stomp,Streaming Text Orientated Message Protocol,是流文本定向消息协议,是一种为MOM(Message Oriented Middleware,面向消息的中间件)设计的简单文本协议。
stomp 1.0
stomp 1.1 (including heart-beating)
stomp frame(帧)对象包括command、headers、body
# stomp协议长链接
stomp_dart_client: ^0.4.4
stomp: ^0.8.0
// 管理长链接socket, stomp协议
import 'package:stomp_dart_client/stomp.dart'; import 'package:stomp_dart_client/stomp_config.dart'; import 'package:stomp_dart_client/stomp_frame.dart'; // 接收到stomp协议的frame的callback typedef OnFrameCallback = void Function(StompFrame); enum StompState { IDLE, CREATED, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, RECONNECTING, DISCONNECTED, ERROR, } class WebSocketStompManager { //私有构造函数 WebSocketStompManager._internal(); //保存单例 static WebSocketStompManager _singleton = WebSocketStompManager._internal(); //工厂构造函数 factory WebSocketStompManager() => _singleton; // 订阅的Subscription // 保存订阅, id: dynamic Map _subscriptions = Map<String, dynamic>(); // stomp的headers信息 Map<String, String>? _headers = Map<String, String>(); // 是否连接 StompState _stompState = StompState.IDLE; // 当前连接的Url String _urlString = ''; // StompClient client StompClient? _client; // 创建连接 void createConnect(String urlString, Map<String, String> headers) { _urlString = urlString; _headers = _headers; _client?.deactivate(); _client = null; _client = StompClient( config: StompConfig( url: urlString, // connectionTimeout: Duration(seconds: 10), // stompConnectHeaders: { // 'upgraded': 'websocket', // }, // webSocketConnectHeaders: { // 'upgraded': 'websocket', // }, // 连接 beforeConnect: beforeConnectCallback, onConnect: onConnectCallback, onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback, onStompError: onStompErrorCallback, onUnhandledFrame: onUnhandledFrameCallback, onUnhandledMessage: onUnhandledMessageCallback, onUnhandledReceipt: onUnhandledReceiptCallback, onWebSocketError: onWebSocketErrorCallback, onWebSocketDone: onWebSocketDoneCallback, onDebugMessage: onDebugMessageCallback, )); } /// beforeConnect:未来 在建立连接之前将等待的异步函数。 Future<void> beforeConnectCallback() async { // 在建立连接之前将等待的异步函数。 print("beforeConnectCallback 在建立连接之前将等待的异步函数。"); print('waiting to connect...'); // await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 200)); print('connecting...'); } /// onClientNotCreateCallback, client未创建 void onClientNotCreateCallback() { // client未创建 print("onClientNotCreateCallback client未创建"); } /// onConnect:函数(StompFrame) 客户端连接成功调用的函数 void onConnectCallback(StompFrame connectFrame) { // client is connected and ready // 如果连接成功 print( "onConnectCallback 客户端连接成功调用的函数:" "${connectFrame.toString()}," "${connectFrame.command}," "${connectFrame.headers}," "${connectFrame.body}" ); } /// onDisconnect:函数(StompFrame) 客户端预期断开连接时调用的函数 void onDisconnectCallback(StompFrame p1) { // 客户端预期断开连接时调用的函数 print("onDisconnectCallback 客户端预期断开连接时调用的函数:${p1.toString()}"); } /// onStompError:函数(StompFrame) 当 stomp 服务器发送错误帧时要调用的函数 void onStompErrorCallback(StompFrame p1) { // 当 stomp 服务器发送错误帧时要调用的函数 print("onStompErrorCallback 当 stomp 服务器发送错误帧时要调用的函数:${p1.toString()}"); } /// onUnhandledFrame:函数(StompFrame) 服务器发送无法识别的帧时调用的函数 void onUnhandledFrameCallback(StompFrame p1) { // 服务器发送无法识别的帧时调用的函数 print("onUnhandledFrameCallback 服务器发送无法识别的帧时调用的函数:${p1.toString()}"); } /// onUnhandledMessage:函数(StompFrame) 当订阅消息没有处理程序时要调用的函数 void onUnhandledMessageCallback(StompFrame p1) { // 当订阅消息没有处理程序时要调用的函数 print("onUnhandledMessageCallback 当订阅消息没有处理程序时要调用的函数:${p1.toString()}"); } /// onUnhandledReceipt:函数(StompFrame) 当接收消息没有注册观察者时调用的函数 void onUnhandledReceiptCallback(StompFrame p1) { // 当接收消息没有注册观察者时调用的函数 print("onUnhandledReceiptCallback 当接收消息没有注册观察者时调用的函数:${p1.toString()}"); } /// onWebSocketError:函数(动态) 当底层 WebSocket 抛出错误时要调用的函数 void onWebSocketErrorCallback(dynamic error) { // 当底层 WebSocket 抛出错误时要调用的函数 print( "onWebSocketErrorCallback 当底层 WebSocket 抛出错误时要调用的函数:${error.toString()}"); } /// onWebSocketDone:函数() 当底层 WebSocket 完成/断开连接时要调用的函数 void onWebSocketDoneCallback() { // 当底层 WebSocket 完成/断开连接时要调用的函数 print("onWebSocketDoneCallback 当底层 WebSocket 完成/断开连接时要调用的函数"); } /// onDebugMessage:函数(字符串) 为内部消息处理程序生成的调试消息调用的函数 void onDebugMessageCallback(String p1) { // 为内部消息处理程序生成的调试消息调用的函数 print("onDebugMessageCallback 为内部消息处理程序生成的调试消息调用的函数:${p1}"); } // 连接 void connect() { // connect连接 if (_client != null) { _client?.activate(); } else { // 未创建client onClientNotCreateCallback(); } } // Subscribe void subscribe(String destination, OnFrameCallback? onFrameCallback) { if (_client != null) { dynamic unsubscribeFn = _client?.subscribe( destination: destination, headers: _headers, callback: (frame) { // Received a frame for this subscription print(frame.body); if (onFrameCallback != null) { onFrameCallback(frame); } }); _subscriptions.putIfAbsent(destination, () => unsubscribeFn); } else { // 未创建client onClientNotCreateCallback(); } } // client.subscribe(...) returns a function which can be called with an optional map of headers void unsubscribe(String destination) { if (_client != null) { dynamic unsubscribeFn = _subscriptions[destination]; unsubscribeFn(unsubscribeHeaders: {}); } else { // 未创建client onClientNotCreateCallback(); } } // client.subscribe(...) returns a function which can be called with an optional map of headers void unsubscribeAll() { // 退订所有 // 调用 Map 对象的 keys 成员 , 返回一个由 键 Key 组成的数组 for (var destination in _subscriptions.keys){ unsubscribe(destination); } } void send(String destination, String? message) { if (_client != null) { _client?.send(destination: destination, body: message, headers: _headers); } else { // 未创建client onClientNotCreateCallback(); } } void disconnect() { if (_client != null) { _client?.deactivate(); } else { // 未创建client onClientNotCreateCallback(); } } }
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget { MyHomePage({Key? key, required this.title}) : super(key: key); final String title; @override _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState(); } class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> { @override void initState() { // TODO: implement initState super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { // TODO: implement dispose super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( // Here we take the value from the MyHomePage object that was created by // the App.build method, and use it to set our appbar title. title: Text(widget.title), ), floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( onPressed: () { _incrementCounter(model); }, tooltip: 'Increment', child: Icon(Icons.add), ), body: Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: <Widget>[ Wrap( spacing: 8.0, // 主轴(水平)方向间距 runSpacing: 4.0, // 纵轴(垂直)方向间距 alignment: WrapAlignment.center, //沿主轴方向居中 children: [ TextButton( onPressed: stompCreate, child: Container( color: Colors.black26, child: Text( 'stomp创建', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium, ), ), ), TextButton( onPressed: stompConnect, child: Container( color: Colors.black26, child: Text( 'stomp连接', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium, ), ), ), TextButton( onPressed: stompSubscribe, child: Container( color: Colors.black26, child: Text( 'stomp订阅', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium, ), ), ), TextButton( onPressed: stompUnSubscribe, child: Container( color: Colors.black26, child: Text( 'stomp退订', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium, ), ), ), TextButton( onPressed: stompSendMessage, child: Container( color: Colors.black26, child: Text( 'stomp发送消息', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium, ), ), ) ], ), ], ), ), ); } // 测试stomp长链接 void stompCreate() { // 创建stompClint WebSocketStompManager().createConnect("ws://", {}); } void stompConnect() { WebSocketStompManager().connect(); } void stompSubscribe() { WebSocketStompManager() .subscribe("/topic/echo", (p0) { print("stompSubscribe 1:$p0"); }); WebSocketStompManager() .subscribe("/topic/echo", (p0) { print("stompSubscribe 2:$p0"); }); } void stompUnSubscribe() { WebSocketStompManager().unsubscribeAll(); } void stompSendMessage() { WebSocketStompManager().send("/app/echo", "haha message from dart"); } }
至此实现了flutter开发实战-长链接WebSocket 使用stomp协议,进行消息发送、消息接收。
由于stomp_dart_client不支持https,如果使用WebSocketStompManager().createConnect(“ws://”, {});
会报告错误“Not support Https shceme”,所以这里要使用ws或者wss。
至此实现了flutter开发实战-长链接WebSocket 使用stomp协议,进行消息发送、消息接收。stomp实现的库stomp_dart_client来实现该功能。
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