public class CapturerDefault implements VideoCapturer { @Override public void initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper, Context context, CapturerObserver capturerObserver) { } @Override public void startCapture(int i, int i1, int i2) { } @Override public void stopCapture() throws InterruptedException { } @Override public void changeCaptureFormat(int i, int i1, int i2) { } @Override public void dispose() { } @Override public boolean isScreencast() { return false; } }
public CapturerAircraft(DJICodecManager manager) { dji_code_manager_ = manager; dji_code_manager_.resetKeyFrame(); if (isM300Product()) { OcuSyncLink ocuSyncLink = DJILogIn.getProductInstance().getAirLink().getOcuSyncLink(); // If your MutltipleLensCamera is set at right or top, you need to change the PhysicalSource to RIGHT_CAM or TOP_CAM. ocuSyncLink.assignSourceToPrimaryChannel(PhysicalSource.LEFT_CAM, PhysicalSource.FPV_CAM, new CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback() { @Override public void onResult(DJIError error) { if (error == null) { // showToast("assignSourceToPrimaryChannel success."); } else { // showToast("assignSourceToPrimaryChannel fail, reason: "+ error.getDescription()); } } }); } } public static boolean isM300Product() { if (DJISDKManager.getInstance().getProduct() == null) { return false; } Model model = DJISDKManager.getInstance().getProduct().getModel(); return model == Model.MATRICE_300_RTK; }
@Override public void initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper, Context context, CapturerObserver capturerObserver) { //For M300RTK, you need to actively request an I frame. dji_yuv_data_callback_ = new DJIYuvDataCallback(); capturer_observer_ = capturerObserver; } private class DJIYuvDataCallback implements DJICodecManager.YuvDataCallback { @Override public void onYuvDataReceived(MediaFormat mediaFormat, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int dataSize, int width, int height) { if (is_rate_time) { //is_rate_time = false; JavaI420Buffer buffer = JavaI420Buffer.allocate(width, height); ByteBuffer dataY = buffer.getDataY(); ByteBuffer dataU = buffer.getDataU(); ByteBuffer dataV = buffer.getDataV(); final byte[] bytes = new byte[dataSize]; byteBuffer.get(bytes); int yLen = width * height; int uLen = (width + 1) / 2 * ((height + 1) / 2); int vLen = uLen; int color_format = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT); switch (color_format) { case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar: //NV12 byte[] ubytes = new byte[uLen]; byte[] vbytes = new byte[vLen]; for (int i = 0; i < uLen; i++) { ubytes[i] = bytes[yLen + 2 * i]; vbytes[i] = bytes[yLen + 2 * i + 1]; } dataY.put(bytes, 0, yLen); dataU.put(ubytes, 0, uLen); dataV.put(vbytes, 0, vLen); break; case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar: //YUV420P=I420 int yPos = 0; int uPos = yPos + yLen; int vPos = uPos + uLen; dataY.put(bytes, yPos, yLen); dataU.put(bytes, uPos, uLen); dataV.put(bytes, vPos, vLen); break; default: break; } long captureTimeNs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); VideoFrame videoFrame = new VideoFrame(buffer, 0, captureTimeNs); capturer_observer_.onFrameCaptured(videoFrame); videoFrame.release(); } } }
public void startCapture(int width, int height, int framerate) {
this.frame_width_ = width;
this.frame_height_ = height;
this.frame_rate_ = framerate;
this.timer.schedule(this.tickTask, 0L, (long)(1000 / frame_rate_));
package com.example.livebroadcastfordrone; import android.content.Context; import android.media.MediaFormat; import android.media.MediaCodecInfo; import android.os.SystemClock; import org.webrtc.CapturerObserver; import org.webrtc.JavaI420Buffer; import org.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper; import org.webrtc.VideoCapturer; import org.webrtc.VideoFrame; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import dji.common.airlink.PhysicalSource; import dji.common.error.DJIError; import dji.common.product.Model; import dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks; import dji.sdk.airlink.OcuSyncLink; import dji.sdk.codec.DJICodecManager; import dji.sdk.sdkmanager.DJISDKManager; public class CapturerAircraft implements VideoCapturer{ private DJICodecManager dji_code_manager_; private DJIYuvDataCallback dji_yuv_data_callback_; private CapturerObserver capturer_observer_; private int frame_width_; private int frame_height_; private int frame_rate_; private boolean is_rate_time = false; private final Timer timer = new Timer(); private final TimerTask tickTask = new TimerTask() { public void run() { is_rate_time = true; } }; public CapturerAircraft(DJICodecManager manager) { dji_code_manager_ = manager; dji_code_manager_.resetKeyFrame(); if (isM300Product()) { OcuSyncLink ocuSyncLink = DJILogIn.getProductInstance().getAirLink().getOcuSyncLink(); // If your MutltipleLensCamera is set at right or top, you need to change the PhysicalSource to RIGHT_CAM or TOP_CAM. ocuSyncLink.assignSourceToPrimaryChannel(PhysicalSource.LEFT_CAM, PhysicalSource.FPV_CAM, new CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback() { @Override public void onResult(DJIError error) { if (error == null) { // showToast("assignSourceToPrimaryChannel success."); } else { // showToast("assignSourceToPrimaryChannel fail, reason: "+ error.getDescription()); } } }); } } public static boolean isM300Product() { if (DJISDKManager.getInstance().getProduct() == null) { return false; } Model model = DJISDKManager.getInstance().getProduct().getModel(); return model == Model.MATRICE_300_RTK; } @Override public void initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper, Context context, CapturerObserver capturerObserver) { //For M300RTK, you need to actively request an I frame. dji_yuv_data_callback_ = new DJIYuvDataCallback(); capturer_observer_ = capturerObserver; } private void checkNotDisposed() { } @Override public void startCapture(int width, int height, int framerate) { this.frame_width_ = width; this.frame_height_ = height; this.frame_rate_ = framerate; this.timer.schedule(this.tickTask, 0L, (long)(1000 / frame_rate_)); dji_code_manager_.enabledYuvData(true); dji_code_manager_.setYuvDataCallback(dji_yuv_data_callback_); } @Override public void stopCapture() throws InterruptedException { this.timer.cancel(); dji_code_manager_.enabledYuvData(false); dji_code_manager_.setYuvDataCallback(null); } @Override public void changeCaptureFormat(int width, int height, int framerate) { } @Override public void dispose() { } @Override public boolean isScreencast() { return false; } private class DJIYuvDataCallback implements DJICodecManager.YuvDataCallback { @Override public void onYuvDataReceived(MediaFormat mediaFormat, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int dataSize, int width, int height) { if (is_rate_time) { //is_rate_time = false; JavaI420Buffer buffer = JavaI420Buffer.allocate(width, height); ByteBuffer dataY = buffer.getDataY(); ByteBuffer dataU = buffer.getDataU(); ByteBuffer dataV = buffer.getDataV(); final byte[] bytes = new byte[dataSize]; byteBuffer.get(bytes); int yLen = width * height; int uLen = (width + 1) / 2 * ((height + 1) / 2); int vLen = uLen; int color_format = mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT); switch (color_format) { case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar: //NV12 byte[] ubytes = new byte[uLen]; byte[] vbytes = new byte[vLen]; for (int i = 0; i < uLen; i++) { ubytes[i] = bytes[yLen + 2 * i]; vbytes[i] = bytes[yLen + 2 * i + 1]; } dataY.put(bytes, 0, yLen); dataU.put(ubytes, 0, uLen); dataV.put(vbytes, 0, vLen); break; case MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar: //YUV420P=I420 int yPos = 0; int uPos = yPos + yLen; int vPos = uPos + uLen; dataY.put(bytes, yPos, yLen); dataU.put(bytes, uPos, uLen); dataV.put(bytes, vPos, vLen); break; default: break; } long captureTimeNs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); VideoFrame videoFrame = new VideoFrame(buffer, 0, captureTimeNs); capturer_observer_.onFrameCaptured(videoFrame); videoFrame.release(); } } } }
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