SpringAI是一个AI工程应用框架,旨在将Spring生态系统的设计原则(如可移植性和模块化设计)应用于AI领域。它推广使用Plain Old Java Object(POJO)作为AI应用程序的构建块,从而为Java开发者提供了一种更简洁的方式与人工智能进行交互。SpringAI的推出被认为是Java开发领域的一大福音,因为它结合了Spring生态系统的设计原则和模块化的概念,降低了接入大型语言模型(LLM)的学习成本。
1、创建Spring Ai工程
- spring:
- application:
- name: spring-ai-chatgpt
- ai:
- openai:
- api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(自己的api-key)
- base-url: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(自己的中转地址)
- @Autowired
- private ChatClient chatClient;
- //chatclient
- @GetMapping("/chat")
- public String chat(@RequestParam("message") String message) {
- return this.chatClient.prompt()
- .user(message)
- .call()
- .content();
- }
- //chatclient流式访问
- @GetMapping(value = "/stream", produces = "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
- public Flux<String> chatStream(@RequestParam("message") String message) {
- Flux<String> output = chatClient.prompt()
- .user(message)
- .stream()
- .content();
- return output;
- }
- @Configuration
- public class AIConfig {
- @Bean
- ChatClient chatClient(ChatClient.Builder builder) {
- return builder.defaultSystem("You are a friendly chat bot that answers question in the voice of a Pirate")
- .build();
- }
- }
- @Autowired
- private ChatModel chatModel;
- //ChatModel
- @GetMapping(value = "/chat/model", produces = "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
- public String chatModel(@RequestParam("message") String message) {
- ChatResponse response = chatModel.call(
- new Prompt(
- message,
- OpenAiChatOptions.builder()
- .withModel("gpt-4-32k")
- .withTemperature(0.8F)
- .build()
- ));
- return response.getResult().getOutput().getContent();
- }
- @Autowired
- private OpenAiImageModel openAiImageModel;
- //文生图
- @GetMapping(value = "/text2Img", produces = "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
- public String text2Img(@RequestParam("message") String message) {
- ImageResponse response = openAiImageModel.call(
- new ImagePrompt(message,
- OpenAiImageOptions.builder()
- .withQuality("hd")
- .withN(1)
- .withHeight(1024)
- .withWidth(1024).build())
- );
- return response.getResult().getOutput().getUrl();
- }
- @Autowired
- private OpenAiAudioSpeechModel openAiAudioSpeechModel;
- //文生语音
- @GetMapping(value = "/text2audio", produces = "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
- public String text2audit(@RequestParam("message") String message) {
- OpenAiAudioSpeechOptions speechOptions = OpenAiAudioSpeechOptions.builder()
- .withModel("tts-1")
- .withVoice(OpenAiAudioApi.SpeechRequest.Voice.ALLOY)
- .withResponseFormat(OpenAiAudioApi.SpeechRequest.AudioResponseFormat.MP3)
- .withSpeed(1.0f)
- .build();
- SpeechPrompt speechPrompt = new SpeechPrompt("大家下午好,我叫王大锤", speechOptions);
- SpeechResponse response = openAiAudioSpeechModel.call(speechPrompt);
- byte[] body = response.getResult().getOutput();
- //将byte[]存为MP3文件
- try {
- writeByteArrayToMp3(body, System.getProperty("user.dir"));
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- return "ok";
- }
- public static void writeByteArrayToMp3(byte[] audioBytes, String outputFilePath) throws IOException {
- //创建FileOutputStream实例
- FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFilePath + "/yuyin.mp3");
- //将字节数组写入文件
- fos.write(audioBytes);
- //关闭文件输入流
- fos.close();
- }
- @Autowired
- private OpenAiAudioTranscriptionModel openAiAudioTranscriptionModel;
- //语音转文本
- @GetMapping(value = "/text2audio", produces = "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
- public String audio2text(@RequestParam("message") String message) {
- OpenAiAudioApi.TranscriptResponseFormat responseFormat = OpenAiAudioApi.TranscriptResponseFormat.VTT;
- OpenAiAudioTranscriptionOptions transcriptionOptions = OpenAiAudioTranscriptionOptions.builder()
- .withResponseFormat(OpenAiAudioApi.TranscriptResponseFormat.TEXT)
- .withTemperature(0f)
- .withResponseFormat(responseFormat)
- .build();
- var audioFile = new ClassPathResource("/hello.mp3");
- AudioTranscriptionPrompt transcriptionRequest = new AudioTranscriptionPrompt(audioFile, transcriptionOptions);
- AudioTranscriptionResponse response = openAiAudioTranscriptionModel.call(transcriptionRequest);
- return response.getResult().getOutput();
- }
- @GetMapping("/mutil")
- public String mutilModel(@RequestParam(value = "message", defaultValue = "你从这个图片中看到了什么呢") String message) throws IOException {
- // 图片的二进制流
- byte[] imageData = new ClassPathResource("/test.png").getContentAsByteArray();
- var userMessage = new UserMessage(
- message,
- List.of(new Media(MimeTypeUtils.IMAGE_PNG, imageData))); //media
- OpenAiChatOptions aiChatOptions = OpenAiChatOptions.builder()
- .withModel(OpenAiApi.ChatModel.GPT_4_TURBO_PREVIEW.getValue())
- .build();
- ChatResponse response = chatModel.call(new Prompt(userMessage, aiChatOptions));
- return response.getResult().getOutput().getContent();
- }
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