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【INS-40001 to INS-45000】_the following nodes have interfaces that are confi

the following nodes have interfaces that are configured on a subnet that is

INS-40001 to INS-45000

Find your Oracle error here:

INS-40102: Specified Grid home is invalid
Cause: The Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster home (Grid home) was placed in the installation owners home directory.
Action: Oracle recommends that you do not place the Grid home in a user home directory, because ownership of the path to that directory is changed to root.

INS-40103: The installer has detected that the software location specified is on an OCFS2 partition.
Cause: Configuration of an Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster Grid home is not supported on OCFS2 partitions.
Action: Specify a Grid home location that is not an OCFS2 partition.

INS-40104: The installer has detected that the software location specified is on an OCFS2 partition.
Cause: Configuration of an Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster Grid home is not supported on OCFS2 partitions.
Action: Specify a Grid home location that is not an OCFS2 partition.

INS-40105: The location specified for Oracle Base is invalid.
Cause: The installer detects that you have configured Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on this server, and that the Oracle base you provided for this install is not the same as the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software Oracle base.
Action: Provide the same Oracle base location for this Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation that is used for the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

INS-40106: Invalid location specified for Grid home.
Cause: The installer detects that the Oracle home location you provided is on an Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) mountpoint. You cannot place Oracle Grid Infrastructure binaries on an ACFS mount point.
Action: Specify a Grid home location that is on a location other than an ACFS mount point.

INS-40401: The Installer has detected a configured Oracle Clusterware home on the system.
Cause: The Installer has detected the presence of Oracle Clusterware software configured on the node.
Action: You can have only one instance of Oracle Clusterware software configured on a node that is part of an existing cluster.

INS-40404: The installer has detected a configured instance of Oracle grid infrastructure software on the server.
Cause: You selected to install and configure a new Oracle grid infrastructure installation (Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM). However, only one installation of Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM can be configured on a server at the same time.
Action: Deconfigure the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software before installing and configuring a new instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software.

INS-40405: The installer has detected a configured instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on the system.
Cause: You selected to install and configure a new Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation (Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM). However, only one installation of Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM can be configured on a server at the same time.
Action: Deconfigure the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software before installing and configuring a new instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software.

INS-40406: The installer detects no existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on the system.
Cause: The installer was unable to detect any existing Oracle Clusterware or Oracle ASM installation to upgrade.
Action: You can choose either to install a new Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation (Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM) on this node, and add the node to an existing cluster, or you can install a new Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation and make the node part of a new cluster. If you want to add the node to an existing cluster, then review Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide and follow the add node procedure. If you want to create a new cluster, then select the option for a new installation.

INS-40407: The installer has detected an Oracle ASM instance is already configured on the computer.
Cause: You can have only one Oracle ASM instance configured on the node.
Action: Select the Software Only installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure into a new home, and configure Oracle ASM in the new home after installation.

INS-40409: The installer has detected local Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) configured on this host. Local CSS is running from: string.
Cause: You selected to install and configure an Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation (Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM). However, Oracle Clusterware cannot be installed on a server with a configured CSS daemon.
Action: Deconfigure and delete the existing local CSS daemon, and then restart the installer.

INS-40410: The installer has detected a configured instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on the system.
Cause: You selected to install and configure a new Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation (Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM). However, only one installation of Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM can be configured on a server at the same time.
Action: Deconfigure the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software before installing and configuring a new instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software.

INS-40412: This server does not meet network requirements to install and configure this product.
Cause: None of the network interfaces detected on this system supports IPv4 protocol.
Action: Configure at least one of the public interfaces available on this system to support IPv4.

INS-40413: Existing Oracle ASM instance detected.
Cause: The installer has detected that an earlier version of Oracle ASM is configured on the server.
Action: If you intend to upgrade Oracle ASM as part of this installation, then you must shut down the Oracle ASM instance before proceeding. Shut down any database instances using Oracle ASM before shutting down the Oracle ASM instance.

INS-40414: The installer has detected an unused Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) location pointer file (string) on the system.
Cause: OCR location pointer file (string) is left behind from a previous installation.
Action: Delete the OCR location pointer file (string) and restart the installer.

INS-40415: Upgrade database instances using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM).
Cause: The installer has detected the presence of Oracle Database release string instances.
Action: If you intend to upgrade Oracle ASM as part of this upgrade, then you must upgrade Oracle Database instances using Oracle ASM to release string or later before proceeding with upgrading Oracle ASM.

INS-40416: The installer has detected that the version of the configured instance of Grid Infrastructure is not compatible for upgrading to this release of Grid Infrastructure.
Cause: Oracle Clusterware or Oracle ASM release string or above is needed to upgrade to Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Action: Install the patchset to upgrade the configured instance of Grid Infrastructure to version string or higher.

INS-40417: The installer has detected an unused Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) location registry key (string) on the system.
Cause: OCR location registry key (string) is left behind from a previous installation.
Action: Delete the OCR location registry key (string) and restart the installer.

INS-40418: The installer has detected that Oracle Clusterware is not running on local node.
Cause: The installer detects that the Oracle Clusterware stack on the local node is not running.
Action: Open a terminal, log in as root, change directory to the Oracle Clusterware home (Grid home), and start Oracle Clusterware by entering this command:crsctl start cluster -all

INS-40419: The installer detects that the configured Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) release is earlier than the Oracle Grid Infrastructure release.
Cause: Installer has dectected that configured version of Automatic Storage Management software is lower than the Grid Infrastructure software version.
Action: Open a terminal, log in as the Grid Infrastructure installation owner, change directory to the Grid home, and run ASMCA to upgrade Oracle ASM.

INS-40420: The current installation user is not the same as the installation owner of the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software.
Cause: The installer detects that the current installation user (string) is not the same as the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software user (string). To upgrade the existing software, run the installer as the user owning the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
Action: Restart the installation as the user that owns the existing Grid home.

INS-40421: The installer cannot detect the owner of the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure home (Grid home).
Cause: The installer is unable to detect the owner of the existing Grid home. To upgrade the software, you must run the installer as the user owning the Grid home.
Action: Run the installer as the user owning the existing Grid home.

INS-40601: The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) driver is not installed on one or more of the following nodes: string.
Cause: The installer detected that Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) drivers were not installed on all the nodes that you indicated should be part of the cluster. Cluster Synchronization Service (CSS) requires this driver, as it interacts with the IPMI driver to ensure cluster integrity.
Action: Download the IPMI driver from the hardware vendor website, and ensure that the driver is installed and configured on all the nodes, so that installation can continue.

INS-40602: Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) user name text field cannot be left blank.
Cause: The BMC user name text field was blank.
Action: You have selected Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) to use for failure isolation support. The installer requires the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) user name to proceed with configuration. Enter the BMC user name that has privileges to interact with the IPMI-compliant hardware.

INS-40603: Invalid characters in User Name.
Cause: Invalid characters were specified in the user name.
Action: Enter a valid BMC user name. The Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) user name can only contain lower or uppercase alphanumeric characters (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9), hyphen(-), period(.) and underscore(_).

INS-40604: Password field is blank.
Cause: The password field was left blank.
Action: Enter a password.

INS-40701: Invalid characters in Grid Naming Service (GNS) subdomain.
Cause: The specified value for the GNS subdomain contained one or more invalid characters.
Action: Enter a valid GNS subdomain name. Valid characters for the GNS subdomain can be any combination of lower or uppercase alphanumeric characters (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9), hyphen(-), and period(.).

INS-40702: GNS subdomain is blank.
Cause: The Grid Naming Service (GNS) subdomain was blank.
Action: Provide a value for GNS subdomain.

INS-40704: GNS subdomain cannot be resolved.
Cause: The GNS subdomain could not be resolved using TCP/IP host name lookup.
Action: Specify a subdomain that can be resolved.

INS-40705: Invalid characters in Grid Naming Service (GNS) Virtual IP Address.
Cause: The specified value for the GNS virtual IP address contained one or more invalid characters.
Action: Enter a valid value for the GNS virtual IP Address. Valid characters for GNS virtual IP addresses can be any combination of lower and uppercase alphanumeric characters (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9), hyphen(-), and period(.).

INS-40706: Grid Naming Service (GNS) Virtual IP Address is blank.
Cause: The GNS virtual IP address was blank.
Action: Provide a valid value for the GNS virtual IP address.

INS-40707: Grid Naming Service (GNS) Virtual IP Address string cannot be resolved.
Cause: The GNS virtual IP address could not be resolved using TCP/IP host name lookup.
Action: Specify a valid GNS virtual IP address.

INS-40708: Grid Naming Service (GNS) Virtual IP Address string already assigned to another system.
Cause: The specified GNS virtual host name could not be resolved to an IP address. This may occur if the IP address is in use on another cluster, or the IP address has not been registered to this name in the Domain Name System (DNS).
Action: Ensure that you have entered a virtual host name that is not in use. If you continue to receive an error, then contact your network administrator for assistance.

INS-40709: Cluster name: string contains invalid characters.
Cause: The specified value for the cluster name contained one or more invalid characters.
Action: Provide a valid value for the cluster name. Valid characters can be any combination of lower and uppercase alphanumeric characters (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9), and hyphen(-).

INS-40710: Cluster name:string does not start with a letter.
Cause: The cluster name did not start with a letter.
Action: Provide a value for the cluster name that starts with a letter

INS-40711: Cluster Name is blank.
Cause: The Cluster name text field was blank.
Action: Provide a valid value for the cluster name.

INS-40712: Cluster Name:string is too long.
Cause: The specified cluster name was too long.
Action: Provide a cluster name that is 15 or fewer characters in length.

INS-40713: Installer will use \”string\” as cluster name.
Cause: The cluster name cannot be longer than string characters. With the Typical install type, the host portion of the SCAN is used as the cluster name. If that portion is longer than string characters, then the installer truncates the cluster name to string characters.
Action: If you want to use a specific name for the cluster, then provide a name no greater than string characters, or select the Advanced installation type.

INS-40714: Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Name: string contains invalid characters.
Cause: The name you provided as the SCAN contained one or more invalid characters.
Action: Enter a valid name for the SCAN. Valid characters can be any combination of lower and uppercase alphanumeric characters (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9), hyphen(-), and period(.).

INS-40715: Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Name: string contains invalid characters.
Cause: The name you provided as the SCAN contained one or more invalid characters. For the Typical installation type, invalid characters include those that are invalid for a cluster name, because the cluster name is derived from SCAN.
Action: Enter a valid name for the SCAN and for the cluster name. Valid characters can be any combination of lower and uppercase alphanumeric characters (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9), hyphen(-), and period(.).

INS-40716: Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Name:string does not start with a letter.
Cause: The SCAN did not start with an alphabetic character.
Action: Provide a value for the SCAN that starts with an alphabetic character.

INS-40717: Single Client Access Name (SCAN) is unfilled.
Cause: No name was provided as the SCAN.
Action: Provide a valid name to use for the SCAN.

INS-40718: Single Client Access Name (SCAN):string could not be resolved.
Cause: The name you provided as the SCAN could not be resolved using TCP/IP host name lookup.
Action: Provide name to use for the SCAN for which the domain can be resolved.

INS-40719: IP address configured for Single Client Access Name (SCAN): string is already assigned to another system.
Cause: The installer could not find the IP addresses you selected as SCAN addresses. This may be because they are assigned to another system, or because the IP addresses are not listed in the DNS or hosts files as assigned to this domain name.
Action: Enter resolvable IP addresses to use as SCAN addresses.

INS-40720: Single Client Access Name (SCAN):string is not associated with any IP address.
Cause: The name configured as the SCAN was not associated with an IP address.
Action: Ensure the names you provide as SCANs are associated with IP addresses.

INS-40721: Single Client Access Name (SCAN) port is blank.
Cause: The SCAN port text field was empty.
Action: Provide a valid value for the SCAN port.

INS-40722: Single Client Access Name (SCAN) port: string contains non-numeric characters.
Cause: The value entered for the SCAN port contained one or more invalid characters. A valid SCAN port is a number.
Action: Enter a valid numeric value for the SCAN port.

INS-40723: Invalid Single Client Access Name (SCAN) port number:string.
Cause: The value entered for the SCAN Port was out of the valid range.
Action: Enter a SCAN port number between 1024 and 65535.

INS-40724: No locally defined network interface matches the SCAN subnet.
Cause: None of the locally defined network interfaces has a subnet matching the SCAN subnet.
Action: Define a public interface with a subnet matching the one you want to use for the SCAN.

INS-40725: Unable to determine the existence of an interface with a subnet matching the SCAN subnet.
Cause: No interface was found with a subnet matching the subnet designated as the SCAN subnet.
Action: Define a public interface with a subnet matching the one you want to use for the SCAN.

INS-40726: Single Client Access Name (SCAN):string is not in the GNS subdomain string.
Cause: The name you provided as the SCAN is not in the GNS subdomain.
Action: Ensure the name you provide as the SCAN is in the same domain as the GNS subdomain.

INS-40727: Single Client Access Name (SCAN):string is already associated with an IP address.
Cause: The name for the configured SCAN is already associated with an IP address.
Action: If you intend to use GNS resolution for your cluster, then ensure the names you provide for SCANs are not associated with IP addresses that are already in use.

INS-40728: Invalid Single Client Access Name (SCAN) port number:string.
Cause: The installer detects that the SCAN port number you provided is already in use. This can occur if Oracle9i RAC is installed on the server, and it is using the port.
Action: Provide a diferent SCAN port number in the range 1024 and 65535.

INS-40901: The cluster node information table is unfilled.
Cause: Values in the cluster node information table are unfilled.
Action: Provide valid data in the cluster node information table.

INS-40902: Missing entries in the node Information table.
Cause: Some fields were left blank in the cluster node information table.
Action: Ensure that all information in the table is filled in.

INS-40903: Host name contains invalid characters.
Cause: The name you provided as the host name contains one or more invalid characters.
Action: Ensure that the host name contains valid characters. Valid characters for host names can be any combination of lower and uppercase alphanumeric characters (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9), and hyphen (-).

INS-40904: ORACLE_HOSTNAME does not resolve to a valid host name.
Cause: The value provided for ORACLE_HOSTNAME does not resolve to a valid host name.
Action: Provide a valid host name for ORACLE_HOSTNAME, and restart the installer.

INS-40905: Unresolved host IP addresses.
Cause: One or more IP addresses do not resolve to valid host names.
Action: You must enter valid IP addresses that resolve to hostnames before installation can continue.

INS-40906: Duplicate host names found in the node information table for Oracle Clusterware install.
Cause: Duplicate entries have been made in the node information table for Oracle Clusterware installation.
Action: Remove duplicate entries in the Oracle Clusterware node information table.

INS-40907: Local node not included in the list of host names for grid installation.
Cause: The local node (the node where you are running the installer) was missing from the list of host names you provided.
Action: Include the local node in the list of host names for grid installation.

INS-40908: Invalid host names.
Cause: One or more host names you provided are invalid, as they do not resolve to a valid IP address.
Action: Enter valid host names.

INS-40909: Host names from multiple domains entered.
Cause: Node information was entered for two or more nodes that belonged to different domains.
Action: Enter host names belonging to the same domain.

INS-40910: Virtual IP: string entered is invalid.
Cause: The Virtual IP did not resolve to an IP address.
Action: Enter a valid name for the virtual IP that resolves to an IP address.

INS-40911: Some public node names could not be resolved.
Cause: Some public nodes either were unreachable, or they belonged to a different subnet.
Action: Ensure that nodes in the list are up and reachable, and ensure that the node addresses are all in the same subnet.

INS-40912: Virtual host name: string is assigned to another system on the network.
Cause: One or more virtual host names appeared to be assigned to another system on the network.
Action: Ensure that the virtual host names assigned to each of the nodes in the cluster are not currently in use, and the IP addresses are registered to the domain name you want to use as the virtual host name.

INS-40913: The following nodes cannot be clustered due to user equivalence issue: string.
Cause: The user performing this installation is not configured identically on all nodes. This may be due to differences in the user or group IDs, or to SSH configuration issues.
Action: If necessary, refer to the installation guide for information about how to set up user equivalence manually on cluster nodes.

INS-40914: The installer has detected the presence of Oracle9i RAC on the remote node, string.
Cause: An Oracle9i RAC installation was present on remote node string, but not on the local node.
Action: To install on a set of nodes on which the Oracle9i release of Oracle RAC has been configured, start the installer on the node where Oracle9i RAC is installed so that the installer can upgrade the existing installation.

INS-40915: The installer has detected the presence of Oracle Clusterware on the following nodes: string.
Cause: Either Oracle Clusterware is running on the listed nodes, or previous installations of Oracle Clusterware are not completely deinstalled.
Action: For each node listed, ensure that existing Oracle Clusterware is completely deinstalled. You can also choose not to include these nodes in this installation.

INS-40916: Single-instance versions of Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) are detected.
Cause: The installer detected single-instance versions of Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) on the following nodes in the cluster:string
Action: Before proceeding with the installation, you must deconfigure CSS, shut down any Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instances, and shut down all databases that use Oracle ASM for storage on all of the listed nodes. Oracle Clusterware installation starts a clusterwide version of CSS. After Oracle Clusterware installation is complete, you may start up any databases and Oracle ASM instances that previously used CSS. When they are brought back up, Oracle Clusterware provides CSS.

INS-40917: Host name cannot be in IP Address format.
Cause: Host name cannot be in IP address format.
Action: Provide the host name for host name.

INS-40918: Virtual IP name: string cannot be in IP Address format.
Cause: Virtual IP name cannot be in IP address format.
Action: Provide a valid virtual IP name.

INS-40919: Hostname cannot be left unfilled.
Cause: You did not provide a hostname for the node.
Action: Enter a valid hostname.

INS-40920: No name was provided as the virtual IP name.
Cause: You did not enter a name for the virtual IP address.
Action: Enter a valid virtual IP name.

INS-40921: Virtual IP name contains invalid characters.
Cause: The name you provided for the virtual IP name contains one or more invalid characters.
Action: Provide a name to use for the virtual IP name that contains valid characters. Valid characters for virtual IP name can be any combination of lower and uppercase alphanumeric characters (a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9), and hyphen(-).

INS-40922: Invalid SCAN – unresolvable to an IP address.
Cause: SCAN provided does not resolve to an IP address.
Action: Ensure that the SCAN is valid, and that it is resolvable to an IP address.

INS-40923: Unable to match a local interface or subnet with the SCAN.
Cause: No local network interface was found with an address matching the subnet for the SCAN.
Action: Ensure that the SCAN subnet matches the subnet configured on an existing local network interface.

INS-40924: Failure while initializing search for common interface or subnets across cluster nodes.
Cause: Unable to locate common interfaces or subnets on all cluster member nodes.
Action: Ensure that the local node has valid network interfaces, with valid subnets that are the same on all cluster member nodes.

INS-40925: One or more nodes have interfaces not configured with a subnet that is common across all cluster nodes.
Cause: One or more nodes have network interfaces configured with a subnet that is not common to all nodes in the cluster.
Action: Ensure all cluster nodes have a public interface that is defined with the same subnet, and accessible by all nodes in the cluster.

INS-40926: Cluster node interfaces are configured in subnets different from the SCAN subnet.
Cause: One or more nodes have interfaces configured with subnets that are different than the SCAN subnet.
Action: Ensure all nodes have a public interface configured with a subnet that matches the SCAN subnet.

INS-40927: Interfaces with common subnets have different names on different nodes.
Cause: The following nodes have interfaces in common subnets that have different interface names: string
Action: Ensure that the names of interfaces defined on common subnets are the same on all cluster member nodes.

INS-40928: An unknown interface error occurred during validation of cluster member nodes.
Cause: An unknown error occurred during validation of addresses or subnets on cluster member nodes.
Action: Ensure network interfaces are configured correctly, and that subnets are available on all nodes of the cluster. Ensure all nodes have at least one public interface on a subnet available on all nodes, and ensure all nodes have one public interface on the same subnet.

INS-40929: Installer has detected that the Oracle 9i Global Services Daemon (GSD) is running on the following nodes: string
Cause: Oracle 9i Global Services Daemon (GSD) processes are detected on some or all of the nodes specified.
Action: To allow Oracle Clusterware to serve Oracle9i RAC databases, on each cluster member node you must shut down the Oracle9i Database GSD, and shut down any Oracle RAC databases. The installer will configure a GSD to run in the new grid Oracle home. After installation, you may restart all Oracle9i databases.

INS-40930: The following nodes were not resolvable during host IP address lookup: string.
Cause: One or more node VIPs could not be resolved to a valid IP address.
Action: Be sure all node VIPs are resolvable to a valid IP address.

INS-40931: The following nodes have interfaces that are configured on a subnet that is different from the SCAN subnet: string.
Cause: Some node VIPs are on subnets that are different from the SCAN subnet.
Action: For each cluster member node, ensure that the VIP is configured with the SCAN subnet.

INS-40932: An unknown error has occurred while validating Node Virtual IPs: string
Cause: Unknown errors were encountered while validating Node VIPS.
Action: Ensure all node VIPs resolve to a valid IP address.

INS-40933: Interface collection failed on node string.
Cause: Interface information collection failed.
Action: Be sure all nodes are accessible and have valid network interfaces defined.

INS-40934: A remote directory operation failed on node string: Message: string
Cause: A remote directory operation failed.
Action: Be sure all nodes are accessible across the network.

INS-40935: A cluster operation (For example, copy file, file exists, or other operation) failed on node string: Message: string
Cause: A cluster operation failed.
Action: Ensure that all cluster member nodes are accessible on the network.

INS-40936: A command tool operation failed on node string: Message: string
Cause: A cluster operation (for example, list interfaces) failed.
Action: Ensure that all cluster member nodes are accessible on the network.

INS-40937: The following hostnames are invalid:string
Cause: The hostname or names listed are invalid.
Action: Ensure that you are not providing aliases, and that the hostnames you provide are valid.

INS-40938: The installer has detected that some or all cluster member nodes of the Oracle 9i RAC database are not included in the selected list of nodes.
Cause: Some of the nodes that are cluster members of the Oracle9i RAC database are not among the nodes you selected.
Action: In the list of nodes, specify all the cluster member nodes of the Oracle9i RAC database.

INS-40939: Some of the nodes you selected are not members of the vendor cluster that is on the local server.
Cause: The installer detects that this node is a member of a vendor cluster, and that some of the nodes you selected to make members of the Oracle Clusterware cluster are not members of the vendor cluster.
Action: If you install Oracle Clusterware on a node that is a member of a vendor cluster, then all nodes that you select to be Oracle Clusterware nodes must also be members of the vendor cluster.

INS-40940: Nodes : string are not in the domain : string
Cause: Nodes are not configured on the same domain.
Action: Ensure that all nodes are configured on the same domain

INS-40941: Unable to retrieve domain information on one or more nodes.
Cause: The installer cannot collect domain information from one or more nodes you selected.
Action: Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that all selected nodes are configured on the same domain.

INS-41101: The specified interface information is incorrect.
Cause: Either the format of the information entered was incorrect, or the interface name or subnet information was incorrect.
Action: Enter the correct interface information before proceeding

INS-41102: No public interface designated.
Cause: None of the network interfaces were designated as public.
Action: Designate at least one interface as a public interface.

INS-41103: Interface string has multiple subnets associated with it.
Cause: Interface string has been marked as both Public and Private.
Action: Designate interface string either as Public or Private, but not both Public and Private.

INS-41104: Multiple interfaces present with no Private Interface designated.
Cause: There are multiple interfaces available, but none marked as Private.
Action: Ensure that at least one interface is designated as Private.

INS-41105: string on subnet string chosen as public does not match subnet of SCAN VIP.
Cause: The chosen public interface is not on the same subnet as the SCAN VIP.
Action: Ensure the chosen public interface is on the same subnet as the SCAN VIP subnet, and that the same subnet is configured for SCAN VIPs on all cluster nodes.

INS-41106: Invalid choice for public/private interface.
Cause: The chosen public or private interface subnet is not identical on all nodes.
Action: Ensure that the subnets configured for public and private interfaces are identical on all cluster nodes.

INS-41107: string selected for one or more of the public or private interfaces is not on a shared subnet. Nodes not defining are: string
Cause: The public or private interface on the nodes indicated are on a different subnet than the ones used on other nodes.
Action: Ensure that all public interfaces share the same subnet, and ensure that all private interfaces share the same subnet.

INS-41108: string on subnet string chosen as public does not match subnet of Grid Naming Service (GNS) VIP.
Cause: The chosen public interface is not on the same subnet as the GNS VIP.
Action: Be sure that the chosen public interface is on a subnet which matches the GNS VIP subnet and is common across all cluster nodes.

INS-41204: No shared partition are available between nodes.
Cause: The specified nodes did not have at least one shared partition.
Action: Provide nodes that have at least one shared partition before proceeding with the installation.

INS-41302: Normal redundancy requires three locations for the Oracle Cluster Registry.
Cause: Fewer than three locations were provided for the Oracle Cluster Registry.
Action: Specify three locations for the Oracle Cluster Registry.

INS-41303: External redundancy requires a location for the Oracle Cluster Registry.
Cause: A location for the Oracle Cluster Registry was not specified.
Action: Specify a location for the Oracle Cluster Registry.

INS-41305: Invalid characters in one or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations.
Cause: One or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations contained bad characters.
Action: Provide an OCR location that uses valid characters in the path.

INS-41306: Invalid Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) Locations.
Cause: One or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations are not valid.
Action: Provide valid OCR locations.

INS-41307: Insufficient space in shared file system for Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR).
Cause: Insufficient free space was available in the file system. Oracle Cluster Registry requires a minimum of string MB of free space in the file system.
Action: Enter a shared file system that has at least string MBs of free space.

INS-41309: The Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) cannot be placed on a block or character device.
Cause: The Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) location you provided is on a block or character device.
Action: Select one of the following supported locations: Oracle Automatic Storage Management, an OCFS2 partition, or a shared NFS partition.

INS-41310: More than one Oracle Cluster Registry is in the same partition.
Cause: The Oracle Cluster Registry was located more than once on the same partition. For normal redundancy, Oracle recommends that you specify three locations on separate partitions for the Oracle Cluster Registry.
Action: Select separate partitions for each Oracle Cluster Registry.

INS-41311: One or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations specified are in an existing OCR directory.
Cause: One or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations specified were in directories with existing OCR files.
Action: Specify locations for Oracle Cluster Registry that are not in use.

INS-41312: One or more locations specified for the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) cannot be used.
Cause: One or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations specified did not have proper permissions or ownership for the installation to proceed.
Action: Specify a location for Oracle Cluster Registry locations where the installation owner and oraInventory group members have read and write permissions

INS-41313: Duplicate entries found in one or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations.
Cause: One or more Oracle Cluster Registry locations specified were duplications.
Action: Specify a unique location for each Oracle Cluster Registry location.

INS-41314: File string already exists. The installer will make an attempt to replace this file.
Cause: The specified OCR file already exists.
Action: You may choose a different location or let the installer replace this file. Replacing it will overwrite its current contents.

INS-41315: File string already exists.
Cause: The specified OCR file already exists.
Action: Ensure that the OCR file you have specify is a nonexistent file.

INS-41316: Unable to delete file string
Cause: The attempt to delete the file was not successful.
Action: Ensure that the user account running the installation has the permissions to replace the file.

INS-41317: Invalid Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations.
Cause: One or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations were not valid.
Action: Provide valid OCR locations.

INS-41318: One or more files string already exist. The installer will attempt to replace existing files.
Cause: One or more specified files already exist.
Action: Either choose a different storage location, or allow the installer to overwrite this location and remove any existing files.

INS-41319: File(s) string already exist(s).
Cause: The specified shared location is in use.
Action: Ensure that the location you provided is not already in use, and that any past Oracle Clusterware configuration is completely removed from the partition.

INS-41320: Unable to delete one or more files string.
Cause: The attempt to delete files was unsuccessful.
Action: Ensure that the user account running the installation has the permissions to replace files.

INS-41321: Invalid Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) location.
Cause: The installer detects that the storage type of the location (string) is not supported for Oracle Cluster Registry.
Action: Provide a supported storage location for the Oracle Cluster Registry.

INS-41502: Insufficient number of voting disk locations provided for normal redundancy configuration.
Cause: You did not provide enough separate locations for voting disk files. To provide normal redundancy, you must specify three separate locations for voting disk files.
Action: Specify three separate locations for voting disk files for normal redundancy.

INS-41503: Missing voting disk file locations for external redundancy configuration.
Cause: A voting disk file location was not specified. For external redundancy, you must specify a location for the voting disk file.
Action: Specify one voting disk file location for external redundancy.

INS-41505: TThe voting disk file locations contain one or more invalid characters.
Cause: Voting disk file paths contained one or more invalid characters.
Action: Specify voting disk file location paths that do not contain illegal characters.

INS-41506: One or more voting disk file locations are not valid.
Cause: One or more voting disk file locations were not placed in an existing directory.
Action: Provide valid voting disk file locations.

INS-41508: More than one voting disk file is located on the same partition.
Cause: Normal redundancy for voting disk files requires that each file is placed on a different partition, to avoid a single point of failure.
Action: Specify three locations on separate physical partitions to configure normal redundancy for voting disk files.

INS-41509: Duplicate locations used for one or more voting disk file locations.
Cause: One or more voting disk file locations you provide are duplicate. Each voting disk location must be on separate devices.
Action: Specify a location on separate devices for each voting disk file.

INS-41510: One or more voting disk file locations are the same as an OCR location.
Cause: One or more voting disk file locations you provided are the same as an OCR location. Voting disk files cannot be on the same location as Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations.
Action: Specify voting disk file locations that are different from Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations.

INS-41511: One or more of the locations you specified for voting disk files are the same as an Oracle 9i quorum location.
Cause: Oracle 9i quorum disks are located on one or more of the locations you specified for voting disk files.
Action: Provide new locations for voting disk files. You cannot reuse an Oracle9i quorum disk location.

INS-41512: Voting disk files cannot be located on block or character devices.
Cause: The voting disk file location you provided is on a block or character device.
Action: Select one of the following supported locations: Oracle Automatic Storage Management, an OCFS2 partition, or a shared NFS partition.

INS-41513: Voting disk file locations cannot be in a directory with existing voting disks.
Cause: One or more voting disk file locations you provided have an existing voting disk file.
Action: Specify a new voting disk file location.

INS-41514: One or more locations you specified for voting disk files cannot be used.
Cause: One or more locations you specified for placing voting disk files did not have proper permissions or ownership for installation to proceed.
Action: Specify voting disk file locations where the user account running the installation and oraInventory group members have read and write privileges.

INS-41515: Insufficient space in shared file system for voting disk file.
Cause: Insufficient space was available in the storage location for a voting disk file. Voting disk files require a minimum of string MB of free space.
Action: Enter a shared storage location that has at least string MB of free space.

INS-41516: File string already exists. The installer will make an attempt to replace this file.
Cause: The specified voting disk file already exists.
Action: You may choose a different location or let the installer replace this file. Replacing it will overwrite its current contents.

INS-41517: File string already exists.
Cause: The specified voting disk file already exists.
Action: Ensure that the location you specify for a voting disk file does not already have a voting disk file in that location.

INS-41518: Unable to delete file string
Cause: The attempt to delete the file was not successful.
Action: Ensure that the user account running this installation has proper permissions in this storage area to replace the file.

INS-41519: One or more voting disk file locations are not valid.
Cause: One or more voting disk file locations may not be shared on all nodes.
Action: Provide valid voting disk file locations on shared paths and directories.

INS-41520: For high availability, Oracle recommends that you have this storage mirrored at the hardware level. Alternatively, you can select \”Normal Redundancy\” option and specify three locations that are on different disks.
Cause: n/a
Action: n/a

INS-41521: Invalid Voting Disk location.
Cause: The installer detects that the storage type of the location (string) is not supported for voting disk files.
Action: Provide a supported storage location for the voting disk file.

INS-41701: Unable to acquire node list information from oraInventory.
Cause: The Oracle Clusterware node list could not be acquired from the Oracle inventory contents in the oraInventory directory.
Action: Ensure that the inventory is not corrupted, and that the oraInst.loc path is correct.

INS-41702: No nodes selected for upgrade.
Cause: Node selection was blank.
Action: Select a list of nodes to upgrade with the local node.

INS-41703: The local node is not selected as one of the nodes for upgrade.
Cause: The nodes selected for upgrade did not include the local node.
Action: Select the local node (the node from which you are running the installer) as one of the nodes to upgrade.

INS-41704: Selected nodes should be members of the same cluster. The following nodes are not in the cluster: string.
Cause: One of more nodes selected were not in the same cluster.
Action: Select nodes from the same cluster, or exclude the following nodes:string

INS-41705: One or more nodes that are part of the cluster are down.
Cause: One or more nodes that are part of the cluster cannot be reached
Action: Ensure that all the nodes selected that are part of the cluster are up.

INS-41706: Only subset of nodes selected for upgrade.
Cause: You have chosen a subset of the cluster nodes for the upgrade.
Action: During installation, the software will be copied to all cluster nodes. However, during installation setup, you are prompted to run the root script only on the nodes you selected for upgrade. To complete the upgrade, run the root script on the remaining nodes. You do not need to start the installer again to upgrade the remaining nodes.

INS-41707: Not all cluster member nodes are selected for upgrade.
Cause: The installer detects that this server has an earlier release of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software installed on this system. However, you have selected to upgrade a subset of the cluster nodes.
Action: To complete the upgrade, select all the nodes that are part of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster.

INS-41708: Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) is not selected for upgrade.
Cause: The installer detects that an earlier release of Oracle ASM is installed on this server. Oracle ASM needs to be upgraded as part of this installation.
Action: Select Oracle ASM upgrade option to complete the installation.

INS-41709: Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) is not installed on this server.
Cause: You selected to upgrade Oracle ASM. However, the installer does not detect Oracle ASM on this server.
Action: To continue with the installation, deselect the option to upgrade Oracle ASM.

INS-41710: Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) cannot be upgraded using a rolling upgrade.
Cause: The installer has detected that the version of the configured instance of Oracle ASM is not compatible for rolling upgrade to this release of Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Action: All databases using Oracle ASM for storage will go down during this installation. Plan for databases to be unavailable during the time when the installer is running configuration tools.

INS-41711: The upgrade process upgrades the stack one node at a time, even though you selected to upgrade all nodes. Database service will be disrupted for any database that uses Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), and that is not managed by Oracle Clusterware, or that uses Oracle Clusterware manual management policy. All other databases and services should not be affected, and should continue to function. If this is not desirable, then before proceeding with the upgrade, ensure that Oracle Clusterware manages databases using Oracle ASM, and set the automatic management policy on databases managed by Oracle Clusterware.
Cause: n/a
Action: n/a

INS-41802: Unable to determine release of Oracle Automatic Storage Management running from home string.
Cause: An Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) home was found, but the Oracle ASM instance was down. The installer was unable to determine the Oracle ASM release.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle ASM instance installed in home string is up, and then retry the installation.

INS-41803: An entry for Oracle ASM is found in the system registry or oratab, but it is not associated with a software home location.
Cause: An Oracle ASM entry was listed in the system registry or oratab, but Oracle ASM home string was missing.
Action: Ensure that either the oratab or the system registry is correct, or that the inventory is not corrupted.

INS-41804: An instance of a prior release Oracle ASM is running.
Cause: There is an Oracle ASM instance already running on the server.
Action: Upgrade the existing Oracle ASM instance to the current release.

INS-41806: Virtual IP name cannot be the same as the Single Client Access Name (SCAN): string
Cause: The name you provided for the virtual IP name is the same name used as the SCAN.
Action: Enter a name for the virtual IP that is different from the name you entered for the SCAN.

INS-41807: The installer has detected that Oracle Clusterware is not running on the following nodes: string.
Cause: Either there was an error in starting the Oracle Clusterware stack on the specified nodes, or the root scripts on the specified nodes were not run.
Action: Run the root scripts on the nodes listed. If root scripts have already been run on these nodes, then examine the log file string on each failed node to determine the reason for the Oracle Clusterware stack not starting

INS-41808: Possible invalid choice for OSASM Group.
Cause: The name of the group you selected for the OSASM group is commonly used to grant other system privileges (For example: asmdba, asmoper, dba, oper).
Action: Oracle recommends that you designate asmadmin as the OSASM group.

INS-41809: Possible invalid choice for OSDBA Group.
Cause: The group name you selected as the OSDBA for ASM group is commonly used for Oracle Database administrator privileges.
Action: Oracle recommends that you designate asmdba as the OSDBA for ASM group, and that the group should not be the same group as an Oracle Database OSDBA group.

INS-41810: Possible invalid choice for OSOPER Group.
Cause: The group name you selected as the OSOPER for ASM group is commonly used for Oracle Database administrator privileges.
Action: Oracle recommends that you designate asmoper as the OSOPER for ASM group, and that the group should not be the same group as an Oracle Database OSOPER group.

INS-41811: OSDBA for ASM and OSOPER for ASM groups are the same OS group.
Cause: The groups you selected granting the OSDBA for ASM and OSOPER for ASM system privileges are the same group.
Action: Oracle recommends that you designate different OS groups to grant the OSDBA for ASM and OSOPER for ASM system privileges.

INS-41812: string and OSASM are the same OS group.
Cause: The chosen values for string group and the chosen value for OSASM group are the same.
Action: Select an OS group that is unique for ASM administrators. The OSASM group should not be the same as the OS groups that grant privileges for Oracle ASM access, or for database administration.

INS-41813: OSDBA for ASM, OSOPER for ASM, and OSASM are the same OS group.
Cause: The group you selected for granting the OSDBA for ASM group for database access, and the OSOPER for ASM group for startup and shutdown of Oracle ASM, is the same group as the OSASM group, whose members have SYSASM privileges on Oracle ASM.
Action: Choose different groups as the OSASM, OSDBA for ASM, and OSOPER for ASM groups.

INS-41814: The installer has detected that some of the services of Oracle Grid Infrastructure are not running on this system.
Cause: There may have been an error in starting the Oracle Grid Infrastructure services, or you may not have run the root scripts starting these services on this server.
Action: Confirm that you have run the root scripts on this server. If the root scripts have been run, then examine the log file string to determine the reason for the services failing to start.

INS-41871: The user account you are using to install the software is not a member of the following OS groups: string
Cause: The installation user account must be a member of all groups required for installation.
Action: Change the installation users group memberships to include the required OS system privileges groups, or select system privileges OS groups in which the installation owner is a member.

INS-41872: The OS group you selected as the ASM Administraton Operator Group (ASMOPER) may not exist on the server.
Cause: The installer cannot find the group you selected to be the ASMOPER group in the groups defined on the server, or in the Network Information Service (NIS).
Action: Confirm that the group you want to use as the ASMOPER group exists on the server, or in NIS. Create or specify another group if it does not exist.

INS-41901: The Oracle Grid Infrastructure Typical installation cannot be performed on this system.
Cause: The installer has detected the existence of vendor-specific clusterware. The typical Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation is a simplified configuration that is not designed to co-exist with clusterware other than Oracle Clusterware.
Action: Select Advanced Installation for Oracle Grid Infrastructure. This option allows you to specify configuration information required for Oracle Clusterware to operate with other vendor clusterware.

INS-41902: The Oracle Grid Infrastructure Typical installation cannot be performed on this system.
Cause: The installer has detected the existence of Oracle RAC 9i release 9.x on this server. The Oracle Grid Infrastructure Typical installation is a simplified configuration that is not designed to support older versions of Oracle RAC.
Action: Select Advanced Installation for Oracle Grid Infrastructure. This option allows you to specify configuration information required for Oracle Clusterware to operate with Oracle RAC release 9.x.

INS-42001: The same drive letter string cannot be assigned to more than one partition
Cause: The same drive letter string cannot be assigned to more than one partition
Action: Provide different drive letters to each partition.

INS-42002: The specified partition cannot be used.
Cause: The specified partition was selected for storing the software binaries.
Action: Instead, choose a location that is formatted for storing data files.

INS-42003: No partitions selected
Cause: No partitions were selected or partition details provided were incomplete.
Action: Specify one or more partitions. For each partition, select the format option and drive letter you want to have assigned to that partition.

INS-42004: No free drive letters available
Cause: The local server did not have any available drive letters to assign to partitions.
Action: Make drive letters available on the server, and then restart the installer.

INS-42005: The drive letter is not assigned to one or more partitions
Cause: Each partition you select must have an assigned drive letter.
Action: Ensure all partitions you want to use are configured with drive letters.

INS-42006: Selected drive letter (string) is invalid or not available for usage.
Cause: Either the drive letter is invalid, or it is already assigned to an existing partition.
Action: Select a valid drive letter.

INS-42011: The operating system group specified for oraInventory group is invalid.
Cause: The user account running the installation must have the oraInventory group as its primary group.
Action: Change the oraInventory group to the primary group of the installation owner account, or change the installation owner groups so that the group you want to use for the oraInventory group is the primary group of the installation owner.

INS-42012: The current Grid home is not registered in the central inventory on this host.
Cause: The wizard finds that this Grid home is not registered in the central inventory.
Action: Register the Grid home in the central inventory by using a cloning operation, or by using an attach-home operation.

INS-42013: Installation user cannot configure the Grid home.
Cause: The wizard detects that the existing Grid home was not installed or cloned using the current user id: string.
Action: Either restart the wizard as the user account that was used previously to install the Grid home, or re-clone the Grid home using the current user account.

INS-42014: Oracle Grid Infrastructure cannot be configured.
Cause: The wizard detects that Oracle Grid Infrastructure is already configured oin this server.
Action: Before you can proceed, you must completely remove the configured instance.

INS-42015: File missing from Grid home: string
Cause: The installer cannot find the specified file in the Grid home. The wizard requires this file to be present in the Grid home before it can proceed.
Action: Restore the home by re-cloning the home, or re-install the software from installation media.

INS-42016: The current Grid home is not registered in the central inventory on the following nodes: string
Cause: The wizard does not find this Grid home to be registered with the central inventory on some or all of the nodes specified.
Action: Register the Grid home on the specified nodes with the central inventory, either by using a cloning operation, or by using an attach-home operation. Restart the wizard after fixing this issue.

INS-42017: The Grid home is inconsistent on the following nodes: string
Cause: The wizard detects that the Grid home is inconsistent on some or all of the nodes specified. Review the log file for further details.
Action: Ensure that the Grid home is consistent on all nodes.

INS-42018: Specified disk group is invalid.
Cause: The installer detects that the specified disk group is not on the discovery path you provided.
Action: For the selected disks, specify a valid disk group name, to which these disk previously were assigned. Also ensure that the discovery path you provide includes the disks.

INS-42019: The wizard is unable to detect a configured prior release instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster or Cluster Ready Services.
Cause: You can only use Oracle Grid Infrastructure Configuration Wizard to upgrade earlier releases of Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster or Cluster Ready Services.
Action: Ensure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster or Cluster Ready Services is configured properly before using the configuration wizard. To perform any other upgrade, use the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installer, or run root configuration scripts directly.

