def table_Excel(tableHtml): soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') tables = soup.find_all('table') # 查看当前html页面所有table 元素<可能含有多个> file_name = "export{}.xlsx".format(time.time()) # 导出文件名 # ExcelWriter is the class for writing DataFrame objects into excel sheets. writer = pd.ExcelWriter(file_name, engine='xlsxwriter') # Excel 写操作对象 workbook = writer.book # 创建工作簿 for idx, table in enumerate(tables): table_title = 'Table-' + str(idx) # Read HTML tables into a list of DataFrame objects. df_table = pd.read_html(str(table), header=0, flavor='bs4')[0] df_table.dropna(how='all', inplace=True) # 当一整行都是nan时,去掉该行 # print(df_table) df_table.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name=table_title) # 将df对象转换成Excel表格 worksheet = writer.sheets[table_title] # 添加该子表 # 对工作簿添加样式 header_fmt = workbook.add_format({'font_size': 14, 'bold': True, 'fg_color': '#D7E4BC', 'border': 1}) # 对子表的第一行的字段设置样式 for col_num, value in enumerate(df_table.columns.values): worksheet.write(0, col_num, value, header_fmt) # 设置工作簿列宽 worksheet.set_column('A:Z', 25) # # Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file. writer.save() print('Export End!')
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