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     B站视频:【2024最全最细】Langchain教学之Agent with memory_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


1. 构造一个google搜索工具


  1. from langchain_community.utilities import GoogleSearchAPIWrapper
  2. search = GoogleSearchAPIWrapper()
  3. # 注意tools是一个列表,只不过这里只有一个元素,回想一下上一节课的内容
  4. tools = [
  5. Tool(
  6. name="Google Search",
  7. description="useful when you need to answer questions about current events",
  8. func=search.run,
  9. )
  10. ]
  11. tools[0].run("what is the performance of NASDAQ today?")

2. 构造一个ZeroShotAgent with memory


  1. import os
  2. from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
  3. from langchain_openai import OpenAI
  4. from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor,Tool,ZeroShotAgent
  5. from langchain.chains import LLMChain
  6. from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory
  7. prefix = """
  8. Have a conversation with a human, answering the following questions as best you can.
  9. If you can answer the question by yourself,dont' use the tools.
  10. You have access to the following tools: """
  11. suffix = """Begin!"
  12. Previous Conversation:{chat_history}
  13. Question: {input}
  14. Thought: {agent_scratchpad}"""
  15. prompt = ZeroShotAgent.create_prompt(
  16. tools,
  17. prefix=prefix,
  18. suffix=suffix,
  19. input_variables=["input", "chat_history", "agent_scratchpad"],
  20. )
  21. memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history")
  22. memory.clear()
  23. memory.load_memory_variables({})

                然后我们和之前一样构造agent和 agent_chain,注意在agent_chain里添加memory:

  1. llm = OpenAI(
  2. temperature=0,
  3. openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
  4. base_url = os.getenv("OPENAI_BASE_URL")
  5. )
  6. llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)
  7. agent = ZeroShotAgent(llm_chain=llm_chain, tools=tools, verbose=True)
  8. agent_chain = AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(
  9. agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True, memory=memory, max_iterations = 5
  10. )
  11. agent_chain.invoke({"input":"How many people live in China?"})



        但是我发现了一个问题就是,如果你再问他一个问题,who are you ,Agent就困惑了,他不知道需不需要去使用工具,结果进入了一个死循环,这是Agent的一个问题。后面我们看可否通过提示词去优化这个问题:

3. 构造一个create_react_agent with memory


  1. import os
  2. from langchain_openai import OpenAI
  3. from langchain import hub
  4. from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
  5. from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_react_agent
  6. template='''
  7. Answer the following questions as best you can.
  8. Try to answer the question by yourself.
  9. If not necessary, don't use the tools.
  10. You have access to the following tools:{tools}
  11. Use the following format:
  12. Question: the input question you must answer
  13. Thought: you should always think about what to do
  14. Action: the action to take, should be one of [{tool_names}]
  15. Action Input: the input to the action
  16. Observation: the result of the action
  17. ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can repeat N times)
  18. Thought: I now know the final answer
  19. Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
  20. Begin!
  21. Previous Conversation:{chat_history}
  22. Question: {input}
  23. Thought:{agent_scratchpad}
  24. '''
  25. prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template)
  26. print(prompt)
  27. llm = OpenAI(
  28. temperature=0,
  29. openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
  30. base_url = os.getenv("OPENAI_BASE_URL")
  31. )
  32. from langchain_community.utilities import GoogleSearchAPIWrapper
  33. search = GoogleSearchAPIWrapper()
  34. tools = [
  35. Tool(
  36. name="Google Search",
  37. description="A search engine you can use when you need to know latest news or data",
  38. func=search.run,
  39. ),
  40. ]
  41. memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history")
  42. agent = create_react_agent(llm, tools, prompt)
  43. agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, memory = memory, max_iterations = 3,handle_parsing_errors=True,verbose= True)
  44. agent_executor.invoke({"input":"hi,how are you?"})


