1. pandas数据处理、筛选、计算
2. 复杂的表格数据计算与处理
3. 文本分析与无监督学习
4. 将计算结果输出表格
5. 数据特征对比
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun May 23 13:36:06 2021 @author: MYM """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd # read xlsx data = pd.read_excel('附件1.xlsx') text = open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/text_words.txt",'w', encoding='GB2312',errors='ignore') text_R = data[['R1','R2','R3']] count = 0 for s in text_R['R1']: if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: print('nan') count = count + 1 else: s = s.replace("\n",',') text.write(s) text.write('\n') for s in text_R['R1']: if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: print('nan') count = count + 1 else: s = s.replace("\n",',') text.write(s) text.write('\n') for s in text_R['R1']: if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: print('nan') count = count + 1 else: s = s.replace("\n",',') text.write(s) text.write('\n') text.close() # for i in range(1246): # s = text_R.loc[i,'R1'] # if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: # print('nan') # else: # s = s.replace("\n",',') # text.write(s) # text.write('\n') # for i in range(1246): # s = text_R.loc[i,'R2'] # if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: # print('nan') # else: # s = s.replace("\n",',') # text.write(s) # text.write('\n') # for i in range(1246): # s = text_R.loc[i,'R3'] # if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: # print('nan') # else: # s = s.replace("\n",',') # text.write(s) # text.write('\n') # text.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat May 22 14:48:36 2021 @author: MYM """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np def get_ave(df1, T_num): data = df1.values ave_data = data.sum(axis = 1) / T_num return ave_data # read xlsx data = pd.read_excel('附件1.xlsx') data_get = pd.read_excel('附件2.xlsx') Num = len(data) # 样本数目 T_num = 3 # the number of teacher percent = 5 # 筛选 末尾 5% # 获取特定的列 X = data[['X1','X2','X3']] Xk1 = data[['X11','X21','X31']] Xk2 = data[['X12','X22','X32']] Xk3 = data[['X13','X23','X33']] Xk4 = data[['X14','X24','X34']] X_ave = get_ave(X, T_num) Xk1_ave = get_ave(Xk1, T_num) Xk2_ave = get_ave(Xk2, T_num) Xk3_ave = get_ave(Xk3, T_num) Xk4_ave = get_ave(Xk4, T_num) data_get['选题与综述平均分'] = Xk1_ave data_get['创新性及论文价值平均分'] = Xk2_ave data_get['科研能力与基础知识平均分'] = Xk3_ave data_get['论文规范性平均分'] = Xk4_ave data_get['论文总分平均分'] = X_ave X['ave'] = X_ave X['Tag'] = data['Tag'] lose = [] for i in range(1,14): if i == 6 or i == 11: print('empty') else: Tag = X.loc[X['Tag'] == i] percent_val = np.percentile(Tag['ave'], percent) lose += list(Tag['ave'] < percent_val) data_get['是否淘汰'] = lose data_get.to_excel('Pro_附件2.xlsx', index=None)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat May 22 16:37:22 2021 @author: MYM """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np def get_ave(df1, T_num): data = df1.values ave_data = data.sum(axis = 1) / T_num return ave_data # read xlsx data = pd.read_excel('附件1.xlsx') data_get = pd.read_excel('附件2.xlsx') Num = len(data) # 样本数目 T_num = 3 # the number of teacher # 获取总分的列 X = data[['Tag','X1','X2','X3']] X_ave = get_ave(X, T_num) X['X_ave'] = X_ave Sub_dict = dict() for i in range(1,14): Tag = X.loc[X['Tag'] == i] Sub_dict.update({'Tag' + str(i):Tag}) Tag_std_dict = dict() # 每个学科的三个总分的方差均值,与方差方差 Tag_std_mean = pd.DataFrame(index = ['mean','std'], columns = ['Tag1','Tag2','Tag3','Tag4','Tag5','Tag6','Tag7','Tag8','Tag9','Tag10','Tag11','Tag12','Tag13']) for i in range(1,14): Tag_val = Sub_dict.get('Tag' + str(i))[['X1','X2','X3']] Tag_std = Tag_val.values.std(axis = 1) Tag_std_dict.update({'Tag' + str(i):Tag_std}) Tag_std_mean.loc['mean','Tag'+str(i)] = Tag_std.mean() Tag_std_mean.loc['std','Tag'+str(i)] = Tag_std.std() Tag_std_mean.to_csv('Total scores.csv') # 计算每个学科的各个项目的得分,与总分平均分水平 # 获取非评语列 Tag_all = data.drop(columns = ['R1','R2','R3']) Tag_all_dict = dict() for i in range(1,14): Tag_temp = Tag_all.loc[Tag_all['Tag'] == i] Tag_all_dict.update({'Tag' + str(i):Tag_temp}) Tag_all_mean_dict = dict() for i in range(1,14): Tag_xk1 = Tag_all_dict.get('Tag' + str(i))[['X11','X21','X31']] Tag_xk2 = Tag_all_dict.get('Tag' + str(i))[['X12','X22','X32']] Tag_xk3 = Tag_all_dict.get('Tag' + str(i))[['X13','X23','X33']] Tag_xk4 = Tag_all_dict.get('Tag' + str(i))[['X14','X24','X34']] Tag_x = Tag_all_dict.get('Tag' + str(i))[['X1','X2','X3']] df1 = pd.DataFrame(index = ['mean','std'], columns = ['Xk1','Xk2','Xk3','Xk4','X']) df1['Xk1'] = [Tag_xk1.values.mean(), Tag_xk1.values.std()] df1['Xk2'] = [Tag_xk2.values.mean(), Tag_xk2.values.std()] df1['Xk3'] = [Tag_xk3.values.mean(), Tag_xk3.values.std()] df1['Xk4'] = [Tag_xk4.values.mean(), Tag_xk4.values.std()] df1['X'] = [Tag_x.values.mean(), Tag_x.values.std()] Tag_all_mean_dict.update({'Tag'+str(i):df1}) # 每个学科的分项与总项的均值与方差(不区分打分老师) for i in range(1,14): if i == 6 or i == 11: print('skip') else: ex = Tag_all_mean_dict.get('Tag' + str(i)) ex.to_csv('Tag' +str(i)+'.csv')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun May 23 10:47:17 2021 @author: MYM """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import jieba import sklearn from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer def get_custom_stopwords(stop_words_file): with open(stop_words_file, encoding='utf-8')as f: stopwords=f.read() stopwords_list=stopwords.split('\n') custom_stopwords_list=[i for i in stopwords_list] return custom_stopwords_list #加载自定义词语 jieba.load_userdict("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/user_dict.txt") #打开文件,文件在桌面上,可以自行修改路径 f1 = open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/text_words.txt","r",encoding='GB2312',errors='ignore') f2 = open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/text_words_token.txt",'w',encoding='GB2312',errors='ignore') for line in f1: seg_list = jieba.cut(line, cut_all = False) f2.write((" ".join(seg_list)).replace("\t\t\t","\t")) #print(w) f1.close() f2.close() # 取需要分词的内容 titles = open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/text_words_token.txt", encoding='GB2312', errors='ignore').read().split('\n') #查看内容,这里是一个list, list里面每个原素是分好的标题,查看下长度看有没有错误 #停用词函数调用 stop_words_file= "C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/CNstopwords.txt" stopwords = get_custom_stopwords(stop_words_file) #构建词向量,也就是把分好的次去除停词转化成kmeans可以接受的形式 from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer count_vec=CountVectorizer(stop_words = stopwords) km_matrix= count_vec.fit_transform(titles) print(km_matrix.shape) #查看词向量 # print(km_matrix.toarray()) #开始聚类啦 from sklearn.cluster import KMeans num_clusters = 8 #聚为八类,可根据需要修改 km = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters) km.fit(km_matrix) clusters = km.labels_.tolist() #查看聚类的结果,是list,这里省略,看看长度是不是和title一样就行啦 #len(clusters) #最后把聚类结果写在一个新的txt里面 f3 =open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/cluster.txt", 'w',encoding='GB2312',errors='ignore') for i in clusters: f3.write(str(i)) f3.write("\n") f3.close() # f1 = open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/text_words.txt","r",encoding='GB2312',errors='ignore') # f2 = open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/text_words_label.txt",'w',encoding='GB2312',errors='ignore') # counts = 0 # for line in f1: # f2.write(str(clusters[counts])) # f2.write(' ') # counts = counts + 1 # f2.write(line) # f1.close() # f2.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed May 26 10:07:12 2021 @author: MYM """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd data = pd.read_excel('附件1.xlsx') # 读取聚类结果 clusters = [] f1 = open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/cluster.txt", 'r',encoding='GB2312',errors='ignore') for line in f1: clusters.append(eval(line)) tag_dict = dict() tag = (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13) for i in tag: temp = pd.read_csv('Tag'+str(i)+'.csv') tag_dict.update({'Tag'+str(i):temp}) num = list() for i in range(8): clusters_temp = [s == i for s in clusters] num.append(sum(clusters_temp)) right = 0 for i in range(1246): Tag = data.loc[i,'Tag'] mean = tag_dict.get('Tag'+ str(Tag)) mean_x1 = mean.loc[0,'Xk1'] mean_x23 = (mean.loc[0,'Xk2'] + mean.loc[0,'Xk3'])/2 mean_x4 = mean.loc[0,'Xk4'] s = data.loc[i,'R1'] if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: print('nan') else: if data.loc[i,'X11'] >= mean_x1: if (data.loc[i,'X12'] + data.loc[i,'X13'])/2 >= mean_x23 : if data.loc[i,'X14'] >= mean_x4: if clusters[i] == 7: # 111 right+=1 else: if clusters[i] == 6: # 110 right+=1 else: if data.loc[i,'X14'] >= mean_x4: if clusters[i] == 5:# 101 right+=1 else: if clusters[i] == 0: # 100 right+=1 else: if (data.loc[i,'X12'] + data.loc[i,'X13'])/2 >= mean_x23 : if data.loc[i,'X14'] >= mean_x4: if clusters[i] == 4: # 011 right+=1 else: if clusters[i] == 3: # 010 right+=1 else: if data.loc[i,'X14'] >= mean_x4: if clusters[i] == 2:# 001 right+=1 else: if clusters[i] == 1: # 000 right+=1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed May 26 12:20:33 2021 @author: MYM """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd # 每个学科的平均分与标准差 tag_dict = dict() tag = (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13) for i in tag: temp = pd.read_csv('Tag' + str(i) + '.csv') tag_dict.update({'Tag'+ str(i) : temp}) # 读取聚类结果 clusters = [] f1 = open("C:/Users/MYM/My_python_codes/DSA/cluster_q4.txt", 'r',encoding='GB2312',errors='ignore') for line in f1: clusters.append(eval(line)) # 读取附件1 data = pd.read_excel('附件1.xlsx') all_score = data[['X1','X2','X3']] count = 0 for i in range(1246): Tag = data.loc[i,'Tag'] mean = tag_dict.get('Tag'+ str(Tag)) mean_x = mean.loc[0,'X'] std_x = mean.loc[1,'X'] s = data.loc[i,'R1'] if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: print('nan') else: if clusters[count] == 0: if all_score.loc[i,'X1'] <= mean_x: all_score.loc[i,'X1'] = all_score.loc[i,'X1'] + std_x/2 else: if all_score.loc[i,'X1'] >= mean_x: all_score.loc[i,'X1'] = all_score.loc[i,'X1'] - std_x/2 for i in range(1246): Tag = data.loc[i,'Tag'] mean = tag_dict.get('Tag'+ str(Tag)) mean_x = mean.loc[0,'X'] std_x = mean.loc[1,'X'] s = data.loc[i,'R2'] if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: print('nan') else: if clusters[count] == 0: if all_score.loc[i,'X2'] <= mean_x: all_score.loc[i,'X2'] = all_score.loc[i,'X2'] + std_x/2 else: if all_score.loc[i,'X2'] >= mean_x: all_score.loc[i,'X2'] = all_score.loc[i,'X2'] - std_x/2 for i in range(1246): Tag = data.loc[i,'Tag'] mean = tag_dict.get('Tag'+ str(Tag)) mean_x = mean.loc[0,'X'] std_x = mean.loc[1,'X'] s = data.loc[i,'R3'] if pd.isnull(s) or type(s) == int: print('nan') else: if clusters[count] == 0: if all_score.loc[i,'X3'] <= mean_x: all_score.loc[i,'X3'] = all_score.loc[i,'X3'] + std_x/2 else: if all_score.loc[i,'X3'] >= mean_x: all_score.loc[i,'X3'] = all_score.loc[i,'X3'] - std_x/2 f_score = all_score.sum(axis = 1)/3 f_data = pd.read_excel('Pro_附件2.xlsx') f_data['综合得分'] = f_score f_data.to_excel('Pro_附件2.xlsx')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed May 26 14:31:00 2021 @author: MYM """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd # 读取附件2数据 data_get = pd.read_excel('Pro_附件2.xlsx') # 提取淘汰论文 lose_paper = data_get.loc[data_get['是否淘汰'] == True] #提取优秀论文 percent = 90 percent_val = np.percentile(data_get['综合得分'], percent) win_paper = data_get.loc[data_get['综合得分'] > percent_val] lose_paper = lose_paper[lose_paper['Tag'] == 8] win_paper = win_paper[win_paper['Tag'] == 8] lose_paper_val = lose_paper[['选题与综述平均分','创新性及论文价值平均分','科研能力与基础知识平均分','论文规范性平均分','论文总分平均分','综合得分']] win_paper_val = win_paper[['选题与综述平均分','创新性及论文价值平均分','科研能力与基础知识平均分','论文规范性平均分','论文总分平均分','综合得分']] lose_mean = lose_paper_val.sum(axis = 0)/len(lose_paper_val) lose_std = lose_paper_val.std(axis = 0) win_mean = win_paper_val.sum(axis = 0)/len(win_paper_val) win_std = win_paper_val.std(axis = 0) print(lose_paper_val.sum(axis = 0)/len(lose_paper_val)) print(lose_paper_val.std(axis = 0)) print(win_paper_val.sum(axis = 0)/len(win_paper_val)) print(win_paper_val.std(axis = 0))
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