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[Android] ubuntu虚拟机上搭建 Waydroid 环境




Ubuntu/Debian and derivatives

For Droidian and Ubuntu Touch, skip directly to the last step

  • Install pre-requisites

sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y
  • Add the official repository

curl https://repo.waydro.id | sudo bash

If the script fails to detect your distribution, you can provide a valid option by appending -s <DISTRO>. Currently supported values are: focal, jammy, kinetic, lunar, mantic, bookworm, bullseye, sid

  • Install waydroid

sudo apt install waydroid -y

Then start Waydroid from the applications menu.


1. 启动container

sudo waydroid container start

2. 新开一个终端,创建一个session(不要使用sudo

waydroid session start


"Android with user 0 is ready"

3. 全屏模式启动Waydroid

waydroid show-full-ui


问题 1:如果是mobaxterm启动,可能会有如下问题

如果没有启动 session ,会有如下报错:

/home/yk# waydroid app install app-debug.apk
[16:15:09] WayDroid session is stopped

waydroid对于桌面协议有要求,只能是wayland,不能是 tty 和 x11,如果配置不当会出现如下错误:

ERROR: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: /usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: MoTTY X11 proxy: Unsupported authorisation protocol
Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.

 ERROR: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

更多类似问题:WAYLAND_DISPLAY is not set, defaulting to "wayland-0" · Issue #771 · waydroid/waydroid · GitHub

解决方法 :


  • 安装

sudo apt install weston

  • 启动,可以在tty终端中启动,比如MobaxTerm


  • 在弹出界面中点击左上角的terminal图标开启一个命令行终端
  • 启动session,只需要启动一次

waydroid session start

  • 开启lineageOS桌面

waydroid show-full-ui

  • lineageOS的左上角也有terminal启动图标,点击后安装apk

waydroid app install app.apk

  • adb连接waydroid android虚拟机

Grab waydroid IP address from Android Settings-> About

And start adb:

adb connect <IP>:5555

如果需要开发者权限,连续点击 setting->About->Build Num

问题2 :虚拟机使用 waydroid show-full-ui 没反应

如果使用虚拟机运行Waydroid或者是 Nvidia 显卡,则会出现 waydroid无法启动。

解决方法 :

You can force Waydroid to run without GPU acceleration by modifying the waydroid configuration file:

nano /var/lib/waydroid/waydroid.cfg

Add the following lines in the [properties] section:



Apply the configuration with:

sudo waydroid upgrade -o

 5.下载waydoird 对应的 lineage 源码&&编译 lineage 源码

1. 同步仓库:

repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-18.1 --git-lfs

repo sync build/make



2.下载 local_manifests

wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/waydroid/android_vendor_waydroid/lineage-18.1/manifest_scripts/generate-manifest.sh | bash

3. 下载源码,这步可能会要持续很久

Then to sync up:

repo sync

4. 打Waydroid的最新补丁

After that is complete, we apply the Waydroid patches:


5. 开始编译

Please see the LineageOS Wiki for building environment setup.

5.1 Waydroid Build Commands:

. build/envsetup.sh

5.2 lunch



lunch lineage_waydroid_arm-userdebug

lunch lineage_waydroid_arm64-userdebug


lunch lineage_waydroid_x86-userdebug

lunch lineage_waydroid_x86_64-userdebug

5.3 开始编译

make systemimage -j$(nproc --all)

make vendorimage -j$(nproc --all)

5.4 转换镜像为可以烧录的文件

Image Generation From Sparse Image:

The default output of the AOSP build system is an "Android Sparse Image". We need raw fileystems instead. From the same terminal where you just built a system and a vendor image, run:

simg2img $OUT/system.img ~/system.img

simg2img $OUT/vendor.img ~/vendor.img

to obtain your target raw images at ~/system.img and ~/vendor.img

6. 可能遇到的问题

Local Manifest:

To manually regenerate the local_manifests, we also have added a function to do so


After doing that you will want to resync (this will wipe out any local changes, so make sure you save your work to a different branch)


Compile Waydroid - Lineage OS based images - Waydroidicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://docs.waydro.id/development/compile-waydroid-lineage-os-based-images#how-to-build

6.替换自己编译的 lineage 镜像,替换原有 waydroid 默认android 镜像

6.1 创建镜像启动路径

sudo mkdir -p /etc/waydroid-extra/images

6.2 使用第五步编译好的镜像文件

cp vendor.img /etc/waydroid-extra/images

cp system.img /etc/waydroid-extra/images

注意:waydroid --version 1.3.3之前的版本,镜像存放路径为/usr/share/waydroid-extra/images/

6.2 使用第三方编译好的镜像文件

 download the images (e.g. x86_64 gapps system and mainline vendor) manually from sourceforge 

sudo unzip lineage-*-system.zip -d /etc/waydroid-extra/images

sudo unzip lineage-*-vendor.zip -d /etc/waydroid-extra/images

rm lineage-*-system.zip lineage-*-vendor.zip

6.3 重新加载镜像

sudo waydroid init -f

参考:Using custom Waydroid images - Waydroidicon-default.png?t=N7T8https://docs.waydro.id/faq/using-custom-waydroid-images

7. LineageOS 和 AOSP 版本对应关系

VersionAOSP versionLast build release date
18.111 (Red Velvet Cake)(Current)
19.112.1 (Snow Cone)(Current)
2013 (Tiramisu)(Current)
