1. **引入基类**:
- 使用`require`函数引入`ai_base`类,作为基础类。
2. **定义`ai_dead`类**:
- 使用`class`关键字定义了`ai_dead`类,并继承自`BASE`(即`ai_base`)。
3. **构造函数 (`ctor`)**:
- 构造函数接受一个`entity`参数,并设置`_type`属性为`eAType_DEAD`,表示死亡的行为。
4. **`IsValid` 方法**:
- 这个方法用于验证AI是否应该处于死亡状态。它首先调用基类的`IsValid`方法,然后检查实体是否死亡。
5. **`OnEnter` 方法**:
6. **`OnLeave` 方法**: 当AI组件离开激活状态时执行。如果基类的`OnLeave`方法返回`true`,则解锁实体动画。
7. **`OnLogic` 方法**: 逻辑更新方法。如果基类的`OnLogic`方法返回`true`,则根据时间间隔处理死亡逻辑,如淡出效果、实体销毁等。
8. **创建组件函数**: `create_component`函数用于创建`ai_dead`类的新实例,传入一个实体和一个优先级。
`OnEnter` 方法的逻辑流程:
`OnLogic` 方法中,根据时间间隔处理死亡后的逻辑,如:
- local require = require
- local BASE = require("logic/entity/ai/ai_base").ai_base;
- ------------------------------------------------------
- ai_dead = class("ai_dead", BASE);
- function ai_dead:ctor(entity)
- self._type = eAType_DEAD;
- end
- function ai_dead:IsValid()
- if not BASE.IsValid(self) then return false; end
- return self._entity:IsDead();
- end
- function ai_dead:OnEnter()
- if BASE.OnEnter(self) then
- self._fadeOut = false;
- self._slowMotion= false;
- local logic = game_get_logic();
- if logic then
- local player = logic:GetPlayer();
- if player and player:GetHero() then
- local hero = player:GetHero();
- if hero then
- if hero._autonormalattack then
- if hero._guid == self._entity._guid then
- hero._preautonormalattack = false;
- hero._autonormalattack = false;
- elseif self._entity._selected == self._entity._guid then
- hero._preautonormalattack = false;
- hero._autonormalattack = false;
- elseif hero._follow then
- if hero._follow._guid == self._entity._guid then
- hero._preautonormalattack = false;
- hero._autonormalattack = false;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- self._entity:ShowTitleNode(false);
- if self._entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Player then
- --清神兵状态
- if self._entity._superMode.valid then
- local hero = game_get_player_hero()
- if self._entity:IsPlayer() then
- self._entity:SuperMode(false)
- else
- self._entity:OnSuperMode(false)
- end
- end
- if self._entity:IsPlayer() then
- g_game_context:ResetLeadMode()
- local animation = g_game_context:GetSelectWeaponMaxAnimation()
- if animation then
- g_game_context:OnStuntAnimationChangeHandler(animation,false)
- end
- end
- --清骑乘
- local world = game_get_world()
- if world and not world._syncRpc then
- if self._entity:IsOnRide() then
- self._entity:OnRideMode(false, true)
- end
- end
- if self._entity._DIYSkill then
- self._entity._DIYSkill:OnReset();
- end
- end
- if self._entity:GetEntityType() ~= eET_Pet and self._entity:GetEntityType() ~= eET_Skill then
- local alist = {}
- table.insert(alist, {actionName = db_common.engine.defaultDeadAction, actloopTimes = 1})
- table.insert(alist, {actionName = db_common.engine.defaultDeadLoopAction, actloopTimes = -1})
- self._entity:PlayActionList(alist, 1);
- end
- self._entity:LockAni(true);
- local logic = game_get_logic();
- if logic then
- local world = logic:GetWorld();
- if world then
- local syncRpc = world._syncRpc;
- if not syncRpc then
- -- send cmd
- local entity = self._entity;
- if entity and entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Monster and entity._spawnID > 0 then
- local weaponID = g_game_context:IsInSuperMode() and 1 or 0
- local damageRank = g_game_context:GetMapCopyDamageRank()
- local args = { spawnPointID = entity._spawnID , pos = entity._curPos, weaponID = weaponID, damageRank = damageRank}
- sbean.sync_privatemap_kill(args)
- end
- local hero = game_get_player_hero()
- if hero then
- hero:RemoveSummoned();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if self._entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Player then
- if logic then
- local player = logic:GetPlayer()
- local hero = nil
- if player then
- hero = player:GetHero()
- end
- local logic = game_get_logic();
- local world = logic:GetWorld()
- local PetCount = player:GetPetCount()
- for i = 1,tonumber(PetCount) do
- local Pet = player:GetPet(i)
- Pet:OnDead()
- end
- if g_db.db_get_is_open_revive_ui() then
- if hero._guid == self._entity._guid then
- if hero._killerId and hero._killerId < 0 then
- --天雷复活界面
- local killerID = math.abs(hero._killerId);
- local guid = string.split(hero._guid, "|")
- local playerId = tonumber(guid[2])
- if killerID == playerId then
- g_ui_mgr:OpenUI(eUIID_PlayerRevive)
- g_ui_mgr:RefreshUI(eUIID_PlayerRevive, true)
- end
- else
- g_logic:OpenReviveUI()
- end
- --log("eUIID_PlayerRevive")
- local MercenaryCount = player:GetMercenaryCount();
- for i = 1,tonumber(MercenaryCount) do
- local Mercenary = player:GetMercenary(i)
- Mercenary:OnDead()
- end
- end
- else
- if hero._guid == self._entity._guid and (game_get_map_type() == g_ARENA_SOLO or game_get_map_type() == g_TAOIST) then
- g_game_context:SetAutoFight(false)
- local MercenaryCount = player:GetMercenaryCount();
- for i = 1,tonumber(MercenaryCount) do
- local Mercenary = player:GetMercenary(i)
- if not Mercenary:IsDead() then
- local camera = logic:GetMainCamera()
- hero:DetachCamera()
- Mercenary:AttachCamera(camera);
- camera:UpdatePos(Mercenary._curPosE);
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if world and not world._syncRpc then
- self._entity:ClsHorseAi();
- end
- end
- end
- if self._entity._forceAttackTarget then
- self._entity._forceAttackTarget = nil;
- end
- if self._entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Mercenary then
- self._entity._deadTimeLine = g_get_GMTtime(game_get_time())
- if logic then
- local player = logic:GetPlayer()
- local hero = nil
- if player then
- hero = player:GetHero()
- end
- local logic = game_get_logic();
- local world = logic:GetWorld()
- if world._fightmap then
- if hero:IsDead() and (game_get_map_type() == g_ARENA_SOLO or game_get_map_type() == g_TAOIST) then
- local guid1 = string.split(hero._guid, "_")
- local guid2 = string.split(self._entity._guid, "_")
- if tonumber(guid1[2]) == tonumber(guid2[3]) then
- local MercenaryCount = player:GetMercenaryCount();
- for i = 1,tonumber(MercenaryCount) do
- local Mercenary = player:GetMercenary(i)
- if not Mercenary:IsDead() then
- local camera = logic:GetMainCamera()
- self._entity:DetachCamera()
- Mercenary:AttachCamera(camera);
- camera:UpdatePos(Mercenary._curPosE);
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- self._entity:ClsEnmities();
- end
- if self._entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Player or self._entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Mercenary then
- self._entity:ClearFightTime();
- end
- if self._entity:GetEntityType() ~= eET_Player and self._entity:GetEntityType() ~= eET_Mercenary then
- --self._entity:SetHittable(false);
- end
- if self._entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Pet then
- local world = game_get_world();
- local player = game_get_player()
- if world and not world._syncRpc then
- if self._entity._hoster then
- local curFightSP = self._entity._hoster:GetFightSp()
- self._entity._hoster:UpdateFightSpCanYing(curFightSP - 1)
- local index = player:GetPetIdx(self._entity._guid)
- if index > 0 then
- player:RmvPet(index)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return true;
- end
- return false;
- end
- function ai_dead:OnLeave()
- if BASE.OnLeave(self) then
- self._entity:LockAni(false);
- return true;
- end
- return false;
- end
- function ai_dead:OnLogic(dTick)
- if BASE.OnLogic(self, dTick) then
- if dTick > 0 then
- if self._timeTick > 4000 then
- if self._entity:CanRelease() then
- self._entity:Destory()
- end
- elseif self._timeTick > 2000 then
- if self._entity:CanRelease() then
- if not self._fadeOut then
- self._fadeOut = true;
- self._entity:Show(false, true, 2000);
- end
- end
- end
- if self._entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Pet or self._entity:GetEntityType() == eET_Skill then
- if self._entity:CanRelease() then
- self._entity:Destory()
- end
- end
- end
- return true;
- end
- return false;
- end
- function create_component(entity, priority)
- return ai_dead.new(entity, priority);
- end

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