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elasticsearch源码分析-04集群状态发布_elasticsearch meta发布 下发 应用 提交 commit push send

elasticsearch meta发布 下发 应用 提交 commit push send





  • 索引的创建、删除、打开、关闭
  • 索引模板、映射、别名的变化
  • gateway模块发布选举出来的集群状态
  • 快照
  • 分片分配
  • 集群节点变化等


public <T extends ClusterStateTaskConfig & ClusterStateTaskExecutor<T> & ClusterStateTaskListener>
        void submitStateUpdateTask(String source, T updateTask) {
        submitStateUpdateTask(source, updateTask, updateTask, updateTask, updateTask);
public <T> void submitStateUpdateTask(String source, T task,
                                          ClusterStateTaskConfig config,
                                          ClusterStateTaskExecutor<T> executor,
                                          ClusterStateTaskListener listener) {
        submitStateUpdateTasks(source, Collections.singletonMap(task, listener), config, executor);

public <T> void submitStateUpdateTasks(final String source,
                                           final Map<T, ClusterStateTaskListener> tasks, final ClusterStateTaskConfig config,
                                           final ClusterStateTaskExecutor<T> executor) {
        masterService.submitStateUpdateTasks(source, tasks, config, executor);
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public abstract class ClusterStateUpdateTask
        implements ClusterStateTaskConfig, ClusterStateTaskExecutor<ClusterStateUpdateTask>, ClusterStateTaskListener {
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TimeValue timeout();
Priority priority();
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 ClusterTasksResult<T> execute(ClusterState currentState, List<T> tasks) throws Exception;
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     * A callback called when execute fails.
    void onFailure(String source, Exception e);

     * called when the task was rejected because the local node is no longer master.
     * Used only for tasks submitted to {@link MasterService}.
    default void onNoLongerMaster(String source) {
        onFailure(source, new NotMasterException("no longer master. source: [" + source + "]"));

     * Called when the result of the {@link ClusterStateTaskExecutor#execute(ClusterState, List)} have been processed
     * properly by all listeners.
    default void clusterStateProcessed(String source, ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState) {
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public <T> void submitStateUpdateTasks(final String source,
                                           final Map<T, ClusterStateTaskListener> tasks, final ClusterStateTaskConfig config,
                                           final ClusterStateTaskExecutor<T> executor) {
        if (!lifecycle.started()) {
        final ThreadContext threadContext = threadPool.getThreadContext();
        final Supplier<ThreadContext.StoredContext> supplier = threadContext.newRestorableContext(true);
        try (ThreadContext.StoredContext ignore = threadContext.stashContext()) {
            List<Batcher.UpdateTask> safeTasks = tasks.entrySet().stream()
                .map(e -> taskBatcher.new UpdateTask(config.priority(), source, e.getKey(), safe(e.getValue(), supplier), executor))
            taskBatcher.submitTasks(safeTasks, config.timeout());
        } catch (EsRejectedExecutionException e) {
            // ignore cases where we are shutting down..., there is really nothing interesting
            // to be done here...
            if (!lifecycle.stoppedOrClosed()) {
                throw e;
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public void submitTasks(List<? extends BatchedTask> tasks, @Nullable TimeValue timeout) throws EsRejectedExecutionException {
        if (tasks.isEmpty()) {
        final BatchedTask firstTask = tasks.get(0);
        assert tasks.stream().allMatch(t -> t.batchingKey == firstTask.batchingKey) :
            "tasks submitted in a batch should share the same batching key: " + tasks;
        // convert to an identity map to check for dups based on task identity
        final Map<Object, BatchedTask> tasksIdentity = tasks.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
            (a, b) -> { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot add duplicate task: " + a); },

        synchronized (tasksPerBatchingKey) {
            LinkedHashSet<BatchedTask> existingTasks = tasksPerBatchingKey.computeIfAbsent(firstTask.batchingKey,
                k -> new LinkedHashSet<>(tasks.size()));
            for (BatchedTask existing : existingTasks) {
                // check that there won't be two tasks with the same identity for the same batching key
                BatchedTask duplicateTask = tasksIdentity.get(existing.getTask());
                if (duplicateTask != null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("task [" + duplicateTask.describeTasks(
                        Collections.singletonList(existing)) + "] with source [" + duplicateTask.source + "] is already queued");
        if (timeout != null) {
            threadExecutor.execute(firstTask, timeout, () -> onTimeoutInternal(tasks, timeout));
        } else {
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class UpdateTask extends BatchedTask {
            final ClusterStateTaskListener listener;

            UpdateTask(Priority priority, String source, Object task, ClusterStateTaskListener listener,
                       ClusterStateTaskExecutor<?> executor) {
                super(priority, source, executor, task);
                this.listener = listener;

            public String describeTasks(List<? extends BatchedTask> tasks) {
                return ((ClusterStateTaskExecutor<Object>) batchingKey).describeTasks(
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public void run() {
void runIfNotProcessed(BatchedTask updateTask) {
        //具有相同batching key的任务只会执行一次
        if (updateTask.processed.get() == false) {
            final List<BatchedTask> toExecute = new ArrayList<>();
            final Map<String, List<BatchedTask>> processTasksBySource = new HashMap<>();
            synchronized (tasksPerBatchingKey) {
                LinkedHashSet<BatchedTask> pending = tasksPerBatchingKey.remove(updateTask.batchingKey);
                if (pending != null) {
                    for (BatchedTask task : pending) {
                        if (task.processed.getAndSet(true) == false) {
                            logger.trace("will process {}", task);
                            processTasksBySource.computeIfAbsent(task.source, s -> new ArrayList<>()).add(task);
                        } else {
                            logger.trace("skipping {}, already processed", task);

            if (toExecute.isEmpty() == false) {
                final String tasksSummary = processTasksBySource.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> {
                    String tasks = updateTask.describeTasks(entry.getValue());
                    return tasks.isEmpty() ? entry.getKey() : entry.getKey() + "[" + tasks + "]";
                }).reduce((s1, s2) -> s1 + ", " + s2).orElse("");
                run(updateTask.batchingKey, toExecute, tasksSummary);
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        protected void run(Object batchingKey, List<? extends BatchedTask> tasks, String tasksSummary) {
            ClusterStateTaskExecutor<Object> taskExecutor = (ClusterStateTaskExecutor<Object>) batchingKey;
            List<UpdateTask> updateTasks = (List<UpdateTask>) tasks;
            runTasks(new TaskInputs(taskExecutor, updateTasks, tasksSummary));
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private void runTasks(TaskInputs taskInputs) {
        final String summary = taskInputs.summary;
        if (!lifecycle.started()) {
            logger.debug("processing [{}]: ignoring, master service not started", summary);

        logger.debug("executing cluster state update for [{}]", summary);
        final ClusterState previousClusterState = state();
        if (!previousClusterState.nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster() && taskInputs.runOnlyWhenMaster()) {
            logger.debug("failing [{}]: local node is no longer master", summary);

        final long computationStartTime = threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis();
        final TaskOutputs taskOutputs = calculateTaskOutputs(taskInputs, previousClusterState);
        final TimeValue computationTime = getTimeSince(computationStartTime);
        logExecutionTime(computationTime, "compute cluster state update", summary);

        if (taskOutputs.clusterStateUnchanged()) {
            final long notificationStartTime = threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis();
            final TimeValue executionTime = getTimeSince(notificationStartTime);
            logExecutionTime(executionTime, "notify listeners on unchanged cluster state", summary);
        } else {//集群状态发生改变
            final ClusterState newClusterState = taskOutputs.newClusterState;
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.trace("cluster state updated, source [{}]\n{}", summary, newClusterState);
            } else {
                logger.debug("cluster state updated, version [{}], source [{}]", newClusterState.version(), summary);
            final long publicationStartTime = threadPool.relativeTimeInMillis();
            try {
                ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent = new ClusterChangedEvent(summary, newClusterState, previousClusterState);
                // new cluster state, notify all listeners
                final DiscoveryNodes.Delta nodesDelta = clusterChangedEvent.nodesDelta();
                if (nodesDelta.hasChanges() && logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                    String nodesDeltaSummary = nodesDelta.shortSummary();
                    if (nodesDeltaSummary.length() > 0) {
                        logger.info("{}, term: {}, version: {}, delta: {}",
                            summary, newClusterState.term(), newClusterState.version(), nodesDeltaSummary);

                logger.debug("publishing cluster state version [{}]", newClusterState.version());
                publish(clusterChangedEvent, taskOutputs, publicationStartTime);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                handleException(summary, publicationStartTime, newClusterState, e);
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private TaskOutputs calculateTaskOutputs(TaskInputs taskInputs, ClusterState previousClusterState) {
        ClusterTasksResult<Object> clusterTasksResult = executeTasks(taskInputs, previousClusterState);
        ClusterState newClusterState = patchVersions(previousClusterState, clusterTasksResult);
        return new TaskOutputs(taskInputs, previousClusterState, newClusterState, getNonFailedTasks(taskInputs, clusterTasksResult),
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private ClusterTasksResult<Object> executeTasks(TaskInputs taskInputs, ClusterState previousClusterState) {
        ClusterTasksResult<Object> clusterTasksResult;
        try {
            List<Object> inputs = taskInputs.updateTasks.stream().map(tUpdateTask -> tUpdateTask.task).collect(Collectors.toList());
            clusterTasksResult = taskInputs.executor.execute(previousClusterState, inputs);
            if (previousClusterState != clusterTasksResult.resultingState &&
                previousClusterState.nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster() &&
                (clusterTasksResult.resultingState.nodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster() == false)) {
                throw new AssertionError("update task submitted to MasterService cannot remove master");
        } catch (Exception e) {
               clusterTasksResult = ClusterTasksResult.builder()
                .failures(taskInputs.updateTasks.stream().map(updateTask -> updateTask.task)::iterator, e)
        return clusterTasksResult;
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ClusterTasksResult<T> execute(ClusterState currentState, List<T> tasks) throws Exception;
    public final ClusterTasksResult<ClusterStateUpdateTask> execute(ClusterState currentState, List<ClusterStateUpdateTask> tasks)
            throws Exception {
        ClusterState result = execute(currentState);
        return ClusterTasksResult.<ClusterStateUpdateTask>builder().successes(tasks).build(result);

        public void onSuccess(final ClusterState recoveredState) {
            logger.trace("successful state recovery, importing cluster state...");
                new RecoverStateUpdateTask() {
                public ClusterState execute(final ClusterState currentState) {
                    final ClusterState updatedState = ClusterStateUpdaters.mixCurrentStateAndRecoveredState(currentState, recoveredState);
                    return super.execute(ClusterStateUpdaters.recoverClusterBlocks(updatedState));

        public ClusterState execute(final ClusterState currentState) {
            if (currentState.blocks().hasGlobalBlock(STATE_NOT_RECOVERED_BLOCK) == false) {
                logger.debug("cluster is already recovered");
                return currentState;
            final ClusterState newState = Function.<ClusterState>identity()
            return allocationService.reroute(newState, "state recovered");
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private ClusterState patchVersions(ClusterState previousClusterState, ClusterTasksResult<?> executionResult) {
        ClusterState newClusterState = executionResult.resultingState;

        if (previousClusterState != newClusterState) {
            // only the master controls the version numbers
            Builder builder = incrementVersion(newClusterState);
            if (previousClusterState.routingTable() != newClusterState.routingTable()) {
                    .version(newClusterState.routingTable().version() + 1).build());
            if (previousClusterState.metadata() != newClusterState.metadata()) {
                builder.metadata(Metadata.builder(newClusterState.metadata()).version(newClusterState.metadata().version() + 1));

            newClusterState = builder.build();

        return newClusterState;
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publish(clusterChangedEvent, taskOutputs, publicationStartTime);
protected void publish(ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent, TaskOutputs taskOutputs, long startTimeMillis) {
        final PlainActionFuture<Void> fut = new PlainActionFuture<Void>() {
            protected boolean blockingAllowed() {
                return isMasterUpdateThread() || super.blockingAllowed();
        clusterStatePublisher.publish(clusterChangedEvent, fut, taskOutputs.createAckListener(threadPool, clusterChangedEvent.state()));

        // indefinitely wait for publication to complete
        try {
            onPublicationSuccess(clusterChangedEvent, taskOutputs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            onPublicationFailed(clusterChangedEvent, taskOutputs, startTimeMillis, e);
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    public void publish(ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent, ActionListener<Void> publishListener, AckListener ackListener) {
        ClusterState newState = clusterChangedEvent.state();
        assert newState.getNodes().isLocalNodeElectedMaster() : "Shouldn't publish state when not master " + clusterChangedEvent.source();

        try {

            // state got changed locally (maybe because another master published to us)
            if (clusterChangedEvent.previousState() != this.committedState.get()) {
                throw new FailedToCommitClusterStateException("state was mutated while calculating new CS update");

            publishClusterState.publish(clusterChangedEvent, electMaster.minimumMasterNodes(), ackListener);
        } catch (FailedToCommitClusterStateException t) {
            // cluster service logs a WARN message
            logger.debug("failed to publish cluster state version [{}] (not enough nodes acknowledged, min master nodes [{}])",
                newState.version(), electMaster.minimumMasterNodes());

            synchronized (stateMutex) {
                    new ElasticsearchException("failed to publish cluster state"));



        final DiscoveryNode localNode = newState.getNodes().getLocalNode();
        final AtomicBoolean processedOrFailed = new AtomicBoolean();
            new PendingClusterStatesQueue.StateProcessedListener() {
                public void onNewClusterStateProcessed() {
                    ackListener.onNodeAck(localNode, null);

                public void onNewClusterStateFailed(Exception e) {
                    ackListener.onNodeAck(localNode, e);
                    logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                            "failed while applying cluster state locally [{}]", clusterChangedEvent.source()), e);

        synchronized (stateMutex) {
            if (clusterChangedEvent.previousState() != this.committedState.get()) {
                        new FailedToCommitClusterStateException("local state was mutated while CS update was published to other nodes")
            boolean sentToApplier = processNextCommittedClusterState("master " + newState.nodes().getMasterNode() +
                " committed version [" + newState.version() + "] source [" + clusterChangedEvent.source() + "]");
            if (sentToApplier == false && processedOrFailed.get() == false) {
                assert false : "cluster state published locally neither processed nor failed: " + newState;
                logger.warn("cluster state with version [{}] that is published locally has neither been processed nor failed",
                publishListener.onFailure(new FailedToCommitClusterStateException("cluster state that is published locally has neither " +
                        "been processed nor failed"));
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public void publish(final ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent, final int minMasterNodes,
                        final Discovery.AckListener ackListener) throws FailedToCommitClusterStateException {
        final DiscoveryNodes nodes;
        final SendingController sendingController;
        final Set<DiscoveryNode> nodesToPublishTo;
        final Map<Version, BytesReference> serializedStates;
        final Map<Version, BytesReference> serializedDiffs;
        final boolean sendFullVersion;
        try {
            nodes = clusterChangedEvent.state().nodes();
            nodesToPublishTo = new HashSet<>(nodes.getSize());
            DiscoveryNode localNode = nodes.getLocalNode();
            final int totalMasterNodes = nodes.getMasterNodes().size();
            for (final DiscoveryNode node : nodes) {
                if (node.equals(localNode) == false) {
            sendFullVersion = !discoverySettings.getPublishDiff() || clusterChangedEvent.previousState() == null;
            serializedStates = new HashMap<>();
            serializedDiffs = new HashMap<>();

            // we build these early as a best effort not to commit in the case of error.
            // sadly this is not water tight as it may that a failed diff based publishing to a node
            // will cause a full serialization based on an older version, which may fail after the
            // change has been committed.
            buildDiffAndSerializeStates(clusterChangedEvent.state(), clusterChangedEvent.previousState(),
                    nodesToPublishTo, sendFullVersion, serializedStates, serializedDiffs);
            final BlockingClusterStatePublishResponseHandler publishResponseHandler =
                new AckClusterStatePublishResponseHandler(nodesToPublishTo, ackListener);
            sendingController = new SendingController(clusterChangedEvent.state(), minMasterNodes,
                totalMasterNodes, publishResponseHandler);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new FailedToCommitClusterStateException("unexpected error while preparing to publish", e);

        try {
            innerPublish(clusterChangedEvent, nodesToPublishTo, sendingController, ackListener, sendFullVersion, serializedStates,
        } catch (FailedToCommitClusterStateException t) {
            throw t;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // try to fail committing, in cause it's still on going
            if (sendingController.markAsFailed("unexpected error", e)) {
                // signal the change should be rejected
                throw new FailedToCommitClusterStateException("unexpected error", e);
            } else {
                throw e;
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private void buildDiffAndSerializeStates(ClusterState clusterState, ClusterState previousState, Set<DiscoveryNode> nodesToPublishTo,
                                             boolean sendFullVersion, Map<Version, BytesReference> serializedStates,
                                             Map<Version, BytesReference> serializedDiffs) {
        Diff<ClusterState> diff = null;
        for (final DiscoveryNode node : nodesToPublishTo) {
            try {
                if (sendFullVersion || !previousState.nodes().nodeExists(node)) {
                    // will send a full reference
                    if (serializedStates.containsKey(node.getVersion()) == false) {
                        serializedStates.put(node.getVersion(), serializeFullClusterState(clusterState, node.getVersion()));
                } else {
                    // will send a diff
                    if (diff == null) {
                        diff = clusterState.diff(previousState);
                    if (serializedDiffs.containsKey(node.getVersion()) == false) {
                        serializedDiffs.put(node.getVersion(), serializeDiffClusterState(diff, node.getVersion()));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to serialize cluster_state for publishing to node {}", e, node);
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  • push阶段发送集群状态数据
private void innerPublish(final ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent, final Set<DiscoveryNode> nodesToPublishTo,
                              final SendingController sendingController, final Discovery.AckListener ackListener,
                              final boolean sendFullVersion, final Map<Version, BytesReference> serializedStates,
                              final Map<Version, BytesReference> serializedDiffs) {

        final ClusterState clusterState = clusterChangedEvent.state();
        final ClusterState previousState = clusterChangedEvent.previousState();
        final TimeValue publishTimeout = discoverySettings.getPublishTimeout();
        final long publishingStartInNanos = System.nanoTime();
        for (final DiscoveryNode node : nodesToPublishTo) {
            // try and serialize the cluster state once (or per version), so we don't serialize it
            // per node when we send it over the wire, compress it while we are at it...
            // we don't send full version if node didn't exist in the previous version of cluster state
            if (sendFullVersion || !previousState.nodes().nodeExists(node)) {
                sendFullClusterState(clusterState, serializedStates, node, publishTimeout, sendingController);
            } else {
                sendClusterStateDiff(clusterState, serializedDiffs, serializedStates, node, publishTimeout, sendingController);

        final long commitTime = System.nanoTime() - publishingStartInNanos;


        try {
            long timeLeftInNanos = Math.max(0, publishTimeout.nanos() - commitTime);
            final BlockingClusterStatePublishResponseHandler publishResponseHandler = sendingController.getPublishResponseHandler();
            if (sendingController.getPublishingTimedOut()) {
                DiscoveryNode[] pendingNodes = publishResponseHandler.pendingNodes();
                // everyone may have just responded
                if (pendingNodes.length > 0) {
                    logger.warn("timed out waiting for all nodes to process published state [{}] (timeout [{}], pending nodes: {})",
                        clusterState.version(), publishTimeout, pendingNodes);
            // The failure is logged under debug when a sending failed. we now log a summary.
            Set<DiscoveryNode> failedNodes = publishResponseHandler.getFailedNodes();
            if (failedNodes.isEmpty() == false) {
                logger.warn("publishing cluster state with version [{}] failed for the following nodes: [{}]",
                    clusterChangedEvent.state().version(), failedNodes);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // ignore & restore interrupt
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private void sendClusterStateToNode(final ClusterState clusterState, BytesReference bytes,
                                        final DiscoveryNode node,
                                        final TimeValue publishTimeout,
                                        final SendingController sendingController,
                                        final boolean sendDiffs, final Map<Version, BytesReference> serializedStates) {
        try {
            transportService.sendRequest(node, SEND_ACTION_NAME,
                    new BytesTransportRequest(bytes, node.getVersion()),
                    new EmptyTransportResponseHandler(ThreadPool.Names.SAME) {

                        public void handleResponse(TransportResponse.Empty response) {
                            if (sendingController.getPublishingTimedOut()) {
                                logger.debug("node {} responded for cluster state [{}] (took longer than [{}])", node,
                                    clusterState.version(), publishTimeout);

                        public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
                            if (sendDiffs && exp.unwrapCause() instanceof IncompatibleClusterStateVersionException) {
                                logger.debug("resending full cluster state to node {} reason {}", node, exp.getDetailedMessage());
                                sendFullClusterState(clusterState, serializedStates, node, publishTimeout, sendingController);
                            } else {
                                logger.debug(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to send cluster state to {}", node), exp);
                                sendingController.onNodeSendFailed(node, exp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("error sending cluster state to {}", node), e);
            sendingController.onNodeSendFailed(node, e);
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        transportService.registerRequestHandler(SEND_ACTION_NAME, ThreadPool.Names.SAME, false, false, BytesTransportRequest::new,
            new SendClusterStateRequestHandler());

private class SendClusterStateRequestHandler implements TransportRequestHandler<BytesTransportRequest> {

        public void messageReceived(BytesTransportRequest request, final TransportChannel channel, Task task) throws Exception {
            handleIncomingClusterStateRequest(request, channel);

protected void handleIncomingClusterStateRequest(BytesTransportRequest request, TransportChannel channel) throws IOException {
        Compressor compressor = CompressorFactory.compressor(request.bytes());
        StreamInput in = request.bytes().streamInput();
        final ClusterState incomingState;
        synchronized (lastSeenClusterStateMutex) {
            try {
                if (compressor != null) {
                    in = compressor.streamInput(in);
                in = new NamedWriteableAwareStreamInput(in, namedWriteableRegistry);
                // If true we received full cluster state - otherwise diffs
                if (in.readBoolean()) {
                    incomingState = ClusterState.readFrom(in, transportService.getLocalNode());
                    logger.debug("received full cluster state version [{}] with size [{}]", incomingState.version(),
                } else if (lastSeenClusterState != null) {
                    Diff<ClusterState> diff = ClusterState.readDiffFrom(in, lastSeenClusterState.nodes().getLocalNode());
                    incomingState = diff.apply(lastSeenClusterState);
                    logger.debug("received diff cluster state version [{}] with uuid [{}], diff size [{}]",
                        incomingState.version(), incomingState.stateUUID(), request.bytes().length());
                } else {
                    logger.debug("received diff for but don't have any local cluster state - requesting full state");
                    throw new IncompatibleClusterStateVersionException("have no local cluster state");
            } catch (IncompatibleClusterStateVersionException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.warn("unexpected error while deserializing an incoming cluster state", e);
                throw e;
            } finally {
            lastSeenClusterState = incomingState;
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public synchronized void onNodeSendAck(DiscoveryNode node) {
            if (committed) {//提交状态
                assert sendAckedBeforeCommit.isEmpty();
                sendCommitToNode(node, clusterState, this);
            } else if (committedOrFailed()) {
                logger.trace("ignoring ack from [{}] for cluster state version [{}]. already failed", node, clusterState.version());
            } else {
                // we're still waiting
                if (node.isMasterNode()) {

        private synchronized void checkForCommitOrFailIfNoPending(DiscoveryNode masterNode) {
            logger.trace("master node {} acked cluster state version [{}]. processing ... (current pending [{}], needed [{}])",
                    masterNode, clusterState.version(), pendingMasterNodes, neededMastersToCommit);
            if (neededMastersToCommit == 0) {
                if (markAsCommitted()) {
                    for (DiscoveryNode nodeToCommit : sendAckedBeforeCommit) {
                        sendCommitToNode(nodeToCommit, clusterState, this);
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  • commit阶段


private void sendCommitToNode(final DiscoveryNode node, final ClusterState clusterState, final SendingController sendingController) {
        try {
            logger.trace("sending commit for cluster state (uuid: [{}], version [{}]) to [{}]",
                clusterState.stateUUID(), clusterState.version(), node);
            transportService.sendRequest(node, COMMIT_ACTION_NAME,
                    new CommitClusterStateRequest(clusterState.stateUUID()),
                    new EmptyTransportResponseHandler(ThreadPool.Names.SAME) {

                        public void handleResponse(TransportResponse.Empty response) {
                            if (sendingController.getPublishingTimedOut()) {
                                logger.debug("node {} responded to cluster state commit [{}]", node, clusterState.version());

                        public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
                            logger.debug(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to commit cluster state (uuid [{}], version [{}]) to {}",
                                    clusterState.stateUUID(), clusterState.version(), node), exp);
                            sendingController.getPublishResponseHandler().onFailure(node, exp);
        } catch (Exception t) {
            logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("error sending cluster state commit (uuid [{}], version [{}]) to {}",
                    clusterState.stateUUID(), clusterState.version(), node), t);
            sendingController.getPublishResponseHandler().onFailure(node, t);
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        transportService.registerRequestHandler(COMMIT_ACTION_NAME, ThreadPool.Names.SAME, false, false, CommitClusterStateRequest::new,
            new CommitClusterStateRequestHandler());

    private class CommitClusterStateRequestHandler implements TransportRequestHandler<CommitClusterStateRequest> {
        public void messageReceived(CommitClusterStateRequest request, final TransportChannel channel, Task task) throws Exception {
            handleCommitRequest(request, channel);
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    public void onClusterStateCommitted(String stateUUID, ActionListener<Void> processedListener) {
        final ClusterState state = pendingStatesQueue.markAsCommitted(stateUUID,
            new PendingClusterStatesQueue.StateProcessedListener() {
                public void onNewClusterStateProcessed() {

                public void onNewClusterStateFailed(Exception e) {
        if (state != null) {
            synchronized (stateMutex) {
                processNextCommittedClusterState("master " + state.nodes().getMasterNode() +
                    " committed version [" + state.version() + "]");

        clusterApplier.onNewClusterState("apply cluster state (from master [" + reason + "])",
            new ClusterApplyListener() {
                public void onSuccess(String source) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        onFailure(source, e);

                public void onFailure(String source, Exception e) {
                    logger.error(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("unexpected failure applying [{}]", reason), e);
                    try {
                        // TODO: use cluster state uuid instead of full cluster state so that we don't keep reference to CS around
                        // for too long.
                        pendingStatesQueue.markAsFailed(newClusterState, e);
                    } catch (Exception inner) {
                        logger.error(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("unexpected exception while failing [{}]", reason), inner);
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private void runTask(UpdateTask task) {
        if (!lifecycle.started()) {
            logger.debug("processing [{}]: ignoring, cluster applier service not started", task.source);

        logger.debug("processing [{}]: execute", task.source);
        final ClusterState previousClusterState = state.get();
        long startTimeMS = currentTimeInMillis();
        final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
        final ClusterState newClusterState;
        try {
            try (Releasable ignored = stopWatch.timing("running task [" + task.source + ']')) {
                newClusterState = task.apply(previousClusterState);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            TimeValue executionTime = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(Math.max(0, currentTimeInMillis() - startTimeMS));
            logger.trace(() -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                "failed to execute cluster state applier in [{}], state:\nversion [{}], source [{}]\n{}",
                executionTime, previousClusterState.version(), task.source, previousClusterState), e);
            warnAboutSlowTaskIfNeeded(executionTime, task.source, stopWatch);
            task.listener.onFailure(task.source, e);

        if (previousClusterState == newClusterState) {
            TimeValue executionTime = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(Math.max(0, currentTimeInMillis() - startTimeMS));
            logger.debug("processing [{}]: took [{}] no change in cluster state", task.source, executionTime);
            warnAboutSlowTaskIfNeeded(executionTime, task.source, stopWatch);
        } else {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("cluster state updated, version [{}], source [{}]\n{}", newClusterState.version(), task.source,
            } else {
                logger.debug("cluster state updated, version [{}], source [{}]", newClusterState.version(), task.source);
            try {
                applyChanges(task, previousClusterState, newClusterState, stopWatch);
                TimeValue executionTime = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(Math.max(0, currentTimeInMillis() - startTimeMS));
                logger.debug("processing [{}]: took [{}] done applying updated cluster state (version: {}, uuid: {})", task.source,
                    executionTime, newClusterState.version(),
                warnAboutSlowTaskIfNeeded(executionTime, task.source, stopWatch);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                TimeValue executionTime = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(Math.max(0, currentTimeInMillis() - startTimeMS));
                assert applicationMayFail();
                task.listener.onFailure(task.source, e);
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callClusterStateAppliers(clusterChangedEvent, stopWatch);
private void callClusterStateAppliers(ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent, StopWatch stopWatch) {
        clusterStateAppliers.forEach(applier -> {
            logger.trace("calling [{}] with change to version [{}]", applier, clusterChangedEvent.state().version());
            try (Releasable ignored = stopWatch.timing("running applier [" + applier + "]")) {
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callClusterStateListeners(clusterChangedEvent, stopWatch);
    private void callClusterStateListeners(ClusterChangedEvent clusterChangedEvent, StopWatch stopWatch) {
        Stream.concat(clusterStateListeners.stream(), timeoutClusterStateListeners.stream()).forEach(listener -> {
            try {
                logger.trace("calling [{}] with change to version [{}]", listener, clusterChangedEvent.state().version());
                try (Releasable ignored = stopWatch.timing("notifying listener [" + listener + "]")) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.warn("failed to notify ClusterStateListener", ex);
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