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解决由于JDK引起的“Multiple Gradle deamons…”警告_project notepad is using the following jdk locatio

project notepad is using the following jdk location when running gradle

Android Studio有时会报“Multiple Gradle deamons…”警告:

Multiple Gradle daemons might be spawned because the Gradle JDK and JAVA_HOME locations are different. Project 'yhpx' is using the following JDK location when running Gradle: 'D:/jdk11_x64' The system environment variable JAVA_HOME is: 'D:\.jdks\openjdk-20.0.2' If you dont need to use different paths (or if JAVA_HOME is undefined), you can avoid spawning multiple daemons by setting JAVA_HOME and the JDK location to the same path.


The 'abc' project JDK configuration is now set through the #GRADLE_LOCAL_JAVA_HOME macro. This simplifies the JDK configuration experience and makes it more reliable. You can change this in the Gradle JDK settings.

这是由于Gradle使用的JDK和Android Studio使用的JDK不相同引起的。

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New macro to specify JDK path

#GRADLE_LOCAL_JAVA_HOME is a new macro that you can use to specify the JDK path. This makes it safer and easier to specify the Java home path used for the Gradle daemon (background process) execution for your project. The path selection is stored in the java.home field in the .gradle/config.properties file. Set this field through Gradle JDK settings in Android Studio: File (or Android Studio on macOS) > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle.

New projects will use #GRADLE_LOCAL_JAVA_HOME by default. Existing projects will automatically be migrated to the new macro after a successful sync unless you're already using a macro like #JAVA_HOME.

The main benefits of the new macro are as follows:

  • You can manually modify the JDK path to trigger sync without opening your project first.
  • Fewer errors related to incompatible Gradle and project JDK versions since there is a single source of truth for your Gradle JDK selection.


用于指定 JDK 路径的新宏

#GRADLE_LOCAL_JAVA_HOME 是一个新宏,可用于指定 JDK 路径。这样,您就可以更安全、更轻松地指定用于为项目执行 Gradle 守护程序(后台进程)的 Java 主路径。路径选择存储在 .gradle/config.properties 文件的 java.home 字段中。通过 Android Studio 中的 Gradle JDK 设置来设置此字段:File(在 macOS 上则依次选择 Android Studio> Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle

新项目将默认使用 #GRADLE_LOCAL_JAVA_HOME。成功同步后,现有项目将自动迁移到新宏,除非您已在使用类似 #JAVA_HOME 的宏。


  • 您可以手动修改 JDK 路径以触发同步,而无需先打开项目。
  • 与不兼容的 Gradle 和项目 JDK 版本相关的错误更少,因为 Gradle JDK 选择只有一个可信来源


