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2021年5月2日大学英语四Unite3—(1)GET THE JOP YOU WANT_get the job you want原文及翻译

get the job you want原文及翻译

(1)Stand out from the crowd :
(3)When a recent college graduate came into my office not too long ago looking for a sales job,I asked him what he had done to prepare for the interview.
(5)Grill him in mock interview:
(6)Had he checked with his university to see if there were any graduates working at Mackay whom he could interview.:
(7)Be right for:
(8)Was he planning to follow up the interview with another letter indicating his eagerness to join us?
(11)How well prepared would this person be if he were to call on a prospective customers for us?:
(14)“if you miss one day of practice,you notice the difference,”the saying goes among musicians.
(15)If you miss two days of practice, the critics notice the difference .”
(16)If you miss three days of practice,the audience notice the difference.
(17)As I see it:
(21)They’re also the first ones on and the last ones off the basketball court.
(26)But getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime:
(28)The best salesman don’t close every sale.
(29)Michael Jordan makes barely half of his field-goal attempts.
(30)But it takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in half-prepraed to five.
(31)Paired with:
(32)Play a doubles tennis match paired with a 90-year-old.
(34)I always would like to work on my weakness.
(37)Age bracket:
(38)Believe in yourself,even when no one else does.
(40)Bone structure:
(44)Take a crack:
(50)The majority of sp cabdrivers are unfriendly,if not downright rude.
(56)Mission statement:
(58)Be my guest:
(59)Drive off:
(60)Cellular phone:
(63)He is a living proof that you can always shift the odds in your favor.
(70)From one’s standpoint:

(1)Stand out from the crowd :从人群中脱颖而出 /kraʊd/
(3)When a recent college graduate came into my office not too long ago looking for a sales job,I asked him what he had done to prepare for the interview.
(5)Grill him in mock interview:在模拟面试中拷问他 /ɡrɪl//mɒk/
(6)Had he checked with his university to see if there were any graduates working at Mackay whom he could interview.:他有没有向他就读的大学打听过,看有没有他可以进行采访的毕业生在麦凯公司工作。
(7)Be right for:适合
(8)Was he planning to follow up the interview with another letter indicating his eagerness to join us?
(9)Eagerness: /ˈiːɡənəs/ 渴望
(11)How well prepared would this person be if he were to call on a prospective customers for us?:
(14)“If you miss one day of practice,you notice the difference,”the saying goes among musicians.
(15)If you miss two days of practice, the critics notice the difference .”
(16)If you miss three days of practice,the audience notice the difference.
(17)As I see it:在我看来
(19)Athlete: /ˈæθliːt/运动员
(20)Court: /kɔːt/球场
(21)They’re also the first ones on and the last ones off the basketball court.
(26)But getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime:但是被雇佣已经不再是一辈子一次的事情了
(27)Folks: /fəʊks/人群
(28)The best salesman don’t close every sale.最好的推销员并不是每次都能成交
(29)Michael Jordan makes barely half of his field-goal attempts.迈克尔·乔丹投篮命中率不到一半
(30)But it takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in half-prepraed to five.
(31)Paired with:/peəd/和…成对
(32)Play a doubles tennis match paired with a 90-year-old.和一位90岁老人一起打双打网球。
(34)I always would like to work on my weakness.我一直都想克服我的弱点
(37)Age bracket:年龄组/ˈbrækɪt/
(38)Believe in yourself,even when no one else does.相信自己,即使没人相信你
(39)Physically: /ˈfɪzɪkli/身体上的
(40)Bone structure:骨结构/ˈstrʌktʃə®/
(42)Inadequate:/ɪnˈædɪkwət/ 不足够的
(44)Take a crack:/kræk/ 尝试
(50)The majority of sp cabdrivers are unfriendly,if not downright rude.
(53)Impenetrable: /ɪmˈpenɪtrəbl/不能穿透的;不能接纳的
(54)Bulletproof: /ˈbʊlɪtpruːf/防弹的
(55)Partition: /pɑːˈtɪʃn/ 分隔板
(56)Mission statement: /ˈmɪʃn/使命宣言
(58)Be my guest:请便
(59)Drive off:开车离开
(60)Cellular phone:/ˈseljələr/手机
(63)He is a living proof that you can always shift the odds in your favor.
(66)Jet: /dʒet/喷射;喷气式飞机
(67)Decade:/ dɪˈkeɪd/十年
(68)Gleefully: /ˈɡliːfəli/欢乐的
~ with:因为…显露活力
(70)From one’s standpoint:从某人的角度

