原索引 task1
的字段 title
字段包含单词 The,查询 the 可以查出 1200 篇文档。重建 task1
索引为 task1_new
,重建后的索引, title
字段查询 the 单词,不能匹配到任何文档。
PUT task1
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"title": {
"type": "text"
# 灌入数据
POST task1/_bulk
{"index": {}}
{"title": "the name"}
{"index": {}}
{"title": "the sex"}
{"index": {}}
{"title": "The age"}
{"index": {}}
{"title": "height"}
# 检查查询结果
GET task1/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "the"
# 新建索引结构,自定义分词器
PUT task1_new
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"my_custom_analyzer": {
"char_filter": [],
"tokenizer": "standard",
"filter": [
"filter": {
"my_custom_stop_words_filter": {
"type": "stop",
"ignore_case": true,
"stopwords": ["the" ]
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"title": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "my_custom_analyzer"
# 向新索引灌入数据
POST _reindex
"source": {
"index": "task1"
"dest": {
"index": "task1_new"
# 检查查询结果
GET task1_new/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "The"
索引 kibana_sample_data_flights
"FlightNum": "XLL6LDF",
"DestCountry": "ZA",
"OriginWeather": "Thunder & Lightning",
"OriginCityName": "Jebel Ali",
"AvgTicketPrice": 642.5951482867853,
"DistanceMiles": 3942.7713488567097,
"FlightDelay": false,
"DestWeather": "Damaging Wind",
"Dest": "OR Tambo International Airport",
"FlightDelayType": "No Delay",
"OriginCountry": "AE",
"dayOfWeek": 4,
"DistanceKilometers": 6345.275413654453,
"timestamp": "2024-05-10T06:09:09",
"DestLocation": {
"lat": "-26.1392",
"lon": "28.246"
"DestAirportID": "JNB",
"Carrier": "Logstash Airways",
"Cancelled": false,
"FlightTimeMin": 302.15597207878346,
"Origin": "Al Maktoum International Airport",
"OriginLocation": {
"lat": "24.896356",
"lon": "55.161389"
"DestRegion": "SE-BD",
"OriginAirportID": "DWC",
"OriginRegion": "SE-BD",
"DestCityName": "Johannesburg",
"FlightTimeHour": 5.035932867979724,
"FlightDelayMin": 0
GET kibana_sample_data_flights/_search
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"DestCountry": {
"value": "US"
"term": {
"FlightDelay": {
"value": "true"
"aggs": {
"DestCityName_bucket": {
"terms": { "field": "DestCityName" },
"aggs": {
"avg_FlightDelayMin": { "avg": { "field": "FlightDelayMin" } }
"max_monthly_sales": {
"max_bucket": {
"buckets_path": "DestCityName_bucket>avg_FlightDelayMin"
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