#获取图片的局部特征--sift特征 def get_feature(img): # sift = cv2.SIFT_create() sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) kp = sift.detect(gray, None) sift_val_back = sift.compute(gray, kp)[1] [r,c]=sift_val_back.shape combine = sift_val_back #获取词典--kmeans聚类--1800 def get_wordsdict(img,SeedNum): Combine = [] for i in img: combine= get_feature(i) # print(combine.shape) Combine.append(combine) Combine = np.vstack(Combine)#请节约内存!! 不要在循环里 Combine = np.vstack(Combine,combine) print(Combine.shape) # kmeans 聚类, bow[i] 为每个特征属于哪个组的, cord[i] 为各个中心组分别是第几号的 # distance[i] 为各个特征与所属的中心点的距离差 model = KMeans(n_clusters=SeedNum, random_state=9) model.fit_transform(Combine) #保存码本 #joblib.dump(model, 'KMeans.pkl') centers = model.cluster_centers_ np.save('centers.npy',centers) print(centers.shape)#(1800, 128) traindata, labels, paths = get_data('./image')#获取训练集‘image’下的所有文件 get_wordsdict(traindata,1800)#使用kmeans进行聚类--聚类中心个数设置为1800--结果保存到centers.npy文件中(存放聚类的中心点)
#返回的为BOF向量--未做tf-idf处理 #L为1维的list--len(L)=1800 def BOF(img): features = get_feature(img) #输入一张图像 返回sift特征 features.shape = (X, 128) 不同图片生成的特征个数(X)不同 centers = np.load('./centers.npy') # 聚类的中心点 centers.shape = (1800, 128) wordCnt = 1800 #聚类中心个数 码本大小 L = [0 for j in range(1800)] #initial BOF向量 --1800长度的list #统计图片的features中 聚类中心出现的次数 for i in range(0, features.shape[0]): #第i张图片的特征点 fi = features[i] diffMat = np.tile(fi, (wordCnt, 1)) - centers #axis=1按行求和,即求特征到每个中心点的距离 sqSum = (diffMat**2).sum(axis=1) dist = sqSum**0.5 #升序排序 sortedIndices = dist.argsort() #取出最小的距离,即找到最近的中心点 idx = sortedIndices[0] #该中心点对应+1 L[idx] += 1 # print("get_single_bof") return L def VLAD(img): combine = get_feature(img) centers = np.load('./centers.npy')#聚类的中心点 L = [0 for j in range(1800)] for i in range(0, combine.shape[0]): #第i张图片的特征点 fi = combine[i] diffMat = np.tile(fi, (1800, 1)) - centers #axis=1按行求和,即求特征到每个中心点的距离 sqSum = (diffMat**2).sum(axis=1) dist = sqSum**0.5 #升序排序 sortedIndices = dist.argsort() #取出最小的距离,即找到最近的中心点 idx = sortedIndices[0] #该中心点对应+1 L[idx] += dist[idx] # print("=======get_sigle_feature_finish======") return l2_normalize(L) # return L
#获取data数据 def get_data(path): cate = [] for i in os.listdir(os.path.abspath(path)): if (i[0] != '.'): cate.append(i) data = [] labels = [] paths = [] for i in cate: for j in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(path), i)): if (j.split('.')[1] == 'jpg'): labels = np.append(labels, j.split('_')[0]) # 种类 im = cv2.imread(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(path), i, j),cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # 读取图片 data.append(im) paths = np.append(paths, os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(path), i), j)) return data,labels,paths # 完成获取码本、训练集BOF特征 traindata, labels, paths = get_data('./image') print("=============get_image_finish=============") # 获取训练集的BOF特征 train_BOf_vector = [] for i in traindata: train_BOf_vector.append(BOF(i)) print("==========finish=========") np.save("./train_BOF.npy",train_BOf_vector) np.save("./train_BOF_labels.npy",labels) np.save("./train_BOF_paths",paths)
import numpy as np import math #计算公式 hj = log(n/fj) # ---n为训练集所有图片数量 # ---fj为第j个聚类特征在训练集中出现的图片数量 # ---hj为j向量的权重 def get_tf_idf(): train_bof = np.load('./train_BOF.npy') # print(train_bof.shape) #(946, 1800) N = train_bof.shape[0]#训练集中的图片总数 f = [0 for j in range(1800)] #生成码本的 权重向量 #计算每个特征出现的图片次数 for i in range(train_bof.shape[0]): for j in range(train_bof.shape[1]): if(train_bof[i][j]!=0): f[j]+=1; # print(len(f)) #1800 for i in range(len(f)): f[i]=math.log(N/f[i]) # print(f) np.save("bof_weight.npy",f)
def get_ans(path): # #----------------使用VLAD-------------- # im = cv2.imread(path) # im_vlad = VLAD(im) # train_VLAD = np.load('./train_VLAD.npy') # train_labels = np.load('./train_VLAD_labels.npy') # train_path = np.load('./train_VLAD_paths.npy') # idf = np.load('./bof_weight.npy') #tf-idf 的bof权重 # tf= train_VLAD # train_VLAD = tf*idf # im_vlad = im_vlad*idf # # zj = [] # k=16 # for i in train_VLAD: # zj.append(np.dot(i, im_vlad) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(im_vlad))) # index = np.argsort(zj)[::-1][0:k]#倒序--对应Coslength函数 # return train_path[index][1:-1] #----------------使用BOF------------ im = cv2.imread(path) im_Bof = BOF(im) train_BOF = np.load('./train_BOF.npy') train_labels = np.load('./train_BOF_labels.npy') train_path = np.load('./train_BOF_paths.npy') idf = np.load('./bof_weight.npy') #tf-idf 的bof权重 train_bof_final = train_BOF*idf im_Bof = (im_Bof)*idf # print(train_bof_final.shape) #(946, 1800) zj = [] k=16 for i in train_bof_final: # zj.append(calEuclidean(i, im_Bof)) # 欧式距离--越小越相似 zj.append(np.dot(i, im_Bof) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(im_Bof))) index = np.argsort(zj)[::-1][0:k]#倒序--对应Coslength函数 # index = np.argsort(zj)[0:k] #去除其本身 return train_path[index][1:-1]
(2)总体的acc、recall和mAP 相较于未重排序的查询有所提高:
def get_hog(path): # 打印特征向量的长度 # print(feat.shape) img = cv2.imread(path) # img1 = cv2.resize(img, (300, 300)) image2 = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ft = hog(image2, orientations=9, # 将180°划分为9个bin,20°一个 pixels_per_cell=(8, 8), # 每个cell有8*8=64个像素点 cells_per_block=(8, 8), # 每个block中有8*8=64个cell block_norm='L2-Hys', # 块向量归一化 str {‘L1’, ‘L1-sqrt’, ‘L2’, ‘L2-Hys’} transform_sqrt=True, # gamma归一化 feature_vector=True # 转化为一维向量输出 ) # 输出HOG图像 return ft #path为初始查询返回的结果的图像的路径(get_ans) def get_lbp(path): image = cv2.imread(path) image1 = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) radius = 3 # LBP算法中范围半径的取值 n_points = 8 * radius # 领域像素点数 lbp = local_binary_pattern(image1, n_points, radius) arr = lbp.flatten() # 二维数组序列化成一维数组 return arr def get_lbp_simi(path,path1): zj = [] test = get_lbp(path1) train = [] for i in path: train.append(get_lbp(i)) for i in train: zj.append(np.dot(i, test) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(test))) return zj #返回相似度 越小越相似 def get_hog_simi(path,path1): zj = [] test = get_hog(path1) train = [] for i in path: train.append(get_hog(i)) for i in train: zj.append(np.dot(i, test) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(test))) return zj #返回相似度 越小越相似 def re_rank(path1,path,k): # path1 = './test/A0C573/A0C573_20151103073308_3029240562.jpg' #re-rank重排序 simi1 = get_hog_simi(path, path1) simi2 = get_lbp_simi(path, path1) # simi1,simi2 = get_simi(path,path1) simi1=np.array(simi1) simi2=np.array(simi2) simi = simi1*0.5+simi2*0.6 index = np.argsort(simi)[::-1][0:k] # 倒序--对应Coslength函数 ans = path[index] return ans#返回路径
def requery(path1,path,k,k1): idf = np.load('./bof_weight.npy') # tf-idf 的bof权重 im = cv2.imread(path1) im_Bof = BOF(im) bof_test = (im_Bof) * idf #对查询结果path+图像本身path1的特征求和取平均,再做一次查询 count = 0 for i in path: if(count==k):#表中top@K表示取前K个样本求和取平均。 break count=count+1 im = cv2.imread(i) im_Bof = BOF(im) im_Bof = (im_Bof) * idf for j in range(len(bof_test)): bof_test[j]=bof_test[j]+im_Bof[j] for i in range(len(bof_test)): bof_test[i]=bof_test[i]/(len(path)+1) #重新查询 train_BOF = np.load('./train_BOF.npy') train_path = np.load('./train_BOF_paths.npy') idf = np.load('./bof_weight.npy') #tf-idf 的bof权重 train_bof_final = train_BOF*idf zj = [] for i in train_bof_final: zj.append(np.dot(i, bof_test) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(bof_test))) index = np.argsort(zj)[::-1][0:k1] # 倒序--对应Coslength函数 ans = train_path[index] # show_ans(path[0:10]) # show_ans(ans) # plt.show() return ans #返回结果图片存放地址
def get_final_ans(path1,k1,k):#首次查询查k1张图片;重排序查询k张;返回查询k1张图像的结果
path = get_ans(path1)#选15张初始查询图片
ans1 = re_rank(path1,path,10)#对15张重排序 选出10张作为输出结果
ans = requery(path1,ans1,k,k1) #对重排序结果 提取前k张结果对特征求平均 用新特征 重新查询k1张图像
return ans
def ceshi_single(path1,Np): path = get_ans(path1)#初始查询15张 print(path1) #评价 # 前 acc = compu_acc(path[0:10], path1, 10)#选择15张中的前10张 recall = compu_recall(acc*10,Np) AP = show_ROC(path[0:10], path1, Np) print('acc:', acc, 'recall:', recall, 'AP', AP) # re-rank+拓展查询后 ans = get_final_ans(path1,10, 5)#首次查询15张 重排序选出15张 拓展查询 选出前5张取特征平均 重新查询15张结果 acc1 = compu_acc(ans, path1, 10) recall1 = compu_recall(acc1*10,Np) AP1 = show_ROC(ans, path1, Np) print('acc:', acc1, 'recall:', recall1, 'AP', AP1) return acc,recall,AP,acc1,recall1,AP1,path,ans #单张图片查询测试 path1 = './test/A0C632/A0C632_20151103114000_6597334762.jpg' Np = 0 train_labels = np.load('./train_BOF_labels.npy') for i in train_labels: if (path1.split('/')[-2] == i): Np += 1 print(Np) acc,recall,mAP,acc1,recall1,mAP1,path,ans = ceshi_single(path1,Np) plt.imshow(cv2.imread(path1)) show_ans(path[0:10],path1) show_ans(ans,path1) plt.show()
def cheshi(): #计算整个数据集的acc testdata, test_labels, test_path = get_data('./test') avg_acc1=0 avg_acc2=0 avg_recall1=0 avg_recall2=0 avg_mAP1 = 0 avg_mAP2 =0 for path1 in test_path: # 计算召回率 Np = 0; train_labels = np.load('./train_BOF_labels.npy') for i in train_labels: if (path1.split('/')[-2] == i): Np += 1 acc, recall, mAP, acc1, recall1, mAP1,c,a = ceshi_single(path1,Np) avg_acc1 = avg_acc1 + acc avg_recall1 = avg_recall1 + recall avg_mAP1 = avg_mAP1 + mAP avg_acc2 = avg_acc2 + acc1 avg_recall2 = avg_recall2 + recall1 avg_mAP2 = avg_mAP2 + mAP1 print('前') print('avg_acc:',avg_acc1/len(test_path),'avg_recall:',avg_recall1/len(test_path),'mAP:',avg_mAP1/len(test_path)) print('后') print('avg_acc:',avg_acc2/len(test_path),'avg_recall:',avg_recall2/len(test_path),'mAP:',avg_mAP2/len(test_path))
from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image, ImageTk import tkinter as tk from tkinter.constants import * from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText import tkinter.filedialog import cv2 from get_traindata_VLAD import VLAD from get_traindata_bof import BOF from base_function import calEuclidean,Coslength import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from skimage.feature import local_binary_pattern from base_function import get_data,calEuclidean from get_traindata_bof import BOF from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from skimage.feature import hog #采用线性组合算法 对初始排序结果的图像提取hog和lbp特征直方图 适用余弦相似度计算图像特征值的相似值,采用0.5 0.5的权重重排序 #从初始15张排序结果 选出10张重排序结果输出 #实验结果表明,有些图像的acc和recall值会增大或减小,但mAP大多数是增大的 def get_hog(path): # 打印特征向量的长度 # print(feat.shape) img = cv2.imread(path) # img1 = cv2.resize(img, (300, 300)) image2 = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ft = hog(image2, orientations=9, # 将180°划分为9个bin,20°一个 pixels_per_cell=(8, 8), # 每个cell有8*8=64个像素点 cells_per_block=(8, 8), # 每个block中有8*8=64个cell block_norm='L2-Hys', # 块向量归一化 str {‘L1’, ‘L1-sqrt’, ‘L2’, ‘L2-Hys’} transform_sqrt=True, # gamma归一化 feature_vector=True # 转化为一维向量输出 ) # 输出HOG图像 return ft #path为初始查询返回的结果的图像的路径(get_ans) def get_lbp(path): image = cv2.imread(path) image1 = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) radius = 3 # LBP算法中范围半径的取值 n_points = 8 * radius # 领域像素点数 lbp = local_binary_pattern(image1, n_points, radius) arr = lbp.flatten() # 二维数组序列化成一维数组 return arr def get_lbp_simi(path,path1): zj = [] test = get_lbp(path1) train = [] for i in path: train.append(get_lbp(i)) for i in train: zj.append(np.dot(i, test) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(test))) return zj #返回相似度 越小越相似 def get_hog_simi(path,path1): zj = [] test = get_hog(path1) train = [] for i in path: train.append(get_hog(i)) for i in train: zj.append(np.dot(i, test) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(test))) return zj #返回相似度 越小越相似 def re_rank(path1,path,k): # path1 = './test/A0C573/A0C573_20151103073308_3029240562.jpg' #re-rank重排序 simi1 = get_hog_simi(path, path1) simi2 = get_lbp_simi(path, path1) # simi1,simi2 = get_simi(path,path1) simi1=np.array(simi1) simi2=np.array(simi2) simi = simi1*0.5+simi2*0.6 index = np.argsort(simi)[::-1][0:k] # 倒序--对应Coslength函数 ans = path[index] return ans def requery(path1,path,k,k1): idf = np.load('./bof_weight.npy') # tf-idf 的bof权重 im = cv2.imread(path1) im_Bof = BOF(im) bof_test = (im_Bof) * idf #对查询结果path+图像本身path1的特征求和取平均,再做一次查询 count = 0 for i in path: if(count==k):#表中top@K表示取前K个样本求和取平均。 break count=count+1 im = cv2.imread(i) im_Bof = BOF(im) im_Bof = (im_Bof) * idf for j in range(len(bof_test)): bof_test[j]=bof_test[j]+im_Bof[j] for i in range(len(bof_test)): bof_test[i]=bof_test[i]/(len(path)+1) #重新查询 train_BOF = np.load('./train_BOF.npy') train_path = np.load('./train_BOF_paths.npy') idf = np.load('./bof_weight.npy') #tf-idf 的bof权重 train_bof_final = train_BOF*idf zj = [] for i in train_bof_final: zj.append(np.dot(i, bof_test) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(bof_test))) index = np.argsort(zj)[::-1][0:k1] # 倒序--对应Coslength函数 ans = train_path[index] # show_ans(path[0:10]) # show_ans(ans) # plt.show() return ans #返回结果图片存放地址 def get_final_ans(path1,k1,k):#首次查询查k1张图片;重排序查询k张;返回查询k1张图像的结果 path = get_ans(path1)#选15张初始查询图片 ans1 = re_rank(path1,path,10)#对15张重排序 选出10张作为输出结果 ans = requery(path1,ans1,k,k1) #对重排序结果 提取前k张结果对特征求平均 用新特征 重新查询k1张图像 return ans def get_ans_(path): return get_final_ans(path,10, 5) #获取给定图片的15张最相似图片的路径 def get_ans(path): # #----------------使用VLAD-------------- # im = cv2.imread(path) # im_vlad = VLAD(im) # train_VLAD = np.load('./train_VLAD.npy') # train_labels = np.load('./train_VLAD_labels.npy') # train_path = np.load('./train_VLAD_paths.npy') # idf = np.load('./bof_weight.npy') #tf-idf 的bof权重 # tf= train_VLAD # train_VLAD = tf*idf # im_vlad = im_vlad*idf # # zj = [] # k=16 # for i in train_VLAD: # zj.append(np.dot(i, im_vlad) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(im_vlad))) # index = np.argsort(zj)[::-1][0:k]#倒序--对应Coslength函数 # return train_path[index][1:-1] #----------------使用BOF------------ im = cv2.imread(path) im_Bof = BOF(im) train_BOF = np.load('./train_BOF.npy') train_labels = np.load('./train_BOF_labels.npy') train_path = np.load('./train_BOF_paths.npy') idf = np.load('./bof_weight.npy') #tf-idf 的bof权重 train_bof_final = train_BOF*idf im_Bof = (im_Bof)*idf # print(train_bof_final.shape) #(946, 1800) zj = [] k=16 for i in train_bof_final: # zj.append(calEuclidean(i, im_Bof)) # 欧式距离--越小越相似 zj.append(np.dot(i, im_Bof) / (np.linalg.norm(i) * np.linalg.norm(im_Bof))) index = np.argsort(zj)[::-1][0:k]#倒序--对应Coslength函数 # index = np.argsort(zj)[0:k] #去除其本身 return train_path[index][1:-1] class App: def __init__(self, image_file_extensions): self.root = tk.Tk() self.image_paths = [] self.image_file_extensions = image_file_extensions self.create_widgets() self.root.mainloop() def create_widgets(self): self.list_btn = tk.Button(self.root, text='Chose_image', command=self.chose_image) self.list_btn.grid(row=0, column=0) self.label = tk.Label(self.root) self.label.grid(row=1,column=0) self.show_btn = tk.Button(self.root, text='Search', command=self.show_images) self.show_btn.grid(row=2, column=0) self.text = ScrolledText(self.root, wrap=WORD) self.text.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) self.text.image_filenames = [] self.text.images = [] def chose_image(self): path = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename() img = Image.open(path) h = int(img.size[0]*0.5) w = int(img.size[1]*0.5) img = Image.open(path).resize((h,w)) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) self.label.image = img self.label.config(image=img) self.label.image = img self.image_paths.clear() # for i in get_ans_VLAD(path): # self.image_paths.append(i) for i in get_ans_(path): self.image_paths.append(i) def list_images(self): #结果图片的路径 ''' Create and display a list of the images the in folder that have one of the specified extensions. ''' self.text.image_filenames.clear() # for filepath in Path(self.image_folder_path).iterdir(): # if filepath.suffix in self.image_file_extensions: # self.text.insert(INSERT, filepath.name+'\n') # self.text.image_filenames.append(filepath) for i in self.image_paths: self.text.insert(INSERT, i + '\n') self.text.image_filenames.append(i) # for filepath in self.image_paths: # self.text.insert(INSERT, filepath + '\n') # self.text.image_filenames.append(filepath) def show_images(self): self.list_images() ''' Show the listed image names along with the images themselves. ''' self.text.delete('1.0', END) # Clear current contents. self.text.images.clear() # Display images in Text widget. for image_file_path in self.text.image_filenames: img = Image.open(image_file_path) h = int(img.size[0] * 0.5) w = int(img.size[1] * 0.5) img = Image.open(image_file_path).resize((h, w)) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) # self.text.insert(INSERT, image_file_path.name+'\n') self.text.insert(INSERT, image_file_path+'\n') self.text.image_create(INSERT, padx=5, pady=5, image=img) self.text.images.append(img) # Keep a reference. self.text.insert(INSERT, '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': #ui显示 image_file_extensions = {'.jpg', '.png'} App(image_file_extensions)
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