- mysql -uroot -p123123 -h127.0.0.1
- create database MyDb;
- show databases;
- mysql -uroot -p123123 -h127.0.0.1
- create database TestDb;
- create table t_emp( id int, name varchar(32), deptId int , salary float);
- mysql -uroot -p123123 -h127.0.0.1
- create database MyDb;
- use MyDb;
- create table t_user1(
- name VARCHAR(32),
- password VARCHAR(11),
- phone VARCHAR(11),
- email VARCHAR(32));
- create table t_user2(
- name VARCHAR(32),
- phone VARCHAR(11),
- email VARCHAR(32),
- PRIMARY KEY(name,phone));
- mysql -uroot -p123123 -h127.0.0.1
- create database MyDb;
- use MyDb;
- CREATE TABLE t_class
- (
- name VARCHAR(22)
- );
- CREATE TABLE t_student
- (
- name VARCHAR(22) ,
- classId int,
- CONSTRAINT fk_stu_class1 FOREIGN KEY(classId) REFERENCES t_class(id)
- );
- mysql -uroot -p123123 -h127.0.0.1
- USE MyDb;
- (
- sex VARCHAR(4) DEFAULT '男'
create database teachingdb;
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- create table student(
- sno char(5) primary key,
- sname varchar(20) NOT null,
- sdept varchar(20) not null,
- sclass char(2) not null,
- ssex char(1),
- birthday date,
- totalcredit decimal(4,1)
- );
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- alter table student add nativeplace varchar(20);
- -- alter table student add nativeplace varchar(20);
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- ALTER TABLE student DROP nativeplace;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- ALTER TABLE student MODIFY ssex varchar(3);
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- alter table course add constraint uk_cno unique(cname);
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- INSERT INTO student VALUES (11111,'马明','计算机','01','女','2000-01-02',null);
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- UPDATE student
- SET totalcredit = 2.0
- /**********End**********/
- -- update student set totalcredit=2.0;
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- UPDATE student
- SET birthday = '2000-01-22'
- WHERE sname='马小燕';
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- DELETE FROM student WHERE sno = '11111';
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- -- select * from student ;
- create table s1 as select * from student;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- DELETE FROM s1 WHERE sdept='计算机';
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- drop table s1 ;
- /**********End**********/
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## bundle insert the value #########
- INSERT INTO tb_emp(Id,Name,DeptId,Salary)
- VALUES (1,"Nancy",301,2300.00),
- (2,"Tod",303,5600.00),(3,"Carly",301,3200.00);
- ########## End ##########
- SELECT * FROM tb_emp;
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## update the value ##########
- UPDATE tb_emp
- SET Name="Tracy",DeptId=302,Salary=4300.00
- WHERE id=3;
- ########## End ##########
- SELECT * FROM tb_emp;
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## delete the value ##########
- DELETE FROM tb_emp
- WHERE Salary>3000;
- ########## End ##########
- SELECT * FROM tb_emp;
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## modify the table name ##########
- ALTER table tb_emp RENAME jd_emp;
- ########## show tables in this database ##########
- show tables;
- ########## describe the table ##########
- describe jd_emp;
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## change the column name ##########
- ALTER TABLE tb_emp change Id prod_id int(11);
- ########## change the data type of column ##########
- ALTER TABLE tb_emp MODIFY Name varchar(30);
- ########## End ##########
- DESCRIBE tb_emp;
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## add the column ##########
- ALTER TABLE tb_emp ADD Country varchar(20) AFTER Name;
- ########## delete the column ##########
- ALTER TABLE tb_emp DROP Salary;
- ########## End ##########
- DESCRIBE tb_emp;
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## modify the column to top ##########
- ALTER TABLE tb_emp MODIFY Name varchar(25) FIRST;
- ########## modify the column to the rear of another column ##########
- ALTER TABLE tb_emp MODIFY DeptId int(11) AFTER Salary;
- ########## End ##########
- DESCRIBE tb_emp;
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## delete the foreign key ##########
- ########## End ##########
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select sno 学号, sname 姓名 from student where birthday >= "2000.1.1" and birthday <= "2000.12.31";
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- FROM score ;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- FROM course
- WHERE ctime BETWEEN 1 AND 50;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- from student
- where sdept!='计算机' and sdept!='信息';
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select *
- from student
- where sname like '%马__';
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select *
- from score
- where tno='052501'and grade>='80' and grade<='90' and sno like '96%';
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select sno, cno from score where grade is null;
- /**********End**********/
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## retrieving the Name and Salary ##########
- select Name,Salary from tb_emp;
- ########## retrieving all the table ##########
- select * from tb_emp;
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## retrieving the Name and Salary with IN statement ##########
- SELECT Name,Salary FROM tb_emp WHERE Id !='1';
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## retrieving the Name and Salary with BETWEEN AND statement ##########
- SELECT Name,Salary FROM tb_emp
- WHERE Salary BETWEEN 3000 AND 5000;
- ########## End ##########
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select count(*) from student;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select count(distinct sno) from score;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select cno,AVG(grade),MAX(grade),MIN(grade) from score group by(cno);
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select sdept,count(*) from student group by sdept having count(*)<3;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select sdept,sclass,COUNT(*) from student group by sdept,sclass order by count(*) desc,sdept desc;
- /**********End**********/
- USE test_wyy_db_guet
- GO
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- -- ********** 此处写第一题的SQL语句 ********** --
- select count(*) from course where credit>2;
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- -- ********** 此处写第二题的SQL语句 ********** --
- select sum(credit) from course where cno like "BT%";
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- -- ********** 此处写第三题的SQL语句 ********** --
- select left(cno,2),count(*)from course group by left(cno,2);
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- USE test_wyy_db_guet
- Go
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- ---------- 第一题----------
- select count(model) from printer where color = "T" and type = "laser";
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- ---------- 第二题----------
- select min(price) from printer;
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- ---------- 第三题----------
- select model,price from printer where price >=(select max(price) from printer);
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- USE test_wyy_db_guet
- Go
- ---------- 第1题 ----------
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- select hd from V_test group by hd having count(*) <3;
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- ---------- 第2题 ----------
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- select max(AvgSpeed) from
- (select maker maker,Avg(speed) AvgSpeed
- from V_test
- group by maker
- )name;
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- ---------- 第3题 ----------
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- select maker,count(*) from V_test where price>1000 group by maker;
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- ---------- 第4题 ----------
- -- ********** Begin ********** --
- select maker,type,AVG(price) from V_test group by maker,type;
- -- ********** End ********** --
- GO
- USE School;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## 查询1班同学的所有信息以成绩降序的方式显示结果 ##########
- select * from tb_score where class_id = 1 order by score desc;
- ########## End ##########
- USE School;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## 对班级名称进行分组查询 ##########
- SELECT * FROM tb_class GROUP BY class_id;
- ########## End ##########
- USE School;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## 查询班级中第2名到第5名的学生信息 ##########
- SELECT * FROM tb_score order by score desc LIMIT 1,4;
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## retrieving the Name and Salary ##########
- select Name,Salary from tb_emp;
- ########## retrieving all the table ##########
- select * from tb_emp;
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## retrieving the Name and Salary with IN statement ##########
- SELECT Name,Salary FROM tb_emp WHERE Id NOT IN (1);
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## retrieving the Name and Salary with BETWEEN AND statement ##########
- SELECT Name,Salary FROM tb_emp
- WHERE Salary BETWEEN 3000 AND 5000;
- ########## End ##########
- USE Company;
- ######### Begin #########
- SELECT Name,Salary FROM tb_emp WHERE Name LIKE "C%";
- ######### End #########
- USE Company;
- ######### Begin #########
- ######### End #########
- ######### Begin #########
- ######### End #########
- USE Company;
- ######### Begin #########
- SELECT * FROM tb_emp WHERE DeptId=301 AND Salary > 3000;
- ######### End #########
- ######### Begin #########
- SELECT * FROM tb_emp WHERE DeptId=301 OR DeptId=303;
- ######### End #########
- USE School;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## 查询1班同学的所有信息以成绩降序的方式显示结果 ##########
- select * from tb_score where class_id = 1 order by score desc;
- ########## End ##########
- USE School;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## 对班级名称进行分组查询 ##########
- SELECT * FROM tb_class GROUP BY class_id;
- ########## End ##########
- USE School;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- ########## 查询班级中第2名到第5名的学生信息 ##########
- SELECT * FROM tb_score order by score desc LIMIT 1,4;
- ########## End ##########
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select sname, birthday from student where birthday < (select birthday from student where sname = "刘东明");
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select student.sno,student.sname from student left join score on student.sno=score.sno where score.sno is null;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select sname,sdept,birthday from student where birthday < any(select birthday from student where sdept="数学") and sdept <> "数学";
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select student.sname,student.sdept from student,score where student.sno=score.sno and score.cno="004";
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select score.sno from score where cno in (select score.cno from score,student where student.sno=score.sno and student.sname='刘东明') and score.sno not in(select student.sno from student where student.sname='刘东明') group by sno having count(cno) >=(select count(cno) from score,student where score.sno=student.sno and student.sname='刘东明')
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select distinct score.sno from score group by sno having count(cno) >=(select count(cno) from course);
- /**********End**********/
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- #1.查询大于所有平均年龄的员工姓名与年龄
- select name, age from tb_emp where age > (select avg(age) from tb_emp );
- USE Company;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- #1.使用 ALL 关键字进行查询
- select position,salary from tb_salary where salary >(select max(salary) from tb_salary where position="Java");
- #2.使用 ANY 关键字进行查询
- select position,salary from tb_salary where salary >(select min(salary) from tb_salary where position="Java");
- #3.使用 IN 关键字进行查询
- select position,salary from tb_salary where position="Java";
- ########## End ##########
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select student.sname,course.cname,teach.tname,score.grade from student,score,course,teach where student.sno=score.sno and score.tno=teach.tno and score.cno=course.cno and teach.tname="严敏" and course.cname="数学分析";
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select student.sname,course.cname,teach.tname,score.grade from student,score,course,teach where student.sno=score.sno and score.tno=teach.tno and score.cno=course.cno and teach.tname="严敏" and course.cname="数学分析";
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select student.sname,course.cname,teach.tname,score.grade from student,score,course,teach where student.sno=score.sno and score.tno=teach.tno and score.cno=course.cno and teach.tname="严敏" and course.cname="数学分析";
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select s2.sname,s2.birthday from student s1,student s2 where s1.sname="刘东明" and s1.birthday>s2.birthday;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- select student.sno,student.sname from student left join score on student.sno=score.sno where score.sno is null;
- /**********End**********/
- USE School;
- ########## 查询数据表中学生姓名和对应的班级 ##########
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- select tb_student.name studentName,tb_class.name className from tb_student,tb_class where tb_student.class_id=tb_class.id
- ########## End ##########
- USE School;
- ########## 使用左外连接查询所有学生姓名和对应的班级 ##########
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- select s1.name studentName,s2.name className from tb_student s1 left join tb_class
- s2 on s1.class_id=s2.id;
- ########## End ##########
- ########## 使用右外连接查询所有学生姓名和对应的班级 ##########
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- select s1.name studentName,s2.name className from tb_student s1 right join tb_class
- s2 on s1.class_id=s2.id;
- ########## End ##########
- USE School;
- ########## 查询所有班级里分数在90分以上的学生的姓名和学生的成绩以及学生所在的班级 ##########
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- select tb_student.name studentName,tb_student.score,tb_class.name className from tb_student,tb_class where tb_student.class_id=tb_class.id and score>90;
- ########## End ##########
- use universityDB;
- create table instructor(
- ID varchar(5) ,primary key(ID),
- name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
- dept_name varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL ,
- salary numeric(8,2) check(salary>29000),
- foreign key (dept_name) references department(dept_name)
- on delete set null
- );
- create table section(
- course_id varchar(8) ,
- sec_id varchar(8) ,
- semester varchar(6) check(semester in('Fall','Winter','Spring','Summer')),
- year numeric(4,0) ,
- building varchar(15) ,
- room_number varchar(7) ,
- time_slot_id varchar(4) ,
- primary key (course_id, sec_id, semester, year),
- foreign key (course_id) references course(course_id)
- on delete cascade,
- foreign key (building, room_number) references classroom(building, room_number)
- );
- ########## End ##########
- #********* Begin *********#
- echo "
- select name
- from student where dept_name='Biology';
- select name from instructor where salary> any(select salary
- from instructor where dept_name='Biology');
- select name,department.dept_name,building
- from instructor ,department where instructor.dept_name=department.dept_name;
- select distinct instructor.dept_name
- from instructor,department where instructor.dept_name=department.dept_name and building='Watson';
- "
- #********* End *********#
- #********* Begin *********#
- echo "
- select count(distinct ID) from teaches where semester ='spring' and year='2010';
- select instructor.ID,name,dept_name from teaches,instructor where semester='Fall'and year='2009' and teaches.ID=instructor.ID group by ID having count(distinct course_id)=2;
- select dept_name, count(distinct instructor.ID) as instr_count from instructor,teaches where semester='Spring' and year='2010' and instructor.ID=teaches.ID group by dept_name having count(distinct course_id)>=1
- "
- #********* End *********#
- #********* Begin *********#
- echo "
- select instructor.* from instructor order by salary desc,name asc ;
- select max(salary) from instructor;
- select dept_name from instructor group by dept_name having avg(salary)=(
- select max(avgs) from(select avg(salary) avgs,dept_name from instructor group by dept_name) a);
- select dept_name, avg(salary) as avg_salary from instructor group by dept_name having avg(salary)>50000 order by dept_name asc,avg(salary) desc;
- "
- #********* End *********#
- #********* Begin *********#
- echo "
- select distinct course_id
- from section
- where semester='Fall' and year=2009 and
- course_id not in (select course_id from section where semester='Spring' and
- year=2010);
- select course_id
- from section as S
- where year=2009 and semester='Fall' and exists
- (select section.* from section as T where year=2010 and semester='Spring' and
- S.course_id=T.course_id);
- select course_id
- from section
- where year=2009 and semester='Fall' union all select
- course_id from section where year=2010 and semester='Spring';
- select course_id,semester,year,sec_id,avg(tot_cred)
- from takes join student join department on takes.ID = student.ID
- where year=2009 group by course_id,semester,year,sec_id having count(takes.ID)>=13;
- "
- #********* End *********#
- #********* Begin *********#
- echo "
- select instructor.name,teaches.course_id
- from instructor,teaches
- where instructor.ID=teaches.ID and dept_name='Physics';
- select name
- from instructor
- where dept_name='Physics' and salary>80000;
- update instructor set salary = case when salary <= 100000 then salary*1.05 else salary*1.03 end;
- create view Physics_fall_2009 as select course.course_id,building,room_number from course,section where course.course_id = section.course_id and course.dept_name='Physics' and section.semester='Fall' and section.year='2009';
- "
- #********* End *********#
- use School;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- #1.创建名为pk_student的主键索引
- create table student(
- stu_id int not null,
- name varchar(25) not null,
- age int not null,
- sex char(2) not null,
- classes int not null,
- grade int not null,
- primary key(stu_id)
- );
- #2.创建名为idx_age的普通索引
- create index idx_age on student(age);
- #3.创建名为uniq_classes的唯一索引
- create unique index uniq_classes on student(classes);
- #4.创建名为idx_group的组合索引
- create index idx_group on student(name,sex,grade);
- ########## End ##########
- use School;
- #请在此处添加实现代码
- ########## Begin ##########
- create view stu_view as select math,chinese,math+chinese from student;
- #1.创建单表视图
- create view stu_classes as select student.stu_id,name,classes from student,stu_info where student.stu_id=stu_info.stu_id;
- #2.创建多表视图
- ########## End ##########
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- create index idx_sname on student(sname);
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- drop index idx_sname;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- create view student_cs as select * from student where sdept="计算机";
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- create view v_grade_avg as select sno 学号,
- avg(grade) 平均成绩 from score
- group by sno;
- /**********End**********/
- use province;
- #代码开始
- alter table jdxx add primary key zsy(sf,cs,qx,name);
- create index namesy on jdxx(name);
- #代码结束
- show index in jdxx\g;
- use province;
- #代码开始
- create view csxx as select qx,name from jdxx where qx in('天心区','宁乡县','岳麓区','开福区','望城县','浏阳市','芙蓉区','长沙县','雨花区');
- update csxx set name="月湖街道" where name="西湖街道" and qx='开福区';
- #代码结束
- select * from csxx;
- use province
- #代码开始
- create view csbm as select jdxx.qx,jdxx.name,qxyzbm.qxbm from jdxx,qxyzbm where jdxx.qx=qxyzbm.qx and jdxx.cs='长沙市';
- #代码结束
- select * from csbm;
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- create user user1 @localhost identified by 'user1';
- /**********End**********/
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- create user user2 identified by 'user2';
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user1'@'localhost' ;
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `teachingdb2`.* TO 'user1'@'localhost';
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- grant select on teachingdb.* to user1@localhost with grant option;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- #grant all on teachingdb to user1@localhost, user2@localhost;
- grant all on student to user1@localhost, user2@localhost;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- #grant update(grade) on score to user2@localhost;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- revoke select on teachingdb.* from user1@localhost;
- /**********End**********/
- # 请填写语句,完成以下功能:
- #(1) 创建用户tom和jerry,初始密码均为'123456';
- create user tom identified by '123456';
- create user jerry identified by '123456';
- #(2) 授予用户tom查询客户的姓名,邮箱和电话的权限,且tom可转授权限;grant 权限[,权限] ... on 数据库对象 to user|role,[user|role]... [with grant option]
- grant select(c_name,c_mail,c_phone) on client to tom with grant option;
- #(3) 授予用户jerry修改银行卡余额的权限;
- grant update(b_balance) on bank_card to jerry;
- #(4) 收回用户Cindy查询银行卡信息的权限。
- revoke select on bank_card from Cindy;
- #revoke 权限[,权限]... on 数据库对象 from user|role[,user|role]...
- # 请填写语句,完成以下功能:
- # (1) 创建角色client_manager和fund_manager;
- create role client_manager,fund_manager;
- # (2) 授予client_manager对client表拥有select,insert,update的权限;
- grant select,insert,update on client to client_manager;
- # (3) 授予client_manager对bank_card表拥有查询除银行卡余额外的select权限;
- grant select(b_number,b_type,b_c_id)on bank_card to client_manager;
- # (4) 授予fund_manager对fund表的select,insert,update权限;
- grant select,insert,update on fund to fund_manager;
- # (5) 将client_manager的权限授予用户tom和jerry;
- grant client_manager to tom,jerry;
- # (6) 将fund_manager权限授予用户Cindy.
- grant fund_manager to Cindy;
- ########## 开始编写 SQL ##########
- ########## 开始编写 SQL ##########
- -- set password for casual_user@localhost=password('123456');
- -- grant select,insert,update on *.* to
- -- casual_user@localhost identified by'123456';
- -- grant select,insert,update on *.* to casual_user@'localhost' identified by "123123";
- set password for casual_user@'localhost' = Password('123456');
- grant select,insert,update on *.* to casual_user@'localhost' identified by "123456";
- ########## 开始编写 SQL ##########
- -- revoke all
- -- on mydb1.table1
- -- from 'user1'@'localhost';
- -- revoke all
- -- on mydb1.table2
- -- from 'user1'@'localhost';
- -- revoke insert,select,update,create,delete,alter
- -- on mydb2.*
- -- from 'user2'@'localhost';
- -- revoke all on mydb1.table1 from 'user1'@'ip';
- revoke all on mydb1.table1 from user1@'localhost';
- revoke all on mydb1.table2 from user1@'localhost';
- revoke select,update,insert,create,delete,alter on mydb2.* from user2@'localhost';
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- delimiter $$
- create procedure pro_findname(in name char(3))
- Begin
- select * from student where sname like concat ('%',name,'%');
- End
- $$
- delimiter ;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- delimiter $
- create function count_credit(psno char(10)) returns int
- Begin
- declare xx int;
- select sum(credit) from course where cno in(
- select cno from score where grade >=60 and sno=psno
- ) into xx;
- return xx;
- end$
- delimiter ;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- delimiter //
- create procedure p_count_credit()
- Begin
- declare flag boolean default true;
- declare psno char(5);
- declare stu_cur cursor for select sno from student;
- declare continue handler for not found set flag=false;
- open stu_cur;
- while flag do
- fetch stu_cur into psno;
- update student set totalcredit=count_credit(psno) where sno=psno;
- end while;
- close stu_cur;
- end //
- delimiter ;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- delimiter $$
- drop trigger if exists sum_credit$$
- create trigger sum_credit after insert on score
- for each row
- Begin
- update student set totalcredit=totalcredit
- (select credit from course where cno=new.cno)
- where sno=new.sno and new.grade>=60;
- end $$
- delimiter ;
- /**********End**********/
- use teachingdb;
- /****请在此编写代码,操作完毕之后点击评测******/
- /**********Begin**********/
- delimiter $$
- drop trigger if exists del_student_score$$
- create trigger del_student_score before delete
- on student
- for each row
- Begin
- delete from score where sno=old.sno;
- end$$
- delimiter ;
- /**********End**********/
- use province;
- #代码开始
- #定义过程
- #调用过程
- use province;
- #代码开始
- delimiter $$
- create procedure dqxx(in city varchar(10),in district varchar(10))
- begin
- declare x int;
- declare jd int;
- declare z int;
- declare qt int;
- select count(name) from jdxx where cs = city and qxmc = district and name like "%乡" into x;
- select count(name) from jdxx where cs = city and qxmc = district and name like "%街道" into jd;
- select count(name) from jdxx where cs = city and qxmc = district and name like "%镇" into z;
- select count(name) from jdxx where cs = city and qxmc = district and name not like "%镇" and name not like "%街道" and name not like "%乡" into qt;
- select x 乡, jd 街道, z 镇, qt 其他;
- end $$
- delimiter ;
- call dqxx("长沙市", "开福区");
- call dqxx("厦门市", "同安区");
- #代码结束
- #代码结束
- use sale;
- #代码开始
- #定义过程
- #调用过程
- use sale;
- #代码开始
- delimiter $$
- create procedure ygyj(in nf int, in yf int, in xm varchar(10), out pj varchar(10))
- begin
- declare jg int;
- select sum(sjfk) from xsd join gzry on gzry.gyh = xsd.gyh where year(xsrq) = nf and month(xsrq) = yf and gyxm = xm into jg;
- case
- when isnull(jg) then set pj = "无业绩";
- when jg < 5000 then set pj = "不达标";
- when jg < 10000 then set pj = "达标";
- else set pj = "优秀";
- end case;
- end $$
- delimiter ;
- call ygyj(2015, 7, "王雅静", @yj1);
- call ygyj(2015, 6, "廖秉娴", @yj2);
- call ygyj(2015, 7, "赵敏", @yj3);
- call ygyj(2015, 7, "章伟", @yj4);
- #代码结束
- select @yj1,@yj2,@yj3,@yj4;
- use sale;
- #代码开始
- #函数定义
- #调用函数
- use sale;
- #代码开始
- delimiter $$
- create function gkjb(nf int, xm varchar(10))
- returns varchar(10)
- begin
- declare jg int;
- declare pj varchar(10);
- select sum(sjfk)
- from xsd join gk on gk.hyh = xsd.hyh
- where name = xm and year(xsrq) = nf into jg;
- case
- when isnull(jg) then
- set pj = "非会员";
- when jg < 5000 then
- set pj = "一般会员";
- when jg < 10000 then
- set pj = "vip";
- else set pj = "超级vip";
- end case;
- return pj;
- end $$
- delimiter ;
- select name 姓名, gkjb(2015, name) 等级 from gk;
- #代码结束
- use library;
- #代码开始
- #定义过程
- #调用过程
- use library;
- #代码开始
- delimiter $$
- create procedure hs(in sh varchar(8), in dzbh varchar(3), in rq date, out zt varchar(12))
- begin
- declare jywh int;
- select count(*) from borrow where txm=sh and dzzh=dzbh and isnull(hsrq) into jywh;
- if jywh=0 then
- set zt = "没有该借阅";
- else
- update borrow set hsrq=rq where dzzh=dzbh and txm=sh and isnull(hsrq);
- update book set zk=1 where txm=sh;
- set zt = "还书成功";
- end if;
- end $$
- delimiter ;
- call hs("P0000001", "001", "2022-5-1", @zt1);
- call hs("P0000001", "002", "2022-5-1", @zt2);
- #代码结束
- select @zt1,@zt2;
- select txm, sm, zk from book;
- select * from borrow;
- use province;
- #代码开始
- use province;
- #代码开始
- delimiter $$
- create procedure tjdq(in sm varchar(10))
- begin
- declare flag int default 1;
- declare city varchar(10);
- declare qx varchar(10);
- declare jd int;
- declare x int;
- declare z int;
- declare qt int;
- declare dq cursor for select distinct cs, qxmc from jdxx where sf = sm;
- declare continue handler for not found set flag = 0;
- delete from dqtj;
- open dq;
- fetch dq into city, qx;
- while flag = 1 do
- select count(*) from jdxx where cs = city and qxmc = qx and name like "%街道" into jd;
- select count(*) from jdxx where cs = city and qxmc = qx and name like "%乡" into x;
- select count(*) from jdxx where cs = city and qxmc = qx and name like "%镇" into z;
- select count(*) from jdxx where cs = city and qxmc = qx and name not like "%镇" and name not like "%街道" and name not like "%乡" into qt;
- insert into dqtj values(city, qx, x, jd, z, qt);
- fetch dq into city, qx;
- end while;
- close dq;
- end $$
- delimiter ;
- call tjdq("安徽省");
- #代码结束
- select * from dqtj;
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