while i < nSinger:
        artSg = artList[objInd[i]]
        meanPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['meanPlay']
        stdPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['stdPlay']
        maxPlays = singerInfoList[artSg]['maxPlay']

        aftValue = (((pd.DataFrame(predictTest[artSg]['playRec']))[0]) * maxPlays * stdPlays + meanPlays) * 0.5 + svrResult[artSg] * 0.5
        while j < len(objDateL):
            oneLineData = [artSg,str(int(aftValue[j])),objDateL[j]]

            del oneLineData
            j += 1
        del aftValue
        j = 1
        i += 1
    del artSg
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1.LSTM入门介绍比较好的文章:A Critical review of rnn for sequence learning

