MIC 的指标解读
1.Sensitivity 灵敏度
麦克风是支持以声压信号为输入,最后转换为电信号的传感器。sensitivity是microphone 能够capture的最小声压信号,声压信号的单位为dBSPL.sensitivity 是ratio ,是模拟输出电压或者数字输出值对于输入的声压来说,也是模拟MIC和数字MIC的关键性参数。
analog vs digital
sensitivity 采用了一个94dBSPL/1Pa的声音输入为参考标准。人耳的声音阈值是20uPa,dBSPL=20log(P/Po),Po=20uPa,
analog mic 的sensitivity 采用对数dB来表示,以1V/Pa为参考标准,它的意义在于表述对于给定的声音dBSPL,Analog MIC会有多大的voltage output.
analog mic 信号经精准的前置放大增益,mic 的信号电平可以和系统或者电流的电平匹配起来。下图显示了mic 的peak out voltage Vmax和ADC 的full-scale input voltage Vin 在前置增益Vin/Vmax的配置下的对应关系。比如,ADMP504输出Vmax=0.25v,在4倍增益(12dB)的前置放大下,对应着ADC的full-scale 1.0V.
digital microphone sensitivity 不会很灵活,maximum acoustic input 决定了 灵敏度。灵敏度等于最大声压输入和94dBSPL 参考声压的差值。比如,数字mic的maxium SPL 是120dBSPL,它的sensitivity 就是94-120=-26dBFS.
对于数字话筒,灵敏度以百分比表示由94 dB SPL输入产生的满标度输出。对于数字话筒,转换方程为
Sensitivity dBFS=20log10(Sensitivity %FS/Output DREF)
Output DREF is full-scale digital output level.
Figure 2. Mapping acoustic input level to (a) voltage output
level for an analog microphone; (b) digital output level for
a digital microphone.
对于mic 选型的灵敏度考量
In near-field applications, such as cell phones, where the
microphone is close to the sound source, a microphone
with higher sensitivity is more likely to reach the maximum
acoustic input, clip, and cause distortion. On the other hand,
a higher sensitivity may be desirable in far-field applications,
such as conference phones and security cameras, where the
sound is attenuated as the distance from the source to the
microphone increases. Figure 3 shows how the distance of
the microphone from the sound source can affect the SPL.
The level of an acoustic signal decreases by 6 dB (one-half)
each time the distance from the source is doubled.
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