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华为WLAN配置攻击检测功能示例_warning: modifying the country code will clear cha

warning: modifying the country code will clear channel, power and antenn



图1 配置攻击检测功能组网图

  • 配置流程
  • 组网需求
  • 配置思路
  • 配置注意事项
  • 操作步骤
  • 配置文件





  1. 配置WLAN基本业务,实现STA可以正常接入WLAN网络。
  2. 配置WPA2-PSK认证方式的防暴力破解密钥攻击检测和泛洪攻击检测功能,可以检测到发起攻击的设备信息。
  3. 配置动态黑名单功能,可以将发起攻击的设备信息加入动态黑名单,在配置的老化时间内,拒绝接收其发送的报文。


表1 数据规划表








  • 名称:ap-group1
  • 引用模板:VAP模板wlan-vap、域管理模板domain1、WIDS模板wlan-wids
  • AP组射频0的攻击检测类型:WPA2-PSK认证方式的暴力破解密钥攻击检测、泛洪攻击检测


  • 名称:domain1
  • 国家码:CN


  • 名称:wlan-ssid
  • SSID名称:wlan-net


  • 名称:wlan-security
  • 安全策略:WPA2-PSK-AES
  • 密码:a1234567


  • 名称:wlan-vap
  • 业务VLAN:VLAN101
  • 引用模板:SSID模板wlan-ssid、安全模板wlan-security


  • 名称:wlan-wids
  • 暴力破解密钥攻击检测周期:70秒
  • 暴力破解密钥攻击检测的静默时间:700秒
  • 暴力破解密钥攻击检测周期内允许密钥错误的次数:25
  • 泛洪攻击检测周期:70秒
  • 泛洪攻击检测的静默时间:700秒
  • 泛洪攻击检测阈值 :350
  • 动态黑名单功能:开启


  • 名称:wlan-system
  • 动态黑名单老化时间:200秒



  1. 配置中心AP,使RU与中心AP之间能够传输CAPWAP报文

    1. # 配置中心AP,将接口GE0/0/1加入VLAN100(管理VLAN)。
    2. <HUAWEI> system-view
    3. [HUAWEI] sysname AP
    4. [AP] vlan batch 100 101
    5. [AP] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
    6. [AP-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
    7. [AP-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk pvid vlan 100
    8. [AP-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100
    9. [AP-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit

  2. 配置中心AP与上层网络设备互通

    1. 根据实际组网情况在中心AP上行口配置业务VLAN透传,和上行网络设备互通。
    2. # 配置中心AP上行接口GE0/0/24加入VLAN101(业务VLAN)。
    3. [AP] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/24
    4. [AP-GigabitEthernet0/0/24] port link-type trunk
    5. [AP-GigabitEthernet0/0/24] port trunk allow-pass vlan 101
    6. [AP-GigabitEthernet0/0/24] quit

  3. 配置中心AP作为DHCP服务器,为STA和RU分配IP地址

    1. # 配置基于接口地址池的DHCP服务器,其中,VLANIF100接口为RU提供IP地址,VLANIF101STA提供IP地址。
    2. DNS服务器地址请根据实际需要配置。常用配置方法如下:
    3. 接口地址池场景,需要在VLANIF接口视图下执行命令dhcp server dns-list ip-address &<1-8>。
    4. 全局地址池场景,需要在IP地址池视图下执行命令dns-list ip-address &<1-8>。
    5. [AP] dhcp enable
    6. [AP] interface vlanif 100
    7. [AP-Vlanif100] ip address 24
    8. [AP-Vlanif100] dhcp select interface
    9. [AP-Vlanif100] quit
    10. [AP] interface vlanif 101
    11. [AP-Vlanif101] ip address 24
    12. [AP-Vlanif101] dhcp select interface
    13. [AP-Vlanif101] quit

  4. 配置RU上线

    1. # 创建AP组,用于将相同配置的RU都加入同一AP组中。
    2. [AP] wlan
    3. [AP-wlan-view] ap-group name ap-group1
    4. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] quit
    5. # 创建域管理模板,在域管理模板下配置中心AP的国家码并在AP组下引用域管理模板。
    6. [AP-wlan-view] regulatory-domain-profile name domain1
    7. [AP-wlan-regulate-domain-domain1] country-code cn
    8. [AP-wlan-regulate-domain-domain1] quit
    9. [AP-wlan-view] ap-group name ap-group1
    10. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] regulatory-domain-profile domain1
    11. Warning: Modifying the country code will clear channel, power and antenna gain configurations of the radio and reset the AP. Continu e?[Y/N]:y
    12. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] quit
    13. [AP-wlan-view] quit
    14. # 配置中心APRU的管理VLAN
    15. [AP] management-vlan 100
    16. # 在中心AP上离线导入RU,并将RU加入AP组“ap-group1”中。假设RUMAC地址为60de-4476-e360,并且根据RU的部署位置为RU配置名称,便于从名称上就能够了解RU的部署位置。例如MAC地址为60de-4476-e360的RU部署在1号区域,命名此RU为area_1。
    17. ap auth-mode命令缺省情况下为MAC认证,如果之前没有修改其缺省配置,可以不用执行ap auth-mode mac-auth。
    18. 举例中使用的RUR240D,具有射频0和射频1两个射频。R240D的射频02.4GHz射频,射频1为5GHz射频。
    19. [AP] wlan
    20. [AP-wlan-view] ap auth-mode mac-auth
    21. [AP-wlan-view] ap-id 1 ap-mac 60de-4476-e360
    22. [AP-wlan-ap-1] ap-name area_1
    23. [AP-wlan-ap-1] ap-group ap-group1
    24. Warning: This operation may cause AP reset. If the country code changes, it will clear channel, power and antenna gain configuration s of the radio, Whether to continue? [Y/N]:y
    25. [AP-wlan-ap-1] quit
    26. # 将RU上电后,当执行命令display ap all查看到RU的“State”字段为“nor”时,表示RU正常上线。
    27. [AP-wlan-view] display ap all
    28. Total AP information:
    29. nor : normal [1]
    30. Extra information:
    31. P : insufficient power supply
    32. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    33. ID MAC Name Group IP Type State STA Uptime ExtraInfo
    34. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35. 1 00e0-fc76-e360 area_1 ap-group1 R240D nor 0 10S -
    36. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37. Total: 1

  5. 配置攻击检测功能

    1. # 开启WPA2-PSK认证方式的暴力破解密钥攻击检测功能和泛洪攻击检测功能。
    2. [AP-wlan-view] ap-group name ap-group1
    3. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] radio 0
    4. [AP-wlan-group-radio-ap-group1/0] wids attack detect enable wpa2-psk
    5. [AP-wlan-group-radio-ap-group1/0] wids attack detect enable flood
    6. [AP-wlan-group-radio-ap-group1/0] quit
    7. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] quit
    8. # 创建名为“wlan-wids”的WIDS模板。
    9. [AP-wlan-view] wids-profile name wlan-wids
    10. # 配置WPA2-PSK认证方式的暴力破解密钥攻击检测的检测周期为70秒,检测周期内允许密钥错误的次数为25次,静默时间为700秒。
    11. [AP-wlan-wids-prof-wlan-wids] brute-force-detect interval 70
    12. [AP-wlan-wids-prof-wlan-wids] brute-force-detect threshold 25
    13. [AP-wlan-wids-prof-wlan-wids] brute-force-detect quiet-time 700
    14. # 配置泛洪攻击检测的检测周期为70秒,泛洪攻击检测阈值为350个,静默时间为700秒。
    15. [AP-wlan-wids-prof-wlan-wids] flood-detect interval 70
    16. [AP-wlan-wids-prof-wlan-wids] flood-detect threshold 350
    17. [AP-wlan-wids-prof-wlan-wids] flood-detect quiet-time 700
    18. # 使能动态黑名单功能。
    19. [AP-wlan-wids-prof-wlan-wids] dynamic-blacklist enable
    20. [AP-wlan-wids-prof-wlan-wids] quit
    21. # 创建名为“wlan-system”的AP系统模板,配置动态黑名单老化时间为200秒。
    22. [AP-wlan-view] ap-system-profile name wlan-system
    23. [AP-wlan-ap-system-prof-wlan-system] dynamic-blacklist aging-time 200
    24. [AP-wlan-ap-system-prof-wlan-system] quit

  6. 配置WLAN业务参数

    1. # 创建名为“wlan-security”的安全模板,并配置安全策略。
    2. [AP-wlan-view] security-profile name wlan-security
    3. [AP-wlan-sec-prof-wlan-security] security wpa2 psk pass-phrase a1234567 aes
    4. [AP-wlan-sec-prof-wlan-security] quit
    5. # 创建名为“wlan-ssid”的SSID模板,并配置SSID名称为“wlan-net”。
    6. [AP-wlan-view] ssid-profile name wlan-ssid
    7. [AP-wlan-ssid-prof-wlan-ssid] ssid wlan-net
    8. [AP-wlan-ssid-prof-wlan-ssid] quit
    9. # 创建名为“wlan-vap”的VAP模板,配置业务VLAN,并且引用安全模板和SSID模板。
    10. [AP-wlan-view] vap-profile name wlan-vap
    11. [AP-wlan-vap-prof-wlan-vap] service-vlan vlan-id 101
    12. [AP-wlan-vap-prof-wlan-vap] security-profile wlan-security
    13. [AP-wlan-vap-prof-wlan-vap] ssid-profile wlan-ssid
    14. [AP-wlan-vap-prof-wlan-vap] quit
    15. # 配置AP组引用VAP模板“wlan-vap”、WIDS模板“wlan-wids”和AP系统模板“wlan-system”。
    16. [AP-wlan-view] ap-group name ap-group1
    17. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] vap-profile wlan-vap wlan 1 radio 0
    18. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] vap-profile wlan-vap wlan 1 radio 1
    19. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] wids-profile wlan-wids
    20. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] ap-system-profile wlan-system
    21. [AP-wlan-ap-group-ap-group1] quit

  7. 验证配置结果

    1. 配置完成后,当有其他设备对WLAN网络进行攻击时,通过display wlan ids attack-detected all命令,可以查看到检测到的攻击设备。
    2. [AP-wlan-view] display wlan ids attack-detected all
    3. #AP: Number of monitor APs that have detected the device
    4. AT: Last detected attack type
    5. CH: Channel number
    6. act: Action frame asr: Association request
    7. aur: Authentication request daf: Deauthentication frame
    8. dar: Disassociation request wiv: Weak IV detected
    9. pbr: Probe request rar: Reassociation request
    10. eaps: EAPOL start frame eapl: EAPOL logoff frame
    11. saf: Spoofed disassociation frame
    12. sdf: Spoofed deauthentication frame
    13. otsf: Other types of spoofing frames
    14. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    15. MAC address AT CH RSSI(dBm) Last detected time #AP
    16. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    17. 000b-c002-9c81 pbr 165 -87 2014-11-20/15:51:13 1
    18. 0024-2376-03e9 pbr 165 -84 2014-11-20/15:51:13 1
    19. 0046-4b74-691f act 165 -67 2014-11-20/15:51:13 1
    20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    21. Total: 3, printed: 3
    22. 通过display wlan dynamic-blacklist all命令,可以查看加入动态黑名单的攻击设备。
    23. [AP-wlan-view] display wlan dynamic-blacklist all
    24. #AP: Number of monitor APs that have detected the device
    25. act: Action frame asr: Association request
    26. aur: Authentication request daf: Deauthentication frame
    27. dar: Disassociation request eapl: EAPOL logoff frame
    28. pbr: Probe request rar: Reassociation request
    29. eaps: EAPOL start frame
    30. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    31. MAC address Last detected time Reason #AP
    32. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    33. 000b-c002-9c81 2014-11-20/16:15:53 pbr 1
    34. 0024-2376-03e9 2014-11-20/16:15:53 pbr 1
    35. 0046-4b74-691f 2014-11-20/16:15:53 act 1
    36. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37. Total: 3, printed: 3

  1. 中心AP的配置文件
  2. #
  3. sysname AP
  4. #
  5. vlan batch 100 to 101
  6. #
  7. dhcp enable
  8. #
  9. interface Vlanif100
  10. ip address
  11. dhcp select interface
  12. #
  13. interface Vlanif101
  14. ip address
  15. dhcp select interface
  16. #
  17. interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
  18. port link-type trunk
  19. port trunk pvid vlan 100
  20. port trunk allow-pass vlan 100 to 101
  21. #
  22. interface GigabitEthernet0/0/24
  23. port link-type trunk
  24. port trunk allow-pass vlan 101
  25. #
  26. management-vlan 100
  27. #
  28. wlan
  29. security-profile name wlan-security
  30. security wpa2 psk pass-phrase %^%#4R-.UpLuaWW`dGKS3R':Hg.h4g.hh:ygc7*P$q("%^%# aes
  31. ssid-profile name wlan-ssid
  32. ssid wlan-net
  33. vap-profile name wlan-vap
  34. service-vlan vlan-id 101
  35. ssid-profile wlan-ssid
  36. security-profile wlan-security
  37. regulatory-domain-profile name domain1
  38. wids-profile name wlan-wids
  39. flood-detect interval 70
  40. flood-detect threshold 350
  41. flood-detect quiet-time 700
  42. brute-force-detect interval 70
  43. brute-force-detect threshold 25
  44. brute-force-detect quiet-time 700
  45. dynamic-blacklist enable
  46. ap-system-profile name wlan-system
  47. dynamic-blacklist aging-time 200
  48. ap-group name ap-group1
  49. ap-system-profile wlan-system
  50. regulatory-domain-profile domain1
  51. wids-profile wlan-wids
  52. radio 0
  53. vap-profile wlan-vap wlan 1
  54. wids attack detect enable flood
  55. wids attack detect enable wpa2-psk
  56. radio 1
  57. vap-profile wlan-vap wlan 1
  58. ap-id 1 type-id 19 ap-mac 60de-4476-e360 ap-sn 210235554710CB000042
  59. ap-name area_1
  60. ap-group ap-group1
  61. #
  62. return

