传统车牌检测和识别都是在小规模数据集上进行实验和测试,所获得的算法模型无法胜任环境多变、角度多样的车牌图像检测和识别任务。为此,中科大团队建立了CCPD数据集,这是一个用于车牌识别的大型国内停车场车牌数据集——CCPD(Chinese City Parking Dataset),数据集主要在合肥市的停车场采集得来,采集时间早上7:30到晚上10:00,手工标注车牌位置。拍摄的车牌照片涉及多种复杂环境,包括模糊、倾斜、阴雨天、雪天等等。CCPD数据集一共包含将近30万张图片。
类型 | 图片数 | 说明 |
ccpd_base | 199998 | 正常车牌 |
ccpd_challenge | 10006 | 比较有挑战的车牌 |
ccpd_db | 20001 | 光线较暗或较亮车牌 |
ccpd_fn | 19999 | 距离摄像头较远或较近 |
ccpd_np | 3036 | 没上牌的新车 |
ccpd_rotate | 9998 | 水平倾斜20-50度,垂直倾斜-10-10度 |
ccpd_tilt | 10000 | 水平倾斜15-45度,垂直倾斜-15-45度 |
ccpd_weather | 9999 | 雨天、雪天或大雾的车牌 |
总共283037张车牌图像 |
- 025:车牌区域占整个画面的比例;
- 95_113: 车牌水平和垂直角度, 水平95°, 竖直113°
- 154&383_386&473:标注框左上、右下坐标,左上(154, 383), 右下(386, 473)
- 86&473_177&454_154&383_363&402:标注框四个角点坐标,顺序为右下、左下、左上、右上
- 0_0_22_27_27_33_16:车牌号码映射关系如下: 第一个0为省份 对应省份字典provinces中的’皖’,;第二个0是该车所在地的地市一级代码,对应地市一级代码字典alphabets的’A’;后5位为字母和文字, 查看车牌号ads字典,如22为Y,27为3,33为9,16为S,最终车牌号码为皖AY339S
- 省份:[“皖”, “沪”, “津”, “渝”, “冀”, “晋”, “蒙”, “辽”, “吉”, “黑”, “苏”, “浙”, “京”, “闽”, “赣”, “鲁”, “豫”, “鄂”, “湘”, “粤”, “桂”, “琼”, “川”, “贵”, “云”, “藏”, “陕”, “甘”, “青”, “宁”, “新”]
- 地市:[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’, ‘H’, ‘J’, ‘K’, ‘L’, ‘M’, ‘N’, ‘P’, ‘Q’, ‘R’, ‘S’, ‘T’, ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘W’,‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’]
- 车牌号字典:[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’, ‘H’, ‘J’, ‘K’, ‘L’, ‘M’, ‘N’, ‘P’, ‘Q’, ‘R’, ‘S’, ‘T’, ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘W’, ‘X’,‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’]
- # -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- 代码需要用到pybaseutils工具,请使用pip安装即可:pip install pybaseutils
- """
- import os
- import cv2
- import numpy as np
- from tqdm import tqdm
- from pybaseutils import file_utils, image_utils
- def get_plate_licenses(plate):
- """
- 普通蓝牌共有7位字符;新能源车牌有8位字符: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%BD%A6%E7%89%8C/8347320?fr=aladdin
- 《新能源电动汽车牌照和普通牌照区别介绍》https://www.yoojia.com/ask/4-11906976349117851507.html
- 新能源汽车车牌可分为三部分:省份简称(1位汉字)十地方行政区代号(1位字母)十序号(6位)
- 字母“D”代表纯电动汽车;
- 字母“F”代表非纯电动汽车(包括插电式混合动力和燃料电池汽车等)。
- :param plate:
- :return:
- """
- provinces = ["皖", "沪", "津", "渝", "冀", "晋", "蒙", "辽", "吉", "黑", "苏", "浙", "京", "闽", "赣", "鲁", "豫", "鄂", "湘", "粤",
- "桂", "琼", "川", "贵", "云", "藏", "陕", "甘", "青", "宁", "新", "警", "学", "O"]
- alphabets = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V',
- 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'O']
- ads = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
- 'Y', 'Z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'O']
- result = [provinces[int(plate[0])], alphabets[int(plate[1])]]
- result += [ads[int(p)] for p in plate[2:]]
- result = "".join(result)
- # 新能源车牌的要求,如果不是新能源车牌可以删掉这个if
- # if result[2] != 'D' and result[2] != 'F' \
- # and result[-1] != 'D' and result[-1] != 'F':
- # print(plate)
- # print("Error label, Please check!")
- print(plate, result)
- return result
- def parser_annotations(image_file):
- """
- :param image_file: 图片路径
- :return: 返回标注信息info
- """
- filename = os.path.basename(image_file)
- try:
- annotations = filename.split("-")
- rate = annotations[0] # 车牌区域占整个画面的比例;
- angle = annotations[1].split("_") # 车牌水平和垂直角度, 水平95°, 竖直113°
- box = annotations[2].replace("&", "_").split("_") # 标注框左上、右下坐标,左上(154, 383), 右下(386, 473)
- point = annotations[3].replace("&", "_").split("_") # 标注框四个角点坐标,顺序为右下、左下、左上、右上
- plate = annotations[4].split("_") # licenses 标注框四个角点坐标,顺序为右下、左下、左上、右上
- plate = get_plate_licenses(plate)
- box = [int(b) for b in box]
- point = [int(b) for b in point]
- point = np.asarray(point).reshape(-1, 2)
- bboxes = [box]
- angles = [angle]
- points = [point]
- plates = [plate]
- labels = ["plate"] * len(bboxes)
- except Exception as e:
- bboxes = []
- points = []
- labels = []
- plates = []
- angles = []
- info = {"filename": filename, "bboxes": bboxes, "points": points,
- "labels": labels, "plates": plates, "angles": angles}
- return info
- def save_plate_licenses(image, bboxes, plates, out_dir, name=""):
- crops = image_utils.get_bboxes_crop(image, bboxes)
- for i in range(len(crops)):
- label = plates[i]
- # image_id = file_utils.get_time(format="p")
- file = os.path.join(out_dir, "{}_{}_{:0=3d}.jpg".format(label, name, i))
- file_utils.create_file_path(file)
- cv2.imwrite(file, crops[i])
- def converter_CCPD2voc(image_dir, vis=True):
- """
- 将CCPD数据集转换为VOC数据格式(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)
- :param image_dir: BITVehicle数据集图片(*.jpg)根目录
- :param annot_file: BITVehicle数据集标注文件VehicleInfo.mat
- :param out_voc: 输出VOC格式数据集目录
- :param vis: 是否可视化效果
- """
- print("image_dir :{}".format(image_dir))
- class_set = []
- image_list = file_utils.get_images_list(image_dir)
- for i, image_file in enumerate(tqdm(image_list)):
- info = parser_annotations(image_file)
- labels = info["labels"]
- bboxes = info["bboxes"]
- points = info["points"]
- plates = info["plates"]
- angles = info["angles"]
- image_name = info["filename"]
- print("i={},plates:{},angles(水平,垂直角度):{}".format(os.path.basename(image_file), plates, angles))
- if len(labels) == 0:
- continue
- image_name = os.path.basename(image_name)
- img_postfix = image_name.split(".")[-1]
- image_id = image_name[:-len(img_postfix) - 1]
- class_set = labels + class_set
- class_set = list(set(class_set))
- if not os.path.exists(image_file):
- print("not exist:{}".format(image_file))
- continue
- image = cv2.imread(image_file)
- if vis:
- image = image_utils.draw_image_bboxes_text(image, bboxes, plates, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=3,
- fontScale=1.2, drawType="chinese")
- # image = image_utils.draw_image_points_lines(image, points=points[0], line_color=(0, 0, 255))
- image_utils.cv_show_image("det", image, use_rgb=False, delay=0)
- print("class_set:{}".format(class_set))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- image_dir = "path/to/dataset/CCPD2020/ccpd_green/train"
- converter_CCPD2voc(image_dir, vis=True)
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