引入三个内容页 Home,Car,Setting ,说明界面模块也行。引入 private tabsController: TabsController = new TabsController()。
构建一个tabuilder ,可以认为是一个function但function需要有属性以及build,这里相关的参数直接可以写入到 @Builder TabBuilder,
import CommonConstants from '../common/constants/CommonConstants'; import Home from "../view/Home" import Car from "../view/Car" import Setting from "../view/Setting" /** * Main page */ @Entry @Component struct MainPage { @State currentIndex: number = CommonConstants.HOME_TAB_INDEX;//选中那一个底部tab private tabsController: TabsController = new TabsController(); @Builder TabBuilder(title: string, index: number, selectedImg: Resource, normalImg: Resource) { Column() { Image(this.currentIndex === index ? selectedImg : normalImg) .width($r('app.float.mainPage_baseTab_size')) .height($r('app.float.mainPage_baseTab_size')) Text(title) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.mainPage_baseTab_top') }) .fontSize($r('app.float.main_tab_fontSize')) .fontColor(this.currentIndex === index ? $r('app.color.mainPage_selected') : $r('app.color.mainPage_normal')) } .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .height($r('app.float.mainPage_barHeight')) .width(CommonConstants.FULL_PARENT) .onClick(() => { this.currentIndex = index; this.tabsController.changeIndex(this.currentIndex); }) } build() { Tabs({ barPosition: BarPosition.End, controller: this.tabsController }) { TabContent() { Home()//将home view引入 } .padding({ left: $r('app.float.mainPage_padding'), right: $r('app.float.mainPage_padding') }) .backgroundColor($r('app.color.mainPage_backgroundColor')) .tabBar(this.TabBuilder(CommonConstants.HOME_TITLE/*首页*/, CommonConstants.HOME_TAB_INDEX/*index*/,$r('app.media.home_selected'), $r('app.media.home_normal'))) TabContent() { Car()//将car view引入 } .padding({ left: $r('app.float.mainPage_padding'), right: $r('app.float.mainPage_padding') }) .backgroundColor($r('app.color.mainPage_backgroundColor')) .tabBar(this.TabBuilder(CommonConstants.MINE_CAR/*修车*/, CommonConstants.MINE_CAR_INDEX/*index*/, $r('app.media.car_selected'), $r('app.media.car_normal'))) TabContent() { Setting()//将setting view引入 } .padding({ left: $r('app.float.mainPage_padding'), right: $r('app.float.mainPage_padding') }) .backgroundColor($r('app.color.mainPage_backgroundColor')) .tabBar(this.TabBuilder(CommonConstants.MINE_TITLE/*我的*/, CommonConstants.MINE_TAB_INDEX/*index*/, $r('app.media.mine_selected'), $r('app.media.mine_normal'))) } .width(CommonConstants.FULL_PARENT) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .barHeight($r('app.float.mainPage_barHeight')) .barMode(BarMode.Fixed) .onChange((index: number) => { this.currentIndex = index; }) } }
公用的CommonConstants.ets ,这里的
static readonly HOME_TAB_INDEX = 0;
static readonly MINE_CAR_INDEX = 1;
static readonly MINE_TAB_INDEX = 2;是tab的索引。结合上面的 .tabBar(this.TabBuilder(CommonConstants.HOME_TITLE/首页/, CommonConstants.HOME_TAB_INDEX/index/,$r(‘app.media.home_selected’), $r(‘app.media.home_normal’)))表示选中那一个。
/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Common constants for all features. */ export default class CommonConstants { /** * Input length of the account. */ static readonly INPUT_ACCOUNT_LENGTH = 11; /** * Input length of the password. */ static readonly INPUT_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8; /** * Left padding of the input box */ static readonly INPUT_PADDING_LEFT = 0; /** * Delay time of simulated login */ static readonly LOGIN_DELAY_TIME = 2000; /** * Common Spacing of Components */ static readonly COMMON_SPACE = 12; /** * Title text of the home page */ static readonly HOME_TITLE = '首页'; /** * Title text of the setting page */ static readonly MINE_TITLE = '我的'; /** * Title text of the car page */ static readonly MINE_CAR = '修改'; /** * Spacing of other login methods */ static readonly LOGIN_METHODS_SPACE = 44; /** * The width or height of the component is spread across the parent component. */ static readonly FULL_PARENT = '100%'; /** * The width of button */ static readonly BUTTON_WIDTH = '90%'; /** * The width of setting list */ static readonly SET_LIST_WIDTH = '42%'; /** * Home tab index */ static readonly HOME_TAB_INDEX = 0; /** * Mine tab index */ static readonly MINE_CAR_INDEX = 1; /** * Mine tab index */ static readonly MINE_TAB_INDEX = 2; }
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