数据治理(Data Governance)是组织中涉及数据使用的一整套管理行为。数据要产生价值,需要一个合理的“业务目标”,数据治理的所有活动应该围绕真实的业务目标而开展,建立数据标准、提升数据质量只是手段,而不是目标。
数据被业务场景使用时,发现数据错误,数据治理团队需要快速定位数据来源,修复数据错误。那么数据治理团队需要知道业务团队的数据来自于哪个核心库,核心库的数据又来自于哪个数据源头。我们的实践是在元数据和数据资源清单之间建立关联关系,且业务团队使用的数据项由元数据组合配置而来,这样,就建立了数据使用场景与数据源头之间的血缘关系。 数据资源目录:数据资源目录一般应用于数据共享的场景,例如政府部门之间的数据共享,数据资源目录是基于业务场景和行业规范而创建,同时依托于元数据和基础库主题而实现自动化的数据申请和使用。
- sql="select * from table1;insert into table select a,b,c from table2"
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- table_names=[]
- #sql=get_sqlstr('read_sql.txt')
- stmt_tuple=analysis_statements(sql)
- for each_stmt in stmt_tuple:
- type_name=get_main_functionsql(each_stmt)
- print(type_name)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sql=get_sqlstr('read_sql.txt')
- print(sql)
- sql="select * from table1;insert into table3 select a,b,c from table2"
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- #sql=get_sqlstr('read_sql.txt')
- stmt_tuple=analysis_statements(sql)
- for each_stmt in stmt_tuple:
- table_names=[]
- type_name=get_main_functionsql(each_stmt)
- get_ASTTree(each_stmt)
- select
- b.product_name "产品",
- count(a.order_id) "订单量",
- b.selling_price_max "销售价",
- b.gross_profit_rate_max/100 "毛利率",
- case when b.business_type =1 then '自营消化' when b.business_type =2 then '服务商消化' end "消化模式"
- from(select 'CRM签单' label,date(d.update_ymd) close_ymd,c.product_name,c.product_id,
- a.order_id,cast(a.recipient_amount as double) amt,d.cost
- from mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order a
- left join mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order_task b on a.order_id = b.order_id
- left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info c on cast(c.product_id as varchar) = a.product_ids and c.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
- inner join (select t1.par_order_id,max(t1.update_ymd) update_ymd,
- sum(case when t4.product2_type = 1 and t5.shop_id is not null then t5.price else t1.order_hosted_price end) cost
- from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
- left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status t2 on t1.order_id = t2.order_id and t2.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
- left join mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant t3 on t1.order_id = t3.order_id
- left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info t4 on t4.product_id = t3.MERCHANT_ID and t4.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
- left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info t5 on t5.product_id = t4.product_id and t5.shop_id = t1.seller_id
- where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
- and t2.valid_state in (100,200) ------有效订单
- and t1.order_mode = 10 --------产品消耗订单
- and t2.complete_state = 1 -----订单已经完成
- group by t1.par_order_id
- ) d on d.par_order_id = b.task_order_id
- where c.product_type = 0 and date(from_unixtime(a.last_recipient_time)) > date('2016-01-01') and a.payee_type <> 1 -----------已收款
- select '企业管家消耗' label,date(c.update_ymd) close_ymd,b.product_name,b.product_id,
- a.task_id,(case when a.yb_price = 0 and b.product2_type = 1 then b.selling_price_min else a.yb_price end) amt,
- (case when a.yb_price = 0 and b.product2_type = 2 then 0 when b.product2_type = 1 and e.shop_id is not null then e.price else c.order_hosted_price end) cost
- from mysql8.dataview_tprc.tprc_task a
- left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info b on a.product_id = b.product_id and b.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
- inner join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order c on a.order_id = c.order_id and c.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
- left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status d on d.order_id = c.order_id and d.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
- left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info e on e.product_id = b.product_id and e.shop_id = c.seller_id
- where d.valid_state in (100,200) and d.complete_state = 1 and c.order_mode = 10
- union ALL
- select '交易管理系统' label,date(t6.close_ymd) close_ymd,t4.product_name,t4.product_id,
- t1.order_id,(t1.order_hosted_price-t1.order_refund_price) amt,
- (case when t1.order_mode <> 11 then t7.user_amount when t1.order_mode = 11 and t4.product2_type = 1 and t5.shop_id is not null then t5.price else t8.cost end) cost
- from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
- left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_business t2 on t1.order_id = t2.order_id and t2.acct_day=substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
- left join mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant t3 on t1.order_id = t3.order_id
- left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info t4 on t4.product_id = t3.MERCHANT_ID and t4.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
- left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info t5 on t5.product_id = t4.product_id and t5.shop_id = t1.seller_id
- left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fact_task_ss_daily t6 on t6.task_id = t2.task_id and t6.acct_time=date_format(date_add('day',-1,current_date),'%Y-%m-%d')
- left join (select a.task_id,sum(a.user_amount) user_amount
- from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fn_deal_asyn_order a
- where a.is_new=1 and a.service='Trade_Payment' and a.state=1 and a.acct_day=substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
- group by a.task_id)t7 on t7.task_id = t2.task_id
- left join (select t1.par_order_id,sum(t1.order_hosted_price - t1.order_refund_price) cost
- from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
- where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2) and t1.order_type = 1 and t1.order_stype = 4 and t1.order_mode = 12
- group by t1.par_order_id) t8 on t1.order_id = t8.par_order_id
- where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
- and t1.order_type = 1 and t1.order_stype in (4,5) and t1.order_mode <> 12 and t4.product_id is not null and t1.order_hosted_price > 0 and t6.is_deal = 1 and t6.close_ymd >= '2018-12-31'
- )a
- left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info b on a.product_id = b.product_id and b.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
- where b.product2_type = 1 -------标品
- and close_ymd between DATE_ADD('day',-7,CURRENT_DATE) and DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE)
- GROUP BY b.product_name,
- b.selling_price_max,
- b.gross_profit_rate_max/100,
- b.actrul_supply_num,
- case when b.business_type =1 then '自营消化' when b.business_type =2 then '服务商消化' end
- order by count(a.order_id) desc
- limit 10
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- table_names=[]
- sql=get_sqlstr('read_sql.txt')
- stmt_tuple=analysis_statements(sql)
- for each_stmt in stmt_tuple:
- type_name=get_main_functionsql(each_stmt)
- blood_table(each_stmt)
- Tree_visus(table_names,type_name)
以上就是本期全部内容。我是fanstuck ,有问题大家随时留言讨论 ,我们下期见
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