人工智能AI:Keras PyTorch MXNet TensorFlow PaddlePaddle 深度学习实战(不定时更新)
- 2.本项目中数据仓库的设计(注:采用星型模型)
- 1.事实表设计
- 注意:
- 维度表的数据一般要结合业务情况自己写脚本按照规则生成,也可以使用工具生成,方便后续的关联分析。
- 比如一般会事前生成时间维度表中的数据,跨度从业务需要的日期到当前日期即可,具体根据你的分析粒度,
- 可以生成年、季、月、周、天、时等相关信息,用于分析。
- 3.模块开发----ETL
- ETL 工作的实质就是从各个数据源提取数据,对数据进行转换,并最终加载填充数据到数据仓库维度建模后的表中。
- 只有当这些维度/事实表被填充好,ETL工作才算完成。
- 本项目的数据分析过程在 hadoop 集群上实现,主要应用 hive 数据仓库工具,因此,采集并经过预处理后的数据,需要加载到 hive 数据仓库中,以进行后续的分析过程。
- 1.创建 ODS 层数据表
- 1.原始日志数据表
- 1.drop table if exists ods_weblog_origin;
- 2.create table ods_weblog_origin(
- valid string,
- remote_addr string,
- remote_user string,
- time_local string,
- request string,
- status string,
- body_bytes_sent string,
- http_referer string,
- http_user_agent string)
- partitioned by (datestr string)
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\001';
- 2.点击流模型 pageviews 模型表
- 1.drop table if exists ods_click_pageviews;
- 2.create table ods_click_pageviews(
- session string,
- remote_addr string,
- remote_user string,
- time_local string,
- request string,
- visit_step string,
- page_staylong string,
- http_referer string,
- http_user_agent string,
- body_bytes_sent string,
- status string)
- partitioned by (datestr string)
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\001';
- 3.点击流模型 visit 模型表
- 1.drop table if exist ods_click_stream_visit;
- 2.create table ods_click_stream_visit(
- session string,
- remote_addr string,
- inTime string,
- outTime string,
- inPage string,
- outPage string,
- referal string,
- pageVisits int)
- partitioned by (datestr string)
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\001';
- 2.导入 ODS 层数据
- 1.数据导入:load data inpath '/weblog/preprocessed/' overwrite into table ods_weblog_origin partition(datestr='20130918');
- 2.查看分区:show partitions ods_weblog_origin;
- 3.统计导入的数据总数:select count(*) from ods_weblog_origin;
- 4.点击流模型的两张表(pageviews、visit 模型表)数据导入操作同上。
- 5.注:生产环境中应该将数据 load 命令,写在脚本中,然后配置在 azkaban 中定时运行,注意运行的时间点,应该在预处理数据完成之后。
- 3.生成 ODS 层明细宽表
- 1.需求实现
- 整个数据分析的过程是按照数据仓库的层次分层进行的,总体来说,是从 ODS 原始数据中整理出一些中间表
- (比如,为后续分析方便,将原始数据中的时间、url 等非结构化数据作结构化抽取,将各种字段信息进行细化,形成明细表),
- 然后再在中间表的基础之上统计出各种指标数据。
- 2.ETL 实现:建明细表 ods_weblog_detail
- 1.drop table ods_weblog_detail;
- 2.create table ods_weblog_detail(
- valid string, --有效标识
- remote_addr string, # 来源 IP
- remote_user string, # 用户标识
- time_local string, # 访问完整时间
- daystr string, # 访问日期
- timestr string, # 访问时间
- month string, # 访问月
- day string, # 访问日
- hour string, # 访问时
- request string, # 请求的 url
- status string, # 响应码
- body_bytes_sent string, # 传输字节数
- http_referer string, # 来源 url
- ref_host string, # 来源的 host
- ref_path string, # 来源的路径
- ref_query string, # 来源参数 query
- ref_query_id string, # 来源参数 query 的值
- http_user_agent string) # 客户终端标识
- partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.通过查询插入数据到明细宽表 ods_weblog_detail 中
- 1.抽取 refer_url 到中间表 t_ods_tmp_referurl,也就是将来访 url 分离出 host、path、query、query id。
- 2.drop table if exists t_ods_tmp_referurl;
- 3.create table t_ods_tmp_referurl as
- SELECT a.*,b.*
- FROM ods_weblog_origin a
- LATERAL VIEW parse_url_tuple(regexp_replace(http_referer, "\"", ""), 'HOST', 'PATH','QUERY', 'QUERY:id') b
- as host, path, query, query_id;
- 4.LATERAL VIEW 用于和 split, Explode 等 UDTF 一起使用,它能够将一列数据拆成 多行数据。
- 5.UDTF(User-Defined Table-Generating Functions) :
- 用来解决 输入一行 输出多行(On-to-many maping) 的需求。
- Explode 也是拆列函数,比如 Explode (ARRAY) ,array 中的每个元素生成一行。
- 4.抽取转换 time_local 字段到中间表明细表 t_ods_tmp_detail
- 1.drop table if exists t_ods_tmp_detail;
- 2.create table t_ods_tmp_detail as
- select b.*,substring(time_local,0,10) as daystr,
- substring(time_local,12) as tmstr,
- substring(time_local,6,2) as month,
- substring(time_local,9,2) as day,
- substring(time_local,11,3) as hour
- from t_ods_tmp_referurl b;
- 5.以上语句可以合成一个总的语句
- insert into table shizhan.ods_weblog_detail partition(datestr='2013-09-18')
- select c.valid,c.remote_addr,c.remote_user,c.time_local,
- substring(c.time_local,0,10) as daystr,
- substring(c.time_local,12) as tmstr,
- substring(c.time_local,6,2) as month,
- substring(c.time_local,9,2) as day,
- substring(c.time_local,11,3) as hour,
- c.request,c.status,c.body_bytes_sent,c.http_referer,c.ref_host,c.ref_path,c.ref_query,c.ref_query_id,c.http_user_agent
- from (SELECT a.valid,a.remote_addr,a.remote_user,a.time_local, a.request,a.status,a.body_bytes_sent,a.http_referer,
- a.http_user_agent,b.ref_host,b.ref_path,b.ref_query,b.ref_query_id
- FROM shizhan.ods_weblog_origin a LATERAL VIEW parse_url_tuple(regexp_replace(http_referer, "\"", ""), 'HOST',
- 'PATH','QUERY', 'QUERY:id') b as ref_host, ref_path, ref_query, ref_query_id) c;
- 4.模块开发----统计分析
- 数据仓库建设好以后,用户就可以编写 Hive SQL 语句对其进行访问并对其中数据进行分析。
- 在实际生产中,究竟需要哪些统计指标通常由数据需求相关部门人员提出,而且会不断有新的统计需求产生,以下为网站流量分析中的一些典型指标示例。
- 注:每一种统计指标都可以跟各维度表进行钻取。
- 1.流量分析
- 1.多维度统计 PV 总量
- 1.按时间维度
- 1.计算每小时 pvs,注意 gruop by 语法
- select count(*) as pvs,month,day,hour from ods_weblog_detail group by month,day,hour;
- 2.方式一:直接在 ods_weblog_detail 单表上进行查询
- 1.计算该处理批次(一天)中的各小时 pvs
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday(month string,day string,hour string,pvs bigint)
- partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday partition(datestr='20130918')
- select a.month as month,a.day as day,a.hour as hour,count(*) as pvs from ods_weblog_detail a
- where a.datestr='20130918' group by a.month,a.day,a.hour;
- 2.计算每天的 pvs
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_everyday;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_everyday(pvs bigint,month string,day string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
- select count(*) as pvs,a.month as month,a.day as day from ods_weblog_detail a
- group by a.month,a.day;
- 3.方式二:与时间维表关联查询
- 1.维度:日
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_everyday;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_everyday(pvs bigint,month string,day string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
- select count(*) as pvs,a.month as month,a.day as day from (select distinct month, day from t_dim_time) a
- join ods_weblog_detail b
- on a.month=b.month and a.day=b.day
- group by a.month,a.day;
- 2.维度:月
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_everymonth;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_everymonth (pvs bigint,month string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_everymonth
- 4.select count(*) as pvs,a.month from (select distinct month from t_dim_time) a
- join ods_weblog_detail b on a.month=b.month group by a.month;
- 3.另外,也可以直接利用之前的计算结果。比如从之前算好的小时结果中统计每一天的
- insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
- select sum(pvs) as pvs,month,day from dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday group by month,day having day='18';
- 2.按终端维度
- 1.数据中能够反映出用户终端信息的字段是 http_user_agent。
- 2.User Agent 也简称 UA。
- 1.它是一个特殊字符串头,是一种向访问网站提供所使用的浏览器类型及版本、操作系统及版本、浏览器内核、等信息的标识。
- 2.例如:User-Agent,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
- Chrome/58.0.3029.276 Safari/537.36
- 3.上述 UA 信息就可以提取出以下的信息:
- chrome 58.0、浏览器 chrome、浏览器版本 58.0、系统平台 windows、浏览器内核 webkit
- 3.可以用下面的语句进行试探性统计,当然这样的准确度不是很高。
- select distinct(http_user_agent) from ods_weblog_detail where http_user_agent like '%Chrome%' limit 200;
- 3.按栏目维度
- 网站栏目可以理解为网站中内容相关的主题集中。
- 体现在域名上来看就是不同的栏目会有不同的二级目录。
- 比如某网站网址为 www.xxxx.cn,旗下栏目可以通过如下方式访问:
- 栏目维度:../job
- 栏目维度:../news
- 栏目维度:../sports
- 栏目维度:../technology
- 那么根据用户请求 url 就可以解析出访问栏目,然后按照栏目进行统计分析。
- 4.按 referer 维度
- 1.统计每小时各来访 url 产生的 pv 量
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour(
- referer_url string,referer_host string,month string,day string,hour string,pv_referer_cnt bigint)
- partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour partition(datestr='20130918')
- select http_referer,ref_host,month,day,hour,count(1) as pv_referer_cnt
- from ods_weblog_detail
- group by http_referer,ref_host,month,day,hour
- having ref_host is not null
- order by hour asc,day asc,month asc,pv_referer_cnt desc;
- 2.统计每小时各来访 host 的产生的 pv 数并排序
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour(
- ref_host string,month string,day string,hour string,ref_host_cnts bigint)
- partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour partition(datestr='20130918')
- select ref_host,month,day,hour,count(1) as ref_host_cnts
- from ods_weblog_detail
- group by ref_host,month,day,hour
- having ref_host is not null
- order by hour asc,day asc,month asc,ref_host_cnts desc;
- 3.注:还可以按来源地域维度、访客终端维度等计算
- 2.人均浏览量
- 1.需求描述:统计今日所有来访者平均请求的页面数。
- 2.人均浏览量也称作人均浏览页数,该指标可以说明网站对用户的粘性。
- 人均页面浏览量表示用户某一时段平均浏览页面的次数。
- 计算方式:总页面请求数/去重总人数
- remote_addr表示不同的用户。
- 可以先统计出不同 remote_addr 的 pv量, 然后累加(sum)所有 pv 作为总的页面请求数,再 count 所有 remote_addr 作为总的去重总人数。
- 3.总页面请求数/去重总人数
- 1.drop table dw_avgpv_user_everyday;
- 2.create table dw_avgpv_user_everyday(day string, avgpv string);
- 3.insert into table dw_avgpv_user_everyday
- select '20130918',sum(b.pvs)/count(b.remote_addr) from
- (select remote_addr,count(1) as pvs from ods_weblog_detail where datestr='20130918' group by remote_addr) b;
- 3.统计 pv 总量最大的来源 TOPN (分组 TOP)
- 1.需求描述:统计每小时各来访 host 的产生的 pvs 数最多的前 N 个(topN) 。
- 2.row_number()函数
- 1.语法:row_number() over (partition by xxx order by xxx) rank。
- 2.rank 为分组的别名,相当于新增一个字段为 rank。
- 3.partition by 用于分组,比方说依照 sex 字段分组
- 4.order by 用于分组内排序,比方说依照 sex 分组,组内按照 age 排序
- 5.排好序之后,为每个分组内每一条分组记录从 1 开始返回一个数字
- 6.取组内某个数据,可以使用 “where 表名.rank > x” 之类的语法去取
- 3.以下语句对每个小时内的来访 host 次数倒序排序(从大到小)标号:
- select ref_host,ref_host_cnts,concat(month,day,hour),
- row_number() over (partition by concat(month,day,hour) order by ref_host_cnts desc) as od
- from dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour;
- 4.效果如下:
- 2.受访分析(从页面的角度分析)
- 1.各页面访问统计
- 主要是针对数据中的 request 进行统计分析,比如各页面 PV ,各页面 UV 等。
- 以上指标无非就是根据页面的字段 group by。
- 例如:统计各页面 pv
- select request as request,count(request) as request_counts from ods_weblog_detail
- group by request having request is not null order by request_counts desc limit 20;
- 2.热门页面统计
- 统计每日最热门的页面 top10
- 1.drop table dw_hotpages_everyday;
- 2.create table dw_hotpages_everyday(day string,url string,pvs string);
- 3.insert into table dw_hotpages_everyday
- select '20130918',a.request,a.request_counts from
- (
- select request as request,count(request) as request_counts from ods_weblog_detail where datestr='20130918'
- group by request having request is not null
- ) a order by a.request_counts desc limit 10;
- 3.访客分析
- 1.独立访客
- 1.需求描述:按照时间维度,比如:小时来统计独立访客及其产生的 pv。
- 2.对于独立访客的识别,如果在原始日志中有用户标识,则根据用户标识即很好实现;
- 此处,由于原始日志中并没有用户标识,以访客 IP 来模拟,技术上是一样的,只是精确度相对较低。
- 3.时间维度:时
- 1.drop table dw_user_dstc_ip_h;
- 2.create table dw_user_dstc_ip_h(remote_addr string, pvs bigint, hour string);
- 3.insert into table dw_user_dstc_ip_h
- select remote_addr,count(1) as pvs,concat(month,day,hour) as hour from ods_weblog_detail
- Where datestr='20130918'
- group by concat(month,day,hour),remote_addr;
- 4.在此结果表之上,可以进一步统计,如每小时独立访客总数:
- select count(1) as dstc_ip_cnts,hour from dw_user_dstc_ip_h group by hour;
- 4.时间维度:日
- select remote_addr,count(1) as counts,concat(month,day) as day
- from ods_weblog_detail
- Where datestr='20130918'
- group by concat(month,day),remote_addr;
- 5.时间维度:月
- select remote_addr,count(1) as counts,month
- from ods_weblog_detail
- group by month,remote_addr;
- 4.每日新访客
- 1.需求:将每天的新访客统计出来。
- 2.实现思路:创建一个去重访客累积表,然后将每日访客对比累积表。
- 3.历日去重访客累积表
- 1.drop table dw_user_dsct_history;
- 2.create table dw_user_dsct_history(day string, ip string)
- partitioned by(datestr string);
- 4.每日新访客表
- 1.drop table dw_user_new_d;
- 2.create table dw_user_new_d (day string, ip string)
- partitioned by(datestr string);
- 5.每日新用户插入新访客表
- 1.insert into table dw_user_new_d partition(datestr='20130918')
- select tmp.day as day,tmp.today_addr as new_ip
- from(
- select today.day as day,today.remote_addr as today_addr,old.ip as old_addr
- from (
- select distinct remote_addr as remote_addr,"20130918" as day
- from ods_weblog_detail where datestr="20130918"
- ) today left outer join dw_user_dsct_history old on today.remote_addr=old.ip
- ) tmp
- where tmp.old_addr is null;
- 6.每日新用户追加到累计表
- insert into table dw_user_dsct_history partition(datestr='20130918')
- select day,ip from dw_user_new_d where datestr='20130918';
- 7.验证查看:
- select count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_weblog_detail;
- select count(1) from dw_user_dsct_history where datestr='20130918';
- select count(1) from dw_user_new_d where datestr='20130918';
- 8.注:还可以按来源地域维度、访客终端维度等计算
- 5.访客 Visit 分析(点击流模型)
- 1.回头/单次访客统计
- 1.需求:查询今日所有回头访客及其访问次数。
- 2.实现思路:上表中 “出现次数 > 1” 的访客,即回头访客;反之,则为单次访客。
- 1.drop table dw_user_returning;
- 2.create table dw_user_returning(day string, remote_addr string, acc_cnt string)
- partitioned by (datestr string);
- 3.insert overwrite table dw_user_returning partition(datestr='20130918')
- select tmp.day,tmp.remote_addr,tmp.acc_cnt
- from (select '20130918' as day,remote_addr,count(session) as acc_cnt from ods_click_stream_visit group by remote_addr) tmp
- where tmp.acc_cnt > 1;
- 2.人均访问频次
- 1.需求:统计出每天所有用户访问网站的平均次数(visit)
- 2.总 visit 数/去重总用户数
- select sum(pagevisits)/count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_click_stream_visit where datestr='20130918';
- 6.关键路径转化率分析(漏斗模型)
- 1.需求分析
- 转化:在一条指定的业务流程中,各个步骤的完成人数及相对上一个步骤的百分比。
- 2.模型设计
- 定义好业务流程中的页面标识,下例中的步骤为:
- Step1、 /item
- Step2、 /category
- Step3、 /index
- Step4、 /order
- 3.开发实现
- 1.查询每一个步骤的总访问人数:查询每一步人数存入 dw_oute_numbs
- 1.create table dw_oute_numbs as
- select 'step1' as step,count(distinct remote_addr) as numbs from ods_click_pageviews
- where datestr='20130920' and request like '/item%'
- union
- select 'step2' as step,count(distinct remote_addr) as numbs from ods_click_pageviews
- where datestr='20130920' and request like '/category%'
- union
- select 'step3' as step,count(distinct remote_addr) as numbs from ods_click_pageviews
- where datestr='20130920' and request like '/order%'
- union
- select 'step4' as step,count(distinct remote_addr) as numbs from ods_click_pageviews
- where datestr='20130920' and request like '/index%';
- 注:UNION 将多个 SELECT 语句的结果集合并为一个独立的结果集。
- 2.查询每一步骤相对于路径起点人数的比例
- 思路:级联查询,利用自 join
- 1.dw_oute_numbs 跟自己 join
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs
- from dw_oute_numbs rn inner join dw_oute_numbs rr;
- 2.每一步的人数/第一步的人数==每一步相对起点人数比例
- select tmp.rnstep,tmp.rnnumbs/tmp.rrnumbs as ratio
- from (
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs
- from dw_oute_numbs rn inner join dw_oute_numbs rr
- ) tmp where tmp.rrstep='step1';
- 3.查询每一步骤相对于上一步骤的漏出率:自 join 表过滤出每一步跟上一步的记录
- 1.select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs
- from dw_oute_numbs rn inner join dw_oute_numbs rr
- where cast(substr(rn.step,5,1) as int)=cast(substr(rr.step,5,1) as int)-1;
- 2.select tmp.rrstep as step,tmp.rrnumbs/tmp.rnnumbs as leakage_rate
- from (
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs
- from dw_oute_numbs rn inner join dw_oute_numbs rr
- ) tmp where cast(substr(tmp.rnstep,5,1) as int)=cast(substr(tmp.rrstep,5,1) as int)-1;
- 4.汇总以上两种指标
- select abs.step,abs.numbs,abs.rate as abs_ratio,rel.rate as leakage_rate
- from (
- select tmp.rnstep as step,tmp.rnnumbs as numbs,tmp.rnnumbs/tmp.rrnumbs as rate
- from (
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs
- from dw_oute_numbs rn inner join dw_oute_numbs rr
- ) tmp where tmp.rrstep='step1'
- )
- abs left outer join
- (
- select tmp.rrstep as step,tmp.rrnumbs/tmp.rnnumbs as rate
- from (
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs
- from dw_oute_numbs rn inner join dw_oute_numbs rr
- ) tmp where cast(substr(tmp.rnstep,5,1) as int)=cast(substr(tmp.rrstep,5,1) as int)-1
- ) rel on abs.step=rel.step;
- 1.时间同步命令:ntpdate ntp6.aliyun.com
- 2.启动 mysql 版的 Hive,本地路径下启动hive
- 1.本地连接方式:
- cd /root/hive/bin
- ./hive
- 2.外部Linux连接访问当前Linux下的hive:(注意使用外部连接方式时必须先启动hiveserver2服务器)
- 1.后台模式启动hiveserver2服务器:
- cd /root/hive/bin
- nohup ./hiveserver2 1>/var/log/hiveserver.log 2>/var/log/hiveserver.err &
- 然后会返回hiveserver2服务器的进程号
- 2.外部Linux连接访问当前Linux下的hive
- cd /root/hive/bin
- ./beeline -u jdbc:hive2://NODE1:10000 -n root
- 然后输入NODE1所在linux的用户名和密码
- 3.本地模式:
- # 设置本地模式(仅需当前机器)执行查询语句,不设置的话则需要使用yarn集群(多台集群的机器)执行查询语句
- # 本地模式只推荐在开发环境开启,以便提高查询效率,但在生产上线环境下应重新设置为使用yarm集群模式
- set hive.exec.mode.local.auto=true;
- 4.创建数据库:
- create database itheima;
- use itheima;
- 5.创建表:
- 1.原始数据表:对应mr清洗完之后的数据,而不是原始日志数据
- 1.drop table if exists ods_weblog_origin;
- 2.create table ods_weblog_origin(
- valid string,
- remote_addr string,
- remote_user string,
- time_local string,
- request string,
- status string,
- body_bytes_sent string,
- http_referer string,
- http_user_agent string)
- partitioned by (datestr string)
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\001';
- 2.点击流pageview表
- 1.drop table if exists ods_click_pageviews;
- 2.create table ods_click_pageviews(
- session string,
- remote_addr string,
- remote_user string,
- time_local string,
- request string,
- visit_step string,
- page_staylong string,
- http_referer string,
- http_user_agent string,
- body_bytes_sent string,
- status string)
- partitioned by (datestr string)
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\001';
- 3.点击流visit表
- 1.drop table if exists ods_click_stream_visit;
- 2.create table ods_click_stream_visit(
- session string,
- remote_addr string,
- inTime string,
- outTime string,
- inPage string,
- outPage string,
- referal string,
- pageVisits int)
- partitioned by (datestr string)
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\001';
- 4.维度表示例:
- 1.drop table if exists t_dim_time;
- 2.create table t_dim_time(date_key int,year string,month string,day string,hour string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
- 5.show tables;
- 1.hdfs中创建指定目录,准备用于存储数据文件
- hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /weblog/preprocessed
- hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /weblog/clickstream/pageviews
- hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /weblog/clickstream/visits
- hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /weblog/dim_time
- 2.浏览器查看hdfs文件系统:
- 3.把要导入的数据文件先上传到指定位置
- hdfs dfs -put /root/hivedata/weblog/output/part-m-00000 /weblog/preprocessed
- hdfs dfs -put /root/hivedata/weblog/pageviews/part-r-00000 /weblog/clickstream/pageviews
- hdfs dfs -put /root/hivedata/weblog/visitout/part-r-00000 /weblog/clickstream/visits
- hdfs dfs -put /root/hivedata/weblog/dim_time_dat.txt /weblog/dim_time
- 4.把hdfs文件系统路径下的数据文件导入到hive数据库表中:
- 1.把 清洗结果数据 导入到 源数据表ods_weblog_origin
- load data inpath '/weblog/preprocessed/' overwrite into table ods_weblog_origin partition(datestr='20130918');
- show partitions ods_weblog_origin; # 显示结果 datestr=20130918
- select count(*) from ods_weblog_origin; # 显示结果 13770
- 2.把 点击流模型pageviews数据 导入到 ods_click_pageviews表
- load data inpath '/weblog/clickstream/pageviews' overwrite into table ods_click_pageviews partition(datestr='20130918');
- select count(*) from ods_click_pageviews; # 显示结果 76
- 3.把 点击流模型visit数据 导入到 ods_click_stream_visit表
- load data inpath '/weblog/clickstream/visits' overwrite into table ods_click_stream_visit partition(datestr='20130918');
- select count(*) from ods_click_stream_visit; # 显示结果 57
- 4.把 dim_time_dat.txt 导入到 时间维度表
- load data inpath '/weblog/dim_time' overwrite into table t_dim_time;
- select count(*) from t_dim_time; # 显示结果 29
- 1.创建表明细宽表 ods_weblog_detail
- 1.drop table ods_weblog_detail;
- 2.create table ods_weblog_detail(
- valid string, --有效标识
- remote_addr string, --来源IP
- remote_user string, --用户标识
- time_local string, --访问完整时间
- daystr string, --访问日期
- timestr string, --访问时间
- month string, --访问月
- day string, --访问日
- hour string, --访问时
- request string, --请求的url
- status string, --响应码
- body_bytes_sent string, --传输字节数
- http_referer string, --来源url
- ref_host string, --来源的host
- ref_path string, --来源的路径
- ref_query string, --来源参数query
- ref_query_id string, --来源参数query的值
- http_user_agent string --客户终端标识
- )partitioned by(datestr string);
- 2.抽取refer_url到中间表 t_ods_tmp_referurl
- 1.drop table if exists t_ods_tmp_referurl;
- 2.create table t_ods_tmp_referurl as
- SELECT a.*,b.*
- FROM ods_weblog_origin a
- LATERAL VIEW parse_url_tuple(regexp_replace(http_referer, "\"", ""), 'HOST', 'PATH','QUERY', 'QUERY:id') b as host, path, query, query_id;
- 3.解析:
- regexp_replace(字段名, "\"", ""):把双引号 替换为 空字符串
- parse_url_tuple(regexp_replace(http_referer, "\"", ""), 'HOST', 'PATH','QUERY', 'QUERY:id'):将来访url值分离出四列值:host、path、query、query_id
- 3.创建中间表明细表 t_ods_tmp_detail,并且抽取转换time_local字段到中间表明细表 t_ods_tmp_detail
- 1.drop table if exists t_ods_tmp_detail;
- 2.create table t_ods_tmp_detail as
- select b.*,substring(time_local,0,10) as daystr,
- substring(time_local,12) as tmstr,
- substring(time_local,6,2) as month,
- substring(time_local,9,2) as day,
- substring(time_local,11,3) as hour
- From t_ods_tmp_referurl b;
- 4.把查询数据 插入到明细宽表ods_weblog_detail中
- insert into table ods_weblog_detail partition(datestr='20130918')
- select c.valid,c.remote_addr,c.remote_user,c.time_local,
- substring(c.time_local,0,10) as daystr,
- substring(c.time_local,12) as tmstr,
- substring(c.time_local,6,2) as month,
- substring(c.time_local,9,2) as day,
- substring(c.time_local,11,3) as hour,
- c.request,c.status,c.body_bytes_sent,c.http_referer,c.ref_host,c.ref_path,c.ref_query,c.ref_query_id,c.http_user_agent
- from
- (SELECT a.valid,a.remote_addr,a.remote_user,a.time_local,
- a.request,a.status,a.body_bytes_sent,a.http_referer,a.http_user_agent,b.ref_host,b.ref_path,b.ref_query,b.ref_query_id
- FROM ods_weblog_origin a LATERAL VIEW parse_url_tuple(regexp_replace(http_referer, "\"", ""), 'HOST', 'PATH','QUERY', 'QUERY:id') b
- as ref_host, ref_path, ref_query, ref_query_id) c;
- 1.流量分析
- 1.计算每小时pvs,注意gruop by语句的语法
- select count(*) as pvs,month,day,hour from ods_weblog_detail group by month,day,hour;
- 2.多维度统计PV总量
- 1.第一种方式:直接在ods_weblog_detail单表上进行查询
- 1.计算该处理批次(一天)中的各小时pvs
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday(month string,day string,hour string,pvs bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday partition(datestr='20130918')
- select a.month as month,a.day as day,a.hour as hour,count(*) as pvs from ods_weblog_detail a
- 2.计算每天的pvs
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_everyday;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_everyday(pvs bigint,month string,day string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
- select count(*) as pvs,a.month as month,a.day as day from ods_weblog_detail a
- group by a.month,a.day;
- 2.第二种方式:与时间维表关联查询
- 1.维度:日
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_everyday;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_everyday(pvs bigint,month string,day string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
- select count(*) as pvs,a.month as month,a.day as day from (select distinct month, day from t_dim_time) a
- join ods_weblog_detail b
- on a.month=b.month and a.day=b.day
- group by a.month,a.day;
- 2.维度:月
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_everymonth;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_everymonth (pvs bigint,month string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_everymonth
- select count(*) as pvs,a.month from (select distinct month from t_dim_time) a
- join ods_weblog_detail b on a.month=b.month group by a.month;
- 3.另外,也可以直接利用之前的计算结果。比如从之前算好的小时结果中统计每一天的
- insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
- select sum(pvs) as pvs,month,day from dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday group by month,day having day='18';
- 1.按照来访维度统计pv
- 1.统计每小时各来访url产生的pv量,查询结果存入:( "dw_pvs_referer_everyhour" )
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour(referer_url string,referer_host string,month string,day string,hour string,pv_referer_cnt bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour partition(datestr='20130918')
- select http_referer,ref_host,month,day,hour,count(1) as pv_referer_cnt
- from ods_weblog_detail
- group by http_referer,ref_host,month,day,hour
- having ref_host is not null
- order by hour asc,day asc,month asc,pv_referer_cnt desc;
- +-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+--+
- | dw_pvs_referer_everyhour.referer_url | dw_pvs_referer_everyhour.referer_host | dw_pvs_referer_everyhour.month | dw_pvs_referer_everyhour.day | dw_pvs_referer_everyhour.hour | dw_pvs_referer_everyhour.pv_referer_cnt | dw_pvs_referer_everyhour.datestr |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+--+
- | "http://blog.fens.me/r-density/" | blog.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 26 | 20130918 |
- | "http://blog.fens.me/r-json-rjson/" | blog.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 21 | 20130918 |
- | "http://blog.fens.me/vpn-pptp-client-ubuntu/" | blog.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 20 | 20130918 |
- | "http://blog.fens.me/hadoop-mahout-roadmap/" | blog.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 20 | 20130918 |
- | "http://blog.fens.me/hadoop-zookeeper-intro/" | blog.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 20 | 20130918 |
- | "http://www.fens.me/" | www.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 12 | 20130918 |
- | "http://h2w.iask.cn/jump.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fens.me" | h2w.iask.cn | 09 | 19 | 00 | 5 | 20130918 |
- | "https://www.google.com.hk/" | www.google.com.hk | 09 | 19 | 00 | 3 | 20130918 |
- | "http://angularjs.cn/A0eQ" | angularjs.cn | 09 | 19 | 00 | 2 | 20130918 |
- | "http://blog.fens.me/about/" | blog.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 2 | 20130918 |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+--+
- 2.统计每小时各来访host的产生的pv数并排序
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour(ref_host string,month string,day string,hour string,ref_host_cnts bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour partition(datestr='20130918')
- select ref_host,month,day,hour,count(1) as ref_host_cnts
- from ods_weblog_detail
- group by ref_host,month,day,hour
- having ref_host is not null
- order by hour asc,day asc,month asc,ref_host_cnts desc;
- +----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+--+
- | dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour.ref_host | dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour.month | dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour.day | dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour.hour | dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour.ref_host_cnts | dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour.datestr |
- +----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+--+
- | blog.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 111 | 20130918 |
- | www.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 00 | 13 | 20130918 |
- | h2w.iask.cn | 09 | 19 | 00 | 6 | 20130918 |
- | www.google.com.hk | 09 | 19 | 00 | 3 | 20130918 |
- | angularjs.cn | 09 | 19 | 00 | 3 | 20130918 |
- | cnodejs.org | 09 | 19 | 00 | 1 | 20130918 |
- | www.leonarding.com | 09 | 19 | 00 | 1 | 20130918 |
- | www.itpub.net | 09 | 19 | 00 | 1 | 20130918 |
- | blog.fens.me | 09 | 19 | 01 | 89 | 20130918 |
- | cos.name | 09 | 19 | 01 | 3 | 20130918 |
- +----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+--+
- 1.统计pv总量最大的来源TOPN
- 1.需求:按照时间维度,统计一天内各小时产生最多pvs的来源topN
- 2.row_number函数
- select ref_host,ref_host_cnts,concat(month,day,hour),
- row_number() over (partition by concat(month,day,hour) order by ref_host_cnts desc) as od
- from dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour;
- +-------------------------+----------------+----------+-----+--+
- | ref_host | ref_host_cnts | _c2 | od |
- +-------------------------+----------------+----------+-----+--+
- | blog.fens.me | 68 | 0918 06 | 1 |
- | www.angularjs.cn | 3 | 0918 06 | 2 |
- | www.google.com | 2 | 0918 06 | 3 |
- | www.baidu.com | 1 | 0918 06 | 4 |
- | cos.name | 1 | 0918 06 | 5 |
- | blog.fens.me | 711 | 0918 07 | 1 |
- | www.google.com.hk | 20 | 0918 07 | 2 |
- | www.angularjs.cn | 20 | 0918 07 | 3 |
- | www.dataguru.cn | 10 | 0918 07 | 4 |
- 3.综上可以得出
- 1.drop table dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour;
- 2.create table dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour(
- hour string,
- toporder string,
- ref_host string,
- ref_host_cnts string
- )partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.insert into table dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour partition(datestr='20130918')
- select t.hour,t.od,t.ref_host,t.ref_host_cnts from
- (select ref_host,ref_host_cnts,concat(month,day,hour) as hour,
- row_number() over (partition by concat(month,day,hour) order by ref_host_cnts desc) as od
- from dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour) t where od<=3;
- +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+--+
- | dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour.hour | dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour.toporder | dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour.ref_host | dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour.ref_host_cnts | dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour.datestr |
- +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+--+
- | 0918 06 | 1 | blog.fens.me | 68 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 06 | 2 | www.angularjs.cn | 3 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 06 | 3 | www.google.com | 2 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 07 | 1 | blog.fens.me | 711 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 07 | 2 | www.google.com.hk | 20 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 07 | 3 | www.angularjs.cn | 20 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 08 | 1 | blog.fens.me | 1556 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 08 | 2 | www.fens.me | 26 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 08 | 3 | www.baidu.com | 15 | 20130918 |
- | 0918 09 | 1 | blog.fens.me | 1047 | 20130918 |
- +-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+--+
- 2.人均浏览页数
- 1.需求描述:统计今日所有来访者平均请求的页面数。
- 2.总页面请求数/去重总人数
- 1.drop table dw_avgpv_user_everyday;
- 2.create table dw_avgpv_user_everyday(
- day string,
- avgpv string);
- 3.insert into table dw_avgpv_user_everyday
- select '20130918',sum(b.pvs)/count(b.remote_addr) from
- (select remote_addr,count(1) as pvs from ods_weblog_detail where datestr='20130918' group by remote_addr) b;
- 各页面PV
- select request as request,count(request) as request_counts from
- ods_weblog_detail group by request having request is not null order by request_counts desc limit 20;
- 热门页面统计
- 统计每日最热门的页面top10
- 1.drop table dw_hotpages_everyday;
- 2.create table dw_hotpages_everyday(day string,url string,pvs string);
- 3.insert into table dw_hotpages_everyday
- select '20130918',a.request,a.request_counts from
- (select request as request,count(request) as request_counts from ods_weblog_detail where datestr='20130918' group by request having request is not null) a
- order by a.request_counts desc limit 10;
- 1.独立访客
- 1.需求:按照时间维度来统计独立访客及其产生的pv量
- 2.时间维度:时
- 1.drop table dw_user_dstc_ip_h;
- 2.create table dw_user_dstc_ip_h(
- remote_addr string,
- pvs bigint,
- hour string);
- 3.insert into table dw_user_dstc_ip_h
- select remote_addr,count(1) as pvs,concat(month,day,hour) as hour
- from ods_weblog_detail
- where datestr='20130918'
- group by concat(month,day,hour),remote_addr;
- 3.在上述基础之上,可以继续分析,比如每小时独立访客总数
- select count(1) as dstc_ip_cnts,hour from dw_user_dstc_ip_h group by hour;
- +---------------+----------+--+
- | dstc_ip_cnts | hour |
- +---------------+----------+--+
- | 19 | 0918 06 |
- | 98 | 0918 07 |
- | 129 | 0918 08 |
- | 149 | 0918 09 |
- | 107 | 0918 10 |
- | 54 | 0918 11 |
- | 52 | 0918 12 |
- | 71 | 0918 13 |
- | 62 | 0918 14 |
- | 72 | 0918 15 |
- | 93 | 0918 16 |
- | 55 | 0918 17 |
- 4.时间维度:日
- select remote_addr,count(1) as counts,concat(month,day) as day
- from ods_weblog_detail
- where datestr='20130918'
- group by concat(month,day),remote_addr;
- +------------------+---------+-------+--+
- | remote_addr | counts | day |
- +------------------+---------+-------+--+
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 28 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 5 | 0918 |
- | | 24 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 2 | 0918 |
- | | 1 | 0918 |
- | | 2 | 0918 |
- 5.时间维度: 月
- select remote_addr,count(1) as counts,month
- from ods_weblog_detail
- group by month,remote_addr;
- +------------------+---------+--------+--+
- | remote_addr | counts | month |
- +------------------+---------+--------+--+
- | | 1 | 09 |
- | | 35 | 09 |
- | | 1 | 09 |
- | | 1 | 09 |
- | | 34 | 09 |
- | | 1 | 09 |
- | | 1 | 09 |
- | | 5 | 09 |
- | | 24 | 09 |
- | | 1 | 09 |
- | | 1 | 09 |
- 2.每日新访客
- 1.需求:将每天的新访客统计出来。
- 2.历日去重访客累积表
- 1.drop table dw_user_dsct_history;
- 2.create table dw_user_dsct_history(
- day string,
- ip string
- ) partitioned by(datestr string);
- 3.每日新访客表
- 1.drop table dw_user_new_d;
- 2.create table dw_user_new_d (
- day string,
- ip string
- ) partitioned by(datestr string);
- 4.每日新用户插入新访客表
- insert into table dw_user_new_d partition(datestr='20130918')
- select tmp.day as day,tmp.today_addr as new_ip from
- (
- select today.day as day,today.remote_addr as today_addr,old.ip as old_addr
- from
- (select distinct remote_addr as remote_addr,"20130918" as day from ods_weblog_detail where datestr="20130918") today
- left outer join
- dw_user_dsct_history old
- on today.remote_addr=old.ip
- ) tmp where tmp.old_addr is null;
- 5.每日新用户追加到累计表
- insert into table dw_user_dsct_history partition(datestr='20130918')
- select day,ip from dw_user_new_d where datestr='20130918';
- 6.验证:
- select count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_weblog_detail; # 结果值显示为 1027
- select count(1) from dw_user_dsct_history where datestr='20130918'; # 结果值显示为 1027
- select count(1) from dw_user_new_d where datestr='20130918'; # 结果值显示为 1027
- 1.回头/单次访客统计
- 1.drop table dw_user_returning;
- 2.create table dw_user_returning(
- day string,
- remote_addr string,
- acc_cnt string)
- partitioned by (datestr string);
- 3.insert overwrite table dw_user_returning partition(datestr='20130918')
- select tmp.day,tmp.remote_addr,tmp.acc_cnt
- from (select '20130918' as day,remote_addr,count(session) as acc_cnt from ods_click_stream_visit group by remote_addr) tmp where tmp.acc_cnt>1;
- 2.人均访问频次
- select sum(pagevisits)/count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_click_stream_visit where datestr='20130918'; # 结果值显示为 1.4339622641509433
- 1.漏斗模型原始数据click-part-r-00000
- 1.hdfs dfs -put /root/hivedata/weblog/click-part-r-00000 /weblog/clickstream/pageviews
- 2.load data inpath '/weblog/clickstream/pageviews/click-part-r-00000' overwrite into table ods_click_pageviews partition(datestr='20130920');
- 3.select * from ods_click_pageviews where datestr='20130920' limit 10;
- +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------+--+
- | ods_click_pageviews.session | ods_click_pageviews.remote_addr | ods_click_pageviews.remote_user | ods_click_pageviews.time_local | ods_click_pageviews.request | ods_click_pageviews.visit_step | ods_click_pageviews.page_staylong | ods_click_pageviews.http_referer | ods_click_pageviews.http_user_agent | ods_click_pageviews.body_bytes_sent | ods_click_pageviews.status | ods_click_pageviews.datestr |
- +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------+--+
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:15:42 | /item/HZxEY8vF | 1 | 340 | /item/qaLW7pa5 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:21:22 | /item/IyA5hVop | 2 | 1 | /item/MQtiwwhj | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:21:23 | /item/RDqibwBo | 3 | 44 | /item/RCbNqxIy | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:22:07 | /item/IzrJixZc | 4 | 101 | /item/RCbNqxIy | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:23:48 | /item/yrZqXxfN | 5 | 19 | /item/1Wvc1NeH | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:24:07 | /item/hWBn8VCg | 6 | 442 | /item/LwOziljH | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:31:29 | /item/1nQESbrT | 7 | 348 | /item/GFDdR8SR | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:37:17 | /item/c | 8 | 2 | /category/d | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:37:19 | /item/a | 9 | 11 | /category/c | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- | 47826dd6-be71-42df-96b2-14ff65425975 | | - | 2013-09-20 00:37:30 | /item/X2b5exuV | 10 | 348 | /item/N2Pos96N | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 | 1800 | 200 | 20130920 |
- +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------+--+
- 2.查询每一个步骤的总访问人数
- create table dw_oute_numbs as
- select 'step1' as step,count(distinct remote_addr) as numbs from ods_click_pageviews where datestr='20130920' and request like '/item%'
- union
- select 'step2' as step,count(distinct remote_addr) as numbs from ods_click_pageviews where datestr='20130920' and request like '/category%'
- union
- select 'step3' as step,count(distinct remote_addr) as numbs from ods_click_pageviews where datestr='20130920' and request like '/order%'
- union
- select 'step4' as step,count(distinct remote_addr) as numbs from ods_click_pageviews where datestr='20130920' and request like '/index%';
- 3.查询每一步骤相对于路径起点人数的比例
- 1.级联查询,自己跟自己join
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs from dw_oute_numbs rn
- inner join
- dw_oute_numbs rr;
- 自join后结果如下图所示:
- +---------+----------+---------+----------+--+
- | rnstep | rnnumbs | rrstep | rrnumbs |
- +---------+----------+---------+----------+--+
- | step1 | 1029 | step1 | 1029 |
- | step2 | 1029 | step1 | 1029 |
- | step3 | 1028 | step1 | 1029 |
- | step4 | 1018 | step1 | 1029 |
- | step1 | 1029 | step2 | 1029 |
- | step2 | 1029 | step2 | 1029 |
- | step3 | 1028 | step2 | 1029 |
- | step4 | 1018 | step2 | 1029 |
- | step1 | 1029 | step3 | 1028 |
- | step2 | 1029 | step3 | 1028 |
- | step3 | 1028 | step3 | 1028 |
- | step4 | 1018 | step3 | 1028 |
- | step1 | 1029 | step4 | 1018 |
- | step2 | 1029 | step4 | 1018 |
- | step3 | 1028 | step4 | 1018 |
- | step4 | 1018 | step4 | 1018 |
- +---------+----------+---------+----------+--+
- 2.每一步的人数/第一步的人数==每一步相对起点人数比例
- select tmp.rnstep,tmp.rnnumbs/tmp.rrnumbs as ratio
- from
- (
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs from dw_oute_numbs rn
- inner join
- dw_oute_numbs rr
- ) tmp where tmp.rrstep='step1';
- 4.查询每一步骤相对于上一步骤的漏出率
- 1.首先通过自join表过滤出每一步跟上一步的记录
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs from dw_oute_numbs rn
- inner join
- dw_oute_numbs rr
- where cast(substr(rn.step,5,1) as int)=cast(substr(rr.step,5,1) as int)-1;
- +---------+----------+---------+----------+--+
- | rnstep | rnnumbs | rrstep | rrnumbs |
- +---------+----------+---------+----------+--+
- | step1 | 1029 | step2 | 1029 |
- | step2 | 1029 | step3 | 1028 |
- | step3 | 1028 | step4 | 1018 |
- +---------+----------+---------+----------+--+
- 2.然后就可以非常简单的计算出每一步相对上一步的漏出率
- select tmp.rrstep as step,tmp.rrnumbs/tmp.rnnumbs as leakage_rate
- from
- (
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs from dw_oute_numbs rn
- inner join
- dw_oute_numbs rr
- ) tmp where cast(substr(tmp.rnstep,5,1) as int)=cast(substr(tmp.rrstep,5,1) as int)-1;
- 5.汇总以上两种指标
- select abs.step,abs.numbs,abs.rate as abs_ratio,rel.rate as leakage_rate
- from
- (
- select tmp.rnstep as step,tmp.rnnumbs as numbs,tmp.rnnumbs/tmp.rrnumbs as rate
- from
- (
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs from dw_oute_numbs rn
- inner join
- dw_oute_numbs rr
- ) tmp where tmp.rrstep='step1'
- ) abs
- left outer join
- (
- select tmp.rrstep as step,tmp.rrnumbs/tmp.rnnumbs as rate
- from
- (
- select rn.step as rnstep,rn.numbs as rnnumbs,rr.step as rrstep,rr.numbs as rrnumbs from dw_oute_numbs rn
- inner join
- dw_oute_numbs rr
- ) tmp where cast(substr(tmp.rnstep,5,1) as int)=cast(substr(tmp.rrstep,5,1) as int)-1
- ) rel on abs.step=rel.step;
- 1.创建表
- create table t_access_times(username string,month string,salary int)
- row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
- 2.导入数据
- 1.hdfs dfs -put /root/hivedata/weblog/t_access_times.dat /weblog
- 2.load data inpath '/weblog/t_access_times.dat' overwrite into table t_access_times;
- 3.select * from t_access_times limit 10;
- 3.第一步:先求个用户的月总金额
- select username,month,sum(salary) as salary from t_access_times group by username,month;
- +-----------+----------+---------+--+
- | username | month | salary |
- +-----------+----------+---------+--+
- | A | 2015-01 | 33 |
- | A | 2015-02 | 10 |
- | B | 2015-01 | 30 |
- | B | 2015-02 | 15 |
- +-----------+----------+---------+--+
- 4.第二步:将月总金额表 自己连接 自己连接
- select A.*,B.* FROM
- (select username,month,sum(salary) as salary from t_access_times group by username,month) A
- inner join
- (select username,month,sum(salary) as salary from t_access_times group by username,month) B
- on A.username=B.username
- where B.month <= A.month;
- +-------------+----------+-----------+-------------+----------+-----------+--+
- | a.username | a.month | a.salary | b.username | b.month | b.salary |
- +-------------+----------+-----------+-------------+----------+-----------+--+
- | A | 2015-01 | 33 | A | 2015-01 | 33 |
- | A | 2015-01 | 33 | A | 2015-02 | 10 |
- | A | 2015-02 | 10 | A | 2015-01 | 33 |
- | A | 2015-02 | 10 | A | 2015-02 | 10 |
- | B | 2015-01 | 30 | B | 2015-01 | 30 |
- | B | 2015-01 | 30 | B | 2015-02 | 15 |
- | B | 2015-02 | 15 | B | 2015-01 | 30 |
- | B | 2015-02 | 15 | B | 2015-02 | 15 |
- +-------------+----------+-----------+-------------+----------+-----------+--+
- 5.第三步:从上一步的结果中
- 进行分组查询,分组的字段是a.username a.month
- 求月累计值:将b.month <= a.month的所有b.salary求和即可
- select A.username,A.month,max(A.salary) as salary,sum(B.salary) as accumulate
- from
- (select username,month,sum(salary) as salary from t_access_times group by username,month) A
- inner join
- (select username,month,sum(salary) as salary from t_access_times group by username,month) B
- on A.username=B.username
- where B.month <= A.month
- group by A.username,A.month
- order by A.username,A.month;
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