├── main.py
├── gui/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── button.py
│ └── window.py
├── transformations/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── image_generators.py
│ └── image_transformers.py
├── utils/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── file_utils.py
import pygame # 按钮类 class Button: def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, text, color): self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, width, height) self.text = text self.color = color self.darker_color = (max(color[0] - 50, 0), max(color[1] - 50, 0), max(color[2] - 50, 0)) # 计算一个较暗的颜色 def draw(self, surface): pygame.draw.rect(surface, self.color, self.rect) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24) text = font.render(self.text, True, (255, 255, 255)) text_rect = text.get_rect(center=self.rect.center) surface.blit(text, text_rect) def is_clicked(self, pos): return self.rect.collidepoint(pos)
类负责管理整个窗口及其界面,只需要创建一个 Window
对象,并在主循环中调用 clear()
__init__(self, width, height, title)
为 1。self.selected_transform
、变换后的图像 self.transformed_img
、原始图像 self.original_img
方法添加按钮。def __init__(self, width, height, title): self.width = width self.height = height self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption(title) self.buttons = [] self.current_layer = 1 self.selected_transform = None self.transformed_img = None self.original_img = None self.mouse_dragging = False self.drag_start_pos = (0, 0) self.drag_offset = (0, 0) self.translation_offset = (0, 0) self.add_buttons() # pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load("icon.png")) # 加载图标文件 self.pygame_to_numpy_map = {}
列表中。def add_buttons(self): # 添加第一层界面按钮 self.buttons.append(Button(50, 50, 200, 50, "Select Image", (255, 0, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(350, 50, 200, 50, "Generate Square", (0, 255, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(650, 50, 200, 50, "Generate Circle", (0, 0, 255))) # 添加第二层界面按钮 # - "Translate"按钮颜色为红色 # - "Rotate"按钮颜色为橙色 `(2 # - "Isotropic Scale"按钮 # - "Scale"按钮颜色为青色 `(0, # - "Mirror"按钮颜色为蓝色 `(0 # - "Shear"按钮颜色为紫色 `(12 # 问:为什么没有黄色 # 答:黄色太耀眼了……… self.buttons.append(Button(50, 50, 150, 50, "Translate", (255, 0, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(250, 50, 150, 50, "Rotate", (255, 165, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(450, 50, 150, 50, "Isotropic Scale", (0, 255, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(650, 50, 150, 50, "Scale", (0, 255, 255))) self.buttons.append(Button(50, 150, 150, 50, "Mirror", (0, 0, 255))) self.buttons.append(Button(250, 150, 150, 50, "Shear", (128, 0, 128))) self.buttons.append(Button(450, 150, 150, 50, "Back to Selection", (128, 128, 128))) # 新增"保存图片"功能 self.buttons.append(Button(650, 150, 150, 50, "Save Image", (0, 128, 0)))
def clear(self):
self.window.fill((220, 220, 220))
draw(self, original_img)
def draw(self, original_img): # # 绘制标题栏 # pygame.draw.rect(self.window, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, self.width, 50)) # 绘制矩形背景 # font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) # text = font.render("Image Transformations", True, (255, 255, 255)) # 绘制白色文本 # self.window.blit(text, (10, 10)) if self.current_layer == 1: # 绘制第一层界面 for button in self.buttons[:3]: button.draw(self.window) elif self.current_layer == 2: # 绘制第二层界面 if original_img is not None: self.window.blit(original_img, (50, 250)) for button in self.buttons[3:]: button.draw(self.window) elif self.current_layer == 3: # 绘制第三层界面 if self.original_img is not None: self.window.blit(self.original_img, (50, 250)) if self.transformed_img is not None: self.window.blit(self.transformed_img, (350, 250)) for button in self.buttons[3:]: # 在第三层界面上方显示操作按钮 button.draw(self.window) if self.selected_transform is not None: font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) text = font.render(f"Selected Transform: {self.selected_transform}", True, (255, 255, 255)) text_rect = text.get_rect(center=(self.width // 2, 222)) self.window.blit(text, text_rect)
handle_events(self, event)
def save_image(self):
if self.transformed_img is not None:
root = Tk()
file_path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".png")
if file_path:
pygame.image.save(self.transformed_img, file_path)
import numpy as np import pygame from gui.button import Button from transformations.image_generators import * from transformations.image_transformers import * from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import Tk class Window: def __init__(self, width, height, title): self.width = width self.height = height self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption(title) self.buttons = [] self.current_layer = 1 self.selected_transform = None self.transformed_img = None self.original_img = None self.mouse_dragging = False self.drag_start_pos = (0, 0) self.drag_offset = (0, 0) self.translation_offset = (0, 0) self.add_buttons() # pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load("icon.png")) # 加载图标文件 self.pygame_to_numpy_map = {} # def pygame_to_numpy(self, surface): # if surface in self.pygame_to_numpy_map: # return self.pygame_to_numpy_map[surface] # else: # numpy_array = np.transpose(np.array(pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(surface)), (1, 0, 2)) # self.pygame_to_numpy_map[surface] = numpy_array # return numpy_array # # def numpy_to_pygame(self, numpy_array): # surface = pygame.Surface(numpy_array.shape[:2][::-1], pygame.SRCALPHA) # pygame.surfarray.blit_array(surface, np.transpose(numpy_array, (1, 0, 2))) # return surface def add_buttons(self): # 添加第一层界面按钮 self.buttons.append(Button(50, 50, 200, 50, "Select Image", (255, 0, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(350, 50, 200, 50, "Generate Square", (0, 255, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(650, 50, 200, 50, "Generate Circle", (0, 0, 255))) # 添加第二层界面按钮 # - "Translate"按钮颜色为红色 # - "Rotate"按钮颜色为橙色 `(2 # - "Isotropic Scale"按钮 # - "Scale"按钮颜色为青色 `(0, # - "Mirror"按钮颜色为蓝色 `(0 # - "Shear"按钮颜色为紫色 `(12 # 问:为什么没有黄色 # 答:黄色太耀眼了……… self.buttons.append(Button(50, 50, 150, 50, "Translate", (255, 0, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(250, 50, 150, 50, "Rotate", (255, 165, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(450, 50, 150, 50, "Isotropic Scale", (0, 255, 0))) self.buttons.append(Button(650, 50, 150, 50, "Scale", (0, 255, 255))) self.buttons.append(Button(50, 150, 150, 50, "Mirror", (0, 0, 255))) self.buttons.append(Button(250, 150, 150, 50, "Shear", (128, 0, 128))) self.buttons.append(Button(450, 150, 150, 50, "Back to Selection", (128, 128, 128))) # 新增"保存图片"功能 self.buttons.append(Button(650, 150, 150, 50, "Save Image", (0, 128, 0))) def clear(self): self.window.fill((220, 220, 220)) # ui界面灰色背景 def draw(self, original_img): # # 绘制标题栏 # pygame.draw.rect(self.window, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, self.width, 50)) # 绘制矩形背景 # font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) # text = font.render("Image Transformations", True, (255, 255, 255)) # 绘制白色文本 # self.window.blit(text, (10, 10)) if self.current_layer == 1: # 绘制第一层界面 for button in self.buttons[:3]: button.draw(self.window) elif self.current_layer == 2: # 绘制第二层界面 if original_img is not None: self.window.blit(original_img, (50, 250)) for button in self.buttons[3:]: button.draw(self.window) elif self.current_layer == 3: # 绘制第三层界面 if self.original_img is not None: self.window.blit(self.original_img, (50, 250)) if self.transformed_img is not None: self.window.blit(self.transformed_img, (350, 250)) for button in self.buttons[3:]: # 在第三层界面上方显示操作按钮 button.draw(self.window) if self.selected_transform is not None: font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) text = font.render(f"Selected Transform: {self.selected_transform}", True, (255, 255, 255)) text_rect = text.get_rect(center=(self.width // 2, 222)) self.window.blit(text, text_rect) def handle_events(self, event): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if self.current_layer == 1: # 第一层界面 for button in self.buttons[:3]: if button.is_clicked(mouse_pos): if button.text == "Select Image": root = Tk() root.withdraw() self.file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(title="Select Image") if self.file_path: self.original_img = pygame.image.load(self.file_path) self.original_img = pygame.transform.scale(self.original_img, (256, 256)) self.current_layer = 2 elif button.text == "Generate Square": self.original_img = generate_square(256, (255, 255, 255)) self.current_layer = 2 elif button.text == "Generate Circle": self.original_img = generate_circle(128, (255, 255, 255)) self.current_layer = 2 elif self.current_layer == 2 or self.current_layer == 3: # 第二层和第三层界面 for button in self.buttons[3:]: if button.is_clicked(mouse_pos): if button.text == "Save Image": self.save_image() elif button.text == "Back to Selection": # 返回选择界面 self.original_img = None self.selected_transform = None self.transformed_img = None self.current_layer = 1 else: self.selected_transform = button.text self.transformed_img = self.original_img.copy() if self.current_layer == 2: self.current_layer = 3 if event.button == 1: # 鼠标左键 self.mouse_dragging = True self.drag_start_pos = mouse_pos elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1: # 鼠标左键 self.mouse_dragging = False elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if self.mouse_dragging and self.current_layer == 3: pygame.mouse.set_cursor(pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND) mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.drag_offset = (mouse_pos[0] - self.drag_start_pos[0], mouse_pos[1] - self.drag_start_pos[1]) if self.selected_transform == "Translate": self.translation_offset = self.drag_offset # 更新平移偏移量 self.transformed_img = translate(self.original_img, self.translation_offset[0], self.translation_offset[1]) elif self.selected_transform == "Rotate": angle = self.drag_offset[0] self.transformed_img = rotate(self.original_img, angle) elif self.selected_transform == "Isotropic Scale": scale_factor = max(0.1, 1 + self.drag_offset[0] / 100) # 限制缩放比例在0.1到无穷大之间 self.transformed_img = isotropic_scale(self.original_img, scale_factor) elif self.selected_transform == "Scale": scale_x = max(0.1, 1 + self.drag_offset[0] / 100) # 限制x方向缩放比例在0.1到无穷大之间 scale_y = max(0.1, 1 + self.drag_offset[1] / 100) # 限制y方向缩放比例在0.1到无穷大之间 self.transformed_img = scale(self.original_img, scale_x, scale_y) elif self.selected_transform == "Mirror": if self.drag_offset[0] > 0: mirror_type = 'horizontal' else: mirror_type = 'vertical' self.transformed_img = mirror(self.original_img, mirror_type) elif self.selected_transform == "Shear": shear_x = self.drag_offset[0] / 100 shear_y = self.drag_offset[1] / 100 self.transformed_img = shear(self.original_img, shear_x, shear_y) else: pygame.mouse.set_cursor(pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW) # 在鼠标拖拽时将鼠标指针设置为手型, 否则设置为默认箭头形状。 def save_image(self): if self.transformed_img is not None: root = Tk() root.withdraw() file_path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".png") if file_path: pygame.image.save(self.transformed_img, file_path)
import pygame # 生成正方形图像 def generate_square(size, color): img = pygame.Surface((size, size)) img.fill(color) return img # 生成圆形图像 def generate_circle(radius, color): img = pygame.Surface((radius * 2, radius * 2)) img.fill((0, 0, 0)) img.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) pygame.draw.circle(img, color, (radius, radius), radius) return img
import pygame window_width, window_height = 888, 888 # 平移变换 def translate(img, x, y): width, height = img.get_size() translated_img = pygame.Surface((window_width, window_height), pygame.SRCALPHA) translated_img.blit(img, (x, y)) return translated_img # 旋转变换 def rotate(img, angle): rotated_img = pygame.transform.rotate(img, angle) return rotated_img # 等比缩放变换 def isotropic_scale(img, scale_factor): width, height = img.get_size() new_size = (int(width * scale_factor), int(height * scale_factor)) scaled_img = pygame.transform.scale(img, new_size) return scaled_img # 缩放变换 def scale(img, scale_x, scale_y): width, height = img.get_size() new_width = int(width * scale_x) new_height = int(height * scale_y) scaled_img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (new_width, new_height)) return scaled_img # 镜像变换 def mirror(img, mirror_type): if mirror_type == 'horizontal': mirrored_img = pygame.transform.flip(img, True, False) elif mirror_type == 'vertical': mirrored_img = pygame.transform.flip(img, False, True) else: return img return mirrored_img # 剪切变换 def shear(img, shear_x, shear_y): width, height = img.get_size() sheared_img = pygame.Surface((width + abs(shear_x * height), height + abs(shear_y * width))) sheared_img.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) for x in range(width): for y in range(height): sheared_img.blit(img, (x + shear_x * y, y + shear_y * x), (x, y, 1, 1)) return sheared_img
import pygame from gui.window import Window pygame.init() window_width, window_height = 888, 888 window = Window(window_width, window_height, "2D Transformations") running = True while running: # 设置窗口大小 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False window.handle_events(event) window.clear() window.draw(window.original_img) pygame.display.flip() pygame.quit()
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