Academic English Writing:Planning what to write--using a mind map or concept map
Welcome back to the share on academic writing and editing. Today, we are going to talk about the hardest things to do in writing: figuring out what to write about. Here we will introduce you to one of the methods I like to use called a mind map or concept map.
Mind Maps
What are mind maps? Mind maps--also called concept maps--are visualization techniques where you write the central idea in the middle of the paper and tray to brain storm related ideas. You put those related ideas as branches around the main idea and you form connections and relationships around them. It helps you visualize what you want to write about and helps to think about your whole topic.
I use them when I plan to write anything. They help me organize my thoughts. If I sit down and write an article about something, my thoughts are all over the place. Writing a mind map helps me visualize how things relate to each other and helps me come up with a basic organizational structure for what eventually becomes my written document. Furthermore, getting all your thoughts in a picture helps you view the complexities in the issue that you can then capture in your written document.
当我打算写些东西时,我会使用这一方法。它们可以帮助我整理思绪。如果我 坐下想撰写一篇文章,我便会浮想联翩到很多想法。书写思维导图可以帮助我联想事物之间的相互关系并且能够帮助我做出一个基本的组织框架,最终形成我的书面文档。同时,将你的所有想法收集到一幅图片,这样可以帮助你查看问题的复杂性,之后可以在书面文件中捕捉到相关信息。
We drew up a mind map for today’s share and here is an example of what one looks like. We will go into more detail of this, but this just gives you an overall picture of how to approach it and what it is.
Creating a mind map
To create a mind map, you write your main idea in the center of the paper. Some people use something as big as a white board or a chalk board if they have a lot of things to say. The other ideas radiate out from that main idea. You just continue branching and grouping until you have all the important parts of what you are going to write or say down in your mind gap. Here are some tips. It helps you think creatively.
You can even use things like colors, shapes, symbols and drawings in your mind maps to help the other parts of your brain get involved. I like to use large unlined paper that gives me plenty of room and just go out from the central idea and keep on branching until I have everything covered.
Back to the mind map for today’s share, you can see the different parts of it. The main topic (mind maps) and from there I had four main things that I wanted to talk about: an overview, the process, the next steps, and then some online resources. Those are things I started out thinking I should discuss this for mind maps and from there. I branched into some sub plots or sub ideas for each of those things. As you can see, it helps organize thoughts.
Using mind maps
The next step in using mind maps is to convert your mind map into a linear or outline form. As can be seen from the structure, it is pretty easy to do. Each of those main four points from my example could be a separate section, which had laid out all the things that I wanted to discuss in each of those sections. Thus, mind maps translate very quickly into outlines, which helps make writing a lot more structured and logical.
Please keep your mind map and add to it as you write. Writing clarifies your thoughts on an issue, and you may modify your mind map as you produce your written document and you may modify your mind map as you produce your written document. You think of additional things to include that you hadn’t thought of before, so keep your mind map nearby and add to it as you write.
If you are interested in using mind maps, there are a lot of resources out there that can provide additional tips and even some software programs that can help you develop mind maps if you don’t want to use the old-fashioned pencil and paper. Just search for mind map or concept map in search engine on the internet and you will find tons of resources out there.
Hopefully, today’s share has introduced you to a helpful new technique to help you plan what to write. Please join us for more content to become a better academic writer and editor.
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