集成 Huawei PUSH 服务开发主要包括两部分:客户端开发和服务端开发。具体的流程可参照下图
(图片来源:Huawei PUSH 官方文档)
客户端开发的主要目的是为了向PUSH服务器获取设备的PUSH Token,获取Token之后开发者可以在开发者联盟PUSH控制台或者开发者自己的服务器上根据Token向这些设备发送推送消息。
①华为手机申请Token的流程:(图片来源:Huawei PUSH 官方文档)
②非华为手机申请Token的流程:(图片来源:Huawei PUSH 官方文档)
1.调用init,在application的onCreate方法中初始化HMS Agent套件。
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
在应用启动后的首个Activity的OnCreate方法中调用connect接口,确保HMS SDK 和HMS APK的连接。
HMSAgent.connect(this, new ConnectHandler() {
public void onConnect(int rst) {
showLog("HMS connect end:" + rst);
建议开发者在首个Activity的onCreate方法中调用getToken方法,同一个手机的同一个应用获取的Token不会变,但是建议每次启动更新一次PUSH token。调用getToken接口后,Token不是在本接口中直接返回的,而是通过广播的形式通知APP因此需要开发者实现自定义广播的onToken方法来接收Token。
private void getToken() {
showLog("get token: begin");
HMSAgent.Push.getToken(new GetTokenHandler() {
public void onResult(int rtnCode, TokenResult tokenResult) {
showLog("get token: end" + rtnCode);
signingConfigs {
release {
keyAlias 'keystore.keystore'
keyPassword 'trechina'
storeFile file('../keystore.keystore')
storePassword 'trechina'
debug {
keyAlias 'keystore.keystore'
keyPassword 'trechina'
storeFile file('../keystore.keystore')
storePassword 'trechina'
注意: onEvent会在后续版本中逐渐废弃,请开发者谨慎使用,建议开发者创建两个子类继承PushReceiver类,分别实现onToken,onPushMsg和onEvent的处理。
1.自定义HuaweiPushReceiver类继承PushReceiver类,用于实现对于PUSH Token和透传消息的接收
public class HuaweiPushReceiver extends PushReceiver {
public void onToken(Context context, String token, Bundle extras) {
public boolean onPushMsg(Context context, byte[] msg, Bundle bundle) {
public class HuaweiPushReceiverEx extends PushReceiver {
public void onEvent(Context context, Event event, Bundle extras) {
android:theme="@style/upsdkDlDialog" >
android:value="androidhwext:style/Theme.Emui.Translucent.NoTitleBar" />
private void setReceiveNotifyMsg(boolean enable){
HMSAgent.Push.enableReceiveNotifyMsg(enable, new EnableReceiveNotifyMsgHandler() {
public void onResult(int rst) {
showLog("enableReceiveNotifyMsg:end code=" + rst);
private void setReceiveNormalMsg(boolean enable){
HMSAgent.Push.enableReceiveNormalMsg(enable, new EnableReceiveNormalMsgHandler() {
public void onResult(int rst) {
showLog("enableReceiveNormalMsg:end code=" + rst);
客户端的其他方法,比如删除PUSH Token、展示角标等,可以参照:https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/service/hms/catalog/huaweipush_agent.html?page=hmssdk_huaweipush_devguide_client_agent
import static com.example.testpush.HuaweiPushRevicer.ACTION_TOKEN; import static com.example.testpush.HuaweiPushRevicer.ACTION_UPDATEUI; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements HuaweiPushRevicer.IPushCallback { private String token; StringBuffer sbLog = new StringBuffer(); @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); HMSAgent.connect(this, new ConnectHandler() { @Override public void onConnect(int rst) { showLog("HMS connect end:" + rst); } }); getToken(); HuaweiPushRevicer.registerPushCallback(this); setReceiveNotifyMsg(true); setReceiveNormalMsg(true); Log.d("****Token****",token+""); showLog(token); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(MainActivity.this, MainActivity.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.putExtra("ext1","helloExt1"); intent.putExtra("ext2","helloExt2"); String intentUri = intent.toUri(Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME); Log.e("onCreate: ",intentUri ); Toast.makeText(this,getIntent().getStringExtra("ext1"),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } /** * 获取token */ private void getToken() { showLog("get token: begin"); HMSAgent.Push.getToken(new GetTokenHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rtnCode) { showLog("get token: end" + rtnCode); } }); } /** * 设置接收通知消息 | Set up receive notification messages * @param enable 是否开启 | enabled or not */ private void setReceiveNotifyMsg(boolean enable){ showLog("enableReceiveNotifyMsg:begin"); HMSAgent.Push.enableReceiveNotifyMsg(enable, new EnableReceiveNotifyMsgHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rst) { showLog("enableReceiveNotifyMsg:end code=" + rst); } }); } /** * 设置是否接收普通透传消息 | Set whether to receive normal pass messages * @param enable 是否开启 | enabled or not */ private void setReceiveNormalMsg(boolean enable){ showLog("enableReceiveNormalMsg:begin"); HMSAgent.Push.enableReceiveNormalMsg(enable, new EnableReceiveNormalMsgHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rst) { showLog("enableReceiveNormalMsg:end code=" + rst); } }); } protected void showLog(String logLine) { DateFormat format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMddhhmmssSSS"); String time = format.format(new Date()); sbLog.append(time+":"+logLine); sbLog.append('\n'); new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { View vText = findViewById(R.id.tv_log); if (vText != null && vText instanceof TextView) { TextView tvLog = (TextView)vText; tvLog.setText(sbLog.toString()); } View vScrool = findViewById(R.id.sv_log); if (vScrool != null && vScrool instanceof ScrollView) { ScrollView svLog = (ScrollView)vScrool; svLog.fullScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN); } } }); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); HuaweiPushRevicer.unRegisterPushCallback(this); ; } @Override public void onReceive(Intent intent) { if (intent != null) { String action = intent.getAction(); Bundle b = intent.getExtras(); if (b != null && ACTION_TOKEN.equals(action)) { token = b.getString(ACTION_TOKEN); Log.d("****Token****",token+""); showLog(token); showLog(intent.getStringExtra("aa")); } else if (b != null && ACTION_UPDATEUI.equals(action)) { String log = b.getString("log"); showLog(log); Log.d("****Token****",token+""); showLog(token); } } } }
public class HuaweiPushRevicer extends PushReceiver { public static final String TAG = "HuaweiPushRevicer"; public static final String ACTION_UPDATEUI = "action.updateUI"; public static final String ACTION_TOKEN = "action.updateToken"; private static List<IPushCallback> pushCallbacks = new ArrayList<IPushCallback>(); private static final Object CALLBACK_LOCK = new Object(); public interface IPushCallback { void onReceive(Intent intent); } public static void registerPushCallback(IPushCallback callback) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { pushCallbacks.add(callback); } } public static void unRegisterPushCallback(IPushCallback callback) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { pushCallbacks.remove(callback); } } @Override public void onToken(Context context, String tokenIn, Bundle extras) { String belongId = extras.getString("belongId"); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_TOKEN); intent.putExtra(ACTION_TOKEN, tokenIn); callBack(intent); intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_UPDATEUI); intent.putExtra("log", "belongId is:" + belongId + " Token is:" + tokenIn); callBack(intent); } @Override public boolean onPushMsg(Context context, byte[] msg, Bundle bundle) { try { //CP可以自己解析消息内容,然后做相应的处理 | CP can parse message content on its own, and then do the appropriate processing String content = new String(msg, "UTF-8"); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_UPDATEUI); intent.putExtra("log", "Receive a push pass message with the message:" + content); callBack(intent); } catch (Exception e) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_UPDATEUI); intent.putExtra("log", "Receive push pass message, exception:" + e.getMessage()); callBack(intent); } return false; } public void onEvent(Context context, Event event, Bundle extras) { } @Override public void onPushState(Context context, boolean pushState) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_UPDATEUI); intent.putExtra("log", "The Push connection status is:" + pushState); callBack(intent); } private static void callBack(Intent intent) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { for (IPushCallback callback : pushCallbacks) { if (callback != null) { callback.onReceive(intent); } } } } }
import static com.example.testpush.HuaweiPushRevicer.ACTION_TOKEN; import static com.example.testpush.HuaweiPushRevicer.ACTION_UPDATEUI; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements HuaweiPushRevicer.IPushCallback { private String token; StringBuffer sbLog = new StringBuffer(); @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); HMSAgent.connect(this, new ConnectHandler() { @Override public void onConnect(int rst) { showLog("HMS connect end:" + rst); } }); getToken(); HuaweiPushRevicer.registerPushCallback(this); setReceiveNotifyMsg(true); setReceiveNormalMsg(true); Log.d("****Token****",token+""); showLog(token); } /** * 获取token */ private void getToken() { showLog("get token: begin"); HMSAgent.Push.getToken(new GetTokenHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rtnCode) { showLog("get token: end" + rtnCode); } }); } /** * 设置接收通知消息 | Set up receive notification messages * @param enable 是否开启 | enabled or not */ private void setReceiveNotifyMsg(boolean enable){ showLog("enableReceiveNotifyMsg:begin"); HMSAgent.Push.enableReceiveNotifyMsg(enable, new EnableReceiveNotifyMsgHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rst) { showLog("enableReceiveNotifyMsg:end code=" + rst); } }); } /** * 设置是否接收普通透传消息 | Set whether to receive normal pass messages * @param enable 是否开启 | enabled or not */ private void setReceiveNormalMsg(boolean enable){ showLog("enableReceiveNormalMsg:begin"); HMSAgent.Push.enableReceiveNormalMsg(enable, new EnableReceiveNormalMsgHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rst) { showLog("enableReceiveNormalMsg:end code=" + rst); } }); } protected void showLog(String logLine) { DateFormat format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMddhhmmssSSS"); String time = format.format(new Date()); sbLog.append(time+":"+logLine); sbLog.append('\n'); new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { View vText = findViewById(R.id.tv_log); if (vText != null && vText instanceof TextView) { TextView tvLog = (TextView)vText; tvLog.setText(sbLog.toString()); } View vScrool = findViewById(R.id.sv_log); if (vScrool != null && vScrool instanceof ScrollView) { ScrollView svLog = (ScrollView)vScrool; svLog.fullScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN); } } }); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); HuaweiPushRevicer.unRegisterPushCallback(this); ; } @Override public void onReceive(Intent intent) { if (intent != null) { String action = intent.getAction(); Bundle b = intent.getExtras(); if (b != null && ACTION_TOKEN.equals(action)) { token = b.getString(ACTION_TOKEN); Log.d("****Token****",token+""); showLog(token); showLog(intent.getStringExtra("aa")); } else if (b != null && ACTION_UPDATEUI.equals(action)) { String log = b.getString("log"); showLog(log); Log.d("****Token****",token+""); showLog(token); } } } }
public class HuaweiPushReceiver extends PushReceiver { //HuaweiPushRevicer类继承PushReceiver,实现PUSH Token和透传消息的接收 public static final String TAG = "HuaweiPushReceiver"; public static final String ACTION_UPDATEUI = "action.updateUI"; public static final String ACTION_TOKEN = "action.updateToken"; //定义用于保存接口对象的列表 private static List<IPushCallback> pushCallbacks = new ArrayList<IPushCallback>(); private static final Object CALLBACK_LOCK = new Object(); //定义IPushCallback接口用于回传Token信息 public interface IPushCallback { void onReceive(Intent intent); } public static void registerPushCallback(IPushCallback callback) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { pushCallbacks.add(callback); } } public static void unRegisterPushCallback(IPushCallback callback) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { pushCallbacks.remove(callback); } } @Override public void onToken(Context context, String tokenIn, Bundle extras) { //onToken 调用getToken方法后,获取服务端返回的token结果,返回token以及belongId String belongId = extras.getString("belongId"); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_TOKEN); intent.putExtra(ACTION_TOKEN, tokenIn); callBack(intent); //返回Token信息 intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_UPDATEUI); intent.putExtra("log", "belongId is:" + belongId + " Token is:" + tokenIn); callBack(intent); //返回日志信息 } @Override public boolean onPushMsg(Context context, byte[] msg, Bundle bundle) { return true; } public void onEvent(Context context, Event event, Bundle extras) { } @Override public void onPushState(Context context, boolean pushState) { //调用getPushState方法后,获取push连接状态的查询结果 Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_UPDATEUI); intent.putExtra("log", "The Push connection status is:" + pushState); callBack(intent); } private static void callBack(Intent intent) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { for (IPushCallback callback : pushCallbacks) { if (callback != null) { callback.onReceive(intent); //执行接口对象的onReceive方法 } } } } }
import static com.example.estpush.HuaweiPushRevicer.ACTION_TOKEN; import static com.example.testpush.HuaweiPushRevicer.ACTION_UPDATEUI; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements HuaweiPushRevicer.IPushCallback { private String token; StringBuffer sbLog = new StringBuffer(); @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); HMSAgent.connect(this, new ConnectHandler() { @Override public void onConnect(int rst) { showLog("HMS connect end:" + rst); } }); getToken(); HuaweiPushRevicer.registerPushCallback(this); setReceiveNotifyMsg(true); setReceiveNormalMsg(true); if("test".equals(getIntent().getStringExtra("package"))){ //开发者自己写逻辑 } } /** * 获取token */ private void getToken() { showLog("get token: begin"); HMSAgent.Push.getToken(new GetTokenHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rtnCode) { showLog("get token: end" + rtnCode); } }); } /** * 设置接收通知消息 | Set up receive notification messages * @param enable 是否开启 | enabled or not */ private void setReceiveNotifyMsg(boolean enable){ showLog("enableReceiveNotifyMsg:begin"); HMSAgent.Push.enableReceiveNotifyMsg(enable, new EnableReceiveNotifyMsgHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rst) { showLog("enableReceiveNotifyMsg:end code=" + rst); } }); } /** * 设置是否接收普通透传消息 | Set whether to receive normal pass messages * @param enable 是否开启 | enabled or not */ private void setReceiveNormalMsg(boolean enable){ showLog("enableReceiveNormalMsg:begin"); HMSAgent.Push.enableReceiveNormalMsg(enable, new EnableReceiveNormalMsgHandler() { @Override public void onResult(int rst) { showLog("enableReceiveNormalMsg:end code=" + rst); } }); } protected void showLog(String logLine) { DateFormat format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMddhhmmssSSS"); String time = format.format(new Date()); sbLog.append(time+":"+logLine); sbLog.append('\n'); new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { View vText = findViewById(R.id.tv_log); if (vText != null && vText instanceof TextView) { TextView tvLog = (TextView)vText; tvLog.setText(sbLog.toString()); } View vScrool = findViewById(R.id.sv_log); if (vScrool != null && vScrool instanceof ScrollView) { ScrollView svLog = (ScrollView)vScrool; svLog.fullScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN); } } }); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); HuaweiPushRevicer.unRegisterPushCallback(this); ; } @Override public void onReceive(Intent intent) { if (intent != null) { String action = intent.getAction(); Bundle b = intent.getExtras(); if (b != null && ACTION_TOKEN.equals(action)) { token = b.getString(ACTION_TOKEN); Log.d("****Token****",token+""); showLog(token); showLog(intent.getStringExtra("aa")); } else if (b != null && ACTION_UPDATEUI.equals(action)) { String log = b.getString("log"); showLog(log); Log.d("****Token****",token+""); showLog(token); } } } }
public class HuaweiPushReceiver extends PushReceiver { //HuaweiPushRevicer类继承PushReceiver,实现PUSH Token和透传消息的接收 public static final String TAG = "HuaweiPushReceiver"; public static final String ACTION_UPDATEUI = "action.updateUI"; public static final String ACTION_TOKEN = "action.updateToken"; //定义用于保存接口对象的列表 private static List<IPushCallback> pushCallbacks = new ArrayList<IPushCallback>(); private static final Object CALLBACK_LOCK = new Object(); //定义IPushCallback接口用于回传Token信息 public interface IPushCallback { void onReceive(Intent intent); } public static void registerPushCallback(IPushCallback callback) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { pushCallbacks.add(callback); } } public static void unRegisterPushCallback(IPushCallback callback) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { pushCallbacks.remove(callback); } } @Override public void onToken(Context context, String tokenIn, Bundle extras) { //onToken 调用getToken方法后,获取服务端返回的token结果,返回token以及belongId String belongId = extras.getString("belongId"); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_TOKEN); intent.putExtra(ACTION_TOKEN, tokenIn); callBack(intent); //返回Token信息 intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_UPDATEUI); intent.putExtra("log", "belongId is:" + belongId + " Token is:" + tokenIn); callBack(intent); //返回日志信息 } @Override public boolean onPushMsg(Context context, byte[] msg, Bundle bundle) { return true; } public void onEvent(Context context, Event event, Bundle extras) { } @Override public void onPushState(Context context, boolean pushState) { //调用getPushState方法后,获取push连接状态的查询结果 Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_UPDATEUI); intent.putExtra("log", "The Push connection status is:" + pushState); callBack(intent); } private static void callBack(Intent intent) { synchronized (CALLBACK_LOCK) { for (IPushCallback callback : pushCallbacks) { if (callback != null) { callback.onReceive(intent); //执行接口对象的onReceive方法 } } } }
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