快速排序算法效率高,运行稳定的算法。jdk 内置就是采用的快速排序算法。
1 """ 2 @Author TZG 3 @Email 1651504722@qq.com 4 """ 5 import random 6 import time 7 import sys 8 9 10 # 生成一个长度1w的随机数列 11 a = [] 12 for i in range(10000): 13 a.append(random.randint(0, 10000)) 14 15 print(len(a)) 16 temp = a[:] 17 temp[5:9995] = ['...'] 18 print(temp) 19 20 21 # 快速排序 22 def quickSortTurn(L, low, high): 23 i = low 24 j = high 25 if i >= j: 26 return 27 key = L[i] 28 while i < j: 29 while i < j and L[j] >= key: 30 j = j - 1 31 L[i] = L[j] 32 while i < j and L[i] <= key: 33 i = i + 1 34 L[j] = L[i] 35 L[i] = key 36 quickSortTurn(L, low, i - 1) 37 quickSortTurn(L, j + 1, high) 38 return L 39 40 41 def quickSort(L): 42 return quickSortTurn(L, 0, len(L)-1) 43 44 45 # 快速排序开始 46 begin = time.time() 47 b = quickSort(a) 48 end = time.time() 49 print(len(b)) 50 temp = b[:] 51 temp[5:9995] = ['...'] 52 print(temp) 53 t3 = (end - begin) 54 print("耗时:%ss" % t3)
1 10000 2 [4987, 3878, 5304, 3628, 3937, '...', 7613, 4245, 5005, 7630, 1] 3 10000 4 [1, 3, 3, 8, 8, '...', 9990, 9991, 9992, 9997, 9998] 5 耗时:0.025002479553222656s