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hdfs delegation token 过期问题分析_security.kerberos.fetch.delegation-token


什么是delegation token

delegation token其实就是hadoop里一种轻量级认证方法,作为kerberos认证的一种补充。理论上只使用kerberos来认证是足够了,为什么hadoop还要自己开发一套使用delegation token的认证方式呢?这是因为如果在一个很大的分布式系统当中,如果每个节点访问某个服务的时候都使用kerberos来作为认证方式,那么势必对KDC造成很大的压力,KDC就会成为一个系统的瓶颈。


kerberos认证需三方参与,client, kdc, server三方协作完成认证。通常包括三个子过程:

  1. client向kdc申请TGT(Ticket Granting Ticket),TGT包含client信息及client和KDC之间的 session key两部分信息,并且使用KDC的master key加密
  2. client使用TGT向KDC申请访问某个服务的Ticket,Ticket包含client信息及client和server之间的session key两部分信息,并且使用server的master key加密。
  3. client使用Ticket访问某个服务。
    Delegation token的认证只需要两方参与,client和server。在server端生成token并发送给client端。client使用该token访问server,server对该token进行认证。
    Delegation token可以传递给其它服务使用,这也是它叫delegation token的原因。比如在client端获取到hdfs delegation token后,可以分发到Mapper端和Reducer端。这样Map,Reduce就不用在通过Kerberos认证而直接使用该token访问hdfs。同时,delegation token可以指定更新者(renewer),比如yarn,或者自己。token快要过期的时候需要更新,更新的时候只涉及更新者和server端。其它任何使用该token的人都不会受到影响。

delegation token 期限

delegation token有过期时间,需要定期刷新才能保证token有效。但是刷新次数不是无限的,也就是说每个token都有个最大生存时间,超过该时间,该token就失效。比如token每个24小时需要刷新一次,否则就失效。同时每个token最大生命值为7天,那么七天后该token就不能在被使用。

delegation 包含的内容
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  private byte[] identifier;
  private byte[] password;
  private Text kind;
  private Text service;
  private TokenRenewer renewer;
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delegation 生命周期

上图展示了在yarn应用中,delegation token的生命流程。
1)client端首先通过Kerberos 认证方式访问namenode,获取DT(delegation token)
3)rm选一个节点启动Am,随后AM向RM申请资源,将worker contaiern都启动。这一步中DT都会分发到相应的container中。

delegation token过期应该怎么办

delegation token会失效,集群默认配置是renew的间隔为一天,token最大生存时间为7天。对于像mapreduce这种批处理任务可能不会面临token失效的问题,但对于spark streaming, storm等这种长时运行应用来说,不得不面临一个问题:token存在最大生命周期。当token达到其最大生命周期的时候,比如七天,所有的工作节点(比如spark streaming的executor)中使用的token都会失效,此时在使用该token去访问hdfs就会被namenode拒绝,导致应用异常退出。

另一种解决思路是先由client把keytab文件放到hdfs上。然后在Am中使用keytab登录,并申请delegation token。Am在启动worker的时候把该token分发给相应的容器。当token快要过期的时候,Am重新登录一次,并重新获取delegation token,并告知所有的worker使用更新后的token访问服务。

spark中怎么解决delegation token过期问题

spark 为了解决DT失效问题,加了两个参数"–keytab"和"–principal",分别指定用于kerberos登录的keytab文件和principal。spark中用于提交yarn任务的类为Client


def submitApplication(): ApplicationId = {
   var appId: ApplicationId = null
   try {
     // Setup the credentials before doing anything else,
     // so we have don't have issues at any point.

     logInfo("Requesting a new application from cluster with %d NodeManagers"

     // Get a new application from our RM
     val newApp = yarnClient.createApplication()
     val newAppResponse = newApp.getNewApplicationResponse()
     appId = newAppResponse.getApplicationId()

     // Verify whether the cluster has enough resources for our AM

     // Set up the appropriate contexts to launch our AM
     val containerContext = createContainerLaunchContext(newAppResponse)
     val appContext = createApplicationSubmissionContext(newApp, containerContext)

     // Finally, submit and monitor the application
     logInfo(s"Submitting application ${appId.getId} to ResourceManager")
   } catch {
     case e: Throwable =>
       if (appId != null) {
       throw e
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def setupCredentials(): Unit = {
    loginFromKeytab = args.principal != null || sparkConf.contains("spark.yarn.principal")
    // Defensive copy of the credentials
    credentials = new Credentials(UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getCredentials)
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private def createContainerLaunchContext(newAppResponse: GetNewApplicationResponse)
    : ContainerLaunchContext = {
    logInfo("Setting up container launch context for our AM")
    val appId = newAppResponse.getApplicationId
    val appStagingDir = getAppStagingDir(appId)
    val pySparkArchives =
      if (sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.yarn.isPython", false)) {
      } else {
    val launchEnv = setupLaunchEnv(appStagingDir, pySparkArchives)
    val localResources = prepareLocalResources(appStagingDir, pySparkArchives)

    // Set the environment variables to be passed on to the executors.

    val amContainer = Records.newRecord(classOf[ContainerLaunchContext])

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private def setupLaunchEnv(
      stagingDir: String,
      pySparkArchives: Seq[String]): HashMap[String, String] = {
    if (loginFromKeytab) {
      val remoteFs = FileSystem.get(hadoopConf)
      val stagingDirPath = new Path(remoteFs.getHomeDirectory, stagingDir)
      val credentialsFile = "credentials-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString
        "spark.yarn.credentials.file", new Path(stagingDirPath, credentialsFile).toString)
      logInfo(s"Credentials file set to: $credentialsFile")
      val renewalInterval = getTokenRenewalInterval(stagingDirPath)
      sparkConf.set("spark.yarn.token.renewal.interval", renewalInterval.toString)
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先判断loginFromKeytab是否为true。在前面我们看到只要在命令行中使用了"–principal"参数,loginFromKeytab就为true,这里声明了用于存放token的文件位置,默认为hdfs上位于/user/{user}/.sparkSgating/{appid}目录下的以credentials开头的文件。并把该文件位置放在sparkConf中,key为“spark.yarn.credentials.file”,这在后边会用到。同时这里获取了DT renew的间隔。也同样放在sparkConf中,key为“spark.yarn.token.renewal.interval”。
delegation token

YarnSparkHadoopUtil.get.obtainTokensForNamenodes(nns, hadoopConf,credentials)
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def obtainTokensForNamenodes(
    paths: Set[Path],
    conf: Configuration,
    creds: Credentials,
    renewer: Option[String] = None
  ): Unit = {
    if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
      val delegTokenRenewer = renewer.getOrElse(getTokenRenewer(conf))
      paths.foreach { dst =>
        val dstFs = dst.getFileSystem(conf)
        logInfo("getting token for namenode: " + dst)
        dstFs.addDelegationTokens(delegTokenRenewer, creds)
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这个函数用于向namenode索取hdfs delegation token,并把该token添加到Credentials对象中。前面我们讲过,credentiasl对象的初值为UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getCredentials, 而ugi中默认是不包含hdfs delegation token的。因此通过该函数会吧hdfs delegation token添加到credentials中。
然后回到createContainerLaunchContext, 准备工作都做好后,创建了amContainer,并调用setupSecurityToken函数给amContainer设置刚刚获取到的token。所以当Am起来后不需要通过kerberos认证,可以直接使用hdfs delegation token与namenode交互。

private def setupSecurityToken(amContainer: ContainerLaunchContext): Unit = {
    val dob = new DataOutputBuffer
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至此,有关token的东西都准备好了,调用yarnClient.submitApplication(appContext)向yarn提交任务。yarn在收到请求后会先找一个机器启动AmContainer。yarn启动container的命令其实就是client传给yarn的。大概就是“bin/java xxx org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster xxx”。Am的入口为ApplicationMaster的run函数。

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final def run(): Int = {
    try {
      // If the credentials file config is present, we must periodically renew tokens. So create
      // a new AMDelegationTokenRenewer
      if (sparkConf.contains("spark.yarn.credentials.file")) {
        delegationTokenRenewerOption = Some(new AMDelegationTokenRenewer(sparkConf, yarnConf))
        // If a principal and keytab have been set, use that to create new credentials for executors
        // periodically

      if (isClusterMode) {
      } else {
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        // catch everything else if not specifically handled
        logError("Uncaught exception: ", e)
          "Uncaught exception: " + e)
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这里看到了一个熟悉的配置“spark.yarn.credentials.file”, 还记得我们之前讲过该参数被设置为什么了吗?就是Am用于保存token文件的位置。所以,如果spark submit启动的时候传递了"–principal"参数,就会在sparkConf中生成一个“spark.yarn.credentials.file”配置,如果sparkConf中有“spark.yarn.credentials.file”配置,在AM中,也就是run函数中,会生成一个AMDelegationTokenRenewer对象。从名字也可以看出,这个对象就负责定期的更新token,将token写入到一个hdfs文件,然后executor从该文件中获取新的token从而防止token过期的作用了。


private[spark] def scheduleLoginFromKeytab(): Unit = {
    val principal = sparkConf.get("spark.yarn.principal")
    val keytab = sparkConf.get("spark.yarn.keytab")

     * Schedule re-login and creation of new tokens. If tokens have already expired, this method
     * will synchronously create new ones.
    def scheduleRenewal(runnable: Runnable): Unit = {
      val credentials = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getCredentials
      val renewalInterval = hadoopUtil.getTimeFromNowToRenewal(sparkConf, 0.75, credentials)
      // Run now!
      if (renewalInterval <= 0) {
        logInfo("HDFS tokens have expired, creating new tokens now.")
      } else {
        logInfo(s"Scheduling login from keytab in $renewalInterval millis.")
        delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(runnable, renewalInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

    // This thread periodically runs on the driver to update the delegation tokens on HDFS.
    val driverTokenRenewerRunnable =
      new Runnable {
        override def run(): Unit = {
          try {
            writeNewTokensToHDFS(principal, keytab)
          } catch {
            case e: Exception =>
              // Log the error and try to write new tokens back in an hour
              logWarning("Failed to write out new credentials to HDFS, will try again in an " +
                "hour! If this happens too often tasks will fail.", e)
              delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(this, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
    // Schedule update of credentials. This handles the case of updating the tokens right now
    // as well, since the renenwal interval will be 0, and the thread will get scheduled
    // immediately.
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private def writeNewTokensToHDFS(principal: String, keytab: String): Unit = {
    // Keytab is copied by YARN to the working directory of the AM, so full path is
    // not needed.

    // HACK:
    // HDFS will not issue new delegation tokens, if the Credentials object
    // passed in already has tokens for that FS even if the tokens are expired (it really only
    // checks if there are tokens for the service, and not if they are valid). So the only real
    // way to get new tokens is to make sure a different Credentials object is used each time to
    // get new tokens and then the new tokens are copied over the the current user's Credentials.
    // So:
    // - we login as a different user and get the UGI
    // - use that UGI to get the tokens (see doAs block below)
    // - copy the tokens over to the current user's credentials (this will overwrite the tokens
    // in the current user's Credentials object for this FS).
    // The login to KDC happens each time new tokens are required, but this is rare enough to not
    // have to worry about (like once every day or so). This makes this code clearer than having
    // to login and then relogin every time (the HDFS API may not relogin since we don't use this
    // UGI directly for HDFS communication.
    logInfo(s"Attempting to login to KDC using principal: $principal")
    val keytabLoggedInUGI = UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI(principal, keytab)
    logInfo("Successfully logged into KDC.")
    val tempCreds = keytabLoggedInUGI.getCredentials
    val credentialsPath = new Path(credentialsFile)
    val dst = credentialsPath.getParent
    //2)使用新的登录身份信息向namenode拿hdfs delegation token,并添加到tempCreds中
    keytabLoggedInUGI.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction[Void] {
      // Get a copy of the credentials
      override def run(): Void = {
        val nns = YarnSparkHadoopUtil.get.getNameNodesToAccess(sparkConf) + dst
        hadoopUtil.obtainTokensForNamenodes(nns, freshHadoopConf, tempCreds)
    // Add the temp credentials back to the original ones.
    val remoteFs = FileSystem.get(freshHadoopConf)
    // If lastCredentialsFileSuffix is 0, then the AM is either started or restarted. If the AM
    // was restarted, then the lastCredentialsFileSuffix might be > 0, so find the newest file
    // and update the lastCredentialsFileSuffix.
    if (lastCredentialsFileSuffix == 0) {
        remoteFs, credentialsPath.getParent,
        credentialsPath.getName, SparkHadoopUtil.SPARK_YARN_CREDS_TEMP_EXTENSION)
        .lastOption.foreach { status =>
        lastCredentialsFileSuffix = hadoopUtil.getSuffixForCredentialsPath(status.getPath)
    val nextSuffix = lastCredentialsFileSuffix + 1
    val tokenPathStr =
      credentialsFile + SparkHadoopUtil.SPARK_YARN_CREDS_COUNTER_DELIM + nextSuffix
    val tokenPath = new Path(tokenPathStr)
    val tempTokenPath = new Path(tokenPathStr + SparkHadoopUtil.SPARK_YARN_CREDS_TEMP_EXTENSION)
    logInfo("Writing out delegation tokens to " + tempTokenPath.toString)
    val credentials = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getCredentials
    credentials.writeTokenStorageFile(tempTokenPath, freshHadoopConf)
    logInfo(s"Delegation Tokens written out successfully. Renaming file to $tokenPathStr")
    remoteFs.rename(tempTokenPath, tokenPath)
    logInfo("Delegation token file rename complete.")
    lastCredentialsFileSuffix = nextSuffix
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1)使用keytab和principal重新登录kerberos,并获取登录的ugi信息:keytabLoggedInUGI,注意,这里仅仅是kerberos的一个认证过程,还并不涉及到hdfs delegation token的东西,即keytabLoggedInUGI 中并不包含token信息。loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI函数回返回一个新的用户对象,而不会影响当前登录的用户
2)获取keytabLoggedInUGI 中的credentials对象,然后使用keytabLoggedInUGI 身份去向namenode获取新的hdfs delegation token。并将token添加到一个临时的credentials对象中
3)将临时的credentials对象中的token添加到当前登录的ugi中。此时Am中使用token已经被更新,所以Am不会出现token expired问题,但是还需要把token更新到executor中。
4)生成token的存放目录,token存放目录为/user/{user}/.sparkStaging/${appid}, token文件名格式为“credentials-UUID-suffix”, suffix为后缀,按文件个数递增。token file默认保留五天。

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private def run(
      driverUrl: String,
      executorId: String,
      hostname: String,
      cores: Int,
      appId: String,
      workerUrl: Option[String],
      userClassPath: Seq[URL]) {

      if (driverConf.contains("spark.yarn.credentials.file")) {
        logInfo("Will periodically update credentials from: " +

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try {
      val credentialsFilePath = new Path(credentialsFile)
      val remoteFs = FileSystem.get(freshHadoopConf)
        remoteFs, credentialsFilePath.getParent,
        credentialsFilePath.getName, SparkHadoopUtil.SPARK_YARN_CREDS_TEMP_EXTENSION)
        .lastOption.foreach { credentialsStatus =>
        val suffix = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getSuffixForCredentialsPath(credentialsStatus.getPath)
        if (suffix > lastCredentialsFileSuffix) {
          logInfo("Reading new delegation tokens from " + credentialsStatus.getPath)
          val newCredentials = getCredentialsFromHDFSFile(remoteFs, credentialsStatus.getPath)
          lastCredentialsFileSuffix = suffix
          logInfo("Tokens updated from credentials file.")
        } else {
          // Check every hour to see if new credentials arrived.
          logInfo("Updated delegation tokens were expected, but the driver has not updated the " +
            "tokens yet, will check again in an hour.")
          delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
      val timeFromNowToRenewal =
          sparkConf, 0.8, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getCredentials)
      if (timeFromNowToRenewal <= 0) {
        // We just checked for new credentials but none were there, wait a minute and retry.
        // This handles the shutdown case where the staging directory may have been removed(see
        // SPARK-12316 for more details).
        delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
      } else {
        logInfo(s"Scheduling token refresh from HDFS in $timeFromNowToRenewal millis.")
          executorUpdaterRunnable, timeFromNowToRenewal, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    } catch {
      // Since the file may get deleted while we are reading it, catch the Exception and come
      // back in an hour to try again
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        logWarning("Error while trying to update credentials, will try again in 1 hour", e)
        delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
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1)获取hdfs上保存credentials目录下的最近更新的文件,并取出其suffix,与当前程序中保存的lastCredentialsFileSuffix 比较,如果比lastCredentialsFileSuffix 大,则表示AM端更新了token,需要重新读取token并更新。
在executor端更新其实就是把hdfs上的credentials文件读取出来,使用 UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.addCredentials(newCredentials)函数对当前的ugi添加新的token信息就可以了。
至此,spark上解决hdfs delegation token过期问题就分析完了。整个过程类似与下面这张图:

总结下来就是在Am端更新token信息,并把更新后的token写到hdfs,在executor端读取hdfs上更新的token,并更新到自己的ugi当中。按理说这样能解决token过期的问题了,但是用过spark streaming的同学可能会遇到一个奇怪的问题,即使在提交任务的时候带上了"–principal"参数,还是会遇到hdfs delegation token 过期的问题,那又是怎么一会事呢?下面继续分析hdfs的一个bug。

hdfs delegation token bug



理解这个bug要先知道一个概念,即Token的service字段是client从server端获取token后添加的,client用于区分不同服务的token,在server端根本没有service字段的概念。客户端通过FileSystem.addDelegationTokens函数向namenode申请hdfs delegation token。当从server端申请到token后,会给token设置service字段:


public Token getDelegationToken(Text renewer)
throws IOException {
assert dtService != null;
Token token =

if (token != null) {
  LOG.info("Created " + DelegationTokenIdentifier.stringifyToken(token));
} else {
  LOG.info("Cannot get delegation token from " + renewer);
return token;
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这个service我们暂且称之为logicService。但是,client必须使用IP:PORT访问server。当client确定active的namenode后,怎么确定使用哪个token来和server端认证呢?之前讲过token的service字段用于区分不同的server,但是该字段里并不包含具体的ip和端口。为了解决这个问题,其实每次在new 一个DFSClient实例时,会把token拷贝两份,并把里面的service字段替换成具体的ip和端口:

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public static void cloneDelegationTokenForLogicalUri(
      UserGroupInformation ugi, URI haUri,
      Collection<InetSocketAddress> nnAddrs) {
    // this cloning logic is only used by hdfs
    Text haService = HAUtil.buildTokenServiceForLogicalUri(haUri,
    Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> haToken =
        tokenSelector.selectToken(haService, ugi.getTokens());
    if (haToken != null) {
      for (InetSocketAddress singleNNAddr : nnAddrs) {
        // this is a minor hack to prevent physical HA tokens from being
        // exposed to the user via UGI.getCredentials(), otherwise these
        // cloned tokens may be inadvertently propagated to jobs
        Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> specificToken =
            new Token.PrivateToken<DelegationTokenIdentifier>(haToken);
        SecurityUtil.setTokenService(specificToken, singleNNAddr);
        Text alias = new Text(
                + "//" + specificToken.getService());
        ugi.addToken(alias, specificToken);
        LOG.debug("Mapped HA service delegation token for logical URI " +
            haUri + " to namenode " + singleNNAddr);
    } else {
      LOG.debug("No HA service delegation token found for logical URI " +
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这样一来,在client端,每一个token其实就有三个拷贝,分别为一个HA token,和两个对应到具体namenode的namenode token。于是,client想和哪个namenode通信就能选择到相应的token了。
那hdfs-9276这个bug就很明显了,意思是当用户使用UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().addCredentials(credentials)方法更新token时,只能更新HA token,并不能更新两个namenode token。所以当client使用namenode 的ip和port选择到某个namenode token时,该token其实还是老的token,并没有被更新,因此使用该token去访问server端,就会被server拒绝,并提示token过期异常。
所以9276的patch把这个问题解决了(代码就不分析,感兴趣的可以自己去看下),当用户addCredentials的时候,会把HA token对应的两个namenode token也更新。细心的读者应该发现,当每次new一个DFSClient实例的时候,内部就会把HA token拷贝两份,生成新的两个namenode token,因此如果每次都new 一个DFSClient是可以绕过9276描述的问题的。
其实spark也是尝试这么做的,回到spark 在excutor端更新token的过程:

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try {
      val credentialsFilePath = new Path(credentialsFile)
      //此处获取了一个新的FileSystem对象,但此时ugi中的HA token还没有被更新
      val remoteFs = FileSystem.get(freshHadoopConf)
        remoteFs, credentialsFilePath.getParent,
        credentialsFilePath.getName, SparkHadoopUtil.SPARK_YARN_CREDS_TEMP_EXTENSION)
        .lastOption.foreach { credentialsStatus =>
        val suffix = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getSuffixForCredentialsPath(credentialsStatus.getPath)
        if (suffix > lastCredentialsFileSuffix) {
          logInfo("Reading new delegation tokens from " + credentialsStatus.getPath)
          //从hdfs中读取HA token
          val newCredentials = getCredentialsFromHDFSFile(remoteFs, credentialsStatus.getPath)
          lastCredentialsFileSuffix = suffix
          //把新的HA token更新到ugi当中
          logInfo("Tokens updated from credentials file.")
        } else {
          // Check every hour to see if new credentials arrived.
          logInfo("Updated delegation tokens were expected, but the driver has not updated the " +
            "tokens yet, will check again in an hour.")
          delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
      val timeFromNowToRenewal =
          sparkConf, 0.8, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getCredentials)
      if (timeFromNowToRenewal <= 0) {
        // We just checked for new credentials but none were there, wait a minute and retry.
        // This handles the shutdown case where the staging directory may have been removed(see
        // SPARK-12316 for more details).
        delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
      } else {
        logInfo(s"Scheduling token refresh from HDFS in $timeFromNowToRenewal millis.")
          executorUpdaterRunnable, timeFromNowToRenewal, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    } catch {
      // Since the file may get deleted while we are reading it, catch the Exception and come
      // back in an hour to try again
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        logWarning("Error while trying to update credentials, will try again in 1 hour", e)
        delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
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在函数的开始获使用FileSystem.get(freshHadoopConf)获取remoteFs对象,其中freshHadoopConf的"fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache"设置为true,表示新生产一个FileSystem对象。这里其实很明显就是想让绕过9276 bug。但是很可惜,用的地方不对。在新生产这个对象的时候,ugi中保存的token其实还并没有被更新。随后读取hdfs中新的token,并更新到ugi当中。然后便调度下一个任务了。可以看到在更新token后,没有在new 一个FileSystem,所以ugi中的namenode token就得不到更新,因此还是会出现token过期问题。
hdfs delegation token过期问题分析到此结束。

