Mybatis + PostgreSQL-JDBC-Driver 42.1.4批量插入24178条数据(每条30字段).报如下错误:
PgSQL 9.6
Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend.
; SQL []; An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend.; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend.
Tried to send an out-of-range integer as a 2-byte value: 647430
/** * <code>Details determine success.</code> * by Liang ZC., Phd@Stanford * * @author LIANGZHICHENG * @date 2019-8-9 18:03 * @see http://www.stanford.edu */ public class TestUtils { @Autowired private SimilarMapper similarMapper; /** * 对列表分批执行指定函数。 * * @param items 待处理列表 * @param batchSize 批量处理数 * @param consumer 处理函数 * @param <T> 处理类型 */ public static <T> void batchDo(List<T> items, int batchSize, Consumer<List<T>> consumer) { Preconditions.checkState(batchSize > 1, "batch should be greater than 1"); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(items) || consumer == null) { return; } List<List<T>> group = ListUtils.partition(items, batchSize); group.forEach(consumer); } @Test public void testBatchDo() { List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { ids.add(i); } // 分批执行,每批次取100条 LangUtil.batchDo(ids, 100, batchIds -> { similarMapper.update(batchIds); }); } }
@Autowired private ChPeriodicalThesisMapper thesisDao; //其他CRUD... /** * . * TODO 批量插入 * @param thesisList * @return * @throws Exception */ public int insertList(List<ChPeriodicalThesis> thesisList) throws Exception { return thesisDao.insertList(thesisList); } /** * . * TODO 递归:分割长List为 subNum/段。 * @param thesisList 论文list(总) * @param subNum 每段长度 (最小1) * @return * @throws Exception */ private int recurSub(List<ChPeriodicalThesis> thesisList,int subNum) throws Exception{ //参数合法性判断: if(thesisList.isEmpty()) return 0; if(subNum<1) return 0; //大于subNum,进入分割 if(thesisList.size() > subNum) {// && !(thesisList.isEmpty()) //将前subNum分出来,直接插入到数据库。 List<ChPeriodicalThesis> toInsert = thesisList.subList(0, subNum); //将subNum至最后 (剩余部分) 继续进行递归分割 List<ChPeriodicalThesis> toRecurSub = thesisList.subList(subNum, thesisList.size()); //将前subNum分出来,直接插入到数据库 && 将subNum至最后 (剩余部分) 继续进行递归分割 。统计数量 return insertList(toInsert) + recurSub(toRecurSub,subNum); //少于subNum,直接插入数据库 (递归出口) }else { //插入到数据库。统计数量 return insertList(thesisList); } } /** * . * TODO 将数据流读取并批量插入 * @param in * @return * @throws Exception */ public int readStreamAndInsertList(InputStream in) throws Exception { FileUtil fileUtil = new FileUtil(); List<ChPeriodicalThesis> thesisList = fileUtil.importFileOfChPeriodicalThesis(in); //每1500为一段 插入 return recurSub(thesisList,1500); }
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