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(论文阅读)Image Categorization by Learning a Propagated Graphlet Path_特征值分解时间复杂度


Abstract—Spatial pyramid matching is a standard architecture for categorical image retrieval. However, its performance is largely limited by the prespecified rectangular spatial regions when pooling local descriptors. In this paper, we propose to learn object-shaped and directional receptive fields for image categorization. In particular, different objects in an image are seamlessly constructed by superpixels, while the direction captures human gaze shifting path. By generating a number of superpixels in each image, we construct graphlets to describe different objects. They function as the object-shaped receptive fields for image comparison. Due to the huge number of graphlets in an image, a saliency-guided graphlet selection algorithm is proposed. A manifold embedding algorithm encodes graphlets with the semantics of training image tags. Then, we derive a manifold propagation to calculate the postembedding graphlets by leveraging visual saliency maps. The sequentially propagated graphlets constitute a path that mimics human gaze shifting. Finally, we use the learned graphlet path as receptive fields for local image descriptor pooling. The local descriptors from similar receptive fields of pairwise images more significantly contribute to the final image kernel. Thorough experiments demonstrate the advantage of our approach.
摘要——空间金字塔匹配是分类图像检索的标准体系结构。但是,在对局部描述器进行池化时,其性能在很大程度上受到预先指定的矩形空间区域的限制。本文提出了一种学习目标形状和方向感受野的图像分类方法。 特别是,图像中的不同对象是由超像素无缝构建的,而方向则捕获了人类的视线转移路径。通过在每个图像中生成多个超像素,我们构建了用于描述不同对象的graphlets(不知道翻译成什么?)。它们作为物体形状的感受野用于图像的比较。针对图像中graphlets数量庞大的问题,提出了一种显著性引导的graphlets选择算法流形嵌入算法利用训练图像标签的语义对graphlets进行编码(区别于one-hot编码)。然后,我们提出一个流形传播方法来计算嵌入后的图形,这种方法利用了视觉显著性地图。连续传播的graphlets构成了一条模仿人类目光转移的路径。最后,我们使用学习的graphlet路径作为本地图像描述器池化的感受野。来自成对图像的相似感受野的局部描述器对最终图像内核的贡献更大。通过严密的实验证明了我们的方法的优点。


As shown in Fig. 2, the proposed receptive field learning consists of four components. To construct object-shaped receptive fields, we generate superpixels from each image, the function of which is taken as the basic elements to construct objects in an image. Then, we generate a number of graphlets by random walk on the superpixel mosaic. Graphlets can seamlessly construct objects since superpixels are neatly adherent to their boundaries. Since a large number of graphlets are irrelevant to an object, to emphasize only those highly object-relevant ones, we propose a manifold embedding algorithm to encode semantics of training image tags into graphlets. The postembedding graphlets are calculated based on a saliency-guided coordinate propagation. Finally, these postembedding graphlets are connected to a path that mimics the process of human gaze shifting. These paths are integrated into a kernel for image categorization.

A. Overview of the Proposed Categorization Model
Roughly, our categorization model can be divided into three steps. As shown in Fig. 4, we briefly overview the three steps as well as their relationships.

  1. Aiming at object-shaped receptive fields, it is important to select a basic image component that can flexibly construct various objects. Superpixels are suitable choice here since they can seamlessly constitute different objects, as shown in many semantic image annotation algorithms . In particular, we connect multiple spatially neighboring superpixels into graphlets, which construct different objects and are used as receptive fields for local image descriptor pooling .
  2. There are a huge number of graphlets in an image, as graphlet number is exponentially increasing with its size. To select the representative ones for pooling, only those highly relevant to image semantics and are along the human gaze shifting paths should be preserved. This is implemented by a manifold graphlet embedding, where the postembedding graphlets are propagated sequentially. The embedding encodes image semantics into graphelts, and the sequential propagation mimics human gaze shifting. The propagated postembedding graphlets are further linked to a path as the receptive fields.
  3. The learned receptive fields are semantics aware and reflect human gaze shifting path; it is necessary to integrate them using a statistic tool for image categories prediction. SVM is an effective and scalable machine learning tool in image retrieval. In this paper, we build a kernel machine by comparing the local image descriptors from the learned receptive fields of two images. The kernel is then fed into an SVM for predicting image categories .
    B. Graphlet as Object-Shaped Receptive Field
    There are millions of pixels within an image. If we treat each of them independently, it is computationally intractable to build the object-shaped receptive fields. As a high-level representation, superpixels are pixel clusters adherent to object boundaries. Thus, we can use them as the basic elements to construct objects in an image. In this paper, we generate superpixels based on SLIC . Compared with many counterparts, SLIC is more efficient with a time complexity of O(N), where N is the number of pixels in an image. Moreover, SLIC requires less memory and produces superpixels more adherent to object boundaries. To obtain receptive fields seamlessly covering different objects, we employ graphlets, a topological object descriptor that is built upon superpixels. Formally, a graphlet is a moderate-sized graph defined as
    where V is a set of vertices, each representing a superpixel, and E is a set of edges, each connecting pairwise adjacent superpixels. As shown in Figs. 3 and 5, graphlets can seamlessly capture different objects, such as the jellyfish and sailboat. Categorization models built upon such objectshaped receptive fields are more accurate, because only the essential features of two images are pooled for image categorization. Notably, the only parameter for a graphlet is the number of its constituent superpxiels (i.e., the graphlet size). Intuitively, larger sized graphlets have more descriptive power. However, there are an exponential number of graphlets in an image, limiting us to employ a very large graphlet size. Even worse large-sized graphlets may cover more than one object components, which may result in overgeneralization. To balance this tradeoff, moderate-sized graphlets containing 10–15 vertices are used. In this paper, we call a graphlet with t superpixels a t-sized graphlet. Given a t-sized graphlet G, we can represent it by a t × (9 + 128 + t)-sized matrix M
    In this paper, we encode semantics into graphlets by incorporating tags of training images through the manifold embedding algorithm proposed in [52]. The objective function is formulated as
    where Y = [y1, y2, . . . , yN ] and yih and  are column vectors standing for the d-dimensional representations of the i th and j th graphlets from the hth image.
    在本文中,我们通过[L. Zhang, M. Song, Z. Liu, X. Liu, J. Bu, and C. Chen, “Probabilistic graphlet cut: Exploiting spatial structure cue for weakly supervised image segmentation,”]中提出的流形嵌入算法,将训练图像的标签合并到图中,从而将语义编码成graphlets。目标函数表示为
    其中Y=[y1,y2,…,yn]和yhi和yhj是列向量,它们代表来自第h个图像的第i 个和第j个graphlets的d维表示。
    C. Saliency-Guided Postembedding Graphlet Propagation
    The above problem can be reorganized into a quadratic programming with quadratic constraints [52]. Typically, it can be solved using eigenvalue decomposition, which has a time complexity of O(N3), wherein N is the total number of graphlets. However, Z is a large-sized matrix because usually N > 100 000. Thus, it is impractical to solve (3) using a global once-for-all eigenvalue decomposition.
    To mimic the sequence of human perceiving objects in an image, as shown in Fig. 6, we develop a saliency-guided propagation algorithm that embeds graphlets incrementally. First, we solve an initial embedding of graphlets extracted from the top H(0) most visually salient regions in an image. Then, we solve a new embedding under graphlets extracted from {1, . . . , H(0), . . . , H(1)} most visually salient regions.
    D. Image Kernel Based on the Learned Receptive Fields
