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The competitiveness between web designers and developers has reached a crescendo. There are several ways to beat your competition. One is to have more knowledge and become an expert. Another is to get help from the tens of extremely useful web apps and services which are delivering outstanding results for its users.

网页设计师和开发人员之间的竞争已经达到了顶峰。 有几种击败竞争对手的方法。 一种是拥有更多的知识并成为专家。 另一个是从数十个极为有用的Web应用程序和服务中获得帮助,这些应用程序为其用户提供了出色的结果。

In this showcase, we’ll show you 25+ web resources which will help you day-by-day to build and complete your projects. You will save time and money by using them.

在此展示中,我们将向您展示25多个Web资源,这些资源将每天帮助您构建和完成您的项目。 使用它们可以节省时间和金钱。

Check the mini-reviews and start using these solutions.


1. Tickera – WordPress活动票务系统 (1. Tickera – WordPress Event Ticketing System)


Tickera is the most affordable, complete, professional and ultra-simple to use WordPress ticketing plugin on the market. Other than all the included features and great interface, a big advantage for Tickera is that it doesn’t take a cut from your profits — its strategy is to have a yearly cost plus a onetime fee, both numbers being small.

Tickera是市场上最实惠,最完整,最专业且最简单的WordPress票务插件。 除了所有包含的功能和出色的界面之外,Tickera的一大优势在于它不会减少您的利润-它的策略是每年收取一笔费用,但要一次性支付费用,这两个数字都很小。

Tickera allows you to check in attendees easily by using simple iPhone and Android mobile applications as well as barcode readers, or even its powerful premium platform-independent Chrome desktop application to speed up the whole check-in process. Create stunning floor plans of your venue to make it easier for your attendees to pick the best seat for your show. Make seating groups, standing areas, round or square tables, points of interest… anything you need, any way you like. Just pick, drag and drop — it is as simple as it sounds.

Tickera允许您使用简单的iPhone和Android移动应用程序以及条形码读取器,甚至是功能强大的独立于平台的高级Chrome桌面应用程序,轻松地签到与会者,从而加快整个签到过程。 在您的场地上创建令人惊叹的平面图,以使您的与会者更容易选择适合您演出的最佳座位。 设置座位组,站立区,圆桌或方桌,兴趣点……您所需的任何方式。 只需选择,拖放即可—听起来很简单。

This solution allows you to have a shopping cart where customers can buy any number of tickets at once. You can easily boost your sales by offering discount codes. Using the ticket builder, you can design fully customized tickets to differentiate the standard one from the VIP.

此解决方案使您可以拥有一个购物车,客户可以在该购物车中一次购买任意数量的门票。 您可以通过提供折扣代码轻松地提高销售量。 使用票证生成器,您可以设计完全定制的票证,以区分标准票证和VIP票证。

Pricing starts from $49 per year plus a one-time cost of $70, and it can be used forever, for any number of websites.


2. LayerSlider –响应式WordPress滑块插件 (2. LayerSlider – Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin)


LayerSlider is probably the best solution on the market to easily create stunning sliders, image galleries, slideshows with mind-blowing effects, landing pages, animated page blocks, or even a full website. LayerSlider can be used for WordPress – the cost is $24 with lifetime updates and 6 months support, and for jQuery where the cost is $15.

LayerSlider可能是市场上最好的解决方案,可轻松创建令人惊叹的滑块,图像库,具有令人难以置信的效果的幻灯片,目标网页,动画页面块,甚至是完整的网站。 LayerSlider可用于WordPress –费用为$ 24(具有终身更新和6个月的支持),而jQuery的费用为$ 15。

Using the drag and drop editor which is packed with tons of great features (preview mode, undo-redo, Photoshop-like image editor and others) you can fully customize the existing templates (personal and corporate themes) or start from scratch. It's super simple to use and professional results can be achieved by those without any coding experience or special knowledge.

使用具有大量功能(预览模式,撤消重做,类似Photoshop的图像编辑器等)的拖放编辑器,您可以完全自定义现有模板(个人和公司主题)或从头开始。 它非常简单易用,没有任何编码经验或特殊知识的人都可以得到专业的结果。

On their website, you will find lots of information that will help you and a dedicated, friendly support team which will quickly assist you.


3. Pagely –托管WordPress托管 (3. Pagely – Managed WordPress Hosting)


Pagely is a managed WordPress hosting solution that launched as the first of its kind to market 10 years ago. Since then, it has become a market leader using cutting-edge technology in its hosting stack, which is built upon Amazon Web Services. That means even more power and near infinite resources.

Pagely是一种托管的WordPress托管解决方案,该解决方案在10年前首次投放市场。 从那时起,它已成为在基于Amazon Web Services的托管堆栈中使用尖端技术的市场领导者。 这意味着更大的能力和接近无限的资源。

What was, and still is, different at Pagely is the human power. Since day one as pioneers in the market, they have worked hard to be kind to customers and competition alike and to always act with a conscience. Pagely continues to offer superior solutions for managed WordPress hosting with adaptive, seasoned engineers who consistently bring a flexible, friendly, and first-rate experience to customers, employees, and colleagues.

Pagely过去和现在的不同之处在于人力。 从成为市场先驱者的第一天起,他们就努力工作以对客户和竞争对手都友好,并始终以良心做事。 Pagely继续为经验丰富的自适应工程师提供出色的托管WordPress托管解决方案,这些工程师始终为客户,员工和同事带来灵活,友好和一流的体验。

4. Goodie –网站开发服务 (4. Goodie – Web Development Service)


Goodie is a professional web development service which will help you have a gorgeous website starting from $999. If you need more features than the basic package, you will receive an affordable quote from the developer you have selected. If your request is super-simple to realize, the web developer will add value to your project so every cent you have invested will be worthwhile.

Goodie是一款专业的网站开发服务,可帮助您拥有一个价格仅$ 999起的精美网站。 如果您需要的功能比基本软件包还多,您会从所选的开发人员处获得实惠的报价。 如果您的要求非常简单,那么Web开发人员将为您的项目增加价值,因此您投入的每一分钱都是值得的。

The team who built Goodie has been running small businesses for the last decade. They know how important it is to have people you can trust by your side. Goodie has 10 years of experience launching beautiful websites for businesses like yours.

在过去十年中,创建Goodie的团队一直在经营小型企业。 他们知道拥有可以信任的人是多么重要。 Goodie拥有10年为类似您的企业启动漂亮网站的经验。

5. Ultra –最强大的WordPress主题 (5. Ultra – the Most Powerful WordPress Theme)


The Themify Builder is the most powerful and easy-to-use page designer and builder for WordPress. Design any layout that you can imagine, bring it to life using the drag & drop interface, and watch it come together right in front of your eyes with live preview. Select, drag, and drop, and you have built beautiful pages — without any coding!

Themify Builder是WordPress最强大且易于使用的页面设计器和生成器。 设计您可以想象的任何布局,使用拖放界面将其变为现实,并通过实时预览将它们放到您的眼前。 选择,拖动和拖放,即可构建漂亮的页面-无需任何编码!

6. WPKube (6. WPKube)


WPKube is a professional WordPress theme developer which has invested a lot to deliver excellent templates on the market. All its themes are responsive, load fast, are SEO friendly and can be quickly customized to fit your project perfectly.

WPKube是专业的WordPress主题开发人员,已投入大量资金以在市场上提供出色的模板。 其所有主题都具有响应性,快速加载,对SEO友好并且可以快速自定义以完美适合您的项目。

7. Colorlib –应用 (7. Colorlib – Apply)


Optimized for ultra-fast speeds, SEO-friendly and pixel perfect, Apply is a free one-page WordPress theme that looks great. It has a modern and clean design that will be perfect for your next project. Download it and start customizing it.

针对超快速度进行了优化,对SEO友好且像素完美,Apply是免费的单页WordPress主题,看起来很棒。 它具有现代,简洁的设计,非常适合您的下一个项目。 下载并开始自定义。

8. 明信片 (8. Postcards)


With Postcards, you can quickly create beautiful and responsive emails using their professional and easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder which has more than 70 components. Making custom designs is easier than ever and you don't need coding skills or any special knowledge.

借助明信片,您可以使用其专业的,易于使用的拖放生成器(其中包含70多个组件)快速创建精美且响应Swift的电子邮件。 进行定制设计比以往任何时候都更加容易,并且您不需要编码技能或任何特殊知识。

Keep in mind that its template modules have been tested to render perfectly across all major email clients, with support on the popular web, desktop, and mobile platforms.


9. 幻灯片 (9. Slides)


Using Slides, you can get a beautiful site up and running in no time. Just choose slides you like and start tweaking the design — it is super simple to use, and excellent results will be achieved in minutes. Work efficiently from a clean code base that's easily understandable and highly customizable. You will never go back to the usual website builders after using slides.

使用幻灯片,您可以立即建立并运行一个漂亮的网站。 只需选择您喜欢的幻灯片并开始调整设计,它就超级简单易用,并在数分钟内即可获得出色的效果。 通过易于理解和高度可定制的干净代码库有效地工作。 使用幻灯片后,您将永远不会再回到通常的网站构建器中。

10. Codester (10. Codester)


Codester is a great marketplace for web designers, developers and for everybody who is looking to buy and sell PHP scripts, app templates, themes for different platforms, plugins and much more. There are thousands of products and the marketplace is quickly growing every month.

对于Web设计人员,开发人员以及所有希望买卖PHP脚本,应用程序模板,不同平台的主题,插件等等的人来说,Codester是一个绝佳的市场。 有成千上万种产品,市场每月都在快速增长。

11. 经络主题 (11. MeridianThemes)


MeridianThemes is a popular WordPress theme developer which creates pixel-perfect, multipurpose templates that can be fully customized in a couple of minutes to fit your projects. In its collection, you will find free and premium themes with mobile responsive designs, compatibility with the popular plugins and plenty of options. Check out Meridian’s portfolio.

MeridianThemes是一个受欢迎的WordPress主题开发人员,它创建像素完美的多用途模板,可以在几分钟内完全自定义以适合您的项目。 在其集合中,您将找到具有移动响应式设计的免费和高级主题,与流行的插件兼容,并且有很多选择。 查看Meridian的产品组合。

12. uiCookies –框架 (12. uiCookies – Frame)


Frame is a free HTML5 and multipurpose WordPress theme made by the highly reputed developer uiCookies. The one-page template is easy to customize, and it has a modern and clean design. You will improve your conversion rate once you start using Frame.

Frame是由知名开发人员uiCookies制作的免费HTML5和多功能WordPress主题。 一页模板易于定制,并且具有现代,简洁的设计。 开始使用Frame后,您将提高转换率。

13. LogoAI (13. LogoAI)


Whenever you are looking for a new logo design, but you don't want to spend a fortune, LogoAI is a great place to go. It uses artificial intelligence to create a professional logo design and you will get the file in multiple file formats, and with brand guidelines including colors and fonts. LogoAI delivers everything a designer would.

每当您正在寻找新的徽标设计但又不想花大价钱时,LogoAI都是一个不错的选择。 它使用人工智能来创建专业的徽标设计,您将获得多种文件格式的文件,并带有包括颜色和字体在内的品牌准则。 LogoAI提供了设计师想要的一切。

14. MailMunch (14. MailMunch)


MailMunch is a quick and popular way to capture leads from your website, with more than 50,000 websites using this solution every day. Choose from professionally designed themes that can fully match your website or blog and start converting. MailMunch offers a free-forever plan and the pricing per month starts from $15.

MailMunch是一种从网站捕获潜在客户的快速且流行的方法,每天有50,000多个网站使用此解决方案。 从可以完全匹配您的网站或博客的专业设计主题中进行选择,然后开始转换。 MailMunch提供永久免费的计划,每月价格从15美元起。

15. 字体 (15. WhatFontIs)


Looking for a new font? No matter what font are you searching for, WhatFontIs will show you over 60 similar free or commercial fonts. It's super simple to use and lightning fast. Its font match gen platform uses a unique artificial intelligence and it learns new fonts every day.

寻找新字体? 无论您搜索哪种字体,WhatFontIs都会为您显示60多种类似的免费或商业字体。 它超级简单易用,闪电般快速。 其字体匹配生成平台使用独特的人工智能,并且每天都在学习新字体。

16. 皮克斯帕 (16. Pixpa)


Pixpa is an all-in-one platform for photographers, artists, and designers. Get your online portfolio with built-in eCommerce, client proofing, and blogging tools, using Pixpa’s powerful drag-and-drop builder.

Pixpa是面向摄影师,艺术家和设计师的多功能平台。 使用Pixpa强大的拖放生成器,通过内置的电子商务,客户端校对和博客工具获取在线投资组合。

Try it for free for 15 days — you will be impressed.


17. 一流的网站建设者 (17. SuperbWebsiteBuilders)


SuperbWebsiteBuilders is a top-notch destination for users looking for a simple yet powerful web building solution. The website offers dozens of quality website builder reviews, unveiling the overview, characteristics, distinctive features, pros, and cons of well-known services. For users who cannot decide on the most suitable system, the website has a category containing comparisons of similar services as well as their ratings. The reviews and comparisons are updated on a regular basis.

SuperbWebsiteBuilders是寻求简单但功能强大的Web构建解决方案的用户的首选目的地。 该网站提供了数十条优质的网站建设者评论,其中揭示了知名服务的概述,特征,独特功能,优缺点。 对于无法确定最合适系统的用户,网站提供了一个类别,其中包含类似服务的比较及其评级。 评论和比较会定期更新。

18. uKit (18. uKit)


uKit is a fresh website builder that empowers businesses to create a professional looking website, be it a landing page, online business card, eCommerce site and more. The platform lets you get started free of charge and offers a wide library of designs that ensure a great multi-device viewing experience. Thanks to specialized built-in marketing and SEO tools for DIY website owners, creating a successful site has never been this easy!

uKit是一个全新的网站构建器,可让企业创建具有专业外观的网站,包括登录页面,在线名片,电子商务网站等。 该平台可让您免费入门,并提供广泛的设计库,可确保出色的多设备观看体验。 借助针对DIY网站所有者的专门内置营销和SEO工具,创建成功的网站从未如此简单!

19. uCalc (19. uCalc)


uCalc is a modern, yet robust web calculator designer that lets you create and embed calculators into your website, hassle-free. The building process is a piece of cake and doesn’t require any development skills. It doesn’t matter what you want to calculate, uCalc handles it all — be it a pizza delivery quote calculator, window cost calculator, estimating the volume of concrete for foundation or the body mass index.

uCalc是一个现代而强大的Web计算器设计器,可让您轻松创建计算器并将其嵌入到您的网站中。 构建过程是小菜一碟,不需要任何开发技能。 不管您要计算什么,uCalc都可以处理—可以是比萨送货报价计算器,橱窗成本计算器,估算基础混凝土体积或人体质量指数。

20. IM XPRS (20. IM XPRS)


IM XPRS is a website builder, which allows you to solve a broad array of web building tasks and launch different types of websites. The system offers a wide spectrum of responsive thematic templates and customization tools to give the templates the desired look. The website builder is absolutely free, yet it has a perfect White Label solution for advanced web designers and owners of large businesses.

IM XPRS是一个网站构建器,它使您可以解决各种各样的网站构建任务并启动不同类型的网站。 该系统提供了各种各样的响应式主题模板和定制工具,以使模板具有所需的外观。 该网站构建器是完全免费的,但它为高级网页设计师和大型企业所有者提供了完美的白标解决方案。

21. InvoiceBerry (21. InvoiceBerry)


InvoiceBerry is a complete invoicing solution for small companies and freelancers which can be quickly used to create and send fully customized invoices, track expenses, create reports, track payments and much more. They offer a free-forever plan which you can start using today.

InvoiceBerry是面向小型公司和自由职业者的完整的发票解决方案,可以快速用于创建和发送完全自定义的发票,跟踪费用,创建报告,跟踪付款等等。 他们提供了永久免费的计划,您可以从今天开始使用。

22. SalesMate (22. SalesMate)


SalesMate is an all-in-one CRM app which web designers and developers may use to increase their sales and manage all the information in one place. Focus on the right contacts, save critical info about them and have a better sales process. The pricing starts from $15/month.

SalesMate是一个多合一的CRM应用程序,Web设计人员和开发人员可以使用它来增加销售量并在一处管理所有信息。 关注正确的联系人,保存有关他们的关键信息,并改善销售过程。 价格从每月15美元起。

23. Ucraft (23. Ucraft)


Ucraft is a cloud-based website builder, with a range of features and tools that allows the creation of high-quality websites with stunning functionality. The service ensures an intuitive and simple web design process, which always triggers an excellent result. It is possible to build responsive websites to cover all your business and personal needs here. Special attention should be given to the Free Landing Page Creator the service offers, advanced Designer Tools and eCommerce engine for easy online store creation and management.

Ucraft是一个基于云的网站构建器,具有一系列功能和工具,可以创建具有惊人功能的高质量网站。 该服务可确保直观,简单的网页设计过程,始终可以触发出色的结果。 您可以在此处建立响应式网站来满足您的所有业务和个人需求。 应特别注意该服务提供的免费登陆页面创建者,高级设计器工具和电子商务引擎,以简化在线商店的创建和管理。

24. Controlio.net (24. Controlio.net)


Controlio is a popular computer and internet monitoring cloud-based software that allows you to track user activities on PC, remotely, from any location and device in 100% stealth mode. For small and medium companies they have a cost of $7.99 per user per month.

Controlio是一种流行的基于云的计算机和Internet监视软件,可让您以100%隐身模式从任何位置和设备远程跟踪PC上的用户活动。 对于中小型公司,每个用户每月的费用为$ 7.99。

25. EvergreenFeed (25. EvergreenFeed)


Using EvergreenFeed, you can put your social media presence on autopilot. It is as simple as it sounds, and you will save more than 5 hours every week. You add new posts by selecting the content, you choose the schedule for each social media account and you increase the reach by automatically posting the best content and the right times.

使用EvergreenFeed,您可以将社交媒体显示在自动驾驶仪上。 听起来很简单,您每周可以节省5个小时以上。 通过选择内容来添加新帖子,为每个社交媒体帐户选择时间表,并通过自动发布最佳内容和正确的时间来增加覆盖范围。

26. 取消编码 (26. Uncode)


Uncode is a powerful, multi-scope and pixel-perfect WordPress theme that will make your life easier and your projects better. Loaded with a drag-and-drop builder, tons of features and options, Uncode will be a perfect fit for your next project.

Uncode是一个强大的,多作用域和像素完美的WordPress主题,它将使您的生活更轻松,并且您的项目更好。 Uncode带有拖放生成器,大量功能和选项,将非常适合您的下一个项目。

27. RumbleTalk – WordPress社交聊天 (27. RumbleTalk – WordPress Social Chat)


RumbleTalk meets the needs of websites and companies to engage their website or event visitors in real-time chat as a group. It is proven that this is an easy and enjoyable way to quickly increase conversions.

RumbleTalk可以满足网站和公司的需求,以使他们的网站或事件访问者成为一组实时聊天。 事实证明,这是快速提高转化率的简便方法。

It is super simple to implement, and the results come fast.


结论 (Conclusion)

Whenever you are looking to get things done quickly while having excellent results, any of the above web resources are great options. Some of them have free trials or even free-forever plans, so testing them is easy and free of cost.

每当您希望快速完成工作并获得出色的结果时,上述任何Web资源都是不错的选择。 其中一些具有免费试用甚至永久免费的计划,因此对其进行测试既简单又免费。

As a final note, these web tools and services were manually selected and represent the best 26 web resources in the first quarter of 2018.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/25-web-resources-to-help-you-build-your-projects/


