其中最常用的数据库是GEO(Gene Expression Omnibus),它提供了大量的基因表达数据,可以用于基因组学研究。 GEO数据库中的数据可以通过FTP或Web界面下载,下载的数据可以是原始数据,也可以是已经注释的数据。
搜索关键字:gastric cancer
将基因表达文件改名为ann.txt 探针文件名字改成probe.txt
打开cmd终端 输入perl 脚本名字即可注释完成
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #line 2 "C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin\par.pl"
- eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0; # not running under some shell
- package __par_pl;
- # --- This script must not use any modules at compile time ---
- # use strict;
- #line 156
- my ($PAR_MAGIC, $par_temp, $progname, @tmpfile, %ModuleCache);
- END { if ($ENV{PAR_CLEAN}) {
- require File::Temp;
- require File::Basename;
- require File::Spec;
- my $topdir = File::Basename::dirname($par_temp);
- outs(qq[Removing files in "$par_temp"]);
- File::Find::finddepth(sub { ( -d ) ? rmdir : unlink }, $par_temp);
- rmdir $par_temp;
- # Don't remove topdir because this causes a race with other apps
- # that are trying to start.
- if (-d $par_temp && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
- # Something went wrong unlinking the temporary directory. This
- # typically happens on platforms that disallow unlinking shared
- # libraries and executables that are in use. Unlink with a background
- # shell command so the files are no longer in use by this process.
- # Don't do anything on Windows because our parent process will
- # take care of cleaning things up.
- my $tmp = new File::Temp(
- DIR => File::Basename::dirname($topdir),
- SUFFIX => '.cmd',
- UNLINK => 0,
- );
- my $filename = $tmp->filename;
- print $tmp <<"...";
- #!/bin/sh
- x=1; while [ \$x -lt 10 ]; do
- rm -rf '$par_temp'
- if [ \! -d '$par_temp' ]; then
- break
- fi
- sleep 1
- x=`expr \$x + 1`
- done
- rm '$filename'
- ...
- close $tmp;
- chmod 0700, $filename;
- my $cmd = "$filename >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
- system($cmd);
- outs(qq[Spawned background process to perform cleanup: $filename]);
- }
- } }
- Internals::PAR::BOOT() if defined &Internals::PAR::BOOT;
- $PAR_MAGIC = "\nPAR.pm\n";
- eval {
- _par_init_env();
- my $quiet = !$ENV{PAR_DEBUG};
- # fix $progname if invoked from PATH
- my %Config = (
- path_sep => ($^O =~ /^MSWin/ ? ';' : ':'),
- _exe => ($^O =~ /^(?:MSWin|OS2|cygwin)/ ? '.exe' : ''),
- _delim => ($^O =~ /^MSWin|OS2/ ? '\\' : '/'),
- );
- _set_progname();
- _set_par_temp();
- # Magic string checking and extracting bundled modules {{{
- my ($start_pos, $data_pos);
- {
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
- # Check file type, get start of data section {{{
- open _FH, '<:raw', $progname or last;
- # Search for the "\nPAR.pm\n signature backward from the end of the file
- my $buf;
- my $size = -s $progname;
- my $chunk_size = 64 * 1024;
- my $magic_pos;
- if ($size <= $chunk_size) {
- $magic_pos = 0;
- } elsif ((my $m = $size % $chunk_size) > 0) {
- $magic_pos = $size - $m;
- } else {
- $magic_pos = $size - $chunk_size;
- }
- # in any case, $magic_pos is a multiple of $chunk_size
- while ($magic_pos >= 0) {
- seek _FH, $magic_pos, 0;
- read _FH, $buf, $chunk_size + length($PAR_MAGIC);
- if ((my $i = rindex($buf, $PAR_MAGIC)) >= 0) {
- $magic_pos += $i;
- last;
- }
- $magic_pos -= $chunk_size;
- }
- last if $magic_pos < 0;
- # Seek 4 bytes backward from the signature to get the offset of the
- # first embedded FILE, then seek to it
- seek _FH, $magic_pos - 4, 0;
- read _FH, $buf, 4;
- seek _FH, $magic_pos - 4 - unpack("N", $buf), 0;
- $data_pos = tell _FH;
- # }}}
- # Extracting each file into memory {{{
- my %require_list;
- read _FH, $buf, 4; # read the first "FILE"
- while ($buf eq "FILE") {
- read _FH, $buf, 4;
- read _FH, $buf, unpack("N", $buf);
- my $fullname = $buf;
- outs(qq[Unpacking FILE "$fullname"...]);
- my $crc = ( $fullname =~ s|^([a-f\d]{8})/|| ) ? $1 : undef;
- my ($basename, $ext) = ($buf =~ m|(?:.*/)?(.*)(\..*)|);
- read _FH, $buf, 4;
- read _FH, $buf, unpack("N", $buf);
- if (defined($ext) and $ext !~ /\.(?:pm|pl|ix|al)$/i) {
- my $filename = _save_as("$crc$ext", $buf, 0755);
- $PAR::Heavy::FullCache{$fullname} = $filename;
- $PAR::Heavy::FullCache{$filename} = $fullname;
- }
- elsif ( $fullname =~ m|^/?shlib/| and defined $ENV{PAR_TEMP} ) {
- my $filename = _save_as("$basename$ext", $buf, 0755);
- outs("SHLIB: $filename\n");
- }
- else {
- $require_list{$fullname} =
- $ModuleCache{$fullname} = {
- buf => $buf,
- crc => $crc,
- name => $fullname,
- };
- }
- read _FH, $buf, 4;
- }
- # }}}
- local @INC = (sub {
- my ($self, $module) = @_;
- return if ref $module or !$module;
- my $info = delete $require_list{$module} or return;
- $INC{$module} = "/loader/$info/$module";
- if ($ENV{PAR_CLEAN} and defined(&IO::File::new)) {
- my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or die "Can't create temp file: $!";
- $fh->binmode();
- $fh->print($info->{buf});
- $fh->seek(0, 0);
- return $fh;
- }
- else {
- my $filename = _save_as("$info->{crc}.pm", $info->{buf});
- open my $fh, '<:raw', $filename or die qq[Can't read "$filename": $!];
- return $fh;
- }
- die "Bootstrapping failed: can't find module $module!";
- }, @INC);
- # Now load all bundled files {{{
- # initialize shared object processing
- require XSLoader;
- require PAR::Heavy;
- require Carp::Heavy;
- require Exporter::Heavy;
- PAR::Heavy::_init_dynaloader();
- # now let's try getting helper modules from within
- require IO::File;
- # load rest of the group in
- while (my $filename = (sort keys %require_list)[0]) {
- #local $INC{'Cwd.pm'} = __FILE__ if $^O ne 'MSWin32';
- unless ($INC{$filename} or $filename =~ /BSDPAN/) {
- # require modules, do other executable files
- if ($filename =~ /\.pmc?$/i) {
- require $filename;
- }
- else {
- # Skip ActiveState's sitecustomize.pl file:
- do $filename unless $filename =~ /sitecustomize\.pl$/;
- }
- }
- delete $require_list{$filename};
- }
- # }}}
- last unless $buf eq "PK\003\004";
- $start_pos = (tell _FH) - 4; # start of zip
- }
- # }}}
- # Argument processing {{{
- my @par_args;
- my ($out, $bundle, $logfh, $cache_name);
- delete $ENV{PAR_APP_REUSE}; # sanitize (REUSE may be a security problem)
- $quiet = 0 unless $ENV{PAR_DEBUG};
- # Don't swallow arguments for compiled executables without --par-options
- if (!$start_pos or ($ARGV[0] eq '--par-options' && shift)) {
- my %dist_cmd = qw(
- p blib_to_par
- i install_par
- u uninstall_par
- s sign_par
- v verify_par
- );
- # if the app is invoked as "appname --par-options --reuse PROGRAM @PROG_ARGV",
- # use the app to run the given perl code instead of anything from the
- # app itself (but still set up the normal app environment and @INC)
- if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq '--reuse') {
- shift @ARGV;
- $ENV{PAR_APP_REUSE} = shift @ARGV;
- }
- else { # normal parl behaviour
- my @add_to_inc;
- while (@ARGV) {
- $ARGV[0] =~ /^-([AIMOBLbqpiusTv])(.*)/ or last;
- if ($1 eq 'I') {
- push @add_to_inc, $2;
- }
- elsif ($1 eq 'M') {
- eval "use $2";
- }
- elsif ($1 eq 'A') {
- unshift @par_args, $2;
- }
- elsif ($1 eq 'O') {
- $out = $2;
- }
- elsif ($1 eq 'b') {
- $bundle = 'site';
- }
- elsif ($1 eq 'B') {
- $bundle = 'all';
- }
- elsif ($1 eq 'q') {
- $quiet = 1;
- }
- elsif ($1 eq 'L') {
- open $logfh, ">>", $2 or die qq[Can't open log file "$2": $!];
- }
- elsif ($1 eq 'T') {
- $cache_name = $2;
- }
- shift(@ARGV);
- if (my $cmd = $dist_cmd{$1}) {
- delete $ENV{'PAR_TEMP'};
- init_inc();
- require PAR::Dist;
- &{"PAR::Dist::$cmd"}() unless @ARGV;
- &{"PAR::Dist::$cmd"}($_) for @ARGV;
- exit;
- }
- }
- unshift @INC, @add_to_inc;
- }
- }
- # XXX -- add --par-debug support!
- # }}}
- # Output mode (-O) handling {{{
- if ($out) {
- {
- #local $INC{'Cwd.pm'} = __FILE__ if $^O ne 'MSWin32';
- require IO::File;
- require Archive::Zip;
- require Digest::SHA;
- }
- my $par = shift(@ARGV);
- my $zip;
- if (defined $par) {
- open my $fh, '<:raw', $par or die qq[Can't find par file "$par": $!];
- bless($fh, 'IO::File');
- $zip = Archive::Zip->new;
- ( $zip->readFromFileHandle($fh, $par) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK() )
- or die qq[Error reading zip archive "$par"];
- }
- my %env = do {
- if ($zip and my $meta = $zip->contents('META.yml')) {
- $meta =~ s/.*^par:$//ms;
- $meta =~ s/^\S.*//ms;
- $meta =~ /^ ([^:]+): (.+)$/mg;
- }
- };
- # Open input and output files {{{
- if (defined $par) {
- open my $ph, '<:raw', $par or die qq[Can't read par file "$par": $!];
- my $buf;
- read $ph, $buf, 4;
- die qq["$par" is not a par file] unless $buf eq "PK\003\004";
- close $ph;
- }
- CreatePath($out) ;
- my $fh = IO::File->new(
- $out,
- IO::File::O_CREAT() | IO::File::O_WRONLY() | IO::File::O_TRUNC(),
- 0777,
- ) or die qq[Can't create file "$out": $!];
- $fh->binmode();
- seek _FH, 0, 0;
- my $loader;
- if (defined $data_pos) {
- read _FH, $loader, $data_pos;
- } else {
- local $/ = undef;
- $loader = <_FH>;
- }
- if (!$ENV{PAR_VERBATIM} and $loader =~ /^(?:#!|\@rem)/) {
- require PAR::Filter::PodStrip;
- PAR::Filter::PodStrip->apply(\$loader, $0);
- }
- foreach my $key (sort keys %env) {
- my $val = $env{$key} or next;
- $val = eval $val if $val =~ /^['"]/;
- my $magic = "__ENV_PAR_" . uc($key) . "__";
- my $set = "PAR_" . uc($key) . "=$val";
- $loader =~ s{$magic( +)}{
- $magic . $set . (' ' x (length($1) - length($set)))
- }eg;
- }
- $fh->print($loader);
- # }}}
- # Write bundled modules {{{
- if ($bundle) {
- require PAR::Heavy;
- PAR::Heavy::_init_dynaloader();
- init_inc();
- require_modules();
- my @inc = grep { !/BSDPAN/ }
- grep {
- ($bundle ne 'site') or
- ($_ ne $Config::Config{archlibexp} and
- $_ ne $Config::Config{privlibexp});
- } @INC;
- # normalize paths (remove trailing or multiple consecutive slashes)
- s|/+|/|g, s|/$|| foreach @inc;
- # Now determine the files loaded above by require_modules():
- # Perl source files are found in values %INC and DLLs are
- # found in @DynaLoader::dl_shared_objects.
- my %files;
- $files{$_}++ for @DynaLoader::dl_shared_objects, values %INC;
- my $lib_ext = $Config::Config{lib_ext}; # XXX lib_ext vs dlext ?
- my %written;
- foreach my $key (sort keys %files) {
- my ($file, $name);
- if (defined(my $fc = $PAR::Heavy::FullCache{$key})) {
- ($file, $name) = ($key, $fc);
- }
- else {
- foreach my $dir (@inc) {
- if ($key =~ m|^\Q$dir\E/(.*)$|i) {
- ($file, $name) = ($key, $1);
- last;
- }
- if ($key =~ m|^/loader/[^/]+/(.*)$|) {
- if (my $ref = $ModuleCache{$1}) {
- ($file, $name) = ($ref, $1);
- last;
- }
- if (-f "$dir/$1") {
- ($file, $name) = ("$dir/$1", $1);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # There are legitimate reasons why we couldn't find $name and $file for a $key:
- # - cperl has e.g. $INC{"XSLoader.pm"} = "XSLoader.c",
- # $INC{"DynaLoader.pm"}' = "dlboot_c.PL"
- next unless defined $name;
- next if $written{$name}++;
- next if !ref($file) and $file =~ /\.\Q$lib_ext\E$/i;
- outs(sprintf(qq[Packing FILE "%s"...], ref $file ? $file->{name} : $file));
- my $content;
- if (ref($file)) {
- $content = $file->{buf};
- }
- else {
- local $/ = undef;
- open my $fh, '<:raw', $file or die qq[Can't read "$file": $!];
- $content = <$fh>;
- close $fh;
- PAR::Filter::PodStrip->apply(\$content, "<embedded>/$name")
- if !$ENV{PAR_VERBATIM} and $name =~ /\.(?:pm|ix|al)$/i;
- PAR::Filter::PatchContent->new->apply(\$content, $file, $name);
- }
- $fh->print("FILE",
- pack('N', length($name) + 9),
- sprintf("%08x/%s", Archive::Zip::computeCRC32($content), $name),
- pack('N', length($content)),
- $content);
- outs(qq[Written as "$name"]);
- }
- }
- # }}}
- # Now write out the PAR and magic strings {{{
- $zip->writeToFileHandle($fh) if $zip;
- $cache_name = substr $cache_name, 0, 40;
- if (!$cache_name and my $mtime = (stat($out))[9]) {
- my $ctx = Digest::SHA->new(1);
- open my $fh, "<:raw", $out;
- $ctx->addfile($fh);
- close $fh;
- $cache_name = $ctx->hexdigest;
- }
- $cache_name .= "\0" x (41 - length $cache_name);
- $cache_name .= "CACHE";
- $fh->print($cache_name);
- $fh->print(pack('N', $fh->tell - length($loader)));
- $fh->print($PAR_MAGIC);
- $fh->close;
- chmod 0755, $out;
- # }}}
- exit;
- }
- # }}}
- # Prepare $progname into PAR file cache {{{
- {
- last unless defined $start_pos;
- _fix_progname();
- # Now load the PAR file and put it into PAR::LibCache {{{
- require PAR;
- PAR::Heavy::_init_dynaloader();
- {
- #local $INC{'Cwd.pm'} = __FILE__ if $^O ne 'MSWin32';
- require File::Find;
- require Archive::Zip;
- }
- my $fh = IO::File->new; # Archive::Zip operates on an IO::Handle
- $fh->fdopen(fileno(_FH), 'r') or die qq[fdopen() failed: $!];
- # Temporarily increase the chunk size for Archive::Zip so that it will find the EOCD
- # even if lots of stuff has been appended to the pp'ed exe (e.g. by OSX codesign).
- Archive::Zip::setChunkSize(-s _FH);
- my $zip = Archive::Zip->new;
- ( $zip->readFromFileHandle($fh, $progname) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK() )
- or die qq[Error reading zip archive "$progname"];
- Archive::Zip::setChunkSize(64 * 1024);
- push @PAR::LibCache, $zip;
- $PAR::LibCache{$progname} = $zip;
- $quiet = !$ENV{PAR_DEBUG};
- outs(qq[\$ENV{PAR_TEMP} = "$ENV{PAR_TEMP}"]);
- if (defined $ENV{PAR_TEMP}) { # should be set at this point!
- foreach my $member ( $zip->members ) {
- next if $member->isDirectory;
- my $member_name = $member->fileName;
- next unless $member_name =~ m{
- ^
- /?shlib/
- (?:$Config::Config{version}/)?
- (?:$Config::Config{archname}/)?
- ([^/]+)
- $
- }x;
- my $extract_name = $1;
- my $dest_name = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{PAR_TEMP}, $extract_name);
- if (-f $dest_name && -s _ == $member->uncompressedSize()) {
- outs(qq[Skipping "$member_name" since it already exists at "$dest_name"]);
- } else {
- outs(qq[Extracting "$member_name" to "$dest_name"]);
- $member->extractToFileNamed($dest_name);
- chmod(0555, $dest_name) if $^O eq "hpux";
- }
- }
- }
- # }}}
- }
- # }}}
- # If there's no main.pl to run, show usage {{{
- unless ($PAR::LibCache{$progname}) {
- die << "." unless @ARGV;
- Usage: $0 [ -Alib.par ] [ -Idir ] [ -Mmodule ] [ src.par ] [ program.pl ]
- $0 [ -B|-b ] [-Ooutfile] src.par
- .
- $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} = $progname = $0 = shift(@ARGV);
- }
- # }}}
- sub CreatePath {
- my ($name) = @_;
- require File::Basename;
- my ($basename, $path, $ext) = File::Basename::fileparse($name, ('\..*'));
- require File::Path;
- File::Path::mkpath($path) unless(-e $path); # mkpath dies with error
- }
- sub require_modules {
- require lib;
- require DynaLoader;
- require integer;
- require strict;
- require warnings;
- require vars;
- require Carp;
- require Carp::Heavy;
- require Errno;
- require Exporter::Heavy;
- require Exporter;
- require Fcntl;
- require File::Temp;
- require File::Spec;
- require XSLoader;
- require Config;
- require IO::Handle;
- require IO::File;
- require Compress::Zlib;
- require Archive::Zip;
- require Digest::SHA;
- require PAR;
- require PAR::Heavy;
- require PAR::Dist;
- require PAR::Filter::PodStrip;
- require PAR::Filter::PatchContent;
- require attributes;
- eval { require Cwd };
- eval { require Win32 };
- eval { require Scalar::Util };
- eval { require Archive::Unzip::Burst };
- eval { require Tie::Hash::NamedCapture };
- eval { require PerlIO; require PerlIO::scalar };
- eval { require utf8 };
- }
- # The C version of this code appears in myldr/mktmpdir.c
- # This code also lives in PAR::SetupTemp as set_par_temp_env!
- sub _set_par_temp {
- if (defined $ENV{PAR_TEMP} and $ENV{PAR_TEMP} =~ /(.+)/) {
- $par_temp = $1;
- return;
- }
- foreach my $path (
- qw( C:\\TEMP /tmp . )
- ) {
- next unless defined $path and -d $path and -w $path;
- my $username;
- my $pwuid;
- # does not work everywhere:
- eval {($pwuid) = getpwuid($>) if defined $>;};
- if ( defined(&Win32::LoginName) ) {
- $username = &Win32::LoginName;
- }
- elsif (defined $pwuid) {
- $username = $pwuid;
- }
- else {
- $username = $ENV{USERNAME} || $ENV{USER} || 'SYSTEM';
- }
- $username =~ s/\W/_/g;
- my $stmpdir = "$path$Config{_delim}par-".unpack("H*", $username);
- mkdir $stmpdir, 0755;
- if (!$ENV{PAR_CLEAN} and my $mtime = (stat($progname))[9]) {
- open my $fh, "<:raw", $progname or die qq[Can't read "$progname": $!];
- seek $fh, -18, 2;
- my $buf;
- read $fh, $buf, 6;
- if ($buf eq "\0CACHE") {
- seek $fh, -58, 2;
- read $fh, $buf, 41;
- $buf =~ s/\0//g;
- $stmpdir .= "$Config{_delim}cache-$buf";
- }
- else {
- my $digest = eval
- {
- require Digest::SHA;
- my $ctx = Digest::SHA->new(1);
- open my $fh, "<:raw", $progname or die qq[Can't read "$progname": $!];
- $ctx->addfile($fh);
- close($fh);
- $ctx->hexdigest;
- } || $mtime;
- $stmpdir .= "$Config{_delim}cache-$digest";
- }
- close($fh);
- }
- else {
- $ENV{PAR_CLEAN} = 1;
- $stmpdir .= "$Config{_delim}temp-$$";
- }
- $ENV{PAR_TEMP} = $stmpdir;
- mkdir $stmpdir, 0755;
- last;
- }
- $par_temp = $1 if $ENV{PAR_TEMP} and $ENV{PAR_TEMP} =~ /(.+)/;
- }
- # check if $name (relative to $par_temp) already exists;
- # if not, create a file with a unique temporary name,
- # fill it with $contents, set its file mode to $mode if present;
- # finaly rename it to $name;
- # in any case return the absolute filename
- sub _save_as {
- my ($name, $contents, $mode) = @_;
- my $fullname = "$par_temp/$name";
- unless (-e $fullname) {
- my $tempname = "$fullname.$$";
- open my $fh, '>:raw', $tempname or die qq[Can't write "$tempname": $!];
- print $fh $contents;
- close $fh;
- chmod $mode, $tempname if defined $mode;
- rename($tempname, $fullname) or unlink($tempname);
- # NOTE: The rename() error presumably is something like ETXTBSY
- # (scenario: another process was faster at extraction $fullname
- # than us and is already using it in some way); anyway,
- # let's assume $fullname is "good" and clean up our copy.
- }
- return $fullname;
- }
- # same code lives in PAR::SetupProgname::set_progname
- sub _set_progname {
- if (defined $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} and $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} =~ /(.+)/) {
- $progname = $1;
- }
- $progname ||= $0;
- if ($ENV{PAR_TEMP} and index($progname, $ENV{PAR_TEMP}) >= 0) {
- $progname = substr($progname, rindex($progname, $Config{_delim}) + 1);
- }
- if (!$ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} or index($progname, $Config{_delim}) >= 0) {
- if (open my $fh, '<', $progname) {
- return if -s $fh;
- }
- if (-s "$progname$Config{_exe}") {
- $progname .= $Config{_exe};
- return;
- }
- }
- foreach my $dir (split /\Q$Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PATH}) {
- next if exists $ENV{PAR_TEMP} and $dir eq $ENV{PAR_TEMP};
- $dir =~ s/\Q$Config{_delim}\E$//;
- (($progname = "$dir$Config{_delim}$progname$Config{_exe}"), last)
- if -s "$dir$Config{_delim}$progname$Config{_exe}";
- (($progname = "$dir$Config{_delim}$progname"), last)
- if -s "$dir$Config{_delim}$progname";
- }
- }
- sub _fix_progname {
- $0 = $progname ||= $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME};
- if (index($progname, $Config{_delim}) < 0) {
- $progname = ".$Config{_delim}$progname";
- }
- # XXX - hack to make PWD work
- my $pwd = (defined &Cwd::getcwd) ? Cwd::getcwd()
- : ((defined &Win32::GetCwd) ? Win32::GetCwd() : `pwd`);
- chomp($pwd);
- $progname =~ s/^(?=\.\.?\Q$Config{_delim}\E)/$pwd$Config{_delim}/;
- $ENV{PAR_PROGNAME} = $progname;
- }
- sub _par_init_env {
- if ( $ENV{PAR_INITIALIZED}++ == 1 ) {
- return;
- } else {
- }
- delete $ENV{'PAR_'.$_};
- }
- $ENV{'PAR_'.$_} = $ENV{'PAR_GLOBAL_'.$_} if exists $ENV{'PAR_GLOBAL_'.$_};
- }
- my $par_clean = "__ENV_PAR_CLEAN__ ";
- if ($ENV{PAR_TEMP}) {
- delete $ENV{PAR_CLEAN};
- }
- elsif (!exists $ENV{PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN}) {
- my $value = substr($par_clean, 12 + length("CLEAN"));
- $ENV{PAR_CLEAN} = $1 if $value =~ /^PAR_CLEAN=(\S+)/;
- }
- }
- sub outs {
- return if $quiet;
- if ($logfh) {
- print $logfh "@_\n";
- }
- else {
- print "@_\n";
- }
- }
- sub init_inc {
- require Config;
- push @INC, grep defined, map $Config::Config{$_}, qw(
- archlibexp privlibexp sitearchexp sitelibexp
- vendorarchexp vendorlibexp
- );
- }
- ########################################################################
- # The main package for script execution
- package main;
- require PAR;
- unshift @INC, \&PAR::find_par;
- PAR->import(@par_args);
- die qq[par.pl: Can't open perl script "$progname": No such file or directory\n]
- unless -e $progname;
- do $progname;
- CORE::exit($1) if ($@ =~/^_TK_EXIT_\((\d+)\)/);
- die $@ if $@;
- };
- $::__ERROR = $@ if $@;
- }
- CORE::exit($1) if ($::__ERROR =~/^_TK_EXIT_\((\d+)\)/);
- die $::__ERROR if $::__ERROR;
- 1;
- #line 1006
- __END__
- PK

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