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静音键盘 知乎_如何“静音”您的嘈杂机械键盘

静音键盘 知乎

静音键盘 知乎

Mechanical keyboards are loud. It’s just something you have to deal with if you like the feel of the keys. Or is it? Lately there have been some impressive developments in “silencing” mechanical keyboard mechanisms.

机械键盘声音很大。 如果您喜欢按键的感觉,这就是您必须处理的事情。 还是? 最近,“静音”机械键盘机制有了令人瞩目的发展。

If the other people in your house or office are tired of you typing like you’re Liberace on a TV sound stage, give some of the following options a try.


新的“静音”开关可带来可观的改进 (New “Silent” Switches Offer A Measurable Improvement)

What makes a mechanical keyboard loud is the action of the individual switches. Plastic sliders underneath each key are depressed down on a spring, closing an electrical circuit and activating the corresponding key input for your computer. This is considerably louder than more mundane keyboard mechanisms, which use a sheet of rubber to cover the actuation switches, effectively dampening the sound, but resulting in a far less crisp feel sought after by many typists and gamers.

使机械键盘响亮的是各个开关的作用。 每个键下面的塑料滑块在弹簧上向下压,以闭合电路并激活计算机的相应键输入。 这比普通的键盘机制要响得多,后者使用橡胶片覆盖致动开关,有效地减弱了声音,但是却导致许多打字员和游戏玩家所追求的不那么清脆的感觉。

But with the rise of mechanical keyboards, manufacturers have set about solving the noise problem. Enter the “silent” switch, a new batch of switch designs that use different materials to dampen the noise of the plastic parts inside a mechanical housing. “Silent” is in quotation marks here, which of course means “not really silent”; the new switches do make noise, but they’re not nearly as obnoxious as more standard mechanical keys. Cherry claims they’re 30% quieter than standard MX key switches.

但是随着机械键盘的兴起,制造商开始着手解决噪声问题。 输入“静音”开关,这是新的一批开关设计,它们使用不同的材料来衰减机械外壳内部塑料部件的噪音。 这里用双引号表示“沉默”,这当然意味着“不是真的沉默”。 新开关确实会发出噪音,但它们不像更标准的机械键那样令人讨厌。 Cherry声称它们比标准MX按键开关安静30%。

Cherry, the German manufacturer that’s made the standardized MX mechanical switch for decades, offers Silent variations of both its Red and Black switch designs. These are linear switches (faster, with no “bump” or audible “click” mechanism) that have tiny pieces of rubber inside where the stem returns as the spring expands. This removes most of the noise coming from the switch as you type. The Silent Red MX switch is favored by gamers thanks to a weaker 45-gram activation point, while the Silent Black MX switch is a heavier 60-gram switch.

数十年来,该公司一直在制造标准化MX机械开关,这是德国制造商Cherry,提供了红色和黑色开关设计的静音版本 。 这些是线性开关(速度更快,没有“撞击”或可听见的“喀哒”声机制),内部装有微小的橡胶片,随着弹簧的膨胀,阀杆返回。 这可以消除您键入时来自开关的大部分噪音。 Silent Red MX开关的45克激活点较弱,因此受到游戏玩家的青睐,而Silent Black MX开关则是60克的较重开关。

The video above gives a solid example of the difference between a standard Cherry MX Red switch and the Red Silent version.

上面的视频给出了标准Cherry MX Red开关和Red Silent版本之间的区别的可靠示例。

Cherry Silent switches are available primarily on Corsair-branded keyboards at retail, though there are a few boards from Cherry itself and some boutique manufacturers like Varmilo and Filco. Gateron, a supplier of “clone” MX-style switches, also has “silent” variations of its Red, Brown, and Black switches, which you can buy individually or in a pre-made keyboard.

Cherry静音开关主要在零售商店的Corsair品牌键盘上提供,尽管Cherry本身和一些精品制造商(如Varmilo和Filco)都有一些主板。 Gateron是“克隆” MX风格的开关供应商,其Red,Brown和Black开关也具有“静音”版本,您可以单独购买或在预制键盘中购买。

The electrostatic capacitive switches on Topre keyboards are much quieter than standard MX-style switches.

By the way, Topre-branded keyboards and keyboards that use similar electrostatic capacitive key mechanisms are already much quieter than other mechanical keyboard designs. Thanks to a combined spring-and-dome mechanism, they have a “THONK” sound rather than a more audible “CLICK.” But Topre-style keyboards are rather expensive, and most come without the cross-shaped stems that make them compatible with Cherry MX-standard keycaps.

顺便说一下, Topre品牌的键盘和使用类似静电电容键机制的键盘已经比其他机械键盘设计安静得多。 由于采用了组合的弹片和弹片机制,它们具有“ THONK”声音,而不是可听见的“ CLICK”声音。 但是Topre风格的键盘价格昂贵,并且大多数都没有十字形的杆,这些杆使它们与Cherry MX标准的键帽兼容。

将填充添加到已经拥有的键盘 (Add Padding To The Keyboard You Already Own)

If you can’t bear to part with your current keyboard, you can still take some relatively easy steps to mitigate at least some of the sound it makes. O-rings, tiny rings of silicone originally intended for sealing gaskets, can be placed around the stem of a key to prevent the sound of it “bottoming out” on the keyboard plate. That lowers the noise of a keyboard’s operation considerably, though it won’t help with the sound of the switch itself (so “clicky” switches like the Cherry MX Blue won’t see much of a difference).

如果您不能忍受当前的键盘,仍然可以采取一些相对简单的步骤来减轻至少它发出的声音。 O形圈是最初用于密封垫圈的硅酮细小环,可以放置在琴键杆周围,以防止其声音在键盘板上“跌落”。 尽管它对开关本身的声音无济于事,但是这大大降低了键盘操作的噪音(因此,像Cherry MX Blue这样的“ clicky”开关不会有太大的区别)。

O-rings go around the stem of your keycaps to keep them from bottoming out.

If you’d like something a little less “hacky,” there are commercial products made specifically to achieve the same effect. Foam pads can be applied directly to the switches themselves, or GMK’s Switch Clips can be installed over them. Both are relatively inexpensive, and considerably cheaper than getting a completely new board. With the Switch Clips, make sure you get the right kind: PCB-mounted (if you can see the circuit board of your keyboard beneath the key switches) or plate-mounted (if your switches are installed on a plastic or metal plate above the PCB—this is more common on keyboards sold at retail). They can also be hard to find, sometimes being available only in group buys.

如果您想要少一些“ hacky”的东西,可以使用专门制造的商业产品来达到相同的效果。 泡沫垫可以直接应用于交换机本身,也可以在其上方安装GMK的交换机夹 。 两者都相对便宜,并且比购买全新的电路板便宜得多。 使用开关夹时,请确保您使用的是正确的类型:PCB安装(如果您可以在按键开关下方看到键盘的电路板)或板安装(如果您的开关安装在键盘上方的塑料或金属板上) PCB-在零售的键盘上更常见)。 它们也可能很难找到,有时仅在团购中可用。

But what about the “rattle” sound you can sometimes hear on oversized keys, like the spacebar or the Shift keys? That comes from an extra piece on these longer keys called a stabilizer. It has extra stems on either side of the key that push down on a small steel bar at the same time as the switch; the “rattle” you hear is that bar hitting the plastic housing of the stabilizer. You can quiet this sound by applying a little lube. Anything that’s safe for plastic will work, though keyboard enthusiasts prefer silicone grease. Just apply a dab to the point where the stabilizer bar hits the plastic.

但是,有时您会在空格键或Shift键等超大按键上听到的“嘎嘎”声呢? 这是因为这些较长的按键上有一个额外的部件,称为稳定器。 它在钥匙的两侧都有多余的杆,可以在按下开关的同时将其向下推到一根小钢条上。 您听到的“嘎嘎”声是指棒击中了稳定器的塑料外壳。 您可以通过加一点润滑油来使声音静音。 尽管键盘发烧友更喜欢硅脂,但任何对塑料安全的东西都可以使用。 只需在稳定杆碰到塑料的位置涂抹一点。

构建自己的声音优化键盘 (Build Your Own Sound-Optimized Keyboard)

If you’re a big fan of mechanical keyboards and you’re ready to take things to the next level, you can build your own. Why? A lot of reasons: when you’re picking the case, the PCB, and the keycaps, you can make a board that’s totally unique. But the reason it’s relevant here is because you can pick your own custom-made mechanical switches. Going without a metal keyboard plate and instead opting for PCB-mounted switches can help, too.

如果您是机械键盘的忠实拥护者,并且准备将其提升到一个新的水平,则可以构建自己的键盘。 为什么? 原因有很多:当您选择外壳,PCB和键帽时,您可以制作出完全独特的电路板。 但这之所以重要,是因为您可以选择自己定制的机械开关。 不用金属键盘板,而选择安装在PCB上的开关也有帮助。

A collection of mechanical keyboards at an enthusiast meetup.

Some boutique suppliers build higher-quality switches made specifically for the keyboard connoisseur. The gold standard is Zeal PC and its Zealios switches, which come in silent varieties (often called “Zilent” switches by members of the keyboard community). These switches are expensive—around a dollar a piece, which means a completed keyboard will start at around $160 even with a cheap case and PCB—but they feel fantastic. They’re quite a bit quieter than even the Cherry “Silent” switches, thanks to  more precise manufacturing, and they’re offered in a variety of gram strengths for demanding users.

一些精品供应商制造了专门为键盘鉴赏家制造的更高品质的开关。 黄金标准是Zeal PC及其Zealios开关,它们具有无声的品种 (键盘社区的成员通常称为“ Zilent”开关)。 这些开关很昂贵-大约每个1美元,这意味着即使带有便宜的外壳和PCB,完整的键盘起价也将在160美元左右-但它们感觉很棒。 由于更精确的制造,它们甚至比Cherry的“静音”开关还安静得多,并且为要求苛刻的用户提供了多种克强度的产品。

I can personally recommend similar customized switches known as Aliaz. These are built much like Zealios switches, but they’re made by Gateron and they’re considerably cheaper, while still being offered in different gram weights. Both Zealios and Aliaz switches use standard Cherry-style stems and are compatible with LED lighting, if you want to use it.

我可以亲自推荐称为Aliaz的类似定制开关。 这些产品的构造很像Zealios开关,但是它们是由Gateron制造的,而且价格便宜得多,但仍以不同的克重提供。 如果您要使用Zealios和Aliaz开关,它们都使用标准的樱桃风格的阀杆,并且与LED照明兼容。

The video above shows a “Zilent” Zealios switch versus a regular tactile version of the same switch.

上面的视频显示了“ Zilent” Zealios开关与同一开关的常规触觉版。

If the price of the switches intimidates you, I recommend buying a few from different manufacturers and trying them out in a switch tester. You’ll be able to directly compare their sound and feel, including testing them out with your keycaps, without diving into a triple-digit investment.

如果开关的价格吓到了您,我建议您从其他制造商那里购买一些开关,然后在开关测试仪中进行尝试 。 您将能够直接比较它们的声音和感觉,包括使用键帽对其进行测试,而无需进行三位数的投资。

You’ll need at least a passing familiarity with soldering and the accompanying equipment to build your own keyboard, and of course you’ll have to get the components yourself. It’s also rather time-consuming. Depending on the size and features of the keyboard you’re making, getting it soldered and assembled can take anywhere from four to ten hours (more, if you’re just starting out). But for those who like to take a hands-on approach to their gadgets, it’s a fun and rewarding experience. And if you pick your components carefully, you’ll have the quietest keyboard around.

您至少需要对焊接和随附的设备有一定的了解,才能构建自己的键盘,当然,您必须自己获取组件。 这也很耗时。 根据您制作的键盘的大小和功能,将其焊接和组装可能需要4到10个小时(如果您只是刚入门,则需要更长的时间)。 但是对于那些喜欢动手操作小工具的人来说,这是一种有趣而有益的体验。 而且,如果您仔细挑选组件,您将拥有最安静的键盘。

Image source: MechanicalKeyboards.com, Cherry, Uniqey, Zeal PC, Amazon, Massdrop, Shutterstock/pathdoc

图片来源: MechanicalKeyboards.comCherryUniqeyZeal PCAmazonMassdropShutterstock / pathdoc

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349034/how-to-silence-your-noisy-mechanical-keyboard/

静音键盘 知乎

