点开“Full Papers”链接:
征稿信息 | Accepted full papers will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum【出版刊物】, ... , after a two-stage peer-reviewing process【评审过程】. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference【做会议报告】. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:【会议论文主题】
投稿指南 (高亮加粗) | 第一段:关于页数。 长论文页数限制10页(包括图片,不包括参考文献),CGF模板,鼓励采用补充文件的方式提供额外内容,超过页数自动拒收. 第二段:关于投稿模板。投稿采用CGF的LaTeX模板,下载:egPublStyle-EuroVis_full-short-stars-posters-2022.zip. 第三段:关于匿名。投稿的论文是可以选择匿名投稿的,自主选择,非强制。 第四段:关于附加材料。鼓励提交视频、支持数据等附加材料。如果论文曾经在别处投稿,强烈建议提供cover letter描绘所做的改动。 第五段:关于发表。被接收的论文发表早CGF的专刊上,同时出现在Eurographics digital library数字图书馆。 第六段:预印本&自存档政策。遵守CGF期刊的相关政策: Preprints Policy | Wiley 第七段:关于投稿系统:Precision Conference System (PCS): PCS PCS系统中的“Society”选择“Eurographics” 第八段:关于摘要的提交。①摘要有摘要的截止日期,全文有全文的截止日期。②摘要为强制性提交,若不按时提交,会导致全部投稿失败。③摘要需要按要求的格式提交。 ④只交摘要没有用。⑤记得选择关键字和论文分类,用做评审分配。 |
重要日期 | 需要特别注意这些截止日期的时区。 【摘要截止】Abstract deadline: November 24(Wednesday) All submission deadlines are at 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.【时区在这】 |
在同段或相邻时间同个场地内一起召开了若干会议,这个事,可以用“Co-located Events”这个词来说明。这部分信息可以到会议导航的“Co-located Events”页面获取。EuroVis2022这个会议就会和EGPGV、EnvirVis、EuroVA、MLVis 2022、VisGap这五个会议共地主办。
Reviews have a direct and important impact on the quality of a conference. They also help the community as a whole to improve the quality of its research. The aim of this guide is to ensure that the review process is fair and leads to the best possible selection of papers.
The emphasis of our reviews should be to help the authors on how to improve their work and therefore to improve the overall quality of the work in our research community.
The most valuable comments in a review are those that help the authors understand the shortcomings of their work and how they might improve it. ...., read over your review and ask yourself whether you would be able to recite your critique in front of the authors. If the answer is ‘no’ you might want to work on some of the wording of the criticism. Put out a helping hand.
问问你自己,你写的那些评论你敢不敢当着作者的面背出来给对方听,如果答案是“否”,那就最好改进那些批评的措辞。简单概括核心:Put out a helping hand.
General Chair—大会主席 | General Co-Chairs—大会联合主席、共主席 |
Web Chair—网站主席 | Paper Chairs—论文主席 |
Short Papers Chairs—短论文主席 | STARs Chairs—前沿综述主席 |
Posters Chairs—海报主席 | Workshop Chair—研讨会主席 |
Student Volunteers Chairs—学生志愿者主席 | Steering Committee—指导委员会 |
International Program Committees 国际程序委员会 |
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